Shape Of You

By blessthekellic

413K 13K 21K

Starting university is always hard, and it's much harder when you don't have any friends. Wanting to prove hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27 - Final
Chapter 28 - Epilogue
New story!!!

Chapter 26

10.6K 333 402
By blessthekellic

"Well, maybe I don't need any defending today," He sighed, "We'll talk tomorrow."

I scoffed and was about to fight back before he beat me to.

"And Zayn," He started, "I'll think about what you said."

With that said, he spared me a quick downcast look before shutting his door on our faces, leaving me with the man who has done nothing but mess up our lives.


Louis' POV

When I finally closed the door on Harry and Zayn's faces, I couldn't help but quickly glance at the man I love. His curls were wild and he had an incredulous look on his face. It really did hurt me to close the door on his face because I knew he had good intentions, but I didn't want to deal with what just happened just yet.

I needed to think things over. More specifically, I needed to think about Zayn. I was really conflicted because even after all the bullshit that he had put me through, I knew he was a good guy and an even better friend. I still couldn't understand how he even developed a crush on me, since I feel like he's way out of my legue anyways.

I already knew how Harry felt about Zayn so going to him would be pointless. I mean, he did give me some really good advice when I needed some, but Zayn was a whole different story and it was one I had to decide how it ended.

I sighed and leaned against the closed door as I tried to will away a headache that was coming. Perfect, just what I needed. I groaned and backed away from the door to go to the shared bathroom me and Liam had to grab some medicine, but my plans were ruined when I heard the shower running and the faint, terrible singing coming from Liam himself. I rolled my eyes and decided that sleeping off was probably my best option since I wasn't in the mood to eat anything, so with a turn of my heel, I sauntered my way to my room, took my pants off and got under the covers before dozing off with a million thoughts running over my head.


Next morning, I woke up groggy and my throat was slightly aching. I really needed a wee so even though I really wanted to stay in bed, my body was literally forcing me to get up. With a sigh, I pushed myself out of the comfy bed and I rushed to the bathroom, where I releaved myself. After washing my hands, I dragged myself to the kitchen, where I saw Liam eating cereal with his face in his phone, tapping away on the screen. I didn't find it surprising since Liam was always up so early.

"Morning," I spoke as I walked past my roommate over to the cupboards to grab myself some cereal and a bowl. Hopefully, Liam didn't finish what little of the milk we had.

"Morning, Lou," Liam said, still staring at his phone. He had on a cheeky smile on his face and even though I was too tired to maintain a conversation, I still managed to find the energy within me to do so.

"What's got you so smiley this morning?" I asked before sitting in front of him on the kitchen table and putting a spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

Liam looked up at me and set his phone aside, "I'm going on a date with Sophia tonight, I'm finally gonna ask her to be my girlfriend."

"You still haven't asked her?" I frowned, "I figured you did ages ago."

He shook his head, "Nah, I wasn't completely sure if I wanted to, but when I realized I couldn't think of anything but her, I knew I had to have her."

"Aw, how sweet," I said with a smile that I knew was way too forced, to apoint where Liam even noticed.

"You alright, mate? You look stressed." He commented.

I sighed, "That's because I am."

"Was it Harry?" He cautiously asked.

"Sort of," I looked down at my half empty bowl with soggy cereal, "Zayn showed up to apologize last night and Harry ended up showing up too and he got mad that Zayn was here. I basically shut the door on their faces 'cause I needed to think about stuff."

"And have you?" He asked.

"It was all I could think about when I was in bed last night," I admitted, "And I think I know what I'm going to do and I hope it's the right thing."

"Whatever it is, keep in mind what, or who, makes you the happiest. Don't sabotage your own happiness, Lou. It's not even healthy!"

"You're right," I said, "Thanks, Li."

He smiled, "You're welcome. Now hurry up and get ready or else you'll be late to class."

I rolled my eyes playfully, "As you say, mum."


As the lonely day dragged on, I figured I might as well have stayed at home since I had my head in the clouds in every single class I attended. I just couldn't get my mind to focus on whatever my professors were saying! Every time I was remotely focused, my mind would just drag me out of it and make me thing about my boyfriend and Zayn. I even had to ask the girl who sat next to me for their notes to study and thankfully enough, she did.

Overall, it was a very lonely day. I knew a couple of people here and there, but from my lack of reaching out to talk to other people, I was doomed to small talk and lonely breaks between my classes. I ate lunch alone under a tree in the campus garden, some take out Chinese food from the little shop by the uni. Since I was alone, I multitasked between studying and eating some delicious food I've been craving for a while now. I was actually succeeding in understanding whatever the hell I was reading, which was surprising since I could barely stay focused enough to hear a full sentence come out of my professors mouth. Maybe it was because it was an actual nice day outside and I wasn't so cooped up inside that made me concentrate easier.

