The Missing Pieces(A Naruto R...

By Lapeligroza

119K 5.8K 1.4K

Meet [Name] [Last Name], a young traveler. She has traveled most of her life, if not all of it. As a traveler... More

Welcome to the Leaf Village!
Start of a Frindship
First Piece of the Puzzle
Special Advice
Friend or Foe?
At Death's Door.
White Lie
Curiosity Killed The Cat
Long Gone.
Welcome To Hell
Poisoned Heart.
Living Corpse
Jumping to Conclusions
[Name] Returns
End of Friendship?
Welcome to the Team.
News About Updates
The Proposal
Deal or no Deal?
Home Sweet Home
What's This?
Heroic Act
Return to Konoha
Secret Has Been Revealed.
Offering Solutions.
Another Proposition
Love Proposal
Who Are You to Judge?
Bring It.
Strange Behavior
Unexpected Turn of Events
The Hokage
New Discovery
Love Rivals
Mussion Accomplished
Leader [Last Name].
Kabuto to the Rescue!
[Name] Has Arrived
Sasuke's Declaration
Battlefield and New Findings
Age Estimation
Dead or Alive?
Cruel Reality
Madara's Plans
New Mission
The Search for [Name]!
Plan Complete
Restoring... Restoring Complete
Puzzle Almost Complete
Kill or be Killed
My War is Over
Puzzle Complete
Giro's Ending Part#1
Goro's Ending Part#2
Goro's Ending Part#3
Goro's Ending
Itachi's Ending Part#1
Itachi's Ending Part#2
Itachi's Ending Part#3
Itachi's Final Part
Sasuke's Ending Part 1
Sasuke's To Ending Part 2
Sasuke's Ending Part 3

Special Results

612 38 7
By Lapeligroza


The room is so lively, and although that would have been enough to send his nerve to go wild, he could just stare at nothing in particular.

He's just so damn worried, yes, he's worried about his previous students but he cannot help but be even more worried at the thought of you being in danger.

You. Why do you keep plaguing his mind? It should be wrong, right? You were his student once...But, you're an adult now and can make your own decisions. Since when did he...Right, it was that very first day when you returned after three years of being at the side of Kabuto.

You're just so...Kind, so selfless. You forgave the Leaf when they caused you nothing but pain. Ah, then there's your determination. Even after your parents abandoned you, you stayed so strong.

A smile tugged at his lips and then his face began to flush. That time you caught him staring at you, that was so embarrassing. There's so much that he has been thinking about, and as his eyes scan his students, his face only Turned redder. Gosh, why did the thought of having his own kids cross his mind? But the best question is, why did you appear as the mother?

Clearing his throat, he scratched his cheek. Then he laughed, he had been talking to Kakashi about you. But then again, why did that man's eyes twinkled whenever your name has mentioned?

Looking at the ground sadly, he couldn't help but feel inferior. What chances would he get when he had an opponent as Kakashi? He's the Hokage..."She's not that kind of person." He muttered, you're much more than that. You see through any title or even any physical traits.

Maybe...Smiling once more, he nods. All in due time. That's what he tells himself as he demands his students' attention. Yes, he'll get plenty of time.


How stressed he has been, and it was no surprise when he received that message from you.

However as his eyes scanned every single letter handwritten by your hand. Worried and stressed, that's how you felt and he could notice by how deep the words were written.

You were desperate, and although he had enough to think about, he could not just ignore your request for help. He didn't when he sent those ninja to protect your clan, not when the council told him not to. But at the end he convinced every single one of them.

But why did he feel the need to help you? He could say that it was because he felt some sort of guilt for the pain that in someway, the Leaf caused you. However, he knows that is not the case. There's something about you that makes him want to aid you, and he can't help that feeling.

If it weren't enough, Iruka has been talking about you nonstop. Just the other day he asked about your well being. It would be normal really, but his constant nagging said otherwise.

That only added more to his already busy mind.Shaking his head to not dig deeper into it, he takes a deep breath. It's not the time to analyze those feelings, they could mean anything. For now, he needs to move as quickly as possible in order to convince the council.


Far away on another land, a red head was just thinking about the same thing. Though the long year of your leadership served him to realize his feelings. With some of his sister's advice, he realized what he truly felt.

It isn't the time to think of such things or maybe it is. It is times like this that makes people think of what is truly important and their future comes to mind.

He is an adult and, although he never thought about it, he realized that he needs, no, wants a family. Perhaps now is not the time, but once the war is over and he survives, he plans to do something about his future.

Just thinking about having someone to support him, some who will be at his side...Once again, you come to his mind.

Gaara sights and begins to read your message. Once done, he doesn't hesitate knowing what needs to be done. You need his help, and he'll provide it.

Team 7

War. There are many things that they hate and way is what they hate the most. Many innocent people die before some stupid fool decided to conquer the world.

They have been sent to fight along with the other teams. "No matter how much we fight, they keep coming." Sakura states as she takes a seat quite tired. They have been fighting none stop and the soldiers that they have to fight just keep coming.

"Why am I just standing here?! I should be fighting!" The blond male complaints as he walks back and forth.

Sai just watches silently but despite Naruto being partly right, they need to rest.

Sakura raises from her seat, heads toward Naruto and punched him on the head.

Naruto grabbed his head as it began to throb. "What was that for!"

"You idiot! Do you want to die that bad?!" And they beggin their usual fighting.

"That's enough, take some rest we'll get back to the battlefield in a few hours." Yamato informed right after taking a long gulp of water.

That's when Sai received a message from their Hokage. The messenger looked rather exhausted so the me dismissed him right away. Silently, he makes his way to Yamatk and he hands it to their team leader and waits to be informed.

The team leader  opened it and began to read it, one done he placed it away and gave his attention to others. "Leader [Name] will be sending help in a couple of days."Upon mentioning that name, different heads turn to look at the leader as if expecting to hear more. The leader's eyebrow raise curious. His eyes then continued to read more and then once he is done, he looks up. "It also seems that she will join us as well."

"What?! What about her people?!" Naruto once again complains.

"The conditions in which her people live do not  allow them to protect themselves so she asked the Hokage and Kazekage for refuge."

Sakura watches Naruto carefully, she can see the worry in his eyes. It wouldn't be out of this world, but there's something more. Why? He speaks a lot about you, just like she used to when she was a kid. She knows what Naruto feels and she feels slightly jealous and a bit sad for Hinata.

Naruto is a fool not to notice how that woman feels for him, but she understands why. He only has eyes for a certain someone.

Just thinking about it, about how Sasuke decided to leave with you and protect you. Why? It can't be possible for him to actually feel something for that you now can he? He's too cold to have such feelings, right?

Shaking her head to get rid of those thoughts, she convinced herself that all she needs to worry is about fighting. Besides, it isn't you fault anyway.

Walking back to a tent to grab something to eat, she smiles. You're her friend, she should be happy and not jealous. Her ears capture the excited voice of Naruto as he mentions how thrilled he is to see you fight. "Oh Naruto, you're not even aware of how you feel, do you?" How Naïve of him.

Team 9

"Ugh! Their healing abilities are such a pain!" TenTen grumbles as a set of ninja are thrown back but only to get back up after a few minutes.

Neji narrowed his eyes, those abilities remind him of someone quite... Dear to him. That time when you have saved him, he had given up already and was ready to die but you saved him. You were willing to risk your own life to give him another chance in life, to allow him experience the beauty of it.

Thanks to that, he can now make plans. Never in his life did he think of such things, not even once but now that he has been given more years to live and perhaps more to come, there's a lot that he wants to do.

Just as he thinks, it's strange how things turned out to be, quite comical even. Why did you help him? Why, when from the very beginning he was nothing but rude and cold to you? He cannot fanthom why, but he's more than thankful that you gave him the opportunity to live more.

If it weren't for the fact that you left the village, he would have shown you how thankful he is. But even so, during the time that he got to spend with you was enough to see how amazing of a person you are. Despite given the option of helping others, you took it. You risked your life to save others.

As an enemy attacked, he blocked it. Maybe that's why Itachi decided to follow you. Frowning, there's something that always crossed his mind. Sasuke, Itachi and Goro seemed content to stay by your side and he wouldn't be honest with himself if he didn't admit that he thought of how his life would be if he had chosen to stay by your side.

Of course he's happy but...He wonders, would he feel happier to be there, standing and even protecting you? How would it feel to even get to know you?

Kabuto. Neji scoffed upon that name crossed his name. Even that despicable man decided to help you, to stay at your side. How can a man like that decide to be with you? A smile appeared on his lips, knowing you, it wouldn't be that difficult. If it weren't for the fact that he has a family here in the Leaf, he would have probably left and joined you.

But for now, he'll focus on the current situation, he'll get plenty of time to get to know you. That thought drives him to fight with all his might, as if killing an enemy meant that he would get closer to that objective.

Team 10

'What  a drag' crossed Shikamaru's head. As he fights along his team, he cannot help but come to a conclusion; the target.

He has studied the enemy, and upon noticing the healing abilities he knew that there's a bigger target. Who could it be? Only your name comes across his mind. Yes, they hold healing abilities much like yourself. But from what he noticed, your body has been designed to do techniques that no other can.

Which one? Or better yet, which ones? Your healing abilities is greater than theirs, you can heal instantly and there's no need of chakra, so unlike these people and your people. Their healing abilities rely heavily on their chakra, once they run out of chakra so do their healing.

You on the other hand, