immortal love // monsta x [ D...

By kimsoyounaerin

9.5K 526 83

She always felt cold sensations every night. She even saw him in her dreams. But what happens when she met so... More



332 19 10
By kimsoyounaerin

Hwayoung as usual went to school, with books on her arms. She was checking her phone while walking, but she did'nt realised that she was about to bump onto a group of guys.

And suddenly, Hwayoung bump onto something strong, her books immediately release from her grip. Hwayoung quickly grabbed her books, then giving a glance towards the group of guys.

"Sorry." One them said and Hwayoung just keep quiet since she feels flustered. The guys looked intimidating, they way they wore thier uniforms.

They were more intimidating than Wonho and his friends.


"Have you seen the new guys? I heard they are joining our class!" Lisa fangirled and Hwayoung just focus on her book.

"Teacher is coming!" One of thier classmates say and everyone started to go back to thier seats. Hwayoung looks up then to see the teacher entering the class, following her, then came 7 guys.

Hwayoung then realised they are the guys that she bumped earlier. She can't help but sighs.

"Everyone, they are going to be joining us. Boys, please introduce yourself."

The 7 guys then introduce themselves. B.I., Bobby, Jinhwan, Donghyuk, Yunhyeong, Junhoe and Chanwoo.

All the girls were fangirling of them and Hwayoung was the only one who wasn't interested, and that made the 7 guys caught her intention.

"Boys, please take your seat. The last row." The teacher instruct. Hwayoung was sitting on the second last row. That means behind her is the guys.

As the 7 guys were walking pass Hwayoung, they made eye contact, especially Hanbin and Junhoe. Somehow, thier eye contact were alittle intense.

Hwayoung just shake off the thought then going to back towards the teacher's attention.


The school bell rings, indicating that it was break time. Hwayoung quickly packs her bags, trying to escape from the 7 new faces gazes.

Lisa told Hwayoung that she will be skipping lunch, probably making friends with the 7 new lads. Hwayoung just agreed then making her way out of the classroom.

From far, Hwayoung could see Wonho and his friends waiting at her locker.

"Hwayoung!" Minhyuk sees Hwayoung first, then waving intensely. As Hwayoung walk towards them, thier facial expressions fell.

Hwayoung frowned alittle to see Wonho's gaze. His gaze fell behind her. She can't help but to turn her head to what they are looking. Hwayoung saw the 7 new guys exiting the classroom.

At the same time, Hanbin caught Hwayoung looking at him, stopping for awhile to give a second gaze.

"Hey." A voice startled Hwayoung, she quickly looked infront to see Wonho. He grabbed Hwayoung's hand lightly then dragging her lightly.

"Let's go and eat!" Minhyuk cheered behind.


"W-who are those guys?" Wonho decided to ask Hwayoung, in curiousity on how she is going to answer. The guys knew who are the new boys are. IKON.

They are known be a strong group of wolves. Wonho's dad is good friends with Hanbin's dad. But somehow, thier children, which is Hanbin and Wonho, are not good freinds.

"Just new faces." Hwayoung said simply, while bitting a few sandwhiches.

"Really? They look really handsome." Minhyuk pouted and Hwayoung smiled alitte.

"You are more handsome, Minhyuk. Don't worry." Hwayoung said ans Minhyuk smiles.

"Aww, how sweet."

Wonho looks at both Hwayoung and Minhyuk.

"How about me?" Wonho pouted and Hwayoung rolls her eyes.

"Nah, you are out of the list." Hwayoung said jokingly, but Wonho suddenly became quiet.

"I'm just joking! You are really good looking, I mean c'mon." Hwayoung said trying to cheer Wonho up. He was trying to hide his smile but failed when he just looks at Hwayoung's face.

"Hwayoung!" Lisa went towards Hwayoung and the guy's table with a bunch of paper.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hwayoung looked up the girl, Lisa passed her the papers.

"I have to go somewhere, it's urgent! Can you help me pass me these papers to the new guys? Thanks Hwayoung. I REALLY need to go, muah!" Lisa basically push the papers towards Hwayoung then giving a quick peck on her cheeks.

Hwayoung was clueless as she looks at the more clueless guys.



Class already ended and as promise, Hwayoung has to pass the papers to the new lads. She awkwardly stood up, while turning behind. Her eyes were looking at the paper as she walk forward towards the new lads table.

The 7 guys were talking by themselves until one of them, Jinhwan caught Hwayoung walking towards them. He elbowed Hanbin's arm and look towards where Jinhwan was signalling at.

Soon the 7 of them just stared at Hwayoung when she looks up from the paper. She couldn't help but to mentally jump from the intense gaze.

"Right.. Lisa, you know the weird girl that somehow made friends with you guys told--

"Just get to the point." Hanbin cuts her off and Hwayoung's shoulder automatically sink from being too-over-confident self.

"Here. She told me to give you this." Hwayoung quickly puts the paper on the table then turning her heels.

"Wait, who said you can go?" Hanbin said and Hwayoung stops. Her hands were started to get sweaty.

"Tell your friend to meet us at the park tomorrow." Hanbin said and Hwayoung just nodded, quickly grabbing her things, pacing her way out of class.

The 6 guys look towards Hanbin.

"Hyung, maybe you are too mean to her." Chanwoo said and Hanbin frowned while looking towards him.

"No, I'm not."

"And why is her palm sweating?" Junhoe folded his arms and Jinhwan sighs.


"You look pale. Are you okay?" Minhyuk said as he peered towards Hwayoung's face. Hwayoung was in the guy's house, in Minhyuk's room. They were sitting face to face on the bed.

"I'm okay. Really. So, what did you need help with?"

Hwayoung asked and Minhyuk's face brighten.

"It's about Lisa."

Hwayoung tilted her head slightly, curious about what Minhyuk is going to to say.

"I kind of like... her..." Minhyuk said slowly, and Hwayoung slowly widens her eyes then smiles alittle.

"I knew it." Hwayoung laughs at Minhyuk who was being shy about it.

"Glad you tell me because I can help you, well if you need help."

"Yeah, I'm always mute puppy when Lisa is around." Minhyuk mumbled and Hwayoung laughs.


As Minhyuk was about to say something, the door opens loudly to see Wonho looking about unhappy to see the 2 of them talking so closely together.


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