The Middle of the Day

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It is now luch and Justin ( Mr. Bond) texted me a few minutes ago asking if I can go to his classroom so he can tell me the BIG news.

Walking down the hallway to his classroom I came upon the classroom that read on the plank JUSTIN BOND room #223. knoking on the door and waiting for the sign to come in.

' come in' I heard a voice yell inside the room.

I opened the door and walked in, shutting the door behind me.

I saw Justin sitting on his chair writing on a piece if paper. probably grading the quiz we just did.

" So what so important that I have to skip lunch?" I said getting to the point.

" well. I um.... I.... you should sit down first." he said pointing to a chair across from his.

I let out a huge sigh and made my way to the chair.

He let out a deep breath and looked at me with painfull, teared, feared eyes. After seeing his eyes I began to get scared.

" I think you should know the real me. I've been lieing to you and since your carrying my child , you should know the truth." he said looking down, while letting a tear go down hijs cheek.

before I could say anything he began again.

" I am 21 so I didn't lie there, but I am married, she's away on a family issue." he said keeping his head down.

By now I had tears in my eyes, I'm shaking, I can hardly breath it felt like I got punched in the stomach more then once. It feels like I got stabbed in the heart over and over again.

I got up and ran out of the door, not stopping when I heard him yell my name. When I got outside I just kept running, not stopping at all.

But I should have stopped before running into the busy street. All I could feel was pain in my stomach. The last thing I thought about before darkness was about my baby that laid inside me.


I could hear faint talking, and nasty beeping sound.  Opening an eye but shutting it instanly.Trying once again and getting it.

The one thing I could say is WHITE everywhere. I looked around and saw Dr. Micheals there talking to my brother Austin.

" Yo Micheals you should really do something about all this white it blinds me." I said with a little chuckle when I saw them both jump like 50 feet off the floor.

" Hey, sweetie its finally nice to have you back."  Dr micheals said with a small smile.

" What do you men by ' finally'? how long was I out?" I said looking at with a eyebrow raised.

" You been out for almost a whole week, You came in here Monday afternoon and now its Sunday about 12." he said coming closer to me, checking the  machines.

Then I remembered something my baby.

" What happened to my baby?" I asked in a light voice, do to the fact my brother doesn't know.

Dr. Micheals looked down with a sad looking face, not answering me.

" Dan, what happened to my baby?" I said a little bit louder, this time by brother heard.

Austin looked a little shocked but not much.

" Ash. I'm so so so sorry but you lost a baby. The other one is in really bad health right now. you'll have to stay for a lot longer to get his health up." Dan said looking back up at me.

" You mean I was carring twins?" I asked heart broken again.

"Yeah, you were carrying twins." Dan said.

I was about to say something till the door opened and in stepped the person I hate right now.

" What are you doing here?" I said looking at him with hate in my eyes.

" I'm sorry what I did to you I never  thought you were going to run out like that." Justin looking at me with sad eyes. He had dark black circles under his eyes like he hasn't slept in a week or two. His hair was missed up like he ran his hand threw it a million times.

" Hey Ash. he's been here by your side all week, he hasn't left since now, cuz I forced him out."Austin said coming to my side rubbing my hand.


Do you guys think Ashley should forgive him?

What do you think Ashley should do?

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