The Coming of the King

By J_W_Quinne

416K 12.5K 8.2K

"What is your mission, Kitsune?" Sarutobi asks. "To protect Uchiha Sasuke." the young boy replies. Blond and... More

Chapter 1 - In the Beginning
Chapter 2 - The Night it all Began
Chapter 3 - Family
Chapter 4 - The First Wave
Chapter 5 - Might as Well Call it Torture (1)
Chapter 6 - Might as Well Call it Torture (2)
Chapter 7 - Prodigal Jinchuuriki
Chapter 8 - Care to Spar?
Chapter 9 - Why You Should Always Take Naruto Seriously
Chapter 10 - The Academy
Chapter 11 - Graduation and a Line of Questioning
Chapter 12 - In Sickness and in Health
Chapter 13 - The Best At Introductions
Chapter 14 - The Bell Test
Chapter 15 - A New Mission and "Bond With Each Other, Damn It!"
Chapter 16 - Are You Serious?!
Chapter 17 - The Land of Waves (1)
Chapter 19 - The Land of the Waves (3)
Chapter 20 - The Chuunin Exams (1)
Chapter 21 - The Chuunin Exams (2)
Chapter 22 - The Preparations
Chapter 23 - The Battle (1)
Chapter 24 - The Battle (2)
Chapter 25 - The Conclusion of the Battle
Chapter 26 - Epilogue

Chapter 18 - The Land of the Waves (2)

10.1K 387 119
By J_W_Quinne

Chapter 18 - The Land of Waves (2)

Editor's Note: Wowie, chapter 17! As I'm editing all of this, I feel like I might be setting this up for a more satisfying ending than the original! I'd be pretty happy if that ends up being the case. We'll see, though. Come join my imaginary mafia by following the links in my bio! Or get yourself some fun stuff from my Redbubble! Because I am poor.

Chapter 18

Naruto's P.O.V.

My head is pounding furiously. A sharp pain settled deep in my head, enough to make me whimper quietly. My hands wrench themselves toward my temples, where the pounding originates from.

I feel my body positioned around something soft, yet firm. By the scent, I can tell that it's Sasuke. His chest rises and falls slowly. He's asleep, and I have been sleeping on his chest.

'Oh boy, oh boy, don't panic! Just cuddling with your crush! It's fine!'

I hesitantly reach out with my Sensory, feeling the pain grow as I do. I try to open my eyes, but the pain suddenly doubles as I try to squint.

'Kurama?' I ask.

"Kit, that, ah, poison was something funny." he says. He sounds almost relieved. "Keep trying to open your eyes," Kurama advises.

'Why? What's going on?'

"Just trust me, Naru," he pleads.

I huff in defeat and worm my way out of Sasuke's embrace. He stirs, beginning to open his own eyes. I squint again, immediately shielding my eyes with my hand.

"Naruto?" Sasuke's voice calls. He sounds far away due to my distortion. "Are you alright? Hey," he mutters, touching my shoulder.

The suddenness of the action makes my eyes snap open, therefore resulting in a harsh flinch and a strangled sound of pain from deep in my chest.

"Is it your head?" he asks as my eyes squint back to an almost-closed position.

"Just give me a second," I growl.

Slowly, the pain begins to fade. I open my eyes a bit more. Suddenly, I'm gaping, meeting an onyx-eyed gaze.

"Oh my god." I whisper.

"Are you feeling better now?" Sasuke asks.

His jet black hair frames his pale, thin face nicely and spikes out in the back. His eyes are gorgeous and practically glowing. His brows are scrunched up in worry. There's obviously some sort of window behind him, making him look almost angelic. He's quite fit, although obviously shorter than me. He has high cheekbones and he looks almost regal. It's easy to see why the young Uchiha has fangirls.

"I can see," I whisper in awe.

Sasuke arches an eyebrow in confusion. I look down at my own tan hands before glancing back up at the young Uchiha who can only be defined as ethereal. It's somehow fitting that he's the first that I see. I've always liked him for his personality, but now I understood exactly why he has so many fangirls. He's gorgeous. I might have to track down a Sasuke fan club and join it.

"I - I mean, get Kakashi please," I correct, willing away the heat in my cheeks.

I need a minute to collect myself and prepare myself for the next time I look into his eyes. Seeing my crush for the first time is making my heart beat out of my chest and the blood rush to my face.

'That poison was something funny, huh? What the hell is going on?'

"Well it attacked your nervous system. Pretty violently," Kurama starts. "Before, you had a new set of eyes that couldn't connect properly to your nerves, and the poison damaged your nervous system. It would have killed anyone that didn't have a tailed beast to magically heal them,"

"Yeah. I'll be right back," Sasuke says. I nod absently.

He stands up and quickly rushes out of the room. I hear his feet thump lightly down the hall. I lengthen my Sensory range again, blinking as I suddenly laid eyes on the world through two sets of eyes. I sense Kakashi and Sasuke rushing back to the room, not paying attention to the words that had been exchanged. I can sense Tazuna and two others who I don't know. This is most likely Tazuna's home, and those people are likely what's left of the old man's family.

'So I have new nerves that connect properly to my eyes?' I ask.

"I mean, that's my best guess, yeah," Kurama answers.

"Naru?" Kakashi asks from the doorway.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't even noticed the door being flung open. I turn abruptly. It's definitely Kakashi. Silver hair, dark eye, face mask, hitai-ate pulled down over his eyes.

"Is everything alright?" he asks hesitantly, trying not to make me feel like a cripple.

His skin is fairly pale. He isn't as pale as Sasuke, but he has an almost olive skin tone that's pleasing to the eye.

"I can see," I state, keeping the emotion out of my voice.

His eye widens. He rushes forward and scoops me up into a hug, twirling me around. I laugh, gripping his shoulders. I know how strong my nii-san is, so I'm not worried about him dropping me or anything. He's overjoyed. I'm still trying to process the fact that I can freaking see! It's new, but familiar.

"What's going on?" I hear Sakura asks.

I quickly squirm away from Kakashi to get a glance at her. Pink hair going down to her waist, and twinkling emerald eyes. Her skin is rather pale considering how much time she spends in the sun. She's developed some muscle mass. And now, I know why Hokage-sama suggested that I have a fake crush on the pinkette. She's gorgeous too. Not Sasuke-gorgeous, but beautiful in her own way. Her porcelain skin compliments her pink hair, and although everyone teases her about her forehead, I don't see anything wrong with that particular feature.

"A good thing has happened, kids," Kakashi laughs.

Sasuke and Sakura just stare at him like he's crazy.

"I've been blind since I was four years old, and for some reason, I can see again. Probably from healing the damage caused by the poison," I explain.

Hokage-sama most likely wanted that to be kept a secret, but now that I can see, I don't give a damn about what that old man wants. It's not like it matters anymore anyway. I can see again, so the fact that I used to be blind can no longer be used against me.

"Blind?" Sasuke and Sakura exclaim.

"That's what I said, idiots," I confirm with ease. I keep glancing around in amazement.

"How were you able to look us in the eyes then?!" Sakura exclaims.

"Sensory," I reply.

"I thought that Sensory was used to trace chakra," Sasuke says in a confused manner.

"Normally, yes," I state. "I'm a rank five-S sensor-nin, so my Sensory is extremely powerful. I can practically see with my Sensory alone. The only thing that I couldn't make out was color," I explain.

"You're really going all in and just ignoring the fact that you're supposed to be undercover, huh?" Kurama grunts.

'Yep, apparently,'

I look Sasuke in the eyes and immediately turn away, trying to recover the air that had left my lungs. The information about the level of my Sensory was most likely confidential, but I can't bring myself to care. I can see!

I now only wish that I regained my sight when Itachi and Shisui were still in the village. I have the sudden urge to visit them now, for the sole purpose of seeing them for the first time. However, I've given up way too much confidential information today. No way will I put Ita-sensei and Shi-nii in potential danger. Even though I really want to see them. Damn!

"How were you able to take the written exams?" Sakura asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

She looks very confused and almost a bit hesitant, maybe. That's the facial expression I identify as confusion with my Sensory, so I guess so. I also suppose that it won't be too much trouble to explain, seeing as how the process is rather simplistic.

"I focused my Sensory to make out the changes in the grain of the paper. It's very time-consuming and it takes a lot of concentration. Hence why they always take me so long," I explain.

Sakura's eyes widen in shock and Sasuke looks at me with a strange look in his eyes. He seems almost suspicious of something. And then I realize that I basically told him I'm the strongest sensor-nin in the village. And I don't know how much either of them heard from the demon brothers. And I also don't know what Sasuke's found out about me by himself.

This could be a dangerous situation. Warning bells go off in my head, but I can't find it in me to care. I feel myself make the connection that this elation I'm feeling is probably doing more harm than good, but I studiously ignore the part of me that still cares about my mission at the moment. I notice Kakashi's slight disapproval of my rash actions.

