Shape Of You

By blessthekellic

410K 13K 20.9K

Starting university is always hard, and it's much harder when you don't have any friends. Wanting to prove hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - Final
Chapter 28 - Epilogue
New story!!!

Chapter 17

12.1K 361 1.1K
By blessthekellic

"So much I'd...give up everything if you'd ask me to."

I raised an eyebrow, "I wouldn't ever ask you to do that, Haz."

"Even so," He replied, "Anyway, I need to go work my shift tonight, I'll text you later?"

"I'll be waiting."


I chewed my pencil in thought as I tried to think about the answer of a question in a textbook I had. It was a matter of seconds before the answer formulated in my head and I quickly wrote it down, knowing it was right.

Today was a pretty glum day. The skies were grey and it had been previously raining a few days ago, which prolonged to this morning. I quite liked this weather, it made me feel all warm and nice inside. Especially if I had a nice blanket and a warm cup of tea on my hands. Which definitely was the case right now.

I had a test first thing on Monday morning and, annoying enough, that meant spending my free time studying. I hardly had time to visit Harry at work or even go for some dinner at his flat. He did come over a couple of days ago but I had an early class next morning and he left a bit too early for my liking.

For the rest of the week, we heavily relied on texting and calling. It did get irritating sometimes, but it would all be worth it whenever we saw each other and embraced our bodies in a warm, inviting hug.

Anyway, it was nearing the afternoon and I was almost done with studying. I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be, even though I had my warmest blanket wrapped around me, so I decided to ask Harry is he wanted to come over. His shifts were irregular and unpredictable, so I never knew what to expect.

Harry: Soz, I got called into work today x

I sighed as I read out the message but figured there was no point in being upset about it. After all, he really had no choice.

Louis: Alright, text me when you can x

I dropped my phone beside me and leaned back on my chair. I was in the type of mood that I was craving some Harry cuddles, so being all alone right now was the last thing I wanted.

I decided that I had enough studying for the day and got up, still with my blanket wrapped around me, and checked to see if Liam was home to entertain me. I left my room and I saw him sitting on the couch, tying his shoes.

"Where are you going?" I mumbled, dropping my body next to him.

"I was going to the mall to buy a birthday gift for a friend of mine," He explained, "But I guess I'm not going alone after all."

"Howcome?" I asked, propping my head on a cushion.

"You've been stuck here all day and you look quite glum, so you're coming with me." He said, more like it was an order, "I need your opinion on the present anyway."

"Thanks, Liam," I muttered sarcastically, "Who's it for anyway?"

"Sofia, I've told you about her." He said.

"Fine," I grumbled, "At least let me get some clothes on."

"Take your time, Tommo," He smiled, "But hurry, I don't know when the stores close."


"Liiiam..." I groaned, "We've been walking around for ages, when are you going to decide what to get?"

"We've only been here for two hours, Lou, stop complaining," He chuckled, "Besides, I haven't seen anything she might like."

"Why do you care so much? Buy her a shirt, if she doesn't like it, she can always come back here and swap it," I informed. Liam bit his bottom lip and let out a sigh.

"Alright, Tommo. Listen," He started, "I quite fancy this girl and I really want her to like this gift. I don't want her to think I was careless about it either."

My eyes widened in surprise, "You have a crush? Aw, that's so cute!"

Liam's cheeks turned a slight tinted colour in embarassment, "Stop it, Lou. I brought you with me to help me, not embarass me."

"Alright, alright," I raised my hands in defeat, "Don't get your knickers in a twist. My sister, Lottie, is always going on about how she'd love if a boy bought her a bracelet, or somethin'."

"You reckon Sofia would like it?" Liam asked, as if he was seriously considering my suggestion.

"Of course!" I said, "I mean, I don't know her, but go for it!"

Liam squinted his eyes at me, "Alright then, I'll go check out some bracelets. You want to come with?"

"Nah, my feet are starting to ache. I'll just sit on the couches," I said, "Don't take too long."

"No promises, Tommo," He smirked.


Half an hour later and Liam still wasn't back. In the meantime, I had chugged down an entire bottle of water, completely forgetting about the side effects, also known as, 'full bladder'. I didn't want to get up and walk to the dirty restrooms, but then again, I didn't knew how long Liam would take and I was honestly starting to suffer here.

So with a huff, I got up from the public couch and quickly waddled my way to the restrooms. I hardly remembered even walking here but all that was forgotten when I finally got the chance to relieve myself.

After washing my hands and checking if my hair looked alright, I exited the bathrooms and turned my head around, trying to remember which store Liam was in. I don't think he even mentioned where he went, to make things harder, so I decided to go back to the couches and wait around for him.

But my plans turned to a different route when I walked past this one particular store. It was more of a sideways glance that definitely caught my attention. In front of me was none other than Victorias Secret.

