Dangan Ronpa Minecraft...Fina...

By BeccaWise4

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They begged. They cried. They pleaded. They even threatened (which creeps me out a little). They want a seque... More

Before You Begin....
Prologue - The Return
Chapter 1 - Oops Doesn't Even Begin To Cover It....
Chapter 2 - What The Huh The Flip Is Going On?!!?
Chapter 3 - When Stories Collide
Chapter 4 - Being The Offensive Ninjas They Were Meant To Be
Chapter 5 - Show-And-Tell And Suiting Up For Le Battle!
Chapter 6 - Let's Make The Author's Job Harder!
Chapter 7 - Her Worst Fear
Chapter 8 - 2 Sea dogs, A Dinosaur, And Another 1/2 Dinosaur...And Some Humans
Chapter 9 - The Misfit...Murderers?
Chapter 10 - Wings Of Regret! ...Crane From Kung Fu Panda 3 Anyone?
Chapter 11 - When Time Rates Don't Coincide And You Just Go With It T_T
Chapter 12 - Well...That's...One Way To Go....
Chapter 14 - *Quietly Eating Breakfast* OH MAI GOD SO MANY VOICES
Chapter 15 - ilbarker's Rage
Chapter 16 - The Sea Shall Feast Tonight....
Chapter 17 - Paranoia To The Extreme
Chapter 18 - And...We're Off!
Chapter 19 - The Evil Within
Chapter 20 - Not What They Seemed....
Chapter 21 - We're Getting WHAT?!
Chapter 22 - The Search For ilbarker
Chapter 23 - Over The Lands And Through The Forest To Becca's Castle We Go!
Chapter 24 - $#(@ERROR#(*&
Chapter 25 - Slowly But Surely....
Chapter 26 - Skippin' Time Like A Boss!
Chapter 27 - The Revelation Of elbarker....
Chapter 28 - BeccaWise4? More Like BeccaKeller4....
Chapter 29 - Another Friend In A Coma....
Chapter 30 - Side-Quest Preparation And Learning
Chapter 31 - It All Seemed Too Easy....
Chapter 32 - The Guilt Of Choosing
Chapter 33 - The Kingsfang (Falchion)
Chapter 34 - The New God? Of The Nether
Chapter 35 - Back To The Castle
Chapter 36 - A Shocking Request
Chapter 36.5 - Friendship DENIED
Chapter 37 - HELP!!!
Chapter 38 - You're Wrong, Herobrine....
Epilogue - Goodbye...For Now....
Area For Notes

Chapter 13 - Identical Imposters

77 6 70
By BeccaWise4

Object's POV


This is...severely unexpected....

"Q-Quentin?" I said in surprise.

He raised an eyebrow. "So...you bothered to look more into me once I escaped you, huh?"

"Es-Escaped us? What in the world do you mean?"

He glared at us. "Stop playing dumb. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

I sighed angrily. "Ok, this is way too freaking cliché. I'm acting, I'm supposed to know what you're talking about, blah, blah, blah. I don't flipping know ANYTHING. All I know is that we appear in a forest, Cassia's injured, I try to find help and everyone freaks out saying I'm a murderer, and then we get put in custody!"

Quentin just watched me vent. "I recognize her from somewhere.... I did before, but...where have I seen her before...?" He muttered as he looked at Cassia. She stared back, emotionless.

"She was at Becca's execution." I said simply.

Quentin seemed taken aback. "How would you know?!"

"Uhh...I, uh, read it...."

Quentin sighed heavily. "Ugh, please, enough of the fourth-wall-breaking shiz...."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, there really isn't a fourth wall here, Quentin. Or maybe there is in some way. But not the usual. Maybe...?"

I looked out.

"Oh, hi, Becca-from-the-real-world!"

Her eyes widened as she was typing on the computer. "Object, please, don't do dis! Look away! This is not meant for your eyes! "

I giggled as I stopped looking out.

"Anyways...seriously, though, what is going on around here? How in the world are we murderers?"

Quentin narrowed his eyes at us before sighing, sitting in the chair across from us. "About a week ago, these murders started happening out of nowhere. Half a dozen people were killed in just 2 days. I went out to investigate when I got jumped by...well, you guys."

"But...we weren't even HERE a week ago! ...Were we? No, I don't think so." I rambled.

"Either way, I found myself in a cage underground. You guys were chatting about who knows what when you saw me awake. You...uh, I don't know your names...."

"I'm Object and this is Cassia. Seriously, can you take that thing off her?"

"Yeah...no. Rather not get burned."

"So...the Cassia you saw also breathed fire...."

"Anyways, you grabbed me, Object, and dragged me out. You then pulled out a knife and nearly stabbed me. I just fought back with some moves I've been learning and got away...barely. The murders seemed to increase after that. So far, we've had about 30 people killed by you guys. Though...I guess that number won't be increasing anymore." He finished with a smirk.

I glared at him. "Seriously?! I just flipping told you, we don't know anything! Or, uh, now we do, but we didn't kill anyone! Well, me and Cassia killed a few pigmen back at the castle...but we've never killed an actual person!"

"I humored you in telling you what's been happening. You cannot actually believe that I'd believe a couple of murderers that they didn't murder anyone."

Cassia growled angrily. I think she was getting fed up with this.

"Cassia...." I warned.

She looked at me, and we shared a silent but understandable conversation.

Don't. Give them any reasons to think we actually are murderers.

She sighed and looked away.

"What the heck is it gonna take to show you that we aren't the murderers?"

Quentin seemed to think for a moment. "Well, if we execute you and the murders stop, then it was you. If they don't stop, then we know it wasn't you."

I LITERALLY would've facepalmed if I could. "What the crap is this, Salem witch trials?! Killing us won't solve ANYTHING. PLEASE tell me you have a better idea!"

Quentin was silently staring at us. He then stood up without a word and left the room, leaving us with the 3 guards.

"Uhh.... I really hope that's him finding another idea...." I muttered.

Cassia sighed again, looking at me. I looked back and saw sadness and fear in her eyes.

"Yeah...I feel you. Uh, in a way."

Cassia seemed to laugh a bit.

I smiled and laid my head back, looking at the ceiling.

Suddenly very boooored....

The door opened again, revealing Quentin with some weird cloaked people.

I looked at him in confusion before one of the cloaked people pointed their hands at me.

Everything literally just went dark after that.



This is gonna become a constant thing, isn't it...?

I opened my eyes to see myself laying face-down on the ground.

I tried propping myself up, but I just fell over again.

Ok, can't move my arms in front of me....

I used my knees instead and pushed myself into a kneeling position, coughing slightly.

I shook my head and looked around.

There were, like, 10 armed people around us as we were next to the forest I had come out of.

"Nice of you to wake up...though thissssss issssssn't a very pleassssssant ssssssituation...."

I looked over to see Cassia also on the ground next to me on her knees. Chains were wrapped up her arms to halfway above her elbow, but her mouth wasn't covered anymore. I looked behind me to see the same.

Geez, were we really THAT bad?!

Also behind me was Quentin holding onto the end of the chain.

Ok, that's just adding insult to injury. I'm not a fridging dog!

Some other person held a chain connected to Cassia.

"Seriously...?" I muttered.

Quentin walked up to me and grabbed my shoulder, yanking me to my feet. I yelped in surprise.

"You're lucky I'm not just killing you both now. We're going to where you were staying. If...well, YOU'RE there but also here, then...we'll discuss that later. If you're not there...you're smart."

He then looked at Cassia. "And if you try to use your fire against us, these people have orders to shoot you."

Cassia rolled her eyes as she stood up on her own. "Yeah, yeah. Geez. Paranoid much?"

"Well, Cassia, to be honest, if...some kind of clone of us has killed 30 of their people, then they have every right to be paranoid." I sighed. "And Quentin, bit of a problem there. We don't know where this site is."

Quentin narrowed his eyes but sighed heavily. "Just walk. We'll get there."

I looked at Cassia to see concern in her eyes.

I hung my head slightly and just started walking.

Everyone walked around or behind us. The air was extremely thick with tension. Like, so thick that if the tension was turned into food, it could probably feed the whole city.

We walked in mostly silence for a while. The sun was shining above us, though it was slightly shaded due to the trees.

After a while, we got to a small clearing with a small cave entrance.

I paused unintentionally, but apparently so did everyone else.

"Is this it?" I asked.

"Yeah...." Quentin muttered. "You guys go check out the cave. The others, look around."

Me and Cassia watched as the men dispersed, looking around the place, their guns and bows out and loaded.

That left me, Cassia, Quentin, and that man holding onto Cassia's chain.

I looked around, not seeing much movement besides the men.

Then...there were yells and bursts of lights in the cave area.

I took a step back in surprise as one man ran from the cave, only to get pounced on by...CASSIA?!

Cassia was standing right next to me, though!

But...that other Cassia was LITERALLY the exact same looking as Cassia herself.

The other Cassia laughed a horrid laugh and breathed fire on the man.

I looked away as the man's yells died away.

"Oh my God...." Cassia said quietly.

The men who were scouring the area turned to advance on the other Cassia, but 4 arrows shot from the trees, fitting themselves into either skulls or chests.

The last man froze in horror at all the dead men around him. A figure then jumped out of the tree, landing on him and stabbing him in the head with a small dagger.

Holy mother of Caleb...I'd recognize that blue hair anywhere....

That was me....

But not me....

Quentin and the other man let go of our chains, pulling out weapons of their own.

Cassia quickly came over, getting the chains off me, then I got hers off.

Quentin and the man didn't seem the least bit concerned about us as they were our imposters.

Our imposters looked at us and grinned evilly.

The man shot a gun at the other Cassia, but she easily dodged it and continued towards us like nothing happened.

The other Cassia suddenly ran around us, dodging the gunfire from the man and returning some fire of her own.

Let's just say...screams from the man clearly didn't mean anything good....

The other Object dodged the arrow shot by Quentin and whacked the bow out of his hand, leaving us nearly completely defenseless.

"Hmph...seems our little plan didn't work...." The evil Object sneered.

"What plan?! To get us killed?!" I exclaimed.

She laughed evilly. "Why, of course! Our lord sent us here! Lord Herobrine!"

Da fudge?

How could he have known...?


The circled around us, evil Object with her daggers and evil Cassia with a smirk. Clearly, her fire was ready to be released.

"Ugh, this is boooooring! Too easy! 'Sides, we got our kills for the day, didn't we, Cassia?"

Evil Cassia laughed. "Yessssss. Indeed. Thissssss doessssss sssssseem a bit...boring to kill them here. I want more of a game."

Evil Object grinned and stopped in front of us, evil Cassia stopping beside her. "Why don't you 3 run along and come back with more of a challenge, hmm? This has been so boring."

Both me and Cassia looked at them and then at Quentin.

"Yeah...lez make like a freaking librarian and book it!" Cassia exclaimed, turning and running back the way we came.

I took a few steps back, watching them closely. I then turned and grabbed Quentin's arm. "Let's get outta here."

He nodded and we both ran away from the laughter of mine and Cassia's evil imposters.

After a bit, we finally got back to the edge of the forest. Cassia was waiting there. She seemed a bit winded, but she seemed fine otherwise. "Where do we go now?"

Quentin paused for a moment. "Follow me. We'll go to my place."

We nodded and followed him a bit.

He led us to that apartment building I had seen before where the people freaked out. There were still people there, and they, too, freaked out when they saw us.

Quentin held up a hand. "Don't worry, they're not the bad ones." He said simply before going into the apartment building.

The people watched us warily as we followed behind Quentin into the building.

We quietly climbed the stairs until we reached the top floor with a single room. It had a nice view of the city.

"Does this city have a name?" I asked randomly.

"Flora City." He answered as he sat on a chair, looking exhausted. "Sorry about all that...."

"No. Don't apologize. You did what you believed was best and, to be honest, I probably would've done the same thing." I interrupted him.

"But...what now? How do we sssssstop them?" Cassia asked quietly as she sat down on a chair.

I sat on a chair, as well, thinking.

"Do you guys have any friends? Maybe you could call them...." Quentin suggested.

I shook my head. "I don't even know if any of the others are alive.... Except...."

I facepalmed. "Oh my gosh, I'm so stupid! We forgot about Becca!"

Quentin jolted at the name. "Wait, what?"

"Don't ask, freakishly long story. But yeah, she's alive. And...uh...we've been able to contact her for a while.... I just forgot about it...."

"Ssssssame here, Object." Cassia chuckled.

We both tapped our right ears, opening the connection to Becca.

' Yo, Becca, can you hear us? '

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