Meeting HIM again....

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a month later...

I got up running to the bathroom, doubling over pucking out my guts.

Once I was done I got up, after brushing my teeth I went to my room. Looking at the clocking, it read 6:30. Instead of go to sleep again I fixed my bed and went to my closet. Going to the New clothes I got. Picking out my demin jeans with pre-made holes, a white tank top, and a white and black stripped sweater. Going to my shoe section I grab my white and black DC high tops.

Turning on my shower turning it to warm, I stripped out of my clothes and get into the shower. 15 mintutes later I step out and dry myself, after dressing I did my make-up, I did my hair in a sock bun.

Grabbing my Prada backpack, and my Toms Lobamba sunglasses. ( The ones that selena gomez wears) walking down the stairs. I took out my phone after someone texted me. Getting a text from Keke.

' hey babe are you taking your audi today?' the text said.

' sorry boo no I decided to do my motor today... I haven't ridden it since forever so nah.' I said putting my phone into my pocket.

before I got the chance to look up I bumped into a hard chest.

" Hey watch were you go dummy." Austin said. I looked up and saw he had a smirk on his face.

" Watch were I go? no watch were you go." I said walking past while laughing.

" See you after school sis." he said walking upstairs.

" Bye buba" I said with a smirk. I knew that whenever I called him that he gets mad.

But he didn't say anything this time. I walked out of the house, and down the steps.

I went to the garage and opened it. There it was my baby. My mom didn't like me riding it. she said quote ' That damn bike can get you killed' and unquote. the  question people ask me all the time is ' why did she buy it for you then?' To answer the question yet again she didn't buy it my dad did.

I got on my 2012 Black Honda Sport Motorcycle. Putting the key into it and starting it up. I loved the sound it made when I started it. Kicking up the kick stand I drove off.

Finally reaching Norwood High School. Going threw the school gate and finding a parking spot. When I got. off I noticed everyone looking at my motorcycle. I took off the helmet and everyone's eyes popped out of their heads. By everyone I mean the guys!!

-------------- few minutes later -------------

I found my best friends Keke, Ally, her boyfriend Kyle, Jake, his girlfriend well.... more of his sex toy Heather, Ryan, and his girlfriend.... I mean the school SLUT Becky.

Ally is your normal teenage girl. She has brown hair that goes a little past her boobs, brown eyes, and skinny. She is very pretty, nice.

Her boyfriend Kyle is ok. He has short brown hair, brown eyes.

Jake was your typical boy. He was like an older brother. always on my side even when I'm wrong. he is sweet. He has black hair and green eyes. he stands at 6'2 and has high cheek bones and in other words really hot. but I won't and never will go there.

Ryan is your bad boy.... Black hair brown eyes and has a lip piercing.....

" Hey babe how are you? why weren't you texting me this summer? I missed you?" asked Jake when in walked up.

" Sorry I was busy" I said rolling my eyes.

when I stopped the bell rang. I let out a deep sigh and started to walk again. When I walked away I heard all my friends laugh. I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned around and saw the SLUT 'becky' glaring at me. I smiled and walked away.

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