Her Deals.

By TheDivinity

6.2K 203 4

From the early years of her life she has been protected by her family until she thought it was finally time t... More

Chapter 1-Big News!!!!!!!
Chapter 2-His Arrival and Her Departure.
Chapter 3-The Family and Nose Jobs.
Chapter 4-Finally Introduced.
Chapter 5-Class is in session.
Chapter 6-Weekend get away.
Chapter 7- The Red Seductress
Chapter 8- The Confrontations
Chapter 9- A Good Cry Helps
Chapter 10- Challenged Accepted
Chapter 11- The Secrets of the Library
Chapter 12- Lavender
Chapter 14- The Red Seductress Part III
Chapter 15- Her Decision.
Chapter 16- Cockblocker
Chapter 17- Birthday Party.
Chapter 18- The Letter
Chapter 19- Her Godfather.
Chapter 20- His Anger.
Chapter 21- Misunderstanding.
Chapter 22- Secrets Unfold.
Chapter 23- Shopping.
Chapter 24- The Tease
Chapter 25- Meeting Abigail Mitchel.
Chapter 26- His Wife
Chapter 27- Her Deal.
Chapter 28- His Worth
Chapter 29- This is my Boyfriend!
Chapter 30- Epilogue
A Thank you!!

Chapter 13- The Red Seductress Part II

186 6 0
By TheDivinity

After eating breakfast Jade took the boys to the park and since it was a Saturday it was filled with kids.

"Now boys I'm gonna be sitting on that bench so stay where I can see you, got it?" They nodded and ran off. Jade smiled and went to sit. As Jade was watching the boys she saw a small girl crying. She went to her and saw her knee was scraped.

"Oh sweetie what happened?" Jade asked at her side.

"I was on the slide and fell off." She said hiccupping.

Jade looked around. "Is your Dad or maybe Mom here?" Jade wiped her tears.

"I came with my Uncle but I don't know where he went."

"Alright sweetie come on let's just take care of the injury." Jade lifted her up and called the boys over. They immediately were her side looking at the girl curiously.

"Boys I need you to protect this princess here while I go to the fountain over there." Jade said as she held the girl. The boys saluted and gave a yes sir. Jade smiled and placed the girl on the bench then walked to the fountain wetting the handkerchief.

"Alright sweetie this might sting a little but I need you to be strong or else it won't get better okay?" The little girl nodded scared. Jade gave her a smile and gently dabbed the handkerchief over the scrapped knee. She pulled back her leg a little but didn't fight. Jade then took a hello kitty band aid and placed it on her knee.

"Voila. All done." Jade smiled.

"Thank you." She said quietly feeling a bit better.

"So what is your name?" She asked while she told the boys to go play.


"Well Sandy do you want to sit with me and wait for your Uncle or do you want to play?"

"I wanna play."

"Alright lets go play." Jade lifted her up and took her to where the boys were. Bronx took her hand and they started to run. "Be careful." Jade shouted out as she went back to her seat. She sat for 10 minutes when she saw a dude entering the playground all smiles with his phone in his hand. He was looking around when the boys and Sandy ran to her. He started to approach Jade. Jade stood and faced him pushing the kids behind her.

"Can I help you?" Jade asked not hiding her displeasure.

"Yeah I"m here for my niece." He pointed to Sandy who was behind Jade's leg.

"Where were you?" Jade asked getting angry.

"Why does that concern you?"

"Because she got injured and was crying yet no one was here for her." Jade said as she placed her hand on Sandy's head.

"I was just at that coffee shop." He pointed to the coffee shop that was 3 buildings away. Jade was more pissed now.

"You can't just leave her here on her own. It's a playground kids are bound to get reckless which is why you have to supervise them not run off to get some broad's number." His eyes went wide. He wondered how she know that he went to get a girl's number. His eyes then roamed up and down Jade appreciating the way her jeans clung to her legs.

"You are right. I'm sorry uh? Sorry what was your name? I'm Kenny."

"I am not the one you need to apologise to." Was all Jade said as she looked Sandy. She bent to Sandy's height and pinched her cheeks making her giggle. "Sandy honey take care of yourself alright. Looks like there not much reliable people in this world not even family." Jade looked at him scrutinising him. "Take care sweetie." Jade hugged her and rose to go home with the boys. "Now boys ready to go home. I'm gonna make sandwiches." The shouted a yay and ran towards their home. Jade followed closely behind telling them to don't run. Kenny stood there looking at Sandy and then apologised. While on their way home Kenny couldn't help, but think that she looked familiar.

It was nap time at the Rix's household. She held Bronx in her arms as Blake laid his head on her leg and Bishop laid on the other leg. They refused to go to their beds hence the current situation. Jade leaned on the couch for support as she sat on the floor. The boys were sound asleep when their parents entered either from work or a date. They entered the living room and spotted Jade. They all started to laugh with no control.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Jade asked glaring at them. Max then took Bronx, as Evelyn took Bishop and Caesar took Blake. Jade rose stretching her limbs. She reached for the remote and plopped down on the couch. Browsing through the channels when Lauren came to stand in front of the television ready to attack.

