Harmonize | niam au sequel |

By twinkiepayne

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" You're a pain, you know that right?" " Of course I know that. I like pushing your buttons." ~*~*~ The... More

last author's note :(


249 11 5
By twinkiepayne

" Are you sure you want to get your hair done?"

" Yes dad, I'm pretty sure."

Brendon and Niall were on the way to the hair salon to change Brendon's hair color. Niall still doesn't like the idea, but he'll do anything for his son. Niall was driving as Brendon sat in the passenger seat staring out of the window.

" So, how was school today?" Niall asks. Brendon shrugs his shoulders.

" It was school. Only good thing was I talked to the guy I like." Brendon says. Niall smiles at his son.

" Well, that's a good sign, right? At least you're talking to your crush. When I had a crush on papa, all I did was just stare at him and it made things uncomfortable real quick." Niall says. Even though Brendon's heard how his parents met a million times, he still finds it funny because his dad sounded like a creeper. And that made Brendon glad that he wasn't just like his dad.

" Why didn't you ever talk to papa? Why did you just stare at him?" Brendon finds himself asking his dad on his actions.

" I'm not really sure. He was just so attractive that I could never find the words to say." Niall says.

" You make acting like a weirdo sound romantic." Brendon says.

Niall shrugs his shoulders," I try."

Niall eventually pulls into the parking lot for the hair salon. Niall parked the car and smiled at the hair salon. He himself used to come here all the time to dye his hair blonde, but gave up once the kids grew older and became more busy. Niall turns to his youngest son.

" Ready Bren?" Niall asks.

Brendon nods his head," Yeah."

The two get out of the car and walk to the salon. They walk in and right away the workers smile at Niall.

" Niall! Welcome back!" One of the hair stylists say.

" Niall, is this Brendon?" Niall's second best hair stylist asks.

Niall nods his head and places a hand on Brendon's shoulder," Yep, this is my youngest son Brendon."

" He's gotten so big! Look at him!" Another hair stylist says. Brendon smiles a small smile.

" How old is he now?" The man behind the counter asks.

" He is 14 and in grade 9." Niall says. Niall's old hair stylist, also the one who is going to do Brendon's hair, walks up to the identical family members.

" I remember when he was just a baby." She says.

" I know, time flies." Niall says. Niall turns to his son," Brendon, this is Lou. She used to do all of my hair dying." Lou turns to Brendon.

" Nice to meet you Brendon. Now, what color do you want your hair to be?" Lou says.

" I'm stuck between a blue and a pink." Brendon says. Lou nods her head.

" You know what, I see what colors I want to put in your hair. Follow me." Lou says and gestures to the two to follow her. She mentions for Brendon to sit down in her stylist chair. Brendon sits down as Lou walks to the storage closet to grab the right colors. She starts mixing the colors and walks back to Brendon. She shows Brendon the color she mixed.

" This look good to you?" Lou asks. Brendon smiles. He actually loved the color she mixed together.

" Yeah. It's really pretty." Brendon says.

" And it'll look pretty in your hair." Lou says. She starts putting the dye in Brendon's hair and Niall smiles at his son.

" How does it feel Bren? Being a new man with new hair." Niall says. Brendon shrugs his shoulders.

" I don't know. I don't feel any different yet." Brendon says.

" Hey Niall, why'd you stop coming in to dye your hair?" Lou asks.

" It started to be too much money and I had my two kids to look after so I never had the time." Niall says.

" As you could tell, we all missed you." Lou says.

" I know, I missed you guys too." Niall says. Lou finishes dying Brendon's hair. She looks at Brendon in the mirror.

" So, the dye has to settle in for a couple minutes so you're gonna have to chill until I can wash your hair." Lou says. Brendon nods his head and proceeds to pull out his phone. He starts to scroll through Instagram as Lou and Niall talked.

Brendon scrolled to a picture his brother posted which was:

djpayne Gucci on my ...

Brendon shook his head at his dumb brother. Honestly, the things Drew posts on his social media are crazy and stupid. Brendon didn't understand his brother and why it was necessary for him to post a picture of him holding his dick.

