4 months pregnant!!!

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Today I'm 4 months!! Today I'm going to the doctors to see if their last guess it right. Last time they said I was having 2 boys and a girl. Then I have to go to school.

So let's catch you guys up on what happened the last few days....

1st Justin learned Julie lied and well her kids aren't from him, she had a guy up there where she was.

2nd They are getting a divorce...

3rd Justin and I are kinda seeing each other, well we are talking more.

4th my father he's seeing someone and well she is pregnant now

5th Justins birthday is in a week on March 20th.

6th I got a tattoo of little black birds on my right wrist.

Today was March 13th.

I already took a shower using my strawberry body wash and my mango and peach shampoo & conditioner. Right now I'm in my Black bra and black boy short underwear. I put my waist long hair into a high ponytail, my hair now goes to mid back.

I put on my make-up which consisted of black eyeliner, black mascara and red lip stick.

Going to my closet I grabbed my black tank top that said ' Calm Down I've got Mistletoe', and mid-theigh red shorts. Grabbing my all black jordans, and putting in all my peircings in. which happenes to be my eyebrow, lip, nose, and tounge, and ears. I can't put in my belly button peircing because I'm pregnant. all my earing black.

Going down stairs I grab my Keys, and a granola bar.

" I feel like I'm missing something" I say out loud to myself.

" Oh shit my phone" I say heading back up stairs to get my phone.

Half way up the stairs I stop and trying to catch my breath. I start going again. I got to my room and found my phone where I left it on my dresser connected to the charger. Grabbing it and my black drawstring backpack by armani. Also grabbing my all white ray ban aviators.

Going back down stairs out the front door, locking it and leaving. I got into my car and turning it on, turning the radio to Magic 93.1, when I did my new fav. song came on. it was ' For The Love of A Daughter by Demi Lovato'

Parking the car I got out and walk into the building and signing in. While I was waiting the door opened and in came Justin, he looked all over finally his eyes landed on me his lips turned up into a hugh smile. I checked him out while he was walking to me.

He had on tight but not to tight black jeans with a tight red shirt and black hightop DC's, his hair looked like he ran his hands threw it millions of times. He had on his white ray bans.

" What are you doing here?" I asked raising a perfect shape eyebrow.

" Well you said the other day you had a appointment today so i came to join." he said taking of his shades while sitting down.

" Oh ok sure you can totally come" I said... hint the sarcasm.

" Thank I will" he said chuckling a little.

" Ashley Perez~Garcia" the person behind the desk said.

Justin got up and helped me get up. I muttered a quiet thank you. He walked by my side when the single women, and teenaged girls saw him he quickly grabbed my hand intertwinning our fingers.

We got to the room and the doctor was already in there.

" Hi Ashley nice to see you I'm Melissa and I'll be your doctor from now on." she said not looking at me but at Justin. With what looked like suducing look in her eyes.

" Ok but what happened to kelly the other doctor? she was my doctor" I said looking at her.

" Oh she I don't know but she won't be coming back." She said finally looking at me with a what looked like hate in her eyes.

I raised both eyebrows and walked out the door with justin in suit.

I went to the front desk and asked for another OBY/GN (I think that's what they are called if not oops) They said he will be there in the room in a minute.

The door opened and in came Dan?

" Hey Ashley I'm Da...." Dan wholes when he looked up at me.

" Dan? Omg god so happy now" I said going up to him and giving him a big bear hug.

" Dan this is the babies dad Justin, Justin this is My best best bestie best guy friend Danny Boy aka Princess Pink" I sad grinning, knowing Dan hates that nickname.

" Ashley Maria Perez Garcia I told you don't call me that, I mean Wet pants" he said grinning down at me, while I glare daggers at him. Then he starts saying what happened.

" DAN DAINA MARTINEZ GARCIA LOPEZ don't you say another word

" I all but yelled at him.

When I looked up at him his eyes was as huge as gulf balls, and a blush going up to his cheecks.

He didn't say anything but pointed to the chairs, walking past me with red red cheecks.

We got on with the ultrasound and was correct I was having two boys and a girl. When that was said I looked at Justin to see his eyes watering. He looked over to me and smiled he leaned in and kissed my nose.

Beside going to school we went back to my house and watched movies in my room.

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