My Love, Im Sorry...

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So let's see what we got done for the wedding...

Place for wedding √

Wedding dress √

Music/ entertainment √

Cake √

Table decoration √

Invitation √

I already got the seating chart, but dont have them filled out.

Justin keeps calling, and well I answered finally after 2 weeks of ingnoring him. He just yelled at me for no answering and I hung up on him half way through.

Justin came back unannounced. I made him sleep on the couch. He was pissed but did, and the couch in the living room not our bed room couch.

I brought the babies into my room and layed them on the bed, like I've been doing. I was talkkng to the babies when I felt arms wrap around me, and hot breathe on my neck.

" I'm sorry for leaving my love, I won't do it again. But please don't ingnore me anymore I hate it. I love you Ashley, and don't forget that. You and the babies are my life, I love you guys so freakin' much. When you would answer my calls I was freakin' out I called your dad and my parents, none will tell me how you guys were and I hated that. Those 3 weeks were the hardest, without holding you at night and without seeing your beautiful face and adding to that I couldn't hear your angel sweet voice I pretty much cryed all 3 weeks. But I only did that in the shower, couldn't look like a pussy in front of 20 other men." When he said the last sentence he and I both chuckled a little bit.

I turned aound and hugged him, well tried to hug him its hard laying down. Right there I broke down crying,  may I add I HATE you hormoans.

" Baby don't cry, my love I'm sorry I did this to you. wait I'll be right back my love." He got up going around the bed grabbing two babies putting them in their bassinets in our room. Coming back for Blake and put him in the bassinet next to Zane.

Coming back to me he lifted me up, placing me on his lap he rocked us side to side.

He was wispering smoothing words to me.

I tilted my head up and kissed him sightly, coming down I layed my head back on his chest. Listening to his heart beat. With the beat of his heart I fell asleep.

Pregnant with his childrenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