Meeting the parents

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We were in the car for about 30 minutes.

" You ready babe?" Justin asked joining our hands.

I nodded my head slowly. My heart was beating really fast.

" What if they don't like me?" I asked once we were out of the car.

"They will love you babe, don't worry breathe calm down my love." He said stopping turning to me kissing me softly.

" Ok let's go." I said letting out a deep breathe.

We got up to the door and Justin knocked on the door. The door opened right away showing a middle aged lady. She had brownish/greyish shoulder length hair, brown eyes and a little shorter then me.

" Hello my son come on in, make yourselves at home. would like something to eat, drink?" she asked leading us to what looked like the living room.

" Do you want anything babe?" Justin asked sitting down pulling me with him.

" Um may I have water please?" I said looking up at the mother.

" Sure thing anything for you my son?" Justin said the same thing and then she left. There was running footsteps coming down the stairs.

When the running stopped out came a really pretty girl with brown hair and grey eyes. Looks about a year younger then me. I was really jealous of her she was really WOW!!

She came running to him jumping on his seated figure straddling him. Ok, now I'm reallly jealous!!

" hey Jess, how are you?" Justin said after she got off him.

" I'm good how are you?" she asked looking at him with a look that nobody should give to a tooken man. If we were a cartoon she would have hearts in her eyes.

" I'm doing good, umm oh yeah this is my umm uh..." He said looking at her with adorshin. I'm soo getting sick of this!!

" I'm a close friend, we are friends nothing more." I said with an attitude.

He snapped his head at me soo fast I thought for a minute it would fly off.

" No she's my girlfriend, my pregnant girlfriend." He said srill looking at me.

"Yes I'm pregnant with your babies, but I'm not your girlfriend." I stated with venom.

" Where is the bathroom?" I askes like nothing happened.

" Up the stairs to the right 3rd door." Said what's her face, oh yeah Sluty Jess was her name!

I mumbled a 'thank you' then left to the bathroom. Going the way she said I ended up in the bathroom. I used the bathroom, once I was done I was about to flush when I saw what was in the toilet. Lots and lots of blood.

Omg!!! Did I lose another one? Did I lose them all? Oh my pickles, ohmy pickles, oh my flippen pickles.

I was brought out of though with a knock on the bathroom door.

I didn't know I should open it or leave it. The person on the other door kept knocking and knocking.

I slide down the wall, and my tears I have hidden sled down my cheek.  They keep coming and coming. A sob came out then the knocking came back but this time it was poundings.

" Ashley? Ashley my love open the door please. What's wrrong? What happened are you hurt? Are the babies ok? Damn it Ashley open the damn door" Justin kept pounding the door, then all of sudden the door was down.

****** Justin's Pov.********

There were running footsteps coming down the stairs. Fuck, Jessica is here. I hate her, she is my stepfathers kid she is 2 years younger the Ashley. Which would leave her at 16, She is sooo fucking into me. When we first met she was like eye raping me.

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