Agent Phoenix: DIVINE Beginni...

بواسطة OncillaKitten

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Think it was over? Well think again, We're back~! And I thought Disaster was bad enough, this time we have a... المزيد

Reunions Part 1: The assassin
Reunions Part 2: The geek
First Day Back
A/N: Characters Again!
Science fires and Secret notes
Could things get any worse?
They're getting closer
Finding the Lion's den
And So The Plot Thickens
Tell Me
Small Adjustments
Logan Gets me Out of School
Early-morning Disappointments
A/N *says in Ross voice* Another Tag!
Do or Die
Kyle saves the day... (For real, this time)
Crash Landing
You can't swim?
The Gamechanger
Tick Tock...
The Truth about Phoenix High
No Chewing Gum
A Hidden Ally
Date Crashers
Shed and Zed to the Rescue
Who Are You?
Garte's an Idiot and Onci can't think of a chapter name


203 8 18
بواسطة OncillaKitten

Aphmau's POV:

"HEY, HEY, break it up you two!" Mr. Dale grabbed Michi by her shoulders and yanked her back while Mr. Arnold, who was containing Emily, yelled at them.

I closed the doors silently and made my way to John.

"What happened?" I muttered, not taking my eyes off the scene.

"No clues, ones minutes everything is fines, the next's Em's sees her ands they're ons the grounds fightings." He said, using his accent because of the crowd around them.

"Hi! Red, nice to meet ya'." I turned to see Red holding a hand in front of me.

What is he..?

"Hey Jess, I told him since he's new he needs to introduce himself to some people." Emmalyn winked, making me understand.

"Jess," I shook his hand, playing along.

"Barneys," John grinned. As the crowd dispersed, we sat down on the bench at the side, quietly talking.

"Alright, why did she attack Michi," I dropped the act, narrowing my eyes at the cat-girl. "And weren't her eyes yellow?" They widened when I saw in place of her bright yellow cat-like eyes they were now a dark, faded green.

"Contacts, maybe?" Emmalyn suggested.

"Do you guys know where the others are?" Red asked.

"Jin's class is at the far end of the East wing, they'd still be having a lesson." I said.

"Max and Ross have Math, and Adam's got science on the top floor." John explained.

"The only reason we're here is because our class is right outside. Mr. Dale heard the commotion and told us to wait in the class." Emmalyn shrugged.

"But naturally, nobody listened." Red grinned.

"Wait- Mr. Dale is your History teacher?" I turned to them. "I thought he was a Math teacher."

"I thought he was an English teacher." John raised his eyebrow.

"I think he's a lot of things." Red looked past us and I turned.

"Heya," Emily walked to us and sat down next to John. She had a few scratches on face and was holding an ice pack to her forehead, I could just make out a bruise underneath it.

"Emvie, right?" I checked, trying to remember the name she was going to use.

"Yup," She nodded and cracked her knuckles.

"Em, what were you thinking?" Red asked her.

"She deserves it!" She grumbled.

"You don't even know he-"

"Yes I do!" She snapped. By now, we were the only ones in the Gym. The crowd was gone and- since the Gym teacher took Michi to the Principle's office -the students had left, too.

"Emily?" I was concerned. She sighed and groaned, leaning her head against the wall.

"It was just before I came to the Agency.." She began.


I was walking down the road, nobody was there, after all.

I had just gotten an assignment to take out the leader of this gang in Nahakra village..

"Alright, now to the left should be the entrance-" I mumbled, stopping when I heard some commotion. "Great, I got company." Whipping out my pocket knife, I pulled up my hood and settled the bandana around my mouth and nose. I crept along the wall as I peeked past the corner, grip tightening on the weapon when I saw what was happening.

"What's the matter, scared? Nya!" A cat girl wearing a cloth face mask that covered everything but her eyes sneered, a gun in hand. There was someone on the ground, about a year older than me, who was bloody and bruised.

"..Why..?" The guy choked out before coughing, he was slumped against the wall.

"Nya, Michi needs something to do!" The girl shrugged, her eyes twinkling a deadly green."And Michi doesn't get to kill anybody until tomorrow, meaning she doesn't get her diamonds. This is just something to pass the time." She cackled. I angled my wrist and twisted it, sending the pocket knife flying to her. She reacted fast, however, and dodged it, causing the blade to lodge itself into the dumpster behind her. "Agh, just when Michi was having fun!" She growled, aiming her gun for me.

"Who put you up to this?!" I yelled as I took shelter behind a mailbox.

Yes, very smart. I know. Nice one, Em.

The girl, I guess her name was Michi, stopped firing.

"You're here for an assignment, aren't you?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

'Assignment' in this line of work is code for 'Target'. Translation; The person you're supposed to kill.

I came out and glared at her, not really being able to do anything else since my knife was still stuck in the dumpster.

"Hurting innocent people for fun? That's sick." I spat.

"Hurting innocent people for profit? That's business." Michi shrugged innocently as she twirled the gun on her finger.

"I don't harm innocents, unlike you." She observed me before chuckling, her laugh hurt my ears.

"I've heard of you, people call you 'M', don't they?" I nodded and she smirked, at least, from her eyes it looked like she was smirking. "Let's make a deal," Michi slipped the gun into her back pocket. She had a lot of weapons around her belt. Guns, daggers, what looked to be a hand grenade and a Katana.

I could use Katana.

I played along, acting like I was interested as she proposed we team up. I grinned when she mentioned us being unstoppable, when in my head it made me sick.

"Do we have a deal?" I knew what I had to do.

