Meeting the parents!!

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We are going back home tomorrow. I'm happy, but I'm not really happy.

I'm happy because I'm going home, but I'm not happy because I've had fun with Justin here.

The halloween party wasn't fun, it was boring there was no music or anything can someone say BOOORRING?? Anyways tomorrow night I am meeting my ' Parent-in-laws' that's what Justin says.

I am getting HUGE!! Justin says I'm not but I am. I'm due the middle of July, the only thing that I'm worried about is i might go into labor before then.

I can't wait till my bab...

I got cought off when my hotel door opendd then closed.

I wasnt about to freak because every night Justin comes up here. And no we dont have sex, we cuddle and talk.

" Hey babe what you thinking about" Justin asked coming to the bed and laying down beside me.

" Just thinking about our babies." I mumbled lying my head down on his chest, my big stomach against him.

" What about our babies?" he said placing a kiss on my forehead, and a hand on our babies.

" I just can't wait to them, I juzt want them out so I can baby them already, and because I'm sooooo fat. Even whales are skinner then me." I started to cry, damn pregnancy and their hormones.

" baby girl you are not fat our healthy babies are inside you, and if you weren't gaining pounds I would be extremely worried, and you are gaining wieght so I'm more then happy sweetie. I love you the way you are. and all that matters I promise baby girl." he said hugging me close.

" You promise? you promise even if I'm as fat as a whale you'll be ok with me?" I asked looking up at him with tear stained eyes.

" If you were as huge as a rhino and elephant plus a whale mixed I'll be happy with you." he said kissing my forehead again.

" I love you Justin forever." I said kissing him sightly.

" I love you to babe forever and ever." with that we fell into a night full of sleep.

3 am......

we got up I took a shower and changed into mid-thigh shorts and one of Justin's sweaters. Packing up my stuff waiting for Justin to get out of the shower, so we can go.

Half way through his shower his phone beeped saying he had a text. Being the nosy person I am I looked.

555-765-8667 (MOMMY)

hey my Honey Boo, My Pumkin Pie. can't wait till you get home, Can't wait till we meet our grandchildren and our future daughter in law we love you be safe - Mommy

After I saw what he called her, and what she called him I couldn't help but burst with laughter. I was still laughing when Justin came out with his sweats on and only his sweats.

" What are you laughing at?" he asked while putting a shirt on.

" Oh... nothing (laughter) Honey Boo (laughter) Wait no Pumkin Pie (laughter) just your mommy (laughter) mommy Boo texted." I laughed more when he blushed deeply red.

" Um" was all he could say, he came and took his phone away walking to the bathroom.

I got up and went to the bathroom, when I did he was brushing his teeth still deeply red. I went up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist.

" I'm sorry, though what could I do? I had to laugh it was funny." I said placing small kisses around his back.

" haha whatever" he muttered.

I turned him around kissing him deeply.

" Come on let's go." I said pulling his hand.

11:00 am

we just got off the plane, getting on the bus we headed back to the school. Picking up are cars we headed to my house. when we got to my house we were welcomed by my dogs. Unpacking my car I saw a little white pomeranian.

Picking it up I looked for a name tag, finding nothing I brought it inside. Justin brought the stuff in. So now I have my oldest dog that's a pomeranian Kiki, My second oldest that's a pomeranian husky Lucky, and now my white pomeranian we will cll her.....

" Hey babe" I yelled from the kitchen.

" Yes my love" he said walkin into the kitchen.

" What should we call her?" I asked looking at the dog in the sink.(I'm cleaning her)

" I don't know um why not micky?" he said rubbing his hands on my almost 5 month stomach.

" I love it, this our 4th item we have together." I said smiling up at him. He had a confused look.

" triplets now a dog." I said rolling my eyes.

he looked at me then made and 'O' face.

Around 4:30pm we started to get ready we got into the shower, and yes together I have a two head shower. I washed him with his Excite Axe bodywash. And I washed his hair with non-scented shampoo.

And he washed me with my Closer By Halle Berry, and washed my hair with my nixon shampoo and conditioner.

Getting out we dried ourselfs. Justin got dressed in black tight but not to tight pants, and a bright red long sleeve button shirt, with black hightops.

I got into boy short underwear, then black spandex, and a black stapless push up bra. I went to my closet and grabbed my red sleeveless high low dress, with silver beading around the bust. When I got that on I put on black ankle socks and my silver beading Jimmy Choo sneaker wedges.

Going to the bathroom I did my make-up and hair. I painted my nails black and put a quick coat of fast drying stuff. I went to my room and sprayed myself with Closer By Halle Berry.

" Damn babe you look pretty, no not even you look stunning." He said with drool coming down his chin.

" You have drool " I said to his drool free chin.

He wiped his mouth faster then you can say mississippi.

I walked off to my closet laughing a little. When I got to my closet I got my little black diamond earings putting them on. I got the ring I got from my mom before my birthday, and the necklace.

I grabbed my leather jacket and black purse and keys we headed out.

around 30 minutes we stopped at a big house, it was a 3 story house.

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