As I plopped a piece of sweet and sour chicken in my mouth, I saw Zayn walking from afar, talking to some people I've never seen before. It felt almost as if we had never even been friends. Granted, he probably didn't see me anyway, but I couldn't help the thought from crossing my mind. He looked pretty happy and I wouldn't want to disturb that. Maybe he was happier without me in his life, and maybe I was too.

When my professor for my final class finally dismissed us, I had already made my mind on where I was going next; Harry's flat. We've texted a couple of times today but it was nothing much, only small talk. The tension between us was really obvious and I hated it. I needed to fix this, I can't let it linger on anymore.

Since I didn't drive myself to uni, I had to wait for the bus that was infamously late, every single time. I was yet to see the bus come here on time and since I already knew it was going to be tardy, I plugged in my earphones in my ear and waited the few extra minutes until the bus was here. I hopped inside and swiped my card, thankfully finding an empty seat and plopping my bum on it. The ride was longer than usual because of traffic, but I had finally arrived.

I got off the stop closest to Harry's flat and shoved my hands in my jacket pockets and quickly shuffled to the familiar door I was so used to seeing. It was colder than usual outside and I was hoping Harry got a day off today, because I really didn't want to annoy him while working. I wasn't even technically supposed to be there anyways. Harry would never admit it, but I've seen the way his boss looks at me whenever I'm there distracting Harry from doing his job. I try to avoid it as much as I can and that includes today.

I gently pressed the buzzer of Harry's flat and waited while nervously tapping my vans clad foot on the step I was standing on. After what felt like ages, I heard the familiar raspy, yet robotic, voice from the other side of the buzzer.

"Who is it?" He asked me.

"S'me, Louis," I spoke into the microphone. Harry didn't reply and simply buzzed the door open and I waddled inside to the warmth of the condo.

The elevator ride seemed to take ages, but when I finally reached Harry's floor, I didn't hesitate to walk over to his door, only to see that it was already cracked open. I pushed it open and was confused to see the lack of my curly haired boyfriend.

"Harry?" I called out, "Where are you?"

"In here!" I faintly heard his voice coming from his 'bedroom', so I walked over there and even though I was already used to his amazing naked body, I couldn't stop the blush in my cheeks when I saw him, in all his glory, drying his wet curls with a towel on his head.

"Hey, love," He smiled and dropped his towel, "What's got you blushing so much?"

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Don't act like you don't know."

Harry laughed and placed his right hand behind my neck, pulling me in for a heart-stopping peck. It was over too soon and I felt myself pout as I watched him put on some tight black briefs that left nothing to imagination.

"What're you doing here anyway?" He asked, "I thought you were going to study after uni back in your flat."

I sat at the end of his neatly made bed, "Yeah, well I changed my mind. I studied during lunch anyways so it's not like I'm ditching that. I couldn't really focus much in class today..."

"Why?" He frowned while pushing a leg through his insanely tight black skinny jeans, "Are you feeling alright?"

I sighed, "Not really...I've been feeling really guilty for shutting the door on your face the other night."

"Oh," He simply said. Still shirtless, he sat down next to me, careful enough to leave a small space between us. Our knees were barely touching.

"I just...I'm sorry for what I did," I apologized, "I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed and I needed some time to think. I felt really sorry for Zayn and I felt like I owed him to think about it."

"First of all, you owe that prick nothing," Harry sternly said. I knew he was trying to control himself for my sake, "And second, I wasn't too happy about what you did. It kind of hurt how you just left me there."

"I'm sorry," I replied while looking down at my thighs, too embarrassed to even look at him, "I acted like a child and you didn't deserve that. I should've just let Zayn outside. Then again, I just wanted to be alone. I went straight to bed after that, I couldn't even face Liam."

"It's alright," Harry finally said, "I understand, I'd want to be alone too if a creep barged into my house and annoyed me."

I chuckled lightly, "I think I want to cut ties with him. For good."

Harry's eyes widened, "Really? You're not saying that just to make me happy? 'Cause I do forgive you, y'know?"

I nodded, "I'm being serious. He's a good person deep down, but he's done more bad than good to our relationship and I don't want that kind of friend in my life. At least not right now."

"I'm glad that's how you feel," Harry smiled. He rubbed my thigh softly and gently kissed me on my cheek. A flutter in my chest made me turn my head and place my lips on his. I felt Harry smile as he leaned into me deeper and I subconsciously placed my hands on his chest. When I felt Harry's tongue prod into my mouth, my eyes opened in surprise and I gently pushed him away, revealing a confused Harry.

"What's wrong?" He asked, "Did I go too far? I-"

"You didn't do anything wrong, love," I smiled, "But don't you have work to go to?"