"Whatever it is no." Jade said still browsing ignoring Lauren.

"But you didn't even hear what I had to say." Lauren then took a seat next to Jade.

"I didn't have to because I know I won't like it." Jade stopped at The Big Bang Theory.

"Jade listen it's a party."

"I'm gonna stop you right there before you continue. Why do you think most people don't know that James Rix has a daughter? Because she doesn't show up at those things." Jade said concentrating on the show but it was shut off. "Hey what the hell?"

Lauren placed the remote on the table and turned Jade to face her. "Well I think it's about time, don't you?"

"No I very much like the quiet life out of the limelight."

"Jade come on at least go for the fun of it." Lauren nudged her.

"What's so fun? A bunch of snotty princesses and women who think they are too good to speak to me. Why bother?" Jade got up and went to the kitchen for snacks.

"But Jade this is a party for Esteban and the Red Seductress." Jade looked at her funny.

"The Red Seductress?"

"Yeah you." Jade pointed to herself. Lauren nodded smiling. Laughter erupted from Jade as she heard that.

"What's the laughter about?" Tristan entered obviously looking for his wife.

"Jay come on its one party and you're only gonna be there for an hour or so tops." Lauren was begging.

"What party?" Tristan asked.

"Esteban is throwing a party and Jade was invited but she doesn't want to go." Tristan held his pouting wife.

"Well I think it's Jade's decision however I have to agree with it." He winked at Jade and then his wife hit him. "Ow. Why are you hitting me?"

"Because I am your wife you are supposed to be helping me." Lauren said trying to get out of his arms but he wouldn't let go.

"Lauren why do you want me to go so badly?"

"Well to be honest when I told the other models that you were my sister-in-law they didn't believe me. They're already having a tough time accepting the fact that I married a business billionaire now they won't believe he has a sister. I got suspended from my last shoot because I slapped one of the models for mouthing off." Jade was surprised that Lauren stood up for her like that.

Jade sighed surrendering. "Alright I will go however I am only staying for an hour." Jade said as Lauren hugged her like there was no tomorrow saying thank you repeatedly. "When is it?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Alright. Now both of you go get lovey-dovey with each other somewhere else where I can't see you." Lauren left first.

"You know if you don't want to go to the party you don't have to I'm sure Lauren will understand." Jade hit him in the head. "Hey!"

"Bro she stood up for our family putting her job at risk so we have to back her up the best we can. Lauren may not be related by blood but she is family. Its gonna hurt my pride if I don't fight for my family." Jade smiled at him and he brushed her hair.

"Alright I understand. But do take it easy baby sis."

"Don't I always." She replied. Tristan left to look for his wife yet again as Jade grabbed the snacks and went back to watch The Big Bang Theory.

It was 10 in the morning as Jade turned in her bed feeling satisfied and comfortable but that didn't last long as the door flew open and Lauren rushed in her heels clicking against the polished floor.

"What the hell, Lauren?" Jade said as she turned into her pillow.

"Get up. We have to pick dresses." Lauren pulled the drapes letting in the light. Jade groaned then shot up.

"Wait dresses? More than two?"

"Yeah. I had Esteban bring over a few dresses to select from. Now come on get showered."

"Ugh. I don't wanna."

"Don't be a brat and get up." Jade sighed then went to her bathroom. She later entered the living room to see a very peculiar dressed man with his rainbow designed shirt accompanied by a sequin Westcott and pink dress pants. Jade knew instantly that it was Esteban. Her brothers and Dad were very uncomfortable at this moment.

"Oh Jade darling. I am so happy you agreed to join the party." Esteban said as he kissed her cheeks.

"Yeah. Oh and thank you Esteban I had fun at the photoshoot."

"No problem dear and I should be thanking you because those dresses sold out like hot cakes on a winter day. Now I have a few dresses here that I thought would great on you."

Lauren came and led him to Jade's room. Her Dad and brother approached her with a funny look.

"Jay he wasn't even worth killing. Someone will surely do it but I won't." Her Dad said and kissed her head going to get some work done.

"I agree with Dad." Max said as he kissed her head too. All the boys kissed their baby sister and went to work.

"Jade!!!" Lauren shouted.

"I'm coming." Jade quickly ran up the many stairs and entered her room to see dresses scattered everywhere like a hurricane just passed through. Jade felt tired immediately after looking at the dresses. Looks like it's gonna be a long morning. Three hours went by as they went through dress after dress. They made her try on each dress at least 3 times until Jade has had enough. She went down to eat lunch. Esteban and Lauren followed depressed.

"None of the dresses has that wow effect." Lauren said as she plopped down on the chair next to her husband.

"I know. It's a shame. Jade you are like a rare species of eyes and body model so I wanted the dress to compliment those but no luck." Esteban was on his knees sulking. Jade approached him and rubbed circles into his back.

