Agent Phoenix: DIVINE Beginni...

By OncillaKitten

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Think it was over? Well think again, We're back~! And I thought Disaster was bad enough, this time we have a... More

Reunions Part 1: The assassin
Reunions Part 2: The geek
First Day Back
A/N: Characters Again!
Science fires and Secret notes
Could things get any worse?
They're getting closer
Finding the Lion's den
And So The Plot Thickens
Tell Me
Small Adjustments
Logan Gets me Out of School
Early-morning Disappointments
A/N *says in Ross voice* Another Tag!
Do or Die
Kyle saves the day... (For real, this time)
Crash Landing
You can't swim?
The Gamechanger
Tick Tock...
The Truth about Phoenix High
No Chewing Gum
A Hidden Ally
Date Crashers
Shed and Zed to the Rescue
Who Are You?
Garte's an Idiot and Onci can't think of a chapter name


182 8 18
By OncillaKitten

A/N: Remember, tell me in the inline comments if you spot a typo. It takes forever to look through over 2000 words just to find one little spelling mistake. At this point I've given up on double checking, so it's always helpful to point out something missing or wrong. And now, since school is coming to a close and I gotta write these in between studying for tests. I present to you, a long, fight-scene included chapter,


Aphmau's POV:

Kyle dragged me through the doorway on the right, leading me down the hallways. They looked to be where the Agents would sleep. The room after the hall we were in opened our into a huge area. Full of couches, a place that probably led to the kitchens and doors to offices and training rooms. Parts of the ceiling and walls were shaking.

"Kyle!" I turned to him.

"We ran out of space for this space underground when it was being built, so some of this is disguised out in the open.

"Disguised? As what?!" I pulled out my gun. Alarms were blaring, the entire Headquarters was flashing red. Warriors were coming out from everywhere. Some in mission suits, some in pajamas or casual day clothes.

Each of them realized what was happening and those who didn't have one already got anything they could to use it as a mask. However most just transformed into their mission suits.

"Where are they?" Kyle muttered.

Suddenly, one of the steel plates in the ceiling started shaking more. I could here banging and see sparks on the side of it.

"SCATTER!" One of the Warriors shouted. They moved apart just in time for the plate to fall, smashing into the marble floor of the Agency's center.

Shadow knights dropped in from the gap, I could see the sky past them. A woman kept out of the automatic doors that we had come through.

"Maria, get moving! Hawkeye, on the frontline. And- Hey pretty boy, either shoot somebody or run, we don't know any walking liabilities." She started barking orders while aiming her rifle at the head of an oncoming Shadow Knight, successfully getting the bullet in through the gap between the helmet and chest piece in the armor.

"The Second-in." Kyle's eyes widened.

"The Second-in?" I asked.

"Goldeneye." He nodded.

The sounds of fighting and gunshots reminded me what was going on.

I spun around to look at the gap in the ceiling.

"We need to get up there," I said, determined.

"Use your grapple, I'll hold on." Kyle said.

"Slight problem with that-" I grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him behind a sofa just as a laser beam went over us. "I don't have it, the cord snapped." I held my king to my chest and pressed my back to the couch.

"Damnit," He grumbled. "Guess we've gotta do this without shortcuts."

"Cover me, I'm gonna find a way up." With a curt nod, Kyle got up and shielded me from the SKs sight, giving me a chance to sprint to a staircase.

I crouched at the top of the staircase and looked through the banister.

Everyone was fighting. A Werewolf girl was rolling on the ground with one of the Shadow Knights, both seemingly evenly matched in strength.

A Meif'wa was helping a guy who looked pretty beaten up to get out of the battle safely and who I think I recognized as Blaze and Liochant were fighting back to back. Blaze with his hands, Lio with a sword.

The Second-in, Goldeneye, meanwhile was just standing in the middle of all the action, completely untouched, shooting whoever she could to even out the numbers.

Considering I couldn't go a minute without getting some kind of injury, I was starting to think she was better than me.

I shook my head and focused. My eyes zoning in a pair of daggers left on the ground. I heard the sound of fast approaching footsteps and rolled to the side, dodging an axe to the head.

"Grr, you little-" The woman charged at me once more and I dived for the daggers, turning over and using them to block another blow. I moved my legs up and kicked her in the stomach, sending her back, and backwards rolled onto my feet.

She came at me one again and were in full combat. I may have had two weapons, but she was fast. She faked right and I made the mistake of falling for it, letting her swing her weapon full force down on my left side. The only thing that saved me was someone kicking her legs out from under her.

