The Last Tour - 1D- COMPLETED

Por harrrysflowers

1.2K 82 2

Two best friends, at a concert- what could possibly go wrong? Well, it turns out, a lot of things. Being bea... M谩s



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Por harrrysflowers


When I was a little girl, I always wanted to model at some point in my life. That's why I made it my goal to look as good as possible every time I went out. I always chose my clothes specifically so just in case I walked by a modelling agent in the streets, they would notice me and give me a job. Zera almost always asked me for fashion advice, and vice versa with make up advice. In year 7 I would always beg her to let me style her for a date and have pretend photoshoots. I would post the pictures on Instagram and lots of people liked my pictures. So when Simon Cowell(yes SIMON COWELL) asked Zera and I to model for him, I - of course when he left the room - hyperventilated and began to cry tears of joy, and the best part was that Niall and Harry would be joining us. Although I had to try and look my absolute best to not humiliate myself.

Simon introduced us to our photographer Rafael. His head was very shiny and bold he and wore a yellow wool scarf, lime green pants, and a grey top that was too tight around his bulging stomach. He wore glasses without lenses and he was very tanned. His lips were unmistakably covered in sparkly lip gloss and he had zebra striped shoes.

"Hello gils" he spoke in a Russian accent, "I am photographer Rafael. You follow me instruca-t-i-o-n-s and there vill be no disasterer. Igore them, and heaven vill break loose!"- he clearly did not know what the difference between 'hell' and 'heaven'. He lead Zera and I to a small room to the left of the cameras just after our first shoot. The room was filled with closets and clothes racks, which were filled with lots of amazing fabulous clothes...duh. Rafael fake coughed and began to speak.

"There vill be 3 themes'-he pronounced this as it is spelt, t-h-e-m-e-s - 'Formal, Fun, and Vinter. The first one, is Fun. Jou vill be vearing casual, fun clothes. Ve vill let you decide vhat to vear for this photoshoot. Just do not make it too boring." and without saying goobye, he left the room. I was so excited. I ran over to the t-shirt section immediately. I looked through them all and found the perfect one. It was a white crop top trimmed with black on the edge of the sleeves and neck line with a camera in the middle. I then chose some black leather pants that ended just below my knees, and finally some red Chuck Taylors.

Ella went straight for the t shirts, so I went to the skirts. I found a cute, simple black skirt.

"Is this okay?" I asked my management. They nodded and said it was great, so I wandered over to the t-shirts. There were so many. I wanted to keep the look simple so I chose a grey short sleeve t-shirt with the word hello on the front and goodbye on the back in black. Management told me to roll up the sleeves a little and put on some Vans, so I did. Then the hardest part: the makeup.

We were led into a room full of mirrors, powders, and hair brushes. I sat down nervously in the seat next to Ella. A lady about thirty approached me and immediately started fussing over me; I let her put various things on my hair and curl half of it, nearly burning my ear at several points. I was so confused- why was only half my hair being curled? My queries were answered when she tied the top half of my hair into two little buns, leaving the other half free to sit on my back. Then they put a gallon of foundation on my face, and used brands I had only ever dreamed of using.


After our makeup was done, Zera and I looked fabulous. Rafael lead us to a room were there was a yellow screen and a lot of tall expensive looking cameras. I was living my dream, but what scared me most, was the one person standing in front of the screen, smiling the most amazing smile in the world.


Rafael told us to go and stand with him while "The other boy" -also known as Harry- finished getting changed. Niall was wearing his classic "Crazy Mofo's" white t-shirt, some slightly baggy black jeans, and white high-tops. He was talking to a lady in a black pinstriped suit. He nodded once in a while, laughed, shook her hand, and she walked off. Harry came out of his dress room wearing a red checkered shirt, black jeans, and black, leather ankle boots. I started walking towards Niall. He turned around and saw me. "You look cute," I said. He grinned and I play punched him and he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"LET US BE LEAVING THE FLIRIRTING FOR LATERS!" Rafael shouted bossily while clapping his hands. "Now, Nail and Ellah. Nail, pick Ellah up and carry like baby. Harrrry"-he rolled his R's- "and Zebrrra. Harrrry, put Zebrrra on your back", Zera looked quite offended that her name was being mistaken for a wild creature. But she shrugged and Harry gave her a piggyback.


"Aaaaagh!" I screamed happily as Harry twirled me around on my back, while laughing hysterically. "Put me down!"

Niall was carrying Ella and Harry was carrying me. The cameras were clicking away. This was amazing, but I wanted to change it up a bit.

"Hey! Harry, put me down. Niall, put Ella down. We need to change it up." I said firmly. To my surprise, they listened and I was dumped on the floor.

"Oops. Sorry, Ze."

"It's okay. Now Ella and I are going to carry you two." The boys raised their eyebrows and Ella giggled.

"Good idea." Ella agreed. But the director was looking skeptical. To prove him wrong I went round to Harry.

"Get on my back," I instructed. He grinned and climbed on clumsily. I laughed, but held his weight. He was heavy, but I could manage. The photographer looked surprised but took photos anyway.

Niall was attempting to get on Ella's back, but Ella kept falling over. We were all giggling by the time the photographer called us over and instructed us to different poses and positions.

It was the best day of my life.

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