A Dixon-Grimes Love Story (Da...

By nickelbacker14

95.2K 1.4K 211

It is a tale as old as time itself... When the unimaginable happens, forced to leave her father behind, leave... More

Authors Note
Authors note
Author's note
Filler- Flashback One
Thank You
Flashback Two
Never Forget 9/11
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter #2
Season Finale Pt. 1
Season Finale Pt 2
Sorry for the Delay
Pray For Manchester
Thirty-Six (Season 2)

Book Finale

1K 15 1
By nickelbacker14

My Immortal- Evanescence
Daryl's POV
It's been two days since Anna gave birth to Enzo and Cassie. She's been in a coma for two days and we still don't know if she's going to pull through.

Beth and Maggie have been helping me to take care of my kids. Cassie became attach to me, every time she cries when someone picks her up, I have to hold her. Enzo, I don't what's wrong with him, but he don't care who holds him, as long as he gets some attention.

To be honest I'm glad that I'm getting some help with these two. Not because, we have twins but because, we have some new residence and I have to help them. Like today, I'm going out on a run to get some stuff for the twins and everyone else.

"Beth," I called.

She came to me while holding Cassie.

"I'm going out on a run. While I'm out, I need you and Maggie to watch the twins."
"Okay." she replied.

I was beginning to walk away before I called out to her again.

"Hey, also, watch Rick. After losing Lori, I don't know how he's going react if he loses Anna."

She nodded and left. I know that I shouldn't be leaving but I have to. Carl saw me leaving and ran to me; he's been trying to help out as much as he can with the twins.

"Where are you going?" he asked.
"Supply run." I replied.
"Getting stuff for Enzo and Cassie?"
"Okay, be safe."
"Will do. Watch your old man."

He nodded and left. I hope everything will be fine without me being here for Rick.
Rick's POV
Daryl left to get some stuff. I've been staying in Anna's cell, watching over her. My daughter, so fragile and helpless, and I weren't there to help her. I started to cry.

I've already lost too much, and I don't
want Anna's death to cause this group to fall. She's the light of my day; her smile reminds me her mother, her and Carl. I don't know what will happen if Anna... just thinking about it hurts.

"Anna," I whispered, "If you can hear me, I want you to know this. I know you can pull this. I need you, Daryl, Carl, Enzo, Cassie... we all need you. I don't what will I do, if I lose you. I need you now more than ever. I want to show that I can help, that we can raise Judith, Cassie, Enzo and Carl together. I want you to live your life. Please make it. I love you sweetheart. Always."

I kissed the top of her forehead and left her cell. I went to go check on Judith, Carl beat me to her. I smiled when I saw Carl holding her. I saw Cassie in her crib; I decided to hold her for a bit.

"Where's Enzo?" I asked.
"Maggie has him." Carl replied.
I nodded.
"Dad, is Anna going to be fine? Is she going to make it?"
"I don't know yet Carl. We just have to wait and see."
"I don't want her to die dad."
"Me neither son, me neither."

I looked at Cassie, she was fast asleep. She looks a lot like Anna, when she was born. I can't help but to think that the twins are going to be just like their parents.

Cassie woke up hungry, I knew when she needed food, and she starts to whine a little, just like Anna did. I took her into my cell where I have all the baby stuff. I had a bottle already made just in case. I put the bottle in Cassie's mouth and she was drinking it. I smiled right at her.

"You look like your father." I whispered.

Cassie finished her bottle and quickly fell back asleep. I brought her back to her little make shift crib that her parents made, Enzo was there also. I went to Anna's cell to check on her, when I got there, I heard some moaning. No, she better not is turning into one of them. Carl came into the cell and he was in shock.

"Anna..." He whispered.

She slowly began opening her eyes. Her eyes weren't like the walkers eyes though, she didn't have a fever, Anna was normal.

"Anna." I whispered.
Anna looked at me and Carl.
"Daddy." she said.
I went to her side and bend down. She was still not looking look to great.
"What happened?" Anna asked.
"You went into labor, Anna." Carl explained, "Hershel, Carol, Glenn and Maggie performed an emergency C-section on you. You've passed out from the shock though."
"Did I lose the baby?"
"The twins survived and are healthy." I replied.

She gave me a confused look.
"Can I see them?"
I nodded. Hershel came in and saw that Anna is awake.

"Anna, you're awake." Hershel jolted, "Your babies are waiting to meet you."
She smiled.
"I want to see them, Hershel."

Hershel was having some doubts, but he let her slowly get up to go see them. Anna was little dizzy at first, but she managed to pull through. Carl and I helped out of the cell and up the stairs. She slowly walked to her son and she smiled.

"Enzo." she whispered.
She then looked at her daughter and looked happy.
Anna's POV
I don't remember the events that occurred in the past two days other than kids' birth. Carl and dad took me to go see them; it took me a moment to realize that we had twins. Once we got upstairs, I looked in the crib that my son was in and he was sound asleep.

"Enzo." I whispered.
I then looked at the other crib. My daughter was in there, wide awake. I decided to pick her up and hold her for the first time.
I looked back at dad and Carl, they smiled at me.
"Thank you, dad." I said to him.
"For what?" he replied.
"For taking care of Enzo and Cassie. Also, for not giving up on me."
"Always Anna."

I hugged dad for that and he kissed me on top of my forehead.

Missing- Evanescence
I didn't really notice that Andrea was gone, I wanted to ask but everyone seemed a bit down. I know Daryl was on a run, Carl told me a while ago, I hope that they'll be back soon.

Right now, I'm holding Enzo. He looked so much like me. I wanted to cry, cause after everything that happened in the past two days, all I wanted to do was to be with my family. I don't mean like dad, Carl and Judith, I mean Daryl, Cassie and Enzo.

I kept on looking at Enzo, he looked so peaceful. The next thing that I was Daryl coming in, he's probably freaking out about something. Daryl came up to the perch looking frustrated about something, he calmed down once he saw me.

"Anna?" he asked, "Y-you're awake?"
I nodded my head.
"I-I thought I lost you, Anna. When you went into the coma, you stopped breathing and-"
I interrupted Daryl by kissing him.
"Daryl Dixon, you're never going to lose me that easy." I whispered, "Even in our darkest hour."

Cassie made a little noise, Daryl and I chuckled. Daryl picked her up and brought her over to us. This is what I've been wanting, a family like this.

"This is who we are now Daryl. I want our kids to know that this apocalypse was nothing. I want them to know how we met, how this apocalypse brought you and me together, how they were brought into this world."
"And they will know Anna. I promise."
I smiled and chuckled.
"I love you Daryl."
"I love you too, Anna."
Daryl and I leaned in for a kiss. We will make it.
Yay!! One more chapter which the epilogue and this book will be done. You can continue their journey in the sequel, The Last Night. If you want to see another preview let me know. I love you guys. I'll see you the next chapter. Bye.

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