Killing Stalking-KMS

By LittleToxxic

366K 9.7K 8.5K

-COMPLETE- (Female Reader x Sangwoo x Bum) Sangwoo takes you shopping for a dress, but your broken ankles are... More

Lucky You
You liar!
Rainy Morning
I Love You
I Love You Too
No Way Out
Bum's Choice
Now or Never
Daddy's Boy
Sangwoo Jr.
Ferris Wheel
Teddy Bear-Part 1
Teddy Bear-Part 2
Boyfriend Material
No More Pretending
What if
Yang Seungbae
Stormy Night
Your Father's Son
Junior's Perversion
She's So Tired-Finale
Epilogue- Happy Family
Sangwoo for Christmas-Oneshot


4.1K 146 131
By LittleToxxic

Sangwoo Jr. Chapter. KS Theory: I believe that Sangwoo had a relationship with his mother. He freed her from his abusive father and she either killed herself, or he killed her when she decided to remarry or pushed away his advances. We will see after the hiatus, I hope.

Sangwoo waits at the parking lot of the corner store. He takes a drag of his cigarette lazily and shoves one hand into the pocket of his black jeans and leans against the trunk of his car. He glances around as a few people come and go. He finally sees the bus he is waiting for on the other side of the street. It comes to a stop and after a few minutes it takes off leaving a group of people behind. In that small group, he sees his father. He is so thin and he wears a striped long-sleeved shirt over some baggy long shorts. Sangwoo likes his father in a skirt best. But his little boy dress-up is cute too. He flings the cigarette to the ground and puts it out with a sneakered foot.

"S-Sangwoo!" Bum waves at him eagerly, running up to him with a slight graceless smile. "Did you wait long?"

Sangwoo shakes his head no and ruffles his father's black hair. "I could've picked you up, you know. Mom is at work, no?"

Bum nods, "Yes. But it's okay. I like riding the bus."

"I see," he says and walks to the front of the car as Bum follows. Once they are pulling out of the corner store he says, "You don't have to do this. I have a job."

They merge into traffic heading to the grocery store. One of the two grocery stores in their small town.

"Y-yes, but you are in school and your money is not enough."

Sangwoo side-glances him and pinches his cheek playfully. "Thanks. I wish momma loved me as much as you do."

Bum clenches his fists over his shorts. "She does love you. She gave me the money for the groceries."

Sangwoo rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Because she is the only one that works."

Bum purses his lips and changes the subject, "Where are you staying at anyway? With that girl?" There is a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Nope. I am at a hotel, but I am barely cutting it even." He taps his thumb idly on the steering wheel. "Did momma say anything about taking me back in?"

"No. She is still angry. I've tried to convince her."

"It's fine," he says hiding his annoyance. He would stay in the shack in the woods if his phone connection wasn't so terrible and he had a fridge.

Bum places his hand against his thigh and squeezes comfortingly, "I'll convince her and then we will be a family again."

"That's right. That's what I want too. I want to be a family and be close to momma."

So close in fact, that his jeans get tight thinking about it. He had been fucking FN this entire week and it still wasn't enough to take his mom out of his head. He had hoped that FN could get rid of this damn obsession that haunts him. It's his mother's fault he is this way. That is the only reasoning he can find.

"Hey, Bum," Sangwoo says, staring over at his father when they halt at a red light. "You've stopped taking the medication mom and her shrink is making you take?"

Bum nods briefly. "Yes. But if YN finds out she'll kill me. I don't want her to be mad at me." He looks out the window and sighs. "I hate it when she gets mad and she says the medication keeps me from acting weird."

"You don't need that crap. It changes you. Don't you feel better when you're just being yourself, huh?" He squeezes his father's thin thigh and Bum turns to him with a boyish smile.

He scans his carved jaw, the delicious sculpt of his lips. He was so much like the man he had fallen in love with. Nicer even. He wasn't afraid of those strong arms rippling with their masculine strength rising in the air and striking him. Now, the three of you could be together in peace as Bum had always wanted. You guys were still young, after all.


Sangwoo lugs the remaining groceries into his hotel room that had a tiny kitchen in the corner of the room and goes to shower. By the time Sangwoo gets out, Bum has already put everything away and is finishing cooking up a meal for him.

"Mmm...that smells good," Sangwoo says toweling his black locks, that as wet as they are, elongate and curl slightly by the base of his neck.

Bum turns on his bare feet and his heart flutters as his eyes drop to the towel that hangs dangerously low on his hips.

"D-do you want to eat now?" Bum asks

"Nah. Leave that there and come here." Sangwoo's eyes gleam in some unknown affection as Bum quickly turns off the stove and lets the skillet simmer.

He goes to his son with his stomach in knots. He sits where Sangwoo motions with his hand. They sit at the edge of his bed as Sangwoo studies him silently. Bum's face is so red that the flush seeps down to his neck.

