Found Love in Vermont

By hunterhayesvt

23.2K 842 258

What happenes when Hunter meets a beautiful mysterious Brunette while in Vermont. Will a relationship form? More

Mystery Girl
Did I do something wrong?
The Concert that Changed Everything
A Good Song Always Causes You to Shed a Few Tears. But Not That Much
Oh, that's why...
A Day of Fun
Here Goes Nothing...
Author's Note
Meet The Parents
They Are Going to Love You
I Promise
Meet and Greet Along with Surprises
We Were all Having Fun Until...
The Tears Keep Falling
I Just Want to Protect You
That Didn't Go Well
Saying Our Goodbye's
I'll Be Here When You Wake Up, I Promise
New Home
Her Story
Exploring Nashville
The Call
Thanksgiving Proposal
This Can't Be Happening
I'm Sorry...
I Can't Believe I Did That
Christmas Decorating
It's Christmas Time
New York City
A/N Im sorry
I Need Help
Mr. & Mrs. Hayes
Finally Husband and Wife
Paris: The City of Love
All is Revealed
Baby Hayes
I'm Your Dork, Forever and Always
You Are Having A Baby...
The Big Surprise
Natalie Ann Hayes
She's Not Breathing...
Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome
We Can Get Through This
Sweetheart Please Talk to Me
I Never Got to Say Goodbye
Come on Tour With Me...
You're Such A Smart-Ass
We Need To Talk
Disney World Here We Come
I Saw You With Her
Where Do You See Us In 10 Years?
Where's Gram?
I'm Glad She Has You Hunter
Santa Came!!
Please No
I'm Scared
I Just Hope The Baby is Okay
Chapter 60 Sneak Peek
Hunter Don't Leave Me!
I Think This Calls For A Celebration!
I'll Always Sing To You
Baby What's Wrong??
They're Beautiful
Little Sleep and Coffee Cups
This is Detective Wilson from the Metro Police Department
I'll Find a Way Back to You... Somehow.
Do You Want to Sing With Me?
Sequel Up!!

Arriving in Vermont

941 17 2
By hunterhayesvt

Hunter’s POV:

I had just got off a small break after playing my last concert a few weeks ago in Bowmanville, Ontario at the Boots and hearts festival. Everyone says that I needed that break because I overwork myself and I do admit, it did feel good but I was excited to be back on the road again. We are now headed to Essex Junction, Vermont to play at the Champlain Valley Fair. I am so stoked, I love fair season. It literally has endless possibilities and it’s so much better then being cramped in a building where you are limited as to what you can do while performing. 

Eleanor’s POV

My mom and I just got to the fair and we just started walking around like we do every year. My dad would usually come with us but he doesn’t like the fair, and he and my mom don’t really get along after going through their second divorce. So it’s just her and I today. We are going to do our usual walking around looking at the Christmas tree’s, crafts, and homemade items inside then go outside and look at all the animals. They have cows, chickens, bunnies, peacocks, and turkeys plus so much more. But my favorite thing to go see every year is the Sugar Ridge Belgian Horses, they’ve always been my favorite animal ever since I was little. This if our first night going to the fair this year, tonight my mom and I are going to see Jeff Dunham. He came here a few years ago but we never got tickets. But that’s not the person I am most excited about seeing tonight, no i am really excited to be seeing Hunter Hayes tomorrow night!. I am still in shock, it feels like a dream. 

Hunter’s POV

The bus just arrived at the fair grounds. Everyone got off the bus and we all started talking about how hot it was, but seriously for a northeastern state it sure was hot here. We got to the fair a day early so we could check things out and get used to the surroundings. After we checked into our hotel we went back to start to walk around since we didn’t really have anything else to do the rest of the day. When we got there it was pretty busy, with lots of things to do and see. We went inside first and thank goodness they had air conditioning because the heat was already getting to me. While we were walking around I saw the most beautiful girl she had glasses which behind them were the most amazing brown eyes. She had long reddish brown hair, but the thing that drew me to her was her gorgeous infectious smile. When I saw her I new I had to meet her, but I didn’t know how she would react because when most people meet or see me they go nuts and start screaming. I decided I would just let it happen if it was going to happen, but she probably had a boyfriend so I wasn’t going to get my hopes up. A little while later she finally looked at me, I of course smiled as a friendly gesture. She smiled back and blushed. Just when I thought she could not get anymore beautiful she proves me wrong. The guys and I decided, well more like I decided to go outside because the guys were starting to get a little rambunctious (mainly Matt) Probably from being coped up on the bus for so long. 

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