Harmonize | niam au sequel |

By twinkiepayne

14.2K 717 433

" You're a pain, you know that right?" " Of course I know that. I like pushing your buttons." ~*~*~ The... More

last author's note :(


247 11 4
By twinkiepayne

Drew was sitting in his car, almost bouncing up and down in his seat as he was driving. He was so excited to see his sister. He loved spending time with her. They were close in age and got together really well.

He couldn't wait to go home.

Drew quickly pulled into his driveway and stopped the car. He basically jumped out of the car with his bag and ran into the house through the garage. As he was slipping his shoes off, he heard a girl's voice talking to his dad.

" DJ, is that you?" Niall asks from the living room. Drew walks into the living room to see Niall sitting with Lani, obviously talking before Drew came home. Lani stands up from the couch.

" DJ. Big brother." Lani says opening her arms out for Drew. Drew ran to her and threw his arms around her.

" Oh god did I miss you." Drew says. Lani let out a laugh.

" I missed you too." Lani says. Drew lets go and looks at Lani. Lani looks around Drew with a frown on her face.

" Where's my little Brendon?" Lani asks.

" He's got band practice after school. His first competition is next week." Niall says. Lani looks at Niall.

" Uncle Niall, you should've told me earlier! I would have come to support my little baby!" Lani says.

" You can still come, it's just not your weekend with us." Niall says.

" True, I don't think my mum would care if I was with you guys." Lani says. Lani sits down next to Niall and looks at Drew.

" So DJ, when's your next football game?" Lani asks.

" Actually tonight. I came home to eat something and then I have to go back." Drew says. Lani looks at Niall.

" Yes, we're going because Brendon is performing also." Niall says. Lani squeals.

" God, I missed you guys so much." Lani says. Drew lets out a laugh.

" I missed you too. When did we last see you?" Drew asks sitting down next to Lani.

" Beginning of school. Once school starts I try to stay home for my studies, but daddy wanted me to come visit." Lani says.

" You should visit more often." Drew says.

" I really should, shouldn't I." Lani says. Niall looks at Drew.

" How was school today bub?" Niall asks. Drew shrugs his shoulders.

" School. It was boring." Drew says.

" Was it good today though?" Niall asks.

" I guess you could say that." Drew says," How was work?"

" Didn't work today. I've told you that multiple times this week." Niall says. Drew rolls his eyes.

" I don't listen to you often." Drew says. Niall lets out an irritated sigh.

" I swear DJ." Niall says. Drew smiles a big smile. Lani lets out a laugh.

" You're such a pain in the ass. I don't understand how he deals with you." Lani says.

" He doesn't." Drew says. Drew stands up and walks to the kitchen. He starts searching the pantry for something he can snack on. The garage door opens and closes.

" Li, that you?" Niall asks.

" Yeah it's me." Liam says slipping his shoes off by the door. Drew quickly grabs some random chips and runs back to the living room to see Liam and Lani hugging. Niall looks at Drew with disapproval.

" Drew James, bring your food back into the kitchen." Niall scolds. Drew lets out a whine.

" But daaaaaaad. I always greet pa when he comes home." Drew complains.

" Not with food, you don't. Now step back into the kitchen." Niall says. Drew slowly walks back into the kitchen. He sits down at the kitchen table and opens his snack. He starts eating his snack with a pout on his face.

Liam walks into the kitchen and walks behind Drew. Liam kisses the top of Drew's head.

" Stop pouting you big baby." Liam says. Drew smiles up at his dad.

" Hi pop." Drew says.

" How was school today?" Liam asks.

" Good I guess." Drew says shrugging his shoulders.

" Ready for the game?" Liam asks.

" Hell yeah I'm ready for the game. I'm always ready for the game." Drew says. Liam smiles and pats Drew's chest.

" Good to hear, bub, good to hear." Liam says," I'm gonna go talk to your sister some more." Drew nods his head as Liam walks out of the room. Drew finishes up his snack and throws away the trash. He looks at the time on the microwave and it was time for him to go. Drew walks into the living room to see Liam and Lani talking and Niall kind of was just there.

" Pa, I have to go." Drew says. The three look at Drew standing in the doorway. Niall quickly stands up and walks over to Drew.

" I'll take you." Niall says. Niall looks at Liam," You can stay here and talk with Lani a little more."

" No, we can go together. We always go together." Liam says. Liam stands up and looks back at Lani," Come on." Niall looks at Drew with an irritated-looking face. Drew lets out a little laugh.

The four of them got their shoes on and walked out of the house. They got in the car and Liam started driving back to the high school. Drew sat in the car with his headphones in, trying to keep focus for the game. He had to gain focus so he could do well in the game.

Eventually Liam gets to the high school. He parks near the field and stops the car. Everyone gets out and as Drew's family walks to the field to watch the junior varsity game, Drew walks inside towards the locker room. The boys on the team had to get themselves hyped in the locker room before the game. It was tradition.

Drew walks into the locker room and walks to his locker, which was near Caden's and Lukas's. His two friends were already in their uniforms talking about the afterparty.

" Jacqueline is supposed to drive me because ya know, my parents took my car away." Caden says.

" Maybe if you didn't do stupid shit with it, you would still have a car." Lukas says. Drew laughs as he shakes his head at his friends.

" Hi guys." Drew says opening up his locker.

" Hey DJ." Caden and Lukas say at the same time. Drew strips his shirt off and slips on his football uniform.

" DJ, can you tell Lukas that I don't do stupid shit with my car." Caden says. Drew slips his pants off and pulls his football shorts on.

" I can't lie, you do stupid shit with your car." Drew says. Caden lets out a loud groan.

" Fuck you guys, honestly." Caden says.

" Sorry we speak the truth." Lukas says. Another kid on the team, Ryan, walks up to Drew.

" Hey DJ." Ryan says.

" Hey. What's up?" Drew says. He sits down on a bench and starts putting on his cleats.

" Nothing much. Wait, I have a question for you." Ryan says.

" Ask away." Drew says tying his right cleat.

" Do you have a younger brother?" Ryan asks. Drew rolls his eyes as he ties his other cleat.

" I try not to talk about him. He's an annoying piece of shit." Drew says. Ryan looks at him weird.

" Well, I met him today. He seems really nice." Ryan says," Brendon is his name, right?"

" Yeah, that's his ugly name." Drew says," Is there supposed to be a point to this story?"

" I just wanted to know if he has a boyfriend." Ryan asks.

" He couldn't get a boyfriend even if he wanted to." Drew says. Ryan looks at him weird.

" Thanks for the information." Ryan says. He walks away and Drew looks at his friends.

" What the fuck was that about?" Lukas asks.

" I got nothing." Drew says shrugging his shoulders.

And then the football team got hyped and ready for the game that night.


Hi guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy.

I hope you liked this chapter though. I don't think it's the best, but that's my opinion.

Thank you for reading my story. Please continue to vote for the chapters. Thank you again. I love you.


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