trip to the beach!

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" Okay guys today we are leaving to the Amazon Beach (made it up) We will be stay for 2 weeks. so bring your costume because we are doing it there, so the school is letting you leave early to pack and all that stuff, s you guys are dissmissed, oh before I forget we have to meet here by 3am. Ok now dissmissed oh and we are going by plane." Mr. Tite said he was my Math teacher.

Going to my locker I put my stuff away and headed out.

I was walking to the door to go to my car when I felt a hand grip my arm pulling me to a room. Turning around I saw Justin.

" Fucking douch bag, asswipe, fucker... Why would you do that? I'm pregnant idiot." I said coming up with any name that came from my mind.

" Sorry, but I need to talk to you." he said looking guilty but also..... alittle, ashamed?

" Ok come with me then no need to kid nap me, god" I said walking away.

I heard him run to catch up with me. we got into my car and I turned it on.

" so start talking." I said driving out of the drive way, turning right.

" well I want you to know I have a divorce court order in two weeks. and if there is any chance to start over with you, in this relationship." he said I could fell him looking at me.

" I don't know yet let's see where this leads us first." I said turning on the sterio. Justin's and my song came on ' The scientist by coldplay'.

" Ok well when we get back my parents wants to meet you." Justin said.

when he said that I stopped on my brakes making us jerk forward.

" they what? Y-y you T-told them about me?" I asked kind of stuttering.

" Well yeah I told about you, you are caring my children and their grand children. and I care about you" he said at first looking at me then his lap.

" Oh, um ok I guess." I said stopping at a red light.

30-40 min. later....,..............

we just got done eating and on our way to my house, which is literally around the corner.

I got welcomed my 2 little dogs Kiki and Toodles.

underwear/ bras √

swim wear √

shorts √

shirts √

costume √

shoes √

make up √

bathroom stuff √

ear phones √

ipod √

and we are all done!!!

in my hand bag i put a book in my ipod/ earphones and my purse.

I grabbed my suitcase and not even 2 seconds later it was ripped out of my hands.

" hey? what the heck man? I can carry that I'm not handicap I'm just pregnant." I said trying to get my suitcase.

" Ok ok here, not I'm not letting you carry a bag I don't need you or our babies getting hurt." he said getting on his knees kissing my meduim size stomach.

" okaaaaayy fiiinnnnneeee, and one more thing aww that so cute" I said tilting his head back and pecking his lips. Both him and I shocked of what I just did. he smiled and stood up, putting a hand on the back of my neck pulling me in for a long sweet kiss.

Pregnant with his childrenWhere stories live. Discover now