new hair color!!

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" Hey what's wrong? Is dad hurt? Is Lucy hurt?" I could help but keep asking questions.

" Lucy just up and left, we fell asleep then when I woke up she was gone so was her clothes."

" Oh my god, Austin I'm soo sorry. I can't believe she did that, hey don't worry she wasn't all that anyway."

" Where's Justin? Why isn't he with you?" there we go back to me.

" He's at home, I'm mad at him. So I took the babies and left till he thinks about what he did. The thing is he doesn't even know what he did."

" Why are you mad at him? What did he do? Did he cheat on you? You know what don't answer that I'll just kill the ducker right now."

" Can we come in first? Its not really warm out here. And I have a sick baby, soo?"

" Oh how dumb of me, bring the babies in." he smiled at me, while I shoot a glare at him.

" And what about me? don't I get to come in"

" Oh yeah we have the dog house out back so you can go there."

I pushed out of the way, on the way in I puched him as hard as I could in the arm. 'FUCK' is what came yelling out of his mouth. I fell to the ground laughing.

Blake and Zane was still awake, making their baby laugh/noise. I heard running foot steps down the stairs. Once the steps stoped my dad came out breathing hard, probably from running anyway I hope from running.

" Ashley what are you doing her sweetie? Where's Justin? And let me see my amazing grandbabies, By the way tell Justin I'm going to kill him if he gets you pregnant again."

I laughed a little then I took unbuckle all of them.

" Do you want Blake, Aria, or Zane dad."

"Give me my beautiful Aria" So handing him Aria, I handed Austin Blake, and I held Zane.

" So Justin? Where is he." That's what broke the silence, damn you Austin.

" Do you know how we are doing the engagement pictures now? Because he wasn't here before." They nodded their heads yes so I continued. "Well we were picking them and I picked a setting so I asked him which one he wanted, and well he wants to do one that he did with his ex-fiancè Julie. So of course I got mad at him and I left. I didn't leave him, leave him I left for a night or two. These stupid hormons suck."

So they said they understood why I was mad, and shit but they think I should go talk to him. But I don't want to right now.

" Austin let's go somewhere real quick, I need to get out for a while. Daddy can you watch the babies for a few please?" I had to yell because he is in the kitchen. They babies are in the front room while we are a room away in the dinning room.

" Fuck sweetie, no need to yell I don't have hearing problems yet, I probably do now though, but yes I'll watch them. but hurry back I have to leave for work at 6 tomorrow." Kissing his cheek we left.

I looked at my phone to see 5:20 on my screen, I got up into the truck with the help from Austin. He got in to the truck, and I started the truck to have Addicted by Saving Abel playing in the truck softly. You really can't blast music with babies, I turned it up a little more to 17 having the underseat stereo system vibrating the seats.

Austin keeps asking where are going so I turn the music up higher. Getting tired of this music I put my CD in. On came Dimelo by Enrique Iglesias.

Finally 30 minutes later we are walking into Wal*Mart, yeah we go here we maybe rich but I don't like going to all the fancy places. Like always reporters are here, Placing our hoods on our head we walk with our heads down.

Pregnant with his childrenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon