A Shelley Summer - George She...

By OurBritishSouls

46.5K 1.1K 114

They loved each other so much it hurt. More

Chapter 1 - A Flight To My Heart
Chapter 2 - Love At First Sight?
Chapter 3 - Girl time!
Chapter 4 - First Date
Chapter 5 - Having Fun
Chapter 6 - Kiss Me
Chapter 7- Girlfriend? (George POV)
Chapter 8 - Girlfriend? (Jazz POV)
chapter 9 - Let Yourself Fall
Chapter 11 - Leaving?
Chapter 12 - Goodbye
Chapter 13 - Paint Ball
Chapter 14 - Home
Chapter 15 - Toxic
Chapter 16 - Ignoring
Chapter 17 - Coffee
Chapter 18 - Talk
Chapter 19 - Forgive And Forget
Chapter 20 - The First Time
Chapter 21 - Everything Has Changed
Chapter 22 - Beach
Chapter 23 - Disney
Chapter 24 - THE END
Chapter 25 - 30 million pieces
Chapter 26 - Guilt
Chapter 27 - How Could I Forget?
Chapter 28 - Bonding Time
Chapter 29 - Random
Chapter 30 - Paris
Chapter 31 - Promises part 1
Chapter 32 - Promises part 2
Chapter 33 - Twitcam
Chapter 34 - Apartment Hunting
Chapter 35 - Moving
Chapter 36 - Leaving
Chapter 37 - Tour
Chapter 38 - Tristan
Chapter 39 - The Big Truth
Chapter 40 - Heartbreak Girl
Chapter 41 - Our Break Up Song
Chapter 42 - Family
Chapter 43 - Text
Chapter 44 - Sorrow
Chapter 45 - Surprises?
Chapter 46 - I do

Chapter 10 - Apologizing

1.1K 29 4
By OurBritishSouls

Chapter 10

Jazz POV

"Mmm Cookie Dough is just the best!" I mumbled with my mouth full of ice cream. Yesterday was definitely something. I just wished it would have never happened. I just hope he'll give me a chance to explain myself. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. "I'll get it." Elin said and got up while I just kept staring at the TV.

George POV

I knocked on her door, ready to apologize, but when the door opened it wasn't Jazz who had opened it, it was Elin with Toni right behind her. Great just great. "George what are you doing here?!" Elin whisper yelled. "Isn't it obvious? I came to apologize! Look I know you guys probably hate me for what I said to her and stuff I get it but let me please talk to her." I sounded so desperate. "Okay we'll go out so you guys can talk but George, this time hear her out okay? And don't just call her a slut." Toni said and whit that she let me in and her and Elin left the room.

Jazz POV

"Elin who was it?" No answer. "Elin!?" I got up from my seat and walked straight to the door but instead of finding Elin and Toni, I found George standing in front of me. "G-George! H-how did you get in?!" I stuttered. "Elin and Toni let me in." He replied while taking a step closer. "And where are they now? And what are you even doing here?" I asked while looking in his eyes. "They left because we have to talk. Jazz I'm sorry for what I said yesterday, I'm sorry for screaming at you and overreacting, I'm just sorry for being a dick. I guess I was just hurt because you said no." He explained and I felt even guiltier. "I'm sorry too George." I started but he interrupted me. "For what?" He asked clearly confused. "For not explaining myself to you! I should have told you why I said no immediately instead of-" But again he cut me off. "I didn't exactly gave you the chance to explain yourself now did I?" There he has a point. "But you could always tell me now?" Okay here we go. "Well I once had a boyfriend but he wasn't who I thought he was..."

"I would never ever do anything like that Jazz! You should know that" George said after I explained everything to him, and I truly believed him. George would never do something like that to me. "And just so you know... I still want you to be mine." He continued. "Can I think about it?" I asked quietly. "Of course but right now, get dressed because we're going out." What? "Where are we going? What should I even wear?!"   "I won't tell you but just were some jeans and a top or something." He smirked and I got dressed.