"So what about that writing on your walls?" Sakura asks.

"What writing?" Sasuke immediately intervenes.

"Yeah. What writing?" Kakashi agrees.

"Oh, you know, the writing that I didn't tell you about," I joke, smirking at them in a friendly manner. I receive three sets of glares at my joke, all frightening. I suppress a shiver. "It said something like, 'Go die, demon.' or something. I don't really remember that well. Nose says that it was blood, too. Who's the demon now, bitches?!" I exclaim sassily.


"I can't even, kit," Kurama chokes out, laughing hysterically.

I love seeing their facial expressions. After going so long on Sensory alone, seeing with my eyes is a relief.

"Naru," Kakashi warns. "No cursing in front of the children," he titters scoldingly, however, I can see the true disapproval there, 'Stop giving away information.'

"I am not a child," Sasuke immediately denies.

His eyebrows scrunch together cutely, his lips forming as almost-pout. I try to resist the temptation of teasing the not-so-emotionless Uchiha.

"Yes, you are, Sasu-chan," I grin. Sasuke's cheeks pinken in indignation.

'Or maybe,'

"Kit, don't go there," Kurama scolds on impulse. He knows that I can't entertain those types of thoughts.

'Yeah, I know. Thanks, Kura-chan.'

"No problem, kit," he mutters.

I can tell that he's getting tired of monitoring my thoughts. It's really helpful for me, though. Besides, it isn't like he has anything better to do, really.

"Why are we suddenly children?" Sakura asks. "Naruto's our age and you're acting like he's way older and stuff," she mutters darkly.

It's obvious by the way that her brow is twitching that Kakashi's comment about them being children irritated her beyond belief. It's a funny expression, I must admit.

"No I'm not," I say. I raise my eyebrows at her and barely catch Sasuke's smug smirk.

'What's he so smug about?'

"I don't know, kit. Maybe that he knows something that she doesn't or something like that," Kurama replies, bored.

'I don't know. Sasuke's not usually that petty. At least not with girls,'

"Maybe the pinkette's getting on his nerves lately. Can't say I'd be surprised or anything," Kurama chuckles.

'Hey! She's been getting better!' I protest.

"I will admit that part," he concedes.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asks, tilting her head to the side.

Her hair moves to the side as she tilts her head, cascading in a slightly tangled wave. I feel like I'm picking up every detail of what I'm seeing now that I can actually see. I can't see why I never appreciated sight before.

"Naruto is a year older than us," Sasuke states.

That smug smile is still there, full force. Sakura gives Sasuke an almost knowing look, and his cheeks pinken a bit. And now I'm totally left in the dark. Sakura knows something about Sasuke's smug grin. Then I remember that I have to interrogate her about what she and Sasuke were talking about at the gate. I'll need to kidnap her quickly.

"Huh?" Sakura mutters in shock. "Why were you in our class then?" she asks.

"There was a mix-up in the paperwork," I answer mechanically. I almost flinch at the obvious lie, but that would just make it worse.

"Paperwork?" Sakura echoes. Great, she doesn't sound convinced either. Sasuke's brows furrow for an instant.

"Why did that shinobi call you Kitsune-sama?" Sasuke quickly intervenes before Sakura can question me further. I feel my eyes widen and the blood drain from my face.

'Well, shit,'

"Now you know that they heard," Kurama offers.

'Yeah, now I know what they heard,'

"You're definitely screwed!" Kurama laughs.

Sasuke may have saved me from Sakura, but as the saying goes, out of the frying pan, into the flame.

"Who even is Kitsune-sama? I've never heard of him," Sakura asks.

Kakashi gives them both a hard look. Sakura obviously lied about that one. Just before we left, she heard the code name. They're working together to try to get me to admit that I'm the commander of the ANBU. Well, that's not going to happen. At least not right now.

"Kitsune-sama is the commander of the ANBU," Sasuke states. I carefully will myself to be calm. Kakashi is glaring openly at Sasuke. "Thank Kakashi for that information," Sasuke says bravely.

I carefully control myself. I glance at Kakashi curiously. He ratted me out. For what reason, I do not know. They would have found out eventually who Kitsune-sama is within the ANBU, but I was right in thinking that it hadn't been overly obvious in the conversation with Hokage-sama the other day.

"I don't know why that shinobi called me Kitsune-sama," I state clearly.

I narrow my eyes slightly at the genin. It doesn't matter what they know or how much evidence they have. Admitting to it is something that I simply cannot do. Hokage-sama would murder me. Besides, this is probably some glorified test to groom me into a better commander.