And besides, that's not even their bathroom and Drew doesn't even have anything Gucci. Brendon hates the kids Drew hangs around with.

Brendon may hate his brother and his actions, but deep down Brendon actually cares for him. It was a small percent, but he still cared.

Niall looks at Brendon's phone screen. He drops his mouth in shock.

" Brendon, please tell me that isn't your brother." Niall says mentioning towards Brendon's phone. Brendon looks at his dad and shows him the screen more.

" That's DJ." Brendon says. Niall let out an upset sigh and places his hand on his face in despair.

" God, why is my son turning into a fuckboi." Niall says rubbing his temple. Brendon shrugs his shoulders.

" He just looks like a natural fuckboi. There's nothing you can do about it." Brendon says. Niall rolls his eyes. Niall then gasps out of nowhere.

" Shit! I wanted to take a before and after picture of you!" Niall says. Brendon lets out a whine. Brendon hates getting his picture taken by his parents.

" Dad no." Brendon says.

" I'll just get an after pic of your hair then. But I am getting one, young man." Niall says. Brendon lets out a sigh knowing that he lost this battle.

" Fine." Brendon mumbles. Niall smiles because he won this battle.

" Alright Brendon, we're gonna walk to the sink and I'm gonna wash the color in." Lou says.

" Okay." Brendon says. Brendon stands up and follows Lou to the sink. He sits down and leans his head back on the sink. Lou starts washing his hair to let the color sink in.

" Are you excited to see your hair?" Lou asks, smiling at him. Brendon smiles a small smile.

" Yeah, I'm a little excited." Brendon says.

" Trust me, you're gonna like it." Lou says rubbing the soap out of Brendon's hair. Lou washes the soap out and tells Brendon to stand up and go back to her chair. She was going to blow dry his hair now.

She starts blowing drying Brendon's hair, and from the spots Brendon could see starting to get dry, he fell in love with his hair.

Brendon smiles at his now fully dry set of hair. He was so in love with the color. Niall smiles at his son.

" How do you like it Bren?" Niall asks. Brendon couldn't stop staring at the color through the mirror.

" I love it." Brendon says.

" What do you say to Lou?" Niall asks. Brendon looks at Lou through the mirror.

" Thank you so much. I really like my hair." Brendon says. Lou smiles at the teenage boy.

" I'm glad you like it." Lou says.

" Okay Brendon, I need that after picture." Niall says. Brendon immediately frowns. Niall gives him a disapproving look," Don't start frowning. Smile."

Brendon rolls his eyes and smiles at his dad. Niall quickly took the picture and places his phone away.

" See? The picture wasn't that bad." Niall says. Brendon stands up from the chair and stands next to his dad.

" I guess." Brendon says. Niall looks at Lou.

" How much do I owe you?" Niall asks. The three of them walk to the front counter.

" 60." Lou says. Niall nods his head and hands her the money.

" Thank you." Lou says.

" No thank you." Niall says.

" It was nice seeing you again Niall." Lou says.

" You too Lou." Niall says. The two walk out of the hair salon and back into the car. Once seated, Niall starts the car and drives away. Brendon pulls out his phone and pulls up Snapchat. He takes a selfie of his new hair and writes down, 'new hair ??' and loads the selfie onto his story. Brendon places his phone back on his lap and looks out the windshield.

" Do you really like your hair now Bren?" Niall asks.

" I do, I really do." Brendon says. Niall smiles.

" That's good to hear." Niall says," Now when I get home, I have to beat your brother's ass." Brendon lets out a laugh.

" Just for the picture he posted?" Brendon asks. Niall nods his head. Brendon laughs and shakes his head. He looks out the window and smiles when he can see the reflection of his hair.

He couldn't wait to show off his hair to everybody.


Hi guys. I don't have a lot to say, but I do have one thing to say.

I don't know if I want to continue this story or not. I kinda want to delete it cause I don't really know what I'm going to do with it. I sort of know, but I just don't know anymore.

We'll see.

Thank you so much for reading. I love you so much.


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