"George you took me to the Fair?" I screamed. "Omg this is incredible." I didn't know where he would take me but I sure as hell wouldn't think this. "You think? Wow I didn't really expect this reaction." He smirked. "Well, that's because I actually never been to one before." I said shyly. "You what? No? You're kidding! You've never been to a fair before?" Oh is it that bad? "Yeah, I am serious." He just gazed at me like I just got pregnant or something. "How come you've never been to one before?" He asked. "Well my parents never took me when I was younger and yeah when you get older you've got other things to do and so, I've never been to one." I explained. "Wow, glad I am the first person to take you to a fair, I thought I'd never say that until I got my own kids, but here I am, with you." he just looked into my eyes and smiled widely. "So what should we do first, captain?" He's the one who knows what a fair is so he can be the captain as well. "Let's go to the dodgems!" He screamed.

"Wow, that was fun!" I said. "Yeah, I know! Haha, look at your face, just a 5 year old." He said while poking my cheek. "So what we do next?" I asked him, not sure what to say now. "Oh Jazz, they have ice cream over there! Want one?"

"Of course!" So we walked to the booth with ice cream. "What do you want, sweetie?" The lady asked me, she was old and so cute. I just couldn't resist old people. "Give me one scoop of Chocolate and one scoop Caramel." I said while waiting for George to give his order, but he just stood there and said nothing. OK, he doesn’t want ice cream, fine by me, but he's insane. "There you go, darling. That's $4,89." I gave her $5 dollars and told her to keep the change. 

We walked a little further and sat down on a bench. "So Shelley, I thought you liked ice cream?" And I ate a spoon of ice cream. "I do." He just simply said. "But why didn't you take one by yourself. "Because then, I couldn't do this." And while his words rolled out of his mouth, his hand wen to his back pocket and took a little spoon out of it. And before I could do the spoon was in my Caramel Flavor. "Noooo, George, give it back." Oh so you want it back?" And he opened his mouth to show it was filled with ice cream. "Oh you can keep that." I said in disgust. "You sure, Jazz, because if you want to-" I interrupted him. "I am sure, George, 100% sure." I laughed. And he joined me.

Man, I love the fair. Why didn't my parents take me to one. It's so lovely. After we ate our ice cream, we did so much other stuff. Like when we got into the Roller Coaster and George almost threw up. Haha, you had to see his face, so pale. Probably the main reason was that we went 12 times into that thing because I enjoyed it so much. Hey, don't blame me. I've never been into a Roller Coaster before. And after that George and I did some throwing to a thin. I missed all of them to be honest. But George....Oh no, he was so good at it. He got 2156 points and he could win a game for the PlayStation or a Unicorn. And guess what he chose? THE UNICORN. And not only that, he gave it to me. It was so sweet of him, I mean he could have given it to Harriet

Now we are in the queue for the Ferris Wheel. I am so nervous, because I am a little bit afraid of heights. "Jazz, You'll be fine. Don't worry." George said while rubbing my back. He really did calm me.

"Next" I heard the man say. Shiiiit it was our turn. "C'mon, Jazz."  George said while taking my hand and he guided me to the cabinet. "Just breath, OK?"  and I answered with a little nod. The Ferris started again and we went up. George pulled me to his chest and we enjoyed the view. was so peaceful, laying hear, against his chest, I could hear his heartbeat. Our cabinet was now almost on the top of the Ferris Wheel, and I wasn't afraid anymore.

I like George, I really do, a lot actually and he did so much for me.

This boy apologized for his mistakes and yet I didn't give him the answer he wanted to hear, until now. "Yes." I breathed out. "Yes what?" He looked at me confused. I pulled out of his embrace and sat up again. C'mon Jazz you can say it. "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend, George." I finally said it. "Seriously?" He asked shocked.  "It would be a honor." I smiled. "Sure because I didn't want to pu-" and before he could finish his sentence, my lips pressed against his. It was a different kiss. One with desire, that we both really missed. All the uncertain thoughts about my feelings for him disappeared. Right here, right now. And we both knew it wasn't going to be easy, but it was worth the try.

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