"I've met him when he was in his uniform before, just because I'm always around jii-san's office and out pulling pranks, but honestly, I've never seen the guy with his mask off. He's secretive," I explain.

By Sasuke and Sakura's expressions, I can easily tell that they don't believe me.

"I'm honestly not sure why he would mistake me for someone so powerful. I mean, I'm only a genin," I say thoughtfully. "A formerly blind genin, at that!" I add with a chuckle.

"What about, 'Stronger than you think'?" Sasuke counters.

Kakashi shoots me a glance. I realize now. Because of our lack of communication, we've given the genin too much information. I can't keep my cover. Guess I failed. Whoopsie. Sakura glances at Sasuke and then back to me. I'll be damned if I admit this mistake though. It's not even my fault, not fully.

'Time to turn up the dramatics and act like a toddler, because I'm kinda pissed and feel like throwing a fit,'

"What do you have to say to that?" Sakura asks.

She sounds strangely timid. Her eyes glimmer with fear. She's afraid that the person that she cares about isn't who she thinks he is. I won't be able to get through this situation with my friendships intact. I hold in a sigh.

'The mission comes first. Sasuke is my first priority. Deal with the fallout when we aren't in potentially mortal peril,' I tell myself.

I consider my options carefully. I could continue to lie. It won't be fully successful, and therefore would make them mistrustful with me. They would feel uneasy turning their backs to me in a fight, which could lead to the failure of the mission. Not only that, but having Sasuke not trust me would make my job a hell of a lot harder.

I could come clean. It would ruin my mission and my relationship with my team. I can't lie or tell the truth. As they say, lies will only lead to more lies. And now, I can't even do that much.

Or, I could ignore it. My relations with them would sour, but it would be better if the bonds were bent rather than broken. Kakashi definitely won't like this. Despite that, it's the most logical option.

'If Danzo ever learns that I failed a mission this important, well, you can basically sign my execution notice,'

"Kakashi, would you like me to try to locate our enemies?" I ask, turning to him abruptly.

Kakashi looks surprised for a second before a look of understanding flashes in his eye. He knows just as well as I do that this is the only way out for me. His chakra floods with something sour. Regret. Yes, it would be best if Kakashi pretends that he knows nothing. At least then, the genin will still trust him.

"Yes, that would be helpful," he answers.

"Hey!" Sakura protests as Sasuke's face contorts in anger. I immediately close my eyes and concentrate my Sensory, expanding my range.

"This isn't fair," Sasuke protests. "You can't just ignore what you don't want to hear. You were blind, not deaf," he mutters.

"He could've said what you wanted to hear. That would've made things bad between you three. He could've said what you didn't want to hear. That also would've made things bad between you three. He took the easy way out. Don't misdiagnose that as cowardice," Kakashi explains.

Sasuke grumbles under his breath about stupid shinobi as I locate the chakra of the demon brothers.

I focus intently on them, tuning out whatever else might've been said. Those two are with three others. I focus my Sensory further, willing one of my clan jutsus to activate. Kikei no gihō ni naru. Become as Apparition Technique. Suddenly, the world I know to be around me disappears. I am suddenly launched towards the area my Sensory is focused on in a form that none can see.

"Like I was saying, he's strong," Meizu was saying. "If he wasn't holding back like those guys told us he would be, I'm sure that we'd've been dead," he states.

"Do you think him my equal?" the largest man at the table asks.

"Probably," Gozu admits with a tinge of fear in his voice.

It's odd to see the weird little chuunin with my own eyes. The big one, though, he worries me. His chakra levels betray a kage level power. I'm definitely the only one who can face him. I determine one of the remaining shinobi to be Momochi Zabuza, Demon of the Mist. I'm fairly sure that I've read about his masked companion in the bingo book before, but the details escape me.

"He's here," the big guy states.

"What do you mean?" Zabuza asks.

"The rumors are correct," he rumbles. "Our Kitsune-sama is a powerful sensor-nin. I can just barely pick up hints of his chakra," he chuckles. "How old would you boys say the commander is, hm?" he asks Meizu and Gozu.

"Anywhere from thirteen to fifteen," Meizu says.

"Oh, he's young, isn't he?" the large man muses. Irritated, I form the number 14 with my chakra. I see the man's eyebrows raise. Amusement crosses his face. "Fourteen, eh, Kitsune-sama?" he asks. I don't bother to answer.

"What do you mean, Richtin?" Zabuza asks.

