homecoming!!!!! I'm also 3 months

446 3 0

well I was waiting for the picture of my B-E-A- utiful children I texted my brother telling what I was having.

'Congrats sis I'm going to teach my nephew's to be player like their uncle!! and to pick on their baby sis!! lol' thatss his text to me.

Me: ' to hell you are my boys are going to be gentlemen, and I'm going to teac them how to protect their sister NOT pick on her! JACKASS...'

by then the lady came in and gave me the pictures. then we made my next appointment. Walk out I rubbed over the picture with my thumb, while doing that I had a huge smile on my face.

Getting into my car I pulled out my phone dialing the number I hated the most... but I love from afar because without him I wouldn't have these beautiful kids in me.

( Justin=J. Me=M.)

he answered on the 3rd ring.

J. hello?

M. hey its me... um Ashley

J. Ashley? Its really you?

M. (laughing alil) Yeah its me, umm I was wondering if we can meet somewhere I want to show you something.

J. Oh um wait....(on the other side of the phone) Julie stop J-J-ghJulie st-stop I'm on the phone.... (Julie) But babe I want you nowwww

I hung up really fast, tears in my eyes. How can I be soo stupid for letting him get to me? Suck it up Ashley! Why do you care its not like you guys are together.

Just remember you guys ARE NOT together!!


( Me= M. Ashley= A.)

M. Hello?

A. Hey its me..... um Ashley

M. Ashley? Is it really You?

A. (laughing alil) yeah it me I was wondering I we can meet somewhere I want to show you something.

M. um wait.

Julie walked int the bedroom with some lingerie. It wasn't even sexy... Just then I pictured Ashley in some lingerie right away I got hard. I think Julie thought I was Hard for her but only if she knew.

Julie climb onto me and pull me member out. So licked it and started to suck it.

" Julie stop J-J-gh Julie st-Stop I'm on the phone." I said trying to push her off me.

" But babe I want you noww" she said still down there by my member.

"No now get off" I said with a demanding voice.

She finally listened and got off and left.

" Fuck, Hello Ashley?" I said into the phone.

I threw my Galaxy S5 and it shattered into million of pieces.

I Just fucked up my life.

Ashleys pov.

I was dressed in a pink skirt that was all longer than mid-thigh, I matched it with a strapless black shirt that hugged me, showing of my meduim sized bump. I had on my black skater shoes, and my black leather jacket. I also have my chanel black backpack.

Looking around for the perfect dress for the homecoming tonight. I am now 3 months pregnant and have meduim size stomach. I walked into Forever 21 and found the perfect dress. I was black and strapless going about mid-thiegh.

Picking out a black pair of wedges with a buckle around the ankle and it had alil bow. I walked up to check out and paid.

The price was $430. The dress was $356 and the shoes were $69.

Pregnant with his childrenKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat