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The last 3 weeks went by in a blur. I've been in and out of the hospital getting ultrasounds making sure the baby is still ok. I now know im due March 10th, im 2 months, my babies.... wait my baby is now the size of a kidney bean. i HATE Justin sooo much right now. he is the reason i have only one baby now.



breathe .

Today my parents are coming home. Austin is helping me tell them im pregnant.

The time is 1:30am im up throwing up everything i ate the day before. I cant wait till the nausea is gone.

By the time i got out it was 1:50. This baby better like me!!

I was now full of energy, so going back to bed was not even possible.

So after i was done fixing my bed i went into my walk in closet, grabbing lacey white boy shorts and matching bra, and light blue robe.

Turning on the shower i got in, grabbing my watermelon shampoo/conditioner washing my hair. Grabbing my blue rasberry body wash. i shaved my legs.

I turned off the water, i got out and dried myself. putting on my undergarments i put my legs with coco butter.

Opening the bathroom door i step out and walk to my closet. pulling oit my white one shoulder high low dress. slipping it on walking to my bathroom i blow dry my hair and put it into a bun with a clip i got from my mom when i turned 16, i do my make-up regular that consents of concealer, powder, mascara, black eyeliner, and goldish eye shadow.

Putting on my percieings, i grab my keys to my 2011 black Lamborghini Sesto Elemento. Turning it on i hear the sweet sound of the engine.

I back up and drive down the long drive way till i get to the gate.

i get to starbucks and order a Double Choclate chip Frap. i drive around for a while. I look at the time its almost 8, crap time goes by fast!!

I went to the mall and look around.

I head into a pregnancy store and head in there. I look around till i saw a frame it was for twins, a baby boy, and a baby girl. I started to think about my twins, i cant believe i lost a baby. i didnt know i was crying till a sob slipped out.

i wipped my tears away and i grabbed the frame and a couple more things and went to check out.

I was walking till a older lady came up to me.

" little miss um.... i think you should know you may have um... started your period."

" w.... wa.. wait w.. wh... what?" I said with a confused voice.

" your period like your time of month." she said raising a eyebrow.

" uh I'm... i ... I have to go, oh my goodness, I " I stoped mid sentence and ran.

While I was driving to the hospital I pulled over to really bad cramps, while I was having the cramps my phone rang..

" he.. hello?" I said threw a cramp. this can't be good.

" Is this Ashley Garcia?" the man said on the other line.

" yeah this is her.." I said threw the pain.

" This is officer Tom, and your..." he said before I interupted.

" ok Officer Tom or whatever you said I have to get the hospital. So can. call you like when I get there? Cuz I'm in pain" I said threw cluched teeth.

"Where are you? I'll call an abulance." He said while there was a slam of a door on the other side of the phone.

" i .. I'm like 5- 6 miles away from the hospital. I'm in a 2011 black lamborghini." I said.

I heard him shouting on the other line. 2 Seconds later I heard sirens on the other side.

I saw flashing lights a head I turned off my car, and put the keys in my purse. when I looked up to tall good looking men came up to my car. I looked down and my once white dress was now pretty much red.

I heard the door open I felt someone left me up. the last thing I was thinking was ' I hope my baby is ok. I can't loose this one' then everything went black.

I'm going back and adding pictures of the cast so please go back and take a look!!! Thanks!

Pregnant with his childrenWhere stories live. Discover now