"He formed the number 14 with his chakra, Zabuza. Quite impressive chakra control," Richtin replies.

'Damn straight.' I think to myself.

"The fact that you revealed that much, Kitsune, means that you are in fact a child who is quite rash and irresponsible. And here I was looking forward to our battle. What a shame. At least I'll fulfill my duty by killing that man's offspring," he continues, addressing me now. I feel my anger spark, but I stay eerily silent, not giving him the gratification of a reaction. Richtin chuckles.

He opens his amber eyes, looking directly at me though I know that he can't actually see me. He's a sensor-nin, that much is obvious. His skin is dark and his hair is in dreadlocks. His chakra signature is completely different from the other four. The demon brothers and Zabuza are all from Kiri. I can't tell where Zabuza's companion is from.

Richtin, however, is quite obviously from Kumogakure no Sato. He was once a ninja from the town that hated my parents with a passion. I'll need to be very careful to ensure that he doesn't learn of who I am. I allow myself back into my own body, widening my Sensory range to look for any members of the Akatsuki.

I quickly locate several members of the infamous missing-nin group. Itachi and Kisame. It's good that they're here. They aren't likely to intervene. It would be great if they were the only ones here. But no, it's just my luck that half of the Akatsuki would be here. Deidara, Sasori, and that new recruit that Itachi mentioned, Tobi. I bring in my range to ignore all of my enemies because I don't want to know what they do in their free time and open my eyes.

"You done?" Sasuke asks harshly.

"Reporting," I reply, turning away from the gorgeous raven. "Five hostiles working for a business tycoon by the name of Gato. They are the demon brothers Meizu and Gozu, the demon of the mist, Momochi Zabuza, um," I pause, willing myself to remember his companion. Just then, the information comes to the forefront of my mind. "the adopted daughter of Momochi Zabuza, Momochi Haku, and a man seemingly from Kumogakure no Sato by the name of Richtin," I state.

"There are five members of the Akatsuki nearby," At that, Sasuke tenses up. "Uchiha Itachi," I say. Sasuke swallows thickly. "Hoshigaki Kisame," I state, glancing to Kakashi. He looks completely at ease, like I'm not telling him that we have a million and one enemies. "Deidara, Sasori, and Tobi," I conclude.

"How likely is it that the Akatsuki will intervene?" Kakashi asks.

"Fairly likely due to the presence of Deidara, Sasori, and Tobi, though Itachi may be able to keep them in line," I state.

"What do you mean, keep them in line?" Sasuke asks sharply. He has a hard look on his face and a demanding tone. I want to answer him, but I know that I can't.

"That information is above your clearance level, genin," I state, narrowing my eyes into a harsh glare. Sasuke flinches, drawing back slightly.

"Does that mean that you aren't a genin?" he asks bravely. I just chuckle, unable to will myself to lie to him again.

"When will our enemies be ready to strike?" Kakashi asks quickly.

"I don't know," I sigh. "That Richtin guy seems pretty eager for a fight, though. I'd say probably a week. He seems particularly interested in killing me," I estimate.

"A week?" Sakura asks. I nod in response.

"Why won't you answer my questions?" Sasuke blurts out.

"Because I don't want to," I pout.

"You know that this is important to me and you're still lying! I can't stand it!" Sasuke exclaims. "I'm getting some air," he huffs, standing up and storming out of the room and down the stairs. I widen my Sensory range to keep an eye on him as Sakura rushes after him.

"That probably wasn't the best idea," Kakashi sighs. "It isn't the end of the world if they know that you're Kitsune, you know. Hokage-sama won't necessarily like it, but at least things would still flow smoothly with the team," he points out, leaving as well.

"Okay, great," I huff to myself. "It looks like everyone's pissed at me and forgot that I just got my sight back. Whatever," I mutter grouchily.

I run a hand through my hair before realising that I don't know what I look like. I jump to my feet, my jaw dropping, and rush through the door to the room that my Sensory identified as a bathroom.

I turn to the mirror and examine myself. I have blond hair with red streaks. It's spiky in the back and the hair by my ears is getting a bit long, making me resemble my father. My eyes are almond-shaped, one blue and the other violet like my mother's. I have a prominent jaw and high cheek bones. My face is fairly angular.

I slip out of my shirt to get a glimpse at my scars. Tears prick my eyes, making them gleam, as the words carved into my skin come into view. I choke back a sob. I may have gotten my sight back, but not everything will be butterflies and rainbows.

I slide my shirt back on and wipe my eyes roughly. I exit the bathroom and find the stairs. I follow the scent of food into the dining room.

