going Back to school

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Waking up to a blazing sun in my face a annoying beeping sound known as an alarm clock. Streching I get out of bed and head to my connected bathroom.

I turn the water to warm and strip from my clothes. getting into the washer I wash my hair with my Strawberry shampoo and condintioner. Washing my body with my blue raspberry body wash. shaving my legs and armpits I get out and wrap myself in my neon pink fluffy towel.

Opening the bathroom door I step into my over sized bedroom. Heading to my closet I grab my black strapless push-up bra, and mathing thong. I go to my new clothing and grab my clothes for today. I then grab a pair of black skinny jeans.(Outfit on side)

I brush my hair out and it hit my hips.

Going down stairs and grabbing an apple and my car keys I head to school.

" Ashley wake-up now, you have detention for the next week." Mr.Tom said (he's my sience teacher (4th period))

" Sorry Mr. Tom, where do I go for it" I asked sitting up.

" I'm busy tonight so you will have detention with Mr. Bond" he said walking back to his seat.

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