
By hueofhufflepuff

3K 158 55

Four girls, dramatic lives. Kelsey isn't having the best year. Getting bullied at school and having a secret... More

Chapter 6: The secret is revealed
Chapter 7: flying high
Chapter 8: suprise!
Chapter 9: What A Stalker!
Chapter ten: busted!
Chapter 11: New York New york
Chapter 12: Train ride
Chapter 13: Six cold hours of school
Chapter 14: truth comes out
Chapter 16: moms house
Chapter 17: fun projects
Chapter 18: truth or dare?
Chapter 19: the talk
Chapter 20: memories
Chapter 21: he likes me, he likes me not
Chapter 22: dating again
Chapter 23: Jason Bradley everwhere
Chapter 24: fun times
Chapter 25: the tree house
Chapter 26: a walk around the park
Chapter 27: attack
chapter 28: fireworks.
chapter 29: It's on (Part 1)
Chapter 30: It's on (part 2)
Chapter 31: I hope you're happy
Chapter 32: secrets are exposed
Chapter 33: decisions
Chapter 34: Poor me
Chapter 35: Boyfriend Land
Chapter 36: If Only
Chapter 37: Valentines Dance

Chapter 15: awkward...

118 4 5
By hueofhufflepuff

-Ashley POV.-

Well, to start things off, I did not have a good day...Kelsey ditched me and left me with over talkative Margo. She would not shut up! Like in English she would talk to me when I was- well you get the point.

But then, Laney and her friends came up to me and started talking to me. "You seem cool!" Meya squealed. "Sit with us at lunch!" Laney said. "Um..." I say looking back on Margo and Kelsey. Why would Kelsey care right she ditched me in the first place. It would be awkward for me if I just kept following them around. "Sure!" "What's your number?" Jackie, Meya and Laney asked in unison. "454-9234." I reply. The bell rings. Time to go to drama. I think


~9:15 5 minutes before b period~

"Ashley, what do you think of Jordan Mel?" Kelsey whisper. "It's good." I reply. "Laney, Jackie and Meya want me to hang out with them." I remark. "Cool!" Kelsey squeals. We giggle. "Come on! Time for drama!" "Oh shit! I forgot something in my locker. Be right back." I spin on my heal and run to my locker.

I begin putting in my locker combo. 12 38 10. It doesn't open. Crap. I think. My sweaty hands try again. "Well, well well." Says a deep voice from behind me. I stop. I slowly open up my locker. "Looks like we have a new student." He says flirtatiously. He smacks my butt. I turn around. "What the hell!" I shriek. "Oh, come on. You know you want me, Jason Bradley." Jason says. "No I don't." I say. I slap him hard across the face. He falls to the ground. I rush back to my locker and grab my jacket and notebook and run toward drama. "This isn't over!" Jason calls after me. "What's your name?" He jumps in my way. "Ashley Green. Now move before I smack you again." I threaten. The bell rings. "Ashley Green? Pretty name for a girl like you." He steps closer. I punch him in the balls. He screams and tries to run but I run all the way toward drama. "This isn't over!" He calls once again. "In your dreams." I call back. I close the door and sit down.

"Class I will partner you up and you will work on the neutral scene I provided for you in your folders." Mr. Allen explains. "Sophie and Ranea, Mike and Luke, Sarah and Tomas, Kelsey and Ashley..." He continues. Kelsey and I exchange a smile. "Lastly, Miranda and Alex. Now begin." Everyone begins talking. "Why were you late?" Kelsey asked. "I was late cause..." I think. "Cause what?" Kelsey urges. I lower my head and whisper. "This guy Jason Bradley, flirted with me and smacked my butt. He tried to lean in but I smacked in the face. Then he got in my way and asked what my name was and-" "He WHAT?!" Kelsey shrieks. "Shhh!" Sarah says. "Yeah, moving on I told him my name and then he kept flirting and he kept leaning closer to me and the I punched him in the balls and ran all the way back here." I catch my breath. "Where is he?" Kelsey asks. "I dunno." I sigh.


"Ash! Over here!" Laney calls. I smile broadly. I begin walking over. Suddenly I bump into somebody. "Hey watch it!" A girls voice calls. "I-I am sorry." I stutter. The girl turns. "Do you even KNOW who I am?!" The girl glares at me with her ice eyes. "Um...no..." "Well you should." She pushes me out of the way. "Chloe! Over here!" Another girl calls.

Ugh really! Another awkward moment has occurred again.

I barely touch my pasta. "Hey, don't listen to Chloe." Carly reassures. "No it is not that..." I sigh. "I am going to go put this away." I say. "Oh! Okay." Laney says. "I will come with you." Meya says. "Awesome!" I shout. We dump our pasta into composting. "I am going to the bathroom." I say to Meya. "I have to go to." She replies. "Let's go!" We hook hands and walk to the bathroom.

We walk towards the girls bathroom. Then I see Jason Bradley out of the corner of my eye. "Say I am Claire." I whisper to Meya. "What? Why?" "Just do it." "Okay..." We turn and we bump into Jason.

"Hi Ashley. We meet again." He glares at Meya. "Roxter." "Bradley." Meya glares back. "Don't look at her babe. We have things to discuss." What do I do? I give Meya the look. She thinks. I feel Jason's breath on my neck. He leans in for a kiss. I duck. He smashes in to the wall. "I am not your babe." I remark. "Come on Meya! We have to go." "Right." We hook hands again and run off.

~e period Spanish.~

"Bye Meya see you in History!" I call. "Bye Ash see yah!" She calls back. I go into Spanish. "Psst, Ashley." Laney whispers. I smile and slide into the seat next to her. "Hola Clase!" Calls Señora Liza. "Hola!" We all reply. Then, Sophie and Ryan come in giggling. "Ahem!" Says Señora Liza. "Sorry we were late. Long line yah know?" Ryan explains. "Well, nice monologue." Señora Liza remarks

"Thanks." Ryan puts his feet on his desk.


After school, Kelsey runs up to me. "Hey!" "Hey!" "How was Jordan Mel?" "Fabulous!" "Awesome!" The only part that wasn't fun was when you ditched me. Also Jason and Chloe. I think. "Girls! Come on! Let's go home!" Garrett calls. "Coming dad!" Kels calls. "Coming!" I shout.

The car ride was the same as yesterday. Instead though, Kelsey talked about Colby. "Oh! Miranda and Colby need to come over for a history project. Is that okay?" "Yeah." Garrett and I both say. "Great!" Kelsey pulls out her phone. I look out the window. I sigh. Then my phone rings.

Meghan: Hey!!

Ashley: Meghan?! Hey!

Meghan: how's NY?

Ashley: it is good!

The conversation continues. The car suddenly comes to a stop. "We are home!" Kelsey says.



Hey guys! Long chapter I know.

Who's excited for the weekend I am,

Any who next chapter will be next Saturday or Sunday at the Latest!

Have a great dayyy! Bye


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