Hallelujah || Brallon (SLOW U...

By fan_face

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752 21 47
By fan_face


I can tell that Brendon was disappointed that I didn't let him kiss me.

But I was telling the truth when I said that neither of us were ready.

I don't think I'll be ready for a really long time. I always wanted Brendon to come back and I wanted him to be mine again but now that it's a possibility, I don't want things to be like they were before because he left before.

I don't want the friendship we have to get ruined.

He left the room and I sat there and put my head in my hands.

What if I did ruin what we had already?

I think I'm going to leave him alone for the night. I'll keep my distance so we can both sort this out on our own because we will just start fighting if we don't.

I get a call and answer it without checking the caller I.D.

"Dallon?" I hear Tyler say.

I feel bad for freaking out like I did. He was just concerned for my well being.

"Yeah Ty?" I say and I can hear him sigh in relief at the nickname.

"Wanna come over? Patrick and Pete are here and they brought monopoly." He chuckles.

Oh god. Not this again.

"Last time we played monopoly, Pete flipped the board and Josh started crying. That game only ends in fighting, tears, death or all three." I say.

"But it will be fuunnnn." Tyler pleads.

"Okay. I'm on my way." I give in.

"Yes! See you in ten minutes!" Tyler sings.

I sigh and put on my shoes.

"I'm going to Tyler and Josh's house! I don't know when I'll be back but I'll call the house phone if I'm sleeping there." I shout into the house.

I feel like a mother leaving her kid for the night shift of her job.

I walk to my car and drive to the small house that Tyler and Josh live in.

As soon as I walk in their cat, TB, jumps on me.

I laugh to myself as I pet the black ball of fluff.

"Taco Bell! Cooommmmeee baaacckkk!" I hear Tyler whine from the living room.

I walk to the living room with TB in my arms to see Tyler sitting with half his body off the couch.

"DALLON!" Tyler yells as he falls off the couch.

He quickly scrambles to his feet and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole!" He yells as he lets go of me.

"It's okay Ty, I overreacted." I say and he rolls my eye as he sits back down on  the couch.

"Are you guys sure you want to play monopoly?" I ask as I sit beside Patrick on the floor in front of the coffee table.

"It'll be fine Dal, I won't cry this time." Josh says with a smile.

"And I won't flip the board." Pete adds in.

"Okay." I sigh as Tyler sets up the game.


"Come on Spencer! You have to talk to him! He thinks you hate him! I say.

"I do hate him!" Spencer yells back.

"No you don't! You're just mad at him! He cried today because he thinks you're never going to talk to him again!" I yell.

"I don't feel bad for him Ry. He's doing this to himself. He's not accepting the help. He's going to end up dead and it's no one else's fault but his own." Spencer says angrily.

"I don't think he's doing to good tho- FUCK I FORGOT TO ASK WHERE HE'S STAYING!" I'm a complete idiot.

"He's probably staying with Dallon or something." Spencer says as he rolls his eyes.

"What if Dallon is a serial killer rapist now?" I ask.

"He's definitely not Ryan." Jon says as he enters the kitchen.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"I saw him playing with a puppy in the park a week ago. I haven't talked to Dallon but from seeing that I know he's just a big softie." Jon shrugs as a cup and fills it with orange juice.

"Why didn't he just stay with you?" Spencer asks.

"He thinks I hate him." I say and Spencer nods.

"You should hate him." Spencer huffs and I roll my eyes.

"Stop being so stubborn and talk to him Spin!" I say in an annoyed tone.

"As much as I want to support you, Ryan's right baby. You need to talk to Brendon. He's worrying me." Jon says as he finishes of his glass of orange juice and leaves the kitchen.

I give Spencer a look and he lets out an annoyed sigh and rolls his eyes before leaving as well.


Why am I such a fuck up?

I should've known that Dallon wouldn't want to be with me or even kiss me after what I did to him.

Now I'm laying in a random person's bed staring at a dirty ceiling, high out of my mind and naked while a random girl lies asleep next to me.

I should probably go back to Dallon's before he gets home.

Or maybe I shouldn't. He probably doesn't want to see me which is understandable.

I'll go home in the morning and if he wants me out, I'll pack up and leave.

I'm just happy that this whole friendship thing we had is ending over an attempted kiss instead of him finding a bag of coke in my suitcase.

I pull the girl further into my chest and shut my eyes.

I used to do this when I was with Sarah. She wouldn't cuddle with me because she was always mad at me.

I'd cuddle my one night stands and if I tried hard enough, it would feel like Sarah was lying against me.

It's kind of hard to imagine that this girl is Dallon though since she's a one hundred and twenty pound, five foot one girl.

I would kill to be with Dallon right now. I would kill to even be with Sarah right now.

I just want someone to love me unconditionally.

I would give up anything for that.

I would give up drugs for that.

I really wouldn't need them if someone loved me like that though.





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