"Why are you so flustered?" he asks, lowering his head to capture Bum's lowered gaze.

Bum looks up tentatively, "A-aren't you going to put on pajamas?"

Sangwoo's lips curl into a smile. "No. I want you to tell me more about my mother."

Bum frowns confused, "More about YN?"

Sangwoo nods tossing his hair towel to the closest sofa. He throws himself back on the bed and stretches his arms wide. He shifts his leg slightly bumping against Bum's skinny one. The towel splits in his movement, giving Bum a view of his rounded sac and a glimpse of his cock. Junior was indeed a lot like his father....

Bum fidgets with his nails. "What do you want to know?"

Sangwoo yawns and stares up at the ceiling fan that goes around and around. It cools off his damp skin and makes his nipples harden.

"Tell me what you like about her."

"Um..." Bum is unsure at what to say and what is going on, but he starts getting excited when he begins to think about you. "I like how nice she is to me."

"Boring. What do you like about her body?"

"I-I-uh-I like her breasts," he stammers. "They're soft and pillowy and I can take a nap on them for hours." Bum pats his flat chest with both hands as if he was touching you. There is bright beam on his face. "I like how her nipples are almost always standing because they are so sensitive. She doesn't like it, but I do. Her scars make them look so beautiful. I-I trace them with my tongue. Every single line feels different."

"Is she gentle when she makes love to you?" Sangwoo asks hoarsely, his chest heaving in imagining touching said breasts, rubbing his face over them. Loving them. Sucking them as if he was a baby.

He was capable of love...something he didn't think his father had achieved...why did she hate him so?

"Y-yes," Bum whispers shyly, feeling his erection pushing against the zipper of his shorts. "She always makes sure that I am prepared...with her fingers...with her tongue. She always makes me cum first. I love how her hair tickles me as she kisses down my throat and rubs between my legs."

It's not until he hears a shallow groan coming from the man beside him, that Bum realizes that Sangwoo is masturbating. Bum glances at him and finds him completely naked in all his masculine glory. The thick member in that large hand pulsating with need.

"Jack off with me, Bum," Sangwoo says jaggedly and Bum meets his eyes with joy as if he was seeing the man he loved again. The Sangwoo that loved him and kept him stowed away in that basement....


You take a swig of whiskey as you text your husband hurriedly. You came home early from work two hours ago and he still wasn't here. He wasn't answering your calls either. You know who he is with and it angers you.

Come home. Now.

You slide the phone across the counter and gather the plastic pieces that were once your captor's identification card. The same ID you had taken from his dead body after Bum had stabbed him to death. You cup the pieces in your hands and throw them in the trash. It is your fault for the way Sangwoo's child turned always pushed him away. Always comparing him to the monster that planted him inside you. You should've gotten rid of everything from the past a long time ago...including him.

You walk to the hall where the photo collage is and rip it from the wall. You drop to your knees with it and rip the tabs out until you can remove the picture of you, Bum, and deceased Sangwoo. You push yourself from the floor and rush to the kitchen. You turn on the stove and you burn the edge of the glossy photo. You smile vacantly as the orange flame consumes it and you love how it blackens and erases everything away. It gives you a small instance of peace.

You throw the remnants into the sink and run the to the living room to drag the little table where you had built the shrine. You smash the candles to the floor, you grab a fistful of the flowers and tear them to pieces. You should've done this a long time ago. You pick the little table up and head outside unwaveringly. You throw it in the middle of your lawn and you rush back inside.

Minutes later, you return with a sledgehammer in hand. Oh, how many memories this brings. Your shins ache just thinking about it. How could you let yourself forget the pain you had suffered in the arms of Sangwoo? How could you have been so blind to build this man a name a child after him? What the hell was wrong with you?!!!

On your knees, your raise the sledgehammer up in the air and let if fall with a satisfying hit. You focus on your past pain and the pain of the now. You see Junior's eyes filled with pain as he asked you why you hated him. You focus on the love that Bum still has for the man Sangwoo Jr. represents. You continue smashing the table until your arms are sore and your palms have blistered by the force. By the time that little table is only splinters, you're crying.


Bum orgasms in Sangwoo's arms first and soon Sangwoo follows with a gritted groan. He squeezes the skinny man closer to his body in his release. Bum snuggles against his solid body, breathing hard, wearing only his t-shirt. His skinny, but shapely legs resting over his hips.

"You and I will protect YN, Bum," Sangwoo says embracing him tighter. "We have to make sure no one takes her away from us and convince her that the only way we are better is if we are all together."

Bum nods and sits up staring down at his handsome face with trepidation. "You won't try to keep her all to yourself?"

Sangwoo sweeps the bangs that veil Bum's dark eyes and gives him a smile that craters his cheeks. "No."

"We will all be together again," Bum says with a relieved sigh. "We have missed you so much, Sangwoo."

Sangwoo smiles even though Bum wasn't talking about him this time.

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