I had always thought that girls panties were quite adorable, if I might. I've secretly always wanted a pair, but living in a house filled with girls who would find my admiration quite weird, I haven't gotten the chance to own some. Now that I lived away from them and did my own laundry, I had nothing to lose.

I awkwardly walked inside the store and was feeling a little overwhelmed with the amount of bras and underwear and nightgowns hanging around. I felt out of place here and I could sense women's curious eyes gaze upon me in wonder as to what I was doing here. I knew I definitely wasn't straight and I didn't know if that was obvious enough, so even though I haven't spoken a word to anyone in this store, I couldn't help but think that everyone inside knew I was about to purchase a pair for myself.

I shook the thoughts away from my head and wandered to the first rack I saw. It was filled with bras of different kinds and if I didn't look awkward before, then I certainly did now.

"Do you need any help, sir?" A woman said from beside me. I didn't know she was there so I jumped a little in fright. She seemed to be around my age and had her blonde hair in a tight pony tail. Her makeup was a little overdone but she still looked alright. She stared at me expectantly with a polite smile on her face and I felt my cheeks redden.

"Oh! Uh, no-no, thank you," I stuttered. The woman raised here eyebrow in curiosity, but alas, she smiled again and nodded her head.

"Alright, I'll be here if you need me," She said and walked away to help some other disoriented customer.

My heart was still racing from the fright she gave me and I waddled my way to where the underwear was. Now, walking inside the store, I was fairly confident that I knew all the different types of underwear. In between thongs and large knickers, my house back at Doncaster had them all.

I wasn't expecting this store to have so many different variations and patterns and whatnots, so looking around, I felt clueless. I had no idea what I even wanted! Did I want something a bit larger or tighter? Did I want a thong? Having all this freedom was exciting, yet way more difficult than I bloody expected.

I was probably staring at the different assortments for more than I wanted, but I was glad I did because out of the corner of my eyes, I spotted the most beautiful pair of underwear. Laying there, with pretty polka dots and a black bow on the front, were the panties I knew were meant to be mine. They were a beautiful shade of pink and had lace details on the front. I quickly searched for ones in my size and waddled over to the cash register, ready to leave with my cute new undies.

The bored looking woman scanned the tag and put the underwear in an obnoxious bright pink bag and I gave her my card to pay for them. It was thankfully a pretty quick transaction and when I left the store, I prayed no one would recognize me.

As I walked to where the couched were, I saw Liam standing there, looking around and clutching his phone tightly. I knew he was about to call me and when he saw me walking to him, he shoved his phone into his pocket and curiously glanced at the shopping bag I had on my wrist.

"What's in the bag, Lou?" He smirked knowingly.

"It's none of your business," I blushed.

He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we started to walk to the car park, "Harry's a lucky man, Lou."

"Oh, just shut up," I groaned and for a minute, I regretted even walking into that store. But when I remembered how cute the pair was, all those negative thoughts left my head and I had to endure the next half hour of Liam teasing me while we were unfortunately stuck in traffic.


Lately, not seeing Harry as often as I did was starting to mess with my head. I hadn't seen him yesterday and we barely even talked today and I was cursing myself for being so clingy.

The truth was, I was starting to get frustrated. Not only with our busy schedules but...sexually frustrated. We already had done a couple of things together and I felt like I was ready to have sex with him. It was practically impossible not to lust over him and I decided that enough was enough.

It was well into the afternoon and I made my way to Harry's flat, wearing a little something new that might make his eyes go wide and jaw go slack. I wore a pretty casual outfit, some black sweatpants and one of Harry's large jumpers that looked massive on me. No one would suspect I had the prettiest pair of panties on and that made everything more exciting for me.

When I got to his flat, the door was already opened, for some reason, so I quickly slid inside and felt my heart race as I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to his floor. I was jittery and nervous and practically skipped my way to Harry's front door after the elevator doors opened.

I knocked on the door, yet after a couple of minutes of waiting, I concluded Harry wasn't home. I figured he was still at work or simply running errands but that was no problem for me. I crouched down and lifted the welcome mat, revealing the shiny silver key to his front door. I grabbed it, mentally rolling my eyes over how predictable Harry was, yet I still liked him nonetheless.

I opened the door, revealing Harry's dark and empty flat. I switched on the lights and the room illuminated enough for me to tell Harry hasn't been here for a good couple of hours. Everything was neat and tidy and I smiled fondly at how clean Harry liked his flat to be. I wasn't the messiest person around (okay, maybe a little), so it was quite funny to see the contrast between Harry and I.

Since I had time to spare, since I didn't know where Harry even was, I decided to start my plan of romanticizing his flat. I'm sure Harry had a couple of candles laying around, all I had to do was find them.

