Pregnant with his children

By sellygirl56

18.6K 199 8


The Past With Him... (student/teacher relationship)
the Doctor
the accident
Meeting HIM again....
meeting him AGAIN part dos (2)!!!
The beginning of The Day
details about book
The Middle of the Day
The Talk with J.
going home....
going Back to school
2 and a half months pregnant
my outfit for the football game
4 months pregnant!!!
trip to the beach!
Justin's Birthday present
Meeting the parents!!
Meeting the parents
Baby Shower
My babies
my baby pictures!!!!
The new house
Getting new things
what do your parents do?
Wedding SHIT!!
My Love, Im Sorry...
I Have To Go?
the date of the wedding..
new hair color!!
going home..
magic mike!!!!
Books info....
New Book Starting Now!!
the sequel is coming out!!!
aruthers note

homecoming!!!!! I'm also 3 months

446 3 0
By sellygirl56

well I was waiting for the picture of my B-E-A- utiful children I texted my brother telling what I was having.

'Congrats sis I'm going to teach my nephew's to be player like their uncle!! and to pick on their baby sis!! lol' thatss his text to me.

Me: ' to hell you are my boys are going to be gentlemen, and I'm going to teac them how to protect their sister NOT pick on her! JACKASS...'

by then the lady came in and gave me the pictures. then we made my next appointment. Walk out I rubbed over the picture with my thumb, while doing that I had a huge smile on my face.

Getting into my car I pulled out my phone dialing the number I hated the most... but I love from afar because without him I wouldn't have these beautiful kids in me.

( Justin=J. Me=M.)

he answered on the 3rd ring.

J. hello?

M. hey its me... um Ashley

J. Ashley? Its really you?

M. (laughing alil) Yeah its me, umm I was wondering if we can meet somewhere I want to show you something.

J. Oh um wait....(on the other side of the phone) Julie stop J-J-ghJulie st-stop I'm on the phone.... (Julie) But babe I want you nowwww

I hung up really fast, tears in my eyes. How can I be soo stupid for letting him get to me? Suck it up Ashley! Why do you care its not like you guys are together.

Just remember you guys ARE NOT together!!


( Me= M. Ashley= A.)

M. Hello?

A. Hey its me..... um Ashley

M. Ashley? Is it really You?

A. (laughing alil) yeah it me I was wondering I we can meet somewhere I want to show you something.

M. um wait.

Julie walked int the bedroom with some lingerie. It wasn't even sexy... Just then I pictured Ashley in some lingerie right away I got hard. I think Julie thought I was Hard for her but only if she knew.

Julie climb onto me and pull me member out. So licked it and started to suck it.

" Julie stop J-J-gh Julie st-Stop I'm on the phone." I said trying to push her off me.

" But babe I want you noww" she said still down there by my member.

"No now get off" I said with a demanding voice.

She finally listened and got off and left.

" Fuck, Hello Ashley?" I said into the phone.

I threw my Galaxy S5 and it shattered into million of pieces.

I Just fucked up my life.

Ashleys pov.

I was dressed in a pink skirt that was all longer than mid-thigh, I matched it with a strapless black shirt that hugged me, showing of my meduim sized bump. I had on my black skater shoes, and my black leather jacket. I also have my chanel black backpack.

Looking around for the perfect dress for the homecoming tonight. I am now 3 months pregnant and have meduim size stomach. I walked into Forever 21 and found the perfect dress. I was black and strapless going about mid-thiegh.

Picking out a black pair of wedges with a buckle around the ankle and it had alil bow. I walked up to check out and paid.

The price was $430. The dress was $356 and the shoes were $69.

Walking to the store next to it was Starbucks. Walking up and ordering a Double Chocolate chip Frap. When I got it I walked out and went to my 2014 Black Mustang v6.Yes I got a new car, my dad came home drunk last month and threw a bottle at me I went to the hospital I was so happy when they said my babies were still ok. so to make it up he. bought me this.

Getting into my mustang. I started it and started to drive. when I got out of the parking lot I took my right hand and put it on my stamach, a small smile came to my lips.

I'm going to have three wonderfull children. I pulled up to my school, turning off my car I grabbed my phone and looked at it, 10:20 came up almost 2 hours late.

I walked into the school and came to the office, Martha was there aitting and looking at the computer.

" Hey Martha how are you?" I asked still walking to the desk.

" Hey sweetie I'm good how are you? And how are momma and your father?" Martha asked grabbing a pass for me. Martha was a very close family friend.

" I'm good and momma was in a coma but alil into the coma she passed away, and dad well he's a bigger dick now." I said looking down at my stomach, my babies won't know there grandma, Martha knows he's been abusing me.

She gave me a sad smile, she got up and walked out of the office giving a big hug and a kiss in the check.

Walking to my locker I opened it, grabbing my books and putting them in my black backpack by chanel. Making sure I didn't smash the ultrasound pictures.

(skipping school besides the last period)

School is almost done this is the last class, the class I don't want to go into.

Shutting my locker and walking to the classroom. I walk into the room to see only me and Justin. I walk to the first seat with my head down. I sat down and got my book out and opened it the section we were in.

The bell rang and by now all the kids were in the class. I was day dreaming about the perfect family. I was thinking about me and Justin with these beatuiful kids. I was cut off when the bell rang.

