Harmonize | niam au sequel |

By twinkiepayne

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" You're a pain, you know that right?" " Of course I know that. I like pushing your buttons." ~*~*~ The... More

last author's note :(


237 11 8
By twinkiepayne

Drew just wanted to sleep at this point. Today made him want to die.

All throughout the day, people gave Drew dirty looks and called him an asshole. They only did this because of the situation with Sophia. Drew knew it would bite him back in the ass.

He was tired of it. Everyone was pushing Drew to the end. But when he got to practice, his world became a little better. Football practice always made him happy.

It was after practice, and Drew was finally driving himself home. He couldn't wait to collapse in his bed from a long day of assholes.

Drew parks his car in the driveway and stops his car. He gets out of his car and grabs his bag. He locks his car and walks into the house through the garage.

But when he walked into the house, he was not expecting his dad's to be fighting.

" You're a fucking arsehole!"

" Thanks! I try my fucking best!"

Niall and Liam were arguing upstairs in their bathroom. Drew decided to stay downstairs because he wasn't about to get involved with all that fighting. Drew hates people fighting and he blames the fighting excuse for how his first years of life went.

" God, why did I ever like you? You never take care of me!" Niall screams.

" I can't even take care of myself! How the fuck am I supposed to take care of you?!" Liam wails.

" You're the reason why we could never have another kid!" Niall yells.

" I'm not the fucking reason! You are the fucker who can't even get pregnant!" Liam yells.

" Bitch, I can get pregnant! It's just my body can't handle the fucking pregnancy and I get so fucking stressed because of you!" Niall shouts. Drew felt tears spring to his eyes. He hates fights, he hates people fighting. He can't handle it. Which is weird to why he picks on Brendon when he can't handle fighting.

Drew places his back against the wall and slid down it. He shoved his face into his knees and bawled his eyes out. All he could hear were his parents bickering at each other. He was going to have an anxiety attack soon if he continued to listen to them.

I'm supposed to be the strong one, I can't be crying, Drew thought. Drew shook his head. It's too late.

Drew may have been really young when Niall was dating Jace, but he remembers the yelling Jace did to his father. It was awful for him and Jace was the reason why he hates people yelling and fighting. The way his parents are yelling at each other, reminds him the reason to why he hates arguing.

Times like this, when the parents are fighting, Brendon was the stronger one out of the two. He was always there for Drew because he knew what would happen. Brendon always had a way to comfort him no matter what.

Drew may seem all tough on the outside, but he's got his dark sides too. No one knows because he does his damn best to hide them. Brendon only figured this side of Drew out recently.

So Drew doesn't know what to do without Brendon. One of his dad's have to pick Brendon up later from practice and Drew can't deal with later. He needs someone now.

For the time being, Drew sat up against the wall crying his eyes out, listening to his dad's argue. This day happens to probably be one of the worst days of his life.

Then Drew got an idea. What if he called and talked to Sage? Sage was close enough to being Brendon. She was basically a sister to Drew.

Drew was going to do it. Drew pulls out his phone and looks for Sage's contact. He pulls it up and calls her. He places his phone to his ear. He bit his lip hoping Sage will answer. She's not at practice so she should answer, right?

" DJ?" Sage answers. Drew felt relieved when she answered.

" Hi Sage. Are you home right now?" Drew says. Drew cringed when he heard his dad yell," Suck my fucking dick!"

" Yeah, I'm home, but it's only me and my brothers. Why?" Sage says. Drew quickly stands up and walks out of the garage door, ignoring his parents threats to each other. He walks to his car and unlocks it. He quickly gets in and starts the car.

" Because I need someone to talk to. I'm on my way over." Drew says.

" Wait DJ, I don't think-"

" Bye Sage. Talk to you soon." Drew says and quickly hanging up. He puts his phone in the seat next to him and drives away.

At the Tomlinson household, Sage sat in the family room confused. Larry was the only one with her, and Mason and Grayson were in the den playing video games. Larry looks at her weird.

" What did DJ want?" Larry asks. Sage looks at her brother.

" He's kinda coming over for some odd reason." Sage says.

" But why? Our dad's aren't home." Larry says.

" I don't know, but we'll find out when he gets here." Sage says.

As Drew was driving to the Tomlinson household, he couldn't help but think about his parents arguing. He starts crying some more. Why were his parents fighting? There was nothing to fight about unless there's things that Drew didn't know about.

Drew parks his car on the street once he gets to the Tomlinson house. He stops his car and gets out. He locks his car and walks to the front door. He rings the doorbell and he hears shuffling behind the door. The door swings open and Mason looks at Drew confused.

" DJ, why are you here? And why are you crying?" Mason asks. Sage quickly shows up next to Mason.

" That's none of your business." Sage says. She looks at Drew," Come in."

Drew walks inside and slips his shoes off. At this point, the other Tomlinson's gathered around Sage and Drew. Sage looks at Drew.

" We can go talk in my room." Sage says.

" Sage, you can't have boys over when dad and papa aren't home and they can't be in your room." Grayson says. Sage looks at Grayson.

" It's just DJ. He doesn't even count as a boy." Sage says.

" Well thanks Sage." Drew says. She gives him an apologetic look.

" We're gonna tell dad and papa when they get home." Mason says.

