He Looked Like Love (BoyxBoy)

By Flawlyssss

5.6K 273 29

Alexis is the captain of the soccer team. He is the man of his school. The ladies love him. The guys want to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's Note
Chapter 6 (Editing)
Chapter 7 (Editing)
Chapter 8 (Editing)
Chapter 9 (Editing)
Chapter 10 (Editing)
New Cover
Chapter 11 (Editing)
Chapter 12 (Editing)
Chapter 13 (Editing)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 21

93 5 0
By Flawlyssss

A/N:Wow this is a really big step for Jorge.

Alexis POV

I sit there still for moment with my mouth wide open. I'm dying to say yes, but I'm so nervous that I can't. But who wouldn't be nervous after being asked to meet the most important person in there lives that they let no one around.

I feel so honored that he would want me to meet his brother. Blessed even, because it makes me feel like were only getting closer.

Finally, I speak up,"Yeah," I say shyly while nodding my head and blushing profusely.

"Really? It would mean so much to me if you did," he smiles. The hurt in his eyes is slowly going away.

"Of course. I would love for you to share this part of your life with me."

He leans in a places a small but meaningful peck on my forehead.

Neither of us said anything else and he slowly leads me to the room his brother is .

Once we get there he turns to look at me,"I haven't told my family that I'm gay yet and..." I cut him off before he could finish.

"That's okay. I totally understand how hard it is for others to come out to there parents. I will never force or pressure you into doing it," I say sincerely.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I will not wait too much longer to tell them about you and us. About what you mean to me,"

Now I'm blushing again. He notices it and he smiles again.

"And my brother will say anything that he wants. At time he can be very insulting but he means nothing by it. Besides he's only five," he reassures and then open the door finally.

"Javier," he yells excitedly when he sees the adorable little boy seating on the hospital bed. He the cutest thing in the world. He has these adorable blue glass that wrap around his head and the biggest curly hair and the biggest dimples I've ever seen.

Jorge goes up to his brother and gives the biggest hug.

"Hola, mama," Jorge says to his mom but barely looking at her.

"Hi, boys. Look I'm glad you came, I need you guys to stay here with Javier for a while. I have to go talk to his doctor," you could tell she'd been crying. The only person that looks completely un-phased by this whole situation is Javier.

"Why? What happened?" Jorge asks worriedly. Fear rising in his eyes.

"Nothing mijo, I just need a word," she reassures. "I'll be right back baby," she says to Javier and gives a big kiss, it make him giggle.

When she's gone the little returns to his brother, "Jorge," the boy says back with the biggest smile. "I missed you,"

"What? You just saw me just a couple of minutes ago," Jorge says while rubbing Javier's belly playfully. It makes him laugh.

"I know but I still missed you" He laughs again. "Jorge who is the person?" He points at me very nit discrete​. He tried to whisper but he was still very loud.

Jorge shakes his head while laughing a little and turns to look at me, he seems very amused. I've never seen him so happy before, I guess his brother brings out the best in him.

"That's my very special friend, Alexis," he indiscretely whipsers back and then motions for me to come stand next to him.

"But I thought Alexis was a girl's name?" he questions confusedely, still 'discretely whispering'.

"It is," Jorge whispers while grinning. I playfully slap him on the arm.

"Hola, you're so adorable," I can't help but gush, I love children.

"Yeah, and be sure to tell the ladies that," he snaps and points his fingers at me.

"What ladies, you're only five?" I asked amused.

"I'm sure I have more than you," he fires back.

"Yeaahhh," Jorge nods his head while doing some type of hand shake with his brother. "My mini me. You've made me so proud."

I knew nobody but Jorge would have a child as cocky as him.

"My brother said that having the ladies is the key to success," Javier told me.

"Yeah? And why is that?" I ask Javier while looking at Jorge with my eyebrow raised. He notices me looking and just shrugs. What is he teaching this child?

"My brother says that when you have all of the girls, you'll always have someone to do your homework." Jorge was just looking at him like he was so proud.

"Really," I say looking at Jorge curiously. "Who's been doing your brothers homework?" I smirk while looking a Jorge.

"Well nobody right now because he says he has a girlfriend that used to play soccer," I look over at Jorge again to find him blushing.

"Okay that's enough," Jorge hurries to try to silence Javier by putting his hand over his mouth, but I won't let him.

"Uh-uh," I say while moving Jorge's hand from his mouth. "What else has this idiot been teaching you?"