So in less than half an hour, I had found his loose candles and a pink lighter, which was on top of a pack of cigarettes I didn't even know he had, and I carefully placed them around his flat to set that romantic mood. I was quite proud of myself for managing to pull this off, which led to the final part of my plan. I slipped out of my sweats and jumper, which even after going to the wash a couple of times, still smelt like Harry, only to be covered by my pink panties. They really didn't leave much to imagination, which I'm sure would drive Harry crazy.

I felt really naughty being alone in Harrys' flat in just my underwear. It was quite the feeling and I felt a rush of excitement wave through my veins. I was fantasizing all sorts of scenarios, and when I finally heard the sound of some keys rattle in the lock, I quickly skipped to his couch and sat there in what I imagines was a sexy pose, even though I felt quite awkward.

The door opened and I felt the smile wipe off my face when I heard some mindless laughing in the darkness and when the lights lit up, I let out an embarrassing shout. Standing next to Harry was a guy I had met only a handful of times, who had on a surprised look on his face. I quickly scrambled to grab the nearest pillow and covered my body the best I could.

"Lou?" Harry's eyes widened, "What are you doing here?"

Niall, who was standing next to him, shot Harry a questioning glance, "You didn't tell me Louis was here. I thought you had the place to yourself tonight?"

"I...uh. Surprise?" I tried. I cringed at how embarrassing this whole situation was and I was so confused as to what the hell Niall was doing here, next to Harry. And what did he mean by Harry having the place for himself tonight?

"Oh my God," Harry let out a nervous chuckle, "Alright Louis, stay put. I'll grab you a robe...or something."

If I wasn't embarrassed before, then I sure as hell was now. I was being left alone with one of Harry's mates while hiding my practically naked body behind a pillow, and this was not how I imagined tonight was going to be.

"If it's any consolation, Louis," Niall politely smiled, "You look adorable."

"I, uh...thank you?" I said, absolutely mortified.

I didn't know if it was just me, but I felt the tension in the air so bloody awkward. No one was saying anything and I was just about ready to die on the spot. I didn't know what was taking Harry so long, he literally had plenty bathrobes hanging in his bathroom wall.

"I think it's best if I go," Niall chuckled to himself when Harry came back and awkwardly handed me the robe, "I'm quite knackered, I think I might head off to my flat."

"Do you want a ride?" Harry asked him.

He shook her head and smiled, "Not at all, I'll be fine. We'll talk tomorrow then, have a great night."

"Love you too, Niall," Harry rolled his eyes and opened the front door for him before he excused himself out of the flat, leaving me in an equally awkward position as before. Harry and I stared at each other for a minutes before the curly haired twat burst into a fit of laughter. I groaned and tried to smack him with my pillow, but he was quick to dodge them. When his laughter died down, he sat down next to me and eyed me up and down.

"What's this all about?" He asked, referring to my lack of clothes under my comfy purple robe.

"I wanted to surprise you, s'all," I mumbled. God, I was so incredibly embarrassed...

Harry smiled fondly, "Well, you did surprise me alright. You look beautiful."

"Oh, shut up," I crossed my arms over my chest, "I feel like and idiot...I just wanted to surprise you because we haven't seen each other in a couple of days and it completely backfired."

"I loved the surprise, Lou. Honestly," He replied, "I just forgot to tell you Niall and I were spending the day together. That's why I've been so busy lately."

"Don't you see him at work all the time?" I frowned in curiosity, and maybe a little jealously.

"Yeah, but we haven't been spending time together as best mates. We've been so uptight and stressed around each other that we thought spending the day outside of that environment would be best for us."

"Oh, I understand," I said, "I just can't believe Niall saw me in my knickers!" I hid my face with my palms. Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulders and cuddled me into his chest.

"I'm sorry, Lou," He smiled, "I promise next time you'll have more clothes."

I groaned and shoved his chest a little, which earnt me a laugh from my older boyfriend.

" want to show me the surprise?" Harry smirked.

"In your dreams," I muttered, and instead of spending the night tangled in Harry's bedsheets after a round of...showing how much we like each other, we cuddled on the couch until we were too tired to keep our eyelids open.


A/N: Yikes!!! What a chapter!! So I'm slowly starting to get back to my routine of drawing and writing (finally) and honestly guys, thank fuck I pre-write!! I'm so shitty when it comes to writing along the way I honestly don't know how people can do that without feeling pressured or smth I really do admire them.

Anyways!! What's your favorite larry?? I'm a slut for top!harry and bottom!louis, for some reason I can't stand reading toplouis and bottomharry idk why I just hate reading that, and I think my favorite is All I want or Baby, Heavens in your eyes!! Buuut I only put the best™ stories on my reading lists so please do check them out! :)

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