"Deal," I nodded firmly, snickering internally when she didn't notice my fingers crossed behind my back. Michi held out a hand, silently asking me to shake it. I strolled up to her, not showing the slightest fear, and grabbed her hand.

But I also grabbed her arm.

In one swift move, I had her on the ground after being flung over my head.

"You'll die for that!" She shrieked, wasting no time in springing to her feet and pulling out her gun. My eyes scanned the area and instincts kicked in, causing me to do two things without really thinking.

The first was pushing the guy behind the dumpster where he'd hopefully be safe,

And the second was snatching the Katana from it's place it had landed after detaching itself from her belt.

As I charged at her, I deflected one bullet that otherwise would've got me in the shoulder.

I ran at her before something made me stop.

I felt something fly past my cheek. For a second, everything was fine. But then, it stung like hell. I gritted my teeth and held the Katana so tight, my knuckles whitened.

"Oh I'm sorry," Michi faked and apology. "Did you not notice that Michi had two guns, Nya?"

I sidestepped another shot and spun around, bringing the weapon down at her. She moved out of the way and tried to run, but not before having the blade swipe at the back of her neck. It created a clear cut, not too deep but enough to draw some blood.

"NYA!" Michi yelped and pulled out a potion, smashing it into the ground as she was enveloped by a grey cloud. When it died down she was gone.

"Damnit," I grabbed my sleeve and ripped it, using the material to wipe the blood from my cheek.

That's when I found out who the guy was. The one Michi had tried to attack. His name was Kalzul, he was apart of the gang who I was supposed to stop.

"You're a thief!" My eyes widened. He hung his head.

"We're not that bad, you know." Kalzul mumbled. "It's not just a gang, we're all a family. None of us have our real ones, all we've got is each other."

The Thieves Guild...

My eyes widened and I was taken back.

"My assignment.." I muttered. The leader of the Thieves Guild. I froze. "I can't do this." I dropped the katana and huffed.

"Can't do what?"

"Go back to your home, base, whatever you called it." I grumbled, walking to where my pocket knife was and pulling it out of the dumpster. "You should be safe now."

With a quick 'Thank you', he left. Leaving me alone. At least, I thought I was alone.

"Throwing away an assignment on purpose, isn't that dangerous?" A voice asked. I didn't look up to see who it was as I slumped down the wall, sitting with my back leaning against it.

"I don't care." I groaned.

"You're a rouge assassin, why would you help an innocent." The smirk in the boy's voice was clear.

"I don't take innocents as assignments, only criminals."

"The Boss is a criminal, a thief. Why spare her?"

"Because," I sighed, praying this guy would give it a rest and leave. "I don't know.. They're all family, who am I to take that away from them."

"I have a proposal," The guy crouched down next to me but I still refused to look at him, "What if I knew a way for you to be able to stay an assassin? Y'know, the weapons, the kills, the thrill and adventure? Just, without having to do a bunch of odd jobs to get there,"

I straightened.

"I'm listening,"

"Come work for us, the DIVINE."

"An Organization?" I had heard of them, but I didn't know there were real. I thought they were just rumors. "Isn't that.."

"Pretty elite? Yup, but everyone who knows assassins knows you. The infamous M? We'd be lucky to have you on our side,"

"No Commander would ever let me join," I shook my head and got up, pocketing my knife. "Wishful thinking but it's hopeless."

"Maybe not," I finally looked up to see a guy older than me, he had shaggy blonde hair, green eyes and what looked like a permanent smirk on his face. "You haven't met our Commanders. Logan, sure, it'll take some convincing. But he's not in charge."

"Then who is?" I asked. The smirk on his face shifted into a boyish grin,

"You wanna find out?"

"What?" I raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I want to find out, that's why I asked.

"Kyle," He held out a hand and I shook it as he changed the subject.


"The name's Kyle,"

"Emily.." I was still confused.

"Welcome aboard."

"Wait-" I paused. "I never agreed to anything!"

"You said you wanted to find out who the Commander is, only agents can see her. So you agreed, let's go!" Kyle grabbed my arm and dragged me down the sidewalk, I had to run to keep up.

"Here," He tossed me something and I caught it without cutting myself.

It was the Katana. 'Keep it as a souvenir' he said..


"And that's exactly what I did." Em finished. I stared at her, putting the pieces together.

"Your Katana.."

"Yup, it's Michi's." She nodded, brushing some of her hair behind her ear, revealing a white line on the side of your face.

"And the scar..?" Red asked.

"Also Michi." She placed her hands in her lap.

"Does that mean she has a scar on the back of her neck?" John questioned.

"Probably," Emily dragged out the word. "If not, I can fix that." She grinned, mischievously.

"Wait," Emmalyn got our attention. "What does that make Michi?"

"A rouge Assasin." Em sighed.

"Meaning.." Emmalyn asked, already knowing the answer.

With another sigh Emily turned back to face all four of us.

"Meaning she, considering she is not on our side, is helping all our enemies."

"Including Disaster and Demon,"

A/N: So, looks like we now know what was going on before the science fair. Also, this is how the flashback system works. Whoever's POV the flashback is from, even if it's different to the current POV, will switch to that. It'll be in italic and the stars will mark the beginning and end.

Last thing- What did you guys think of Red and Emily being the new agents? I haven't seen any fanfics with Em in it so I wanted to add her in.

Does anyone know why she's an assassin? Cause that's a reference to something,

Next chapter should be the Character profile chapter for the extra info in those two.

And until next time,

I'll cat you guys on the Interweb,


-Onci <3

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