"Well mostly just about the ladies, I picked up four the other day. Right J?" he looks over to over to Jorge.

"Yup and he even got their numbers. And they were our age," he boasted.

"Really. What a role model," I say sarcastically.

"Hey don't be judging me. I'm just looking out for him in the long run," Jorge defends.

"Okay, whatever," I shake my head and take a seat in the chair closest to the bed.

For about twenty minutes we stay in the room listening to all of the things Javier had to say. The little guys could sure talk, in fact he was quite insulting but it was cute so I just let it slide. He just wouldn't stop talking though. But turns out Jorge does teach him more that just about 'the ladies' as he likes to say. He said that Jorge taught him how to ride a bike, how to read and write, how tie his shoes, and how to play soccer.

Just by the way he talked about Jorge, you could tell that he was a real role model for Javier.

"He taught me to speak english too," he smiles after telling me all the wonderful things his brother does for him.

"Alright I get it, I'm the greatest human being specimen of the planet Earth," Jorge bragged playfully. I laugh. "But enough about me, don't you think you should be getting some sleep."

And right when he says it, Jorge's mother walks back in with a nurse. From what she's holding it looks like she's going to give him a shot.


"Yes, he should. But not before his medicine," She walk over to Randy. "You're going to have to get a shot now alright baby," She says in a soothing voice for Javier's sake.

Javier pouts and folds his arms angrily at the thought. "No I don't want the shot, J." he looks a Jorge for help. He sounds like he's about about to cry.

"I know but it'll make you better," Jorge's whole demeanor has changed. He looks so hurt seeing his brother sad. "I'll be here with you," he grabs Javier's hand.

"Okay, I'm ready," he says nervously while wiping his eyes.

Once the needle goes in he lets out a very pitched scream and grabs onto Jorge harder. Jorge sucks in sharp breath. I know that its hard for him to see his brother in pain, especially knowing his health condition now.

When its all over Jorge picks him up and Javier wraps his arm around Jorge's neck and his legs around his waist. He softly cries.

"I didn't need that. I don't even feel sick," I hear him tell Jorge.

"I know but it'll help you," he reassures.

The worst thing about this whole situation is that Javier doesn't even realize how sick he actually is. He stays so positive and so playful, like he was never sick in the first place and that is something that is beautiful about him. But when you look at him you tell that he's sick by the dark circles around his eyes and how tired he looks.

"Alright, it's late and all of us need some sleep," Mrs. Castro say. "I'll stay here tonight and your father is on his way. But I think you need go home, you have school in the morning," she tells Jorge.

"But I wanna stay with Javier. Plus you were my ride," he insist.

"I'll drive you home," I suggest.

"Go home, mijo. Get some sleep, God knows you need it," Mrs. Castro urged.

"Alright. Goodnight, I love you," he says to his Mom and Javier.

After they're all done with their goodbyes I briefly say 'Bye' and walk out with Jorge. But before we could get all the way out of the door, we're stopped.

"Wait Alexis, aren't you going to hug me too?" Javier says and I turn to see him with open arms and he just melts me.

"Of course I will," I say happily while walking over to him to give him his hug. "I hope I see you again, Jorge junior." he laughs at the name.

"See you later Jorge's friend," he laughs. "Bye Jorge. Love you," he yells once more before we leave.

"Hasta luego, I love you too. I'll be back tomorrow," Jorge say's and then we leave. The walk back to my car is silent but a comfortable silent. The whole way I couldn't stop thinking of how cute Jorge and Javier's relationship was. I wish I had I a little sibling, but all I have is my older brother and little cousins.

When we make our way to car Jorge grabs my arm before I can get to the drivers seat. When I'm about to ask him what's up he interrupts me with the most breath taking kiss. The kiss catches my breath and I feel like my head is about to explode from the my blowing feeling. But he pulls away all too soon.

"What was that for," I say out of breath.

"I never realized how much you mean to me until tonight. I've always known that liked you, but never like this," he looks at me so deeply with an emotion that I can't quite read.

"What do you mean?" I try not to blush.

"I just know that I'm falling for you." he says. "Even more now that I know that my brother likes you."

"Well I really like him," I tell him back. "You wanna stay the night at my place?" We haven't spent the night together in so long.

He seems to think about it for a while, "How about you come to mines, no one would be there but us," he grins.

"Okay," Is all I say.

A/N: Ohhh what's going to happen tonight.

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