"Can't leave you alone for two seconds, can I?" I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Kyle." I glared at his smirk and got back to back with him. Five more closed us in, three on my side, two on his. They trapped us in a semicircle with the railing that led down to the second floor on my left.

"You need to get to the gap." Kyle murmured, loud enough so they wouldn't hear.

"Not until this is easier for you." I muttered. Five against two? That would be tough, we could do it, but it would be tough. But five against one? No way. Even if it was me in Kyle place, without room to outsmart then, I'd be dead.

As two of them charged at me at once. I ducked as one swiped his blade at my neck and kicked his legs out from under him. Turning not a second too soon, I blocked the others sword with my daggers, but not without getting a fairly big cut on my arm.

While I jumped back to avoid another attack, they had successfully split Kyle and I up. I was close to the railing, That gives me an idea.

Now, at this point I could've easily shot one of them. But the other two would've took action and killed me for it. No, I had to get rid of them when they didn't expect it. I let one run to me and I sidestepped at the last second, spinning to quickly push him over the side.

Apparently, I wasn't quick enough.

Sure, it worked, with the loss of balance he tipped right over it and fell to the first floor.

But not without getting me in jaw with a right hook.

I grunted and caught myself from stumbling back. The taste of copper became strong in my mouth and the whole left side of my jaw was numb apart from a burning sensation. I clenched my fists and stored the daggers away in on of my belt straps. Pulling out my gun again, I twisted it around and brought it down on the back of one Shadow Knights head, successfully knocking them out.

I turned to the last SK only to see Kyle ramming into her, tipping her over the side as well. The other two guys who Kyle was dealing with were both lying on the ground. I couldn't tell whether they were dead or unconscious.

"Up here!" The clanking of armor followed up the steps and more SKs appeared.

"They're still coming in. You need to go now." Kyle locked eyes with mine and I knew I had to leave him.

"You don't have a weapon." I pointed out.

"I'll live," He grinned, both of us knowing there was a very good chance he wouldn't. "Aph you're already bleeding, you go, I'll worry about this." I didn't even notice the blood trickling from my mouth and down my cheek until he mentioned it.

"Kyle!" He turned around to see Goldeneye toss him a baseball bat. The tip of the handle was gone, leaving a jagged end, but that just left it even more deadly. She nodded at him and aimed her rifle, convincing me he had more than enough backup.

I hacked (A/N: My entirely family calls it 'hacking' and I don't know the actual term. I basically mean the sound you make when you hock a loogie. We call it when you make that sound on purpose hacking. If anyone knows the actual word please tell me so I can get rid of this annoying A/N) up the blood that had gone down my throat and spat it out, using my sleeve to get rid of the excess.

"PHOENIX, RUN!" Kyle shouted and I finally listened; turning my heel and sprinting for the wall.

I had an idea. It was a stupid, idiotic, ridiculous idea. But if there was any chance that it would work- I was taking it.

I didn't take my eyes off the wall, which was made up of metal plates with tiny lines gaps in between them. I knew I was being chased but didn't dare look behind. I put my gun back on my belt and my hands went straight for the daggers. As I neared the wall I unstrapped them and gripped the handles.

Before I reached the end, I bent my knees for a second and sprung forward, moving my right hand to go in between the metal plates.

Was it stupid? Yes.

Was it risky? Oh, most definitely.

Was there no chance that the two tiny daggers I was using would hold my weight? And even if they did I wouldn't be able to be that precise in where in the wall it went? Absolutely.

Did it work?

Somehow, it did.

I gritted my teeth together as I pulled myself up enough to stab the dagger from my other hand in the next gap between the plates. I had to move like that, scaling across the wall knowing if I fell I'd either die or break every bone in my body.

Lucky for next, this time the Fire ball blaster wouldn't work. As all the people with range weapons were now taking out the SKs range weapons.

It felt like I had been up there forever, even with gloves on my palms were slipping at this point.

I could make out little things on the fight behind. The Warriors seemed to all be one side as the SKs were on the other. The range weapons; archers, gunmen, even some armed with explosives. They all were past the railing of the second floor. The Melee fighters sounded to be on the dirt floor, most likely on the frontline.

C'mon, nearly there.

The Shadow Knights were losing, I could tell that much. They were going to retreat pretty soon and I couldn't let that happen.

"Aph, it's starting. You need to stop them before-" I heard him through the earpiece.

"I won't let them out, don't worry." My voice was strained and my arms burned.

"Letting them out isn't the issue." Kyle's voice was quiet, so no one else would hear. "I don't think they're retesting. I think they're getting back up."

Uh oh, that wasn't good.

I turned my head and saw shadows through the hole in the ceiling.

"Charge!" I heard a yell from the outside and considered my options.

So, with the thought of this being what killed me in the back of my mind, I let of the daggers and kicked off the wall.

I jumped.

Aiming for the rope the Shadow Knights had thrown in. I fell and tried to angle myself towards it.

The second it was in arm's reach, I grabbed it. Because of the momentum, I kept going down for a second before stopping. My shoulders ached from the sudden pull, and my hands stung but I climbed it anyway.

Somehow managing to tie it around my ankle, I held onto it with one hand and aimed my gun with the other. I shot blindly, not able to see the enemy from my angle.

"..ey, close the gap! You two, get that up there!" The Second-in kept instructing as a I saw a boy run in from the corner of my eye. Although since I was busy, all I could make out was a mop of brown hair.

I heard the buzz of the earpiece going on, but instead of a voice, it was a conversation.

"I made this!" A young voice stated proudly.

"Just give it to me!" A male voice came next, sounding impatient.

"Be nice!" A female voice snapped. "Good job sweetie, now just give it to the girl over there."

"Just thought you might want a heads up." Kyle's voice came through as the others got quieter. "Duck,"

"What?" I muttered, using one hand to pull me up higher on the rope so a bullet missed my legs.

"Duck," He repeated.

Once I heard someone shouting 'fire', I didn't waste anytime on leaning back and letting myself fall. The rope around my ankle caught me, leaving me dangling from the ceiling.

Something flew over my head and through the gap, it didn't take me long to realize it was an explosive. Before it could go off however, someone from below came forward, think it was a woman, holding a staff. She aimed it at the gap and a flash of blue shot towards the gap. The metal plate rose up and sealed it completely.

Only problem with that,

It also meant the rope I was hanging from got cut.

I was falling head first to the ground and looked around. There were no walls close, no place for my daggers to catch on to, and nowhere for the rope to get stuck on.

In other words, I was doomed.

And all because I broke my stupid grapple.

As I neared the ground I began counting down the seconds to impact.


My eyes shut.


I shielded my head with my arms, hoping to numb some of the pain when I crashed.





My eyes snapped open and I found myself in the air, inches away from the floor.

"Gotcha!" The girl who had sealed the gap grinned. By the looks of it, she had used her powers to catch me. And considering the staff she was holding, she had to be a witch.

The girl who had I think threw the bomb helped me up.

"That would've been a nasty fall, good thing we got ya'!" She beamed, peeking up from her green hood. She clearly wasn't shy, but I could tell she didn't have a mask on.

The witch, however, kept her head up. Although her hat covered most of her face. All I could make out were blue eyes and a bit of light purple hair.

The sirens had finally stopped, the lights were back to normal and I finally got rid of the oncoming headache I was getting.

"Thank you." I mumbled to the both of them. I scanned the room and saw the aftermath.

Bodies of Shadow Knights and even a couple of Warriors were on the ground. I could only pray those Warriors were unconscious.

A good lot of them were heavily injured. It was a miracle Kyle and I got out looking like we did.

"You're not from here." A voice from behind me said. I spun around and was met by a pair of golden eyes.

Ah, so that's why they call her that.

"Second-in," I nodded my head respectfully.

"Goldeneye actually," She smirked. I wondered how she managed to do this without a scratch. "But you can call me gold." (A/N: And no, this isn't Gold like ItsFunneh and Gold. This is someone else.) "Now, would you mind telling me who you might be?"

"Oh!" I straightened, adjusting my hood. "Agent Phoenix." She faltered.

"Phoenix?" Gold asked. "You mean as in.." Coughing, she turned to signal someone over. "Hawk!" She called out to a guy who came over to us. "This is Hawkeye-"

"So you're matching." I chuckled, crossing my arms. I could picture her glaring at me before sighing.

"But you can call him Hawk. Where do you need to go?" She asked.


"She's with me, we need to speak to the Commanders." Kyle came up behind me, hands in his pockets. He was covered in bruises and his eye was swollen shut, but he still smirked.

"For what purpose?" Hawk finally spoke.

"We're here on behalf of the DIVINE." I said. "It's important, I'm not sure if it would be classified, considering everything, but I'd rather not tell anyone until I'm sure I can," He nodded in understanding.

"Alright, this way then."

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