Wedding SHIT!!

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Pictures of wedding things on side →→→→→

I'm now engaged, this started last Friday. This whole week I've been doing home schooling, taking care of the babies, and planning the wedding

Where is Justin? you may ask, well I'll tell you he quit at the high school. Now he's working 3,000 miles away in fucking North Dakota. Im soo fucking pissed, when he told me he was going to North Dakota. Stripers, and fucking sluts live there, California to North Dakota.

So for the last few I've been ignoring his phone calls. He said the reason he was leaving was because and I quote " We need the money".

So i said and quote ' We are fucking rich Justin your family are lawyers and my dad is a fucking billion air ok? My mom was to and a fucking designer we have money.'

Justin left Saturday night, and today is wendesday I've been ignoring him like I said. I was brought out of thought when my phone rang...... AGAIN!!

looking at the ID, ASSHOLE it blinked. Yeah, I changed his name. I know I'm mean but whatever. I pushed reject and got back to wedding planning with Pamela.

" Ok sweetie where do you want to get married?" Pamela asked getting out her notebook and pencil.

" Well Justin isn't here so he doesn't get a say, so I've always wanted to get married on Maldives little path in the middle of the water." I said think about the place.

" ok and who's going to be your photographer?" she asked looking back up at me.

" Well one of my best friends is a photographer so she will do it." I said already getting a text from her saying yes she will.

" Ok, so...." I cut her off before she could ask another question.

"Can we stop? My head is killing me." I whinned pretty much acting like a kid.

So we stopped, right then one of the babies decided to wake up. So we got up and went up stairs. We finally got the house cleaned and fixed. All we need to do is clean the out.... I got cut off when I walked into a wall.

" Ashley are you ok? I was calling your name for a while now." Pamela said looking at me with concern look.

" Yeah sorry I just have a lot on my mind right now." I said blushing a little.

We into the room to see crying babies. I grab Aria and Blake, feeding them both at the same time. of course on diffrent boobs. After Blake was done I handed him to Pamela who was hold a crying Zane. Aria was still eatinf when I put Zane on my other side.

Finally all kids are fed, burped, bathe, and ready. Pamela had to go, so it was only us 4. I brought Aria and Zane to my room and layed them on my bed, going back to get Blake.

1 month later------------

The babies are now 3 months. My babies are growing up.... :'(

so Pamela is over for more wedding details. She was extra busy the past 3 weeks so no visting.

so we talked about what I wanted for a DJ/entertainment.

" Well I like Chanel West Coast, um I don't know what?" I really don't know.

" I guess we ask her, but who else? We also need a couple oof slow dances, so maybe her and like Tim Mcgraw, or Luke Bryan or or or even Shania Twain."

" Ok one question are you a seal? and second yeah they will be epic. I LOVE all of them can we like ask all of them?"

" Yeah I'll ask them. Ok now dress shopping ahhhh immmmmmm soooooo happy!! I get to go dress shopping." Pamela was squeling like a pig!

We for the kids in little onesie's bright pink for Aria and bright blue for Blake. And putting black levis on them, also their little hightops. and of course socks!!

We got to a wedding dress store, I saw a white cupcake dress. Trying it on I didn't like it. Going through 20 like dress we were about to go when one dress cought my eye sight.

The dress was around $3,000 with the piece I want and the viel was $ 2,000. That was with cutting the end and adding the end I wanted.

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