"Esteban I'm sure something will work." Jade said reassuringly and giving him a big smile.

Esteban shook his head and grabbed his phone dialling incredibly fast. "Hey, Constance I need your expertise on something. Hair, make-up, shoes and some more dresses. Yep I will text you the address. Thanks half an hour got it." Esteban made a quick recovery and dragged Jade to her room.

"Esteban you need to eat while I clean up. How about it?" Right at that moment Esteban's stomach rumbled. He blushed and then quietly left to eat lunch. Jade picked up the many dresses scattered here and there until she saw a dress she knows she didn't try on. It was a turquoise halter floor length dress with an open back . The dress fell lazily and in simple waves. Jade thought the dress was beautiful but why didn't Esteban let her try it on? She packed all the dresses up first then grabbed the turquoise dress and tried it on. The dress felt soft against her skin as she twirled admiring it. Her dark hair contrasting with the light turquoise caused Jade to glow more and her dark eyes to be more prominent. She was admiring the dress when Esteban entered with more company. Esteban gasped and couldn't move. He did a playful faint and fell into the lady's arms. Jade thought she did something she shouldn't have. "Esteban I am so sorry but I saw it and tried it on"

He rose and walked to her. "Jade this dress conflicted with all the models that tried it on. Yet on you it looks like it was made for you." He was on the verge of tears. He was fanning his eyes. The ladies entered and handed him a tissue.

"I'm Constance. I worked with Esteban for a little while. It is a pleasure to meet The Red Seductress."

"Pleasure to meet you and could you please not call me that? Just Jade. That nickname is a bit embarrassing." Jade shook her hand.

"Oh well then Jade. I really admired your photos." Jade blushed a bit and thanked her. "I have to say you are a lot more than what Esteban said." Jade was confused.

"I know right Connie. When I first saw her it was like fate. I just had to have her model for me."

Constance stared at Jade then snapped her fingers in a 'I got it' way. Her assistants were by her side immediately. "This is Alice she will be doing your hair and Penelope will be doing your make-up. Also I brought the shoes. Well looks like we won't be using the dresses"

"You got that right. I'm sorry you had to drag them here on such short notice." Esteban said apologetically.

"No problem. I just really wanted to see this Red Seductress that I ran over here. " Constance said honestly.

"I am honoured to hear you say that but I really am just a college student."

"Say what you like but we professionals know what we see. Right Esteban?"

"That's right. Oh look at the time. Jade did you eat?"

"No I was cleaning up."

"Well get downstairs, eat and then get back up here. We only have about 5 hours."

"Isn't that enough?" When Jade asked that 4 heads turned and look at her like she has gone insane. "Never mind forget I asked. I'm just gonna go eat."

Jade finished eating about 30 minutes later and they immediately started on her face and hair. Alice and Penny, she suggested to call her that, hands worked faster and experienced as they dawn on the empty canvas. When they were done, they had her put the dress on again. Constance gave Jade a pair of red bottom silver stilettoes that Jade was afraid of wearing but then Lauren threatened her that if she didn't wear them she will push it through her chest so no more arguments. Jade sat and placed the shoes on her feet and balanced herself as she stood. Jade exited the room and went to the living room. Everyone turned to look at Jade. She looked up to see almost everyone had an awestruck look on their face. Jade was getting a bit uncomfortable.

"Wow! I knew my baby sister was pretty but damn girl. I almost don't want you to leave this house." Tristan said adding a whistle with the wow.

"He's right you look amazing." Caesar said giving his sister a wink.

"Your eyes look amazing." Kate complimented looking straight up in Jade's face.

"We highlighted her eyes with a white pencil first then added a little hue of pink to make it seem natural but at the same time it enlarges the eye. I didn't have to use much make up or else it might have mess up the fresh look the eyes had however I did apply a light red lipstick showing that she is The Red Seductress." Penny said proudly.

"Isn't that the dress that no model could've made work?" Lauren asked inspecting it.

"Yeah it is. I'm as surprised as you are." Esteban said.

"Jade this is your moment darling go out there and steal hearts." Claire gave her a wink.

"But not too much its only so many times I can shoot someone and get away with it." Her Dad warned.

Everyone in the room stood still at James's comment to which he just shrugged and hugged his daughter. Jade chuckled nervously.

"All you need now is a date." Evelyn said happily to which all the men looked at her with angry looks.

"She doesn't need a date." Max retorted.

"Yes she does. Jade on the arm of a handsome man giving her another compliment." Kate said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Again no date. She goes to this party and back home that's it." Jackson said sizing up his fiancé.

"Alright that's enough. I don't want a date. I'm fine. I'm just going for Esteban." Jade said killing the lovely romantic vibes the ladies had.

"Alright we are gonna leave first to get ready and since now is 6 and it should have started by now. Jade I will send a car for you in half an hour don't mess up yourself. I mean it." Constance warned with a hairbrush. Jade just nodded scared with her hands up defensively. "Great see you soon." They all left and Jade breathed a sigh of relief.

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