" Knock it off boys. I'm doing something nice for a friend." Sage says. She looks at Drew again," You can go up there." Drew nods his head and walks upstairs. Sage looks at her brothers again.

" You guys need to shut up. There's obviously something wrong with him and he called me to help, so that's what I plan to do. Stop questioning it." Sage says. The three boys quiet down.

" Maybe you just want to show him your-"

" Mason! Shut up!" Sage says. The three boys snicker and Sage rolls her eyes. She walks upstairs and to her room. She found Drew laying on her bed. She walks into her room and sits down next to Drew.

" Sage, there's a reason why I called you." Drew says. Sage looks at him weird.

" Why did you?" Sage asks. Drew gets tears in his eyes.

" No one knows this about me, but I hate when people fight. The arguing gets to me and I lose my mind. So when I came home from practice today, my dad's were arguing and I had to sit there and listen to it. I don't like handling it by myself, and Brendon is always there for me so I don't have to. He wasn't today and I didn't know what to do. I was so close to having an anxiety attack and then I thought about you. I thought maybe you could calm me down. So I called you and I'm here now telling you why I called you." Drew says. He wipes his tears away. Sage felt bad for Drew.

" I didn't know that about you." Sage says.

" It's okay. A lot of people don't know a lot about me." Drew says.

" Which I don't understand why I didn't know because we're basically family." Sage says. Drew sits up on his elbow and looks at Sage.

" My family doesn't know a lot about me." Drew says. Sage started to play with her fingers.

" Can I ask why your parents were fighting?" Sage asks. She lifts her bright sea-green eyes to meet with Drew's clear blue eyes. Drew brushes his hair out with his fingers.

" To be honest Sage, I'm not really sure. I tried to tune out all the arguing, but what I could hear of, it seems like my dad's are talking about having another kid." Drew says. Sage drops her mouth a little in shock.

" You can't be serious." Sage says.

" I wish I wasn't." Drew says.

" Are they really going to have another kid?" Sage asks.

" I think so. But I can't be so sure." Drew says," Sage, can we stop talking about my parents?"

" I'm sorry. Yes we can," Sage says," So, how was your day?"

" To be completely honest with you, I had probably one of the worst days of my life." Drew says. Sage looks at him with sad eyes.

" It was that bad? What happened?" Sage asks.

" Brendon probably told you, but I broke up with a girl because all we did was argue, which again hurt me on the inside. I hate to tell you this, but I used her for sex. Call me a dick I know. So when I came to school today everyone was calling me rude names because they knew what happened between us. I should've been okay with it since I did do the wrong thing, but I wasn't. The words got to me so I cried in the bathroom a little during lunch, which is weird because usually words never get to me. Although practice was good. And then you know the whole parents arguing thing." Drew says," So yeah, my day was complete shit."

Sage started playing with her fingers. She didn't know Drew was so hurt.

" I'm sorry to hear that." Sage says.

" Don't worry about it. Me being a dick had its consequences." Drew says. Sage couldn't help but notice his bright blue eyes. She fell in love with those eyes for as long as she could remember. And that's when Sage was gonna tell Drew who he really was to her

Until she heard her parents come home. And because of how thin their walls are in the house, she heard her brother's nark on her.

" Sage! DJ! Get your arses down here right now!" Harry yells. Sage let's out an angry groan.

" God, I fucking hate my brothers." Sage says. Drew let's out a laugh. The two stand up and walk out of her room. They walk downstairs and to the kitchen where her angry parents were standing, and her brothers standing in front of them with smug looks on their faces.

" Can you tell me why DJ is over?" Harry asks.

" He came over because he-"

" I came over because I had girl trouble and I didn't know what to do, so I wanted to get perspective from a girl and the only girl I know is your daughter." Drew says. Louis and Harry narrow their eyes at the two of them. Harry could tell Drew was lying, but he didn't know any better.

" Well... Alright, fine. I'm okay with it for now, but Sage, ask permission first." Harry says.

" He's just DJ. There's nothing to worry about." Sage says.

" Alright DJ, I think it's time for you to go home." Louis says. Drew smiles at his Uncles.

" Okay. Thank you guys for having me, even without your permission." Drew says. Drew looks at Sage," Sage, can you walk me out?" She nods her head.

The two walk to the front door. Drew slips his shoes on as Sage opens the door. Sage and Drew look at each other. Drew smiles at Sage and then proceeds to kiss Sage on her cheek. Sage stood there surprised that Drew was actually kissing her cheek. She felt like she was in a dream. Drew pulled back and looks back at Sage.

" Thanks for having me come over and just talk with me. It means a lot." Drew says. Sage starts blushing because she could still feel Drew's lips on her cheek.

" You're welcome, DJ. I'm glad I was here for you." Sage says. Drew smiles. He opens the door and walks out to his car. He gets in his car and sat in the drivers seat for a second, thinking. Then he started his car and drove back home.

And Drew thought about how adorable Sage was the whole way back home.


What is up my dudes? How was this chapter??

I wanted to put Drew and Sage interacting together because something big is going to happen between the two and y'all won't be ready for it.

Alright, I got nothing else better to say so...

Thank you guys so much for everything. Please vote for this chapter. I love you all.


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