Harry blushed, "No...I was just planning in going over to your flat. I missed you too much."

"How charming," I giggled and leaned in to close the gap between us.

As quickly as the sweet kiss began, it didn't take long for us to take things to the next level and turn it to something more heated and before I knew it, I was straddling Harry's thighs while pressing down on his crotch and moaning into his mouth as I felt his cold fingers play with the warmth of my lower back, reaching under my sweater.

I nipped at Harry's exposed neck, marking a purple love bite that had him moaning for more. His hands gripped the sides of my sweater and took it off as quickly as a blink. He licked his swollen lips as he looked and my torso and threw me on top of his bed and held himself up above my body.

His lips kissed down my neck to my collarbone and then to my nipples, where he teased me by licking around before actually sucking the nub into his mouth and squeezing the other exposed one. Harry damn well took his time, making me pant and beg for more, before he finally detached his pink lips and licked his way to my pudgy stomach, where he placed sweet butterfly kisses all around until he reached my bulging crotch.

"P-Please," I begged, for nothing in particular. My mind was clouded with lust and I couldn't seem to think straight as Harry zipped me down and dragged my jeans and my lace briefs down my creamy thighs.

"I love the shape of you," Harry spoke in a much deeper voice that I wasn't completly used to. It went straight to my cock, making it twitch right in front of Harry. He smirked and finally went down on me, licking a fat stripe on my member and sucking me into his mouth. I threw my head back with a loud gasp and closed my eyes. This felt too good to be true.

Soon, Harry detached himself from my cock and stood up to take off his constricting pants and boxers. I watched him with clouded eyes and bit my lip when he started jerking himself off.

"I want you, Harry," I moaned, "P-please."

"Get on your hands and knees," He requested, that felt more like and order I was going to happily comply to. I got in position and looked back to see Harry squeezing some lube on his fingers.

I waited in anticipation and suddenly, I felt one of his fingers toy around with my clenching hole, teasing me. I subconsciously thrusted my hips backwards to meet his touch, but Harry just grabbed my hip with his free hand and gently prodded my tightness. I moaned as he thrusted his finger in and out of me, but more so when he added a second one and even though it hurt a bit, I couldn't get over how good it felt when he scissored his fingers inside of me and searched around for my prostate. It didn't take long for him to find my magic spot and rub it until I was moaning obscenely his name and begging for more.

After having prepped me, he lubed up his large member and gently shoved it inside of me, squeezing my hips so tightly that I was sure I'd have bruises the following day, not that I minded at all.

When he was fully inside of me, he waited for a minute until I was truly adjusted before finally moving in and out of me. His breathing was heavy and hard and it was driving me crazy! My eyes were shut tightly, tears threatening to drop as he hit over and over again my prostate with his condom clad tip of his cock.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I gasped as Harry pounded into me, harder and faster. His moans were filling my ears and I couldn't hold myself up anymore. My elbows dropped and my face was shoved into Harry's sheet, where I was moaning and gasping into it.

I couldn't take it anymore, my right slipped under me and grasped my leaking manhood as I jerked myself off the the rhythm of Harry's thrusts. They were getting sloppier and harder which could only mean one thing, Harry was close to cumming. As I reached my climax, Harry suddenly pulled himself out of me, slipped his condom out and turned my body so that I was facing him. I finished myself on my stomach and with a final tug, Harry's seed mixed with mine all over my chest, and even hit my chin, not that I cared.

When he was well and truly done, he threw his exhausted body next to mine and tried to catch his breath with his eyes blissfully closed. He turned his body to me and leaned his head on his hand that was held up by his elbow. His eyes dropped down to my stomach and a finger drew circles on my messy stomach.

"We need to get you cleaned up," He smirked, "Before I change my mind and make even more of a mess on your pretty stomach."

"You're ridiculous," I giggled, "But I love you."

"I love you too, princess," And together we dragged our tired bodies out of the now messy bed and had a little too much fun before finally cleaning each other off in the warm, steamy shower.


A/N: Two more chapters to the final one aaaaaaa!! Also note: I love Liams voice, he's an amazing singer that I really look up to, but for the sake of my story, Harry's the only one who can actually sing well :) I can't remember if i ever wrote a larry doggystyle smut so i wanna know if it was good or not!! :)) also why do i always leave the smut for the last bit of the chapter?? Idk man ive been sick for a while now and it took me all day so im finally posting this :))) i just wanna note that after this larry, I'll either finish off the fics I have yet to finish that are published already and later on publish a personalassistant!larry or a ballet!larry. or just publish it and write it onwards but that might mean slower updates so idk sorry for the long post! I just really appreciate you guys and I hope you guys keep following me and my stories!! <3 

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