I made sure to be the last one. I got out the picture and looked at it for awhile. I sucked in a deep breath and stood up, making my way to Justin. When I got up there I was looking down at the picture.

" Umm I have something for you, if you don't want it uh you can give it back, but I thought because you are the dad that you should see your kids." I said looking up at him, he was already looking at me.

I handed him the picture, and he looked at for the longest time, with a blank face. Then all of a sudden he had the biggest smile on his face, he got up and picked me up and spun me.

he put me down and looked at me with adore in his eyes he got down and kissed my stomach, while saying cute things like ' you guys are my life I love you guys sooo much.'

" so what are you having all they all boy or girls or what?" he asked looking up at me, while his hands are on my stomach.

" um.. I'm having a girl, and two boys." I said smiling down at my stomach with love in my eyes, I put my hand on my stomach, while in his hand on my stomach.

" my two boys and my little princess, I love you guys sooo much, as much as I love your mom, my queen." he said standing up and placing his lips on mine.

" Hey babe I thought yo... What In the name of god are you doing with my husband?" julie walked and started to scream.

Oh MY POO this is bad..

I snapped out of it when the bitch slapped me.

" DID YOU JUST SLAP ME?" I asked with shock in my voice.

she was standing there if looks can kill I would be 10 feet under.

I was 15 when I became a street fighter, everyone that was not dumb knows not to mess with me.

My hand became into fist, and I think justin saw cuz he ran to my side trying to calm me down, before I did something id regret. Julie had fear in her eyes, backing away slowly towards the door.

" I'd run if I was you." I said threw gritted teeth.

She turned and ran, while more like tried to run.

I sat down with my head in my arms and my arms on my legs.

I'm so happy I put shorts under my skirt.

" Are you ok Ashley?" Justin asked after a while.

" Yeah I am, are you going to the dance tonight?" I asked standing up brushing off my butt.

" yeah I am are you?" he asked standing up from the squat he was in next to me.

" Yeah I am so I better get going, I need to get ready, bye Mr Bond." I said grabbing my stuff and left before he could respond

*** 3 hours later ****

I was listening to Karl by Chanel West Coast. I was done getting ready I was dressed in the dress I got today with my black leather jacket with my new black wedges.

I did my hair in beach curls and pined two pieces back. I painted my nials black and did my make-up, thick black eye-liner, black mascara, and red lipstick.

Before I got dressed I put highlights in my hair. I put 3 colors 3 neon pink, 3 dark purple, and 2 neon green strips.

Getting $200 in 20's and putting it in my bra.

Getting mh keys and leaving. Going to starbucks first I got a

Java Chip Frap. Paying then heading to the school.

By the time I got there I was done with my drink. Paying 20 to get in.

I saw kiki, and all them. They all looked the same kinda the girls in mid-thigh, strapless. But diffrent colors like blue, pink, green, black, all there hair down and curled. The guys in black jeans, and the same color as there dates.

Walking up to them we had a group hug. Pulling away we all started to talk. I said we would catch up more later I was walkng around looking at the place. Balloons, black,orange,white,red,our school colors, then had streamers (same colors as balloons).

I ran into someone and about fell but the stranger cought me.

" I am soo sorry I wasn't...." I stopped mid sentence looking up to see justin. He put me up right and looked me up and down. Well he was checking me out I did the same to him.

He was dressed in black (tight but not to tight)pants, and a fitted white button down shirt with a black design, he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"Done checking me out princess?" Justin said with a smirk.

I rolled me eyes.

"Sorry babe but the princess is still in the castle" I said placing a hand on my stomach.

2 hours later

me and Justin has been dancing every other song.

"Hey let's get out of here." Justin said placing a hand on my stomach.

" Sure I guess" I said placing my hand on his.

He looked at our hands and smiled alil holding my hand we walked out of the school.

We got to my car and left. We got to my house and I saw the house empty, Oh yeah dad went on a ' bussiness trip' I known that he was cheating on my mom for years, I told her but she didn't believe me. My dad has a 3 year old son from a chick he met in las vegas.

We got out and walked towards the hotel like house.

we walked to my room and I told him to sit on my bed while I went to my closet to change ;). I did change but into sexy lingerie dress.

Walking out of my closet I saw Justin still on my bed, but this time playing with his phone.

Once I walked out he looked up then back down, then quickly up again.

His eyes turned from a 'bored' look to a 'lust' look. I walked to him, climbing up on top of him, I sat on him so I straddled him. I bent down and captured his lips with mine.

One thing led to the next. But the best thing was falling asleep in his arms.

I woke up to a cool breeze, I got up and wrapped the blanket around me. Walking to the balcony, when I got outside I saw a very shirtless Justin leaning on the ledge while smoking.

" I didn't know you smoked" I said trying not to laugh at the fact I scared him.

" Yep ive since I was 19" he said before he breathed in another puff.

"oh." I said walking over to him wrapping my arms around his back.

" Justin whatever you do don't move I'm only in a blanket." I said placing a small kisses around his back.

I felt him move alittle, before I know it I'm in his arms going back to the bed.

Thank you for reading my story!!!

I'll be posting another chapter today again or tomorrow!!




let me know if you like it

heres what the lingerie looked like:

or you can go to my polyvore @ sellybermudez

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