"Oh! You're awake!" a young woman exclaims in surprise.

"Um, yeah, I guess that I am," I chuckle. She has long, brown hair and warm, amber eyes.

"Sorry, my name is Tsunami. I'm Tazuna's daughter," she says quickly, reaching out a hand for me to shake. I take her hand and shake it.

"I'm Naruto, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you," I reply. She smiles at me.

"That's my son, Inari," she says, withdrawing her hand and gesturing to the young boy seated glumly at the table.

I wave at him, smiling. He glares back at me. My grin falters a bit, but I brush off his bad attitude.

"Ah, he's in a bad mood," Tsunami chuckles awkwardly. "I was relieved to hear that you're immune to poison," she sighs.

"Oh, yeah, thanks for your concern," I say.

"Why do you try so hard?" Inari pipes up, his voice dark.

"What?" I ask, slightly confused.

"You're no hero! Heroes don't exist! You'll only be killed by Gato and his men!" Inari exclaims, his eyes brimming with tears. I feel my own eyes widen and my jaw drop.

"Inari!" Tsunami scolds. Inari runs out of the room, a hand over his face. "I'm so sorry about him," Tsunami sighs. I recover myself, snapping my jaw closed and stare blankly at her.

"It's fine. I think I should probably apologize, though," I chuckle slightly.

"You don't have to do that," Tsunami says. "He's a troubled boy," she mutters, a sad look in her eyes.

"I upset him," I counter. "And besides, my entire team is ignoring me right now, so I don't have anything better to do," I chirp, faking a smile.

Tsunami gives me a sympathetic look. I wink at her and follow Inari. I track his miniscule chakra to a pier nearby. He sits at the end of it, his legs dangling over the water.

"Why are you here?" he sniffs. I chuckle a bit.

"I came to apologize. I upset you," I reply.

"But I'm the one who yelled at you!" he protests, turning his tear-stained face my way.

"Oh, I get yelled at all the time," I laugh. "You aren't the first to yell at me even this morning," I assure. His face falls. "Can I ask you a question, Inari?" I ask, sitting next to the small boy.

"What?" he snaps. I withhold another chuckle.

"Why do you think that heroes don't exist?" I ask softly. Inari looks at me, wide-eyed.

"My father was the hero of the village, but even he couldn't stop Gato," Inari explains, teary-eyed.

I widen my Sensory again, scanning the entire Land of Waves for a chakra signature that could possibly be the boy's father. No one.

"I see," I state in a small voice. "Gato killed him, then?" I ask, hoping that my question wasn't too insensitive.

"How'd you know?" Inari asks in a sarcastic tone.

"I searched for a chakra signature that could possibly belong to your father, but there was nothing," I explain. Inari's eyes widen. He nods to himself.

"Bad people always win," he mutters. I quirk an eyebrow at the boy.

"Then I guess I'm evil," I counter. Inari gives me a skeptical look. "I always win. My village hates me," I say, looking out at the water. "They call me a demon and beat me," I state, my hand rising involuntarily to the scar that reads fox. "But they don't know of all the things I've done to protect them. I exist to keep them safe. It was the reason for my birth," I explain, glancing back at Inari.

"I've never heard anyone call me a hero," I say, standing up. I reach my hands to the neck of my shirt. "But I bear the battle scars from protecting them, even when it was their knives in my back," I strip from my shirt slowly. I turn so that Inari can see my chest full-on. His eyes widen and a horrified gasp leaves his lips. "It was someone in my village who did this to me, and more," I explain. "Can you guess how he was punished for doing this to a four-year-old boy?" I ask. Inari shakes his head. "He wasn't," Inari's eyes meet mine. He looked confused. "I kept the man's identity a secret," I told him.

"Why?" Inari chokes out.

"Because I exist to protect and bring honor to my people, even if they want me mangled and dead," I say emotionlessly. "I've never been called a hero, so if I have to be a villain to help you and your people, I'm more than willing. I've been the villain my entire life, just to bring peace to my people, Inari. I'm fine with being the villain again," I say softly. "Just promise me that when another hero comes along, you'll believe in them, and in yourself," I request.

"Yeah!" Inari says, nodding his head determinedly.

"You'll go far, Inari," I smile. Inari smiles back. "Let's get you back home, huh?" I ask playfully. Inari leaps to his feet and follows me as we begin the trek back to his house.

"I think that you are a hero," he murmurs to me.

I find myself smiling at the small comment.

'You'd be one of the first, kid,'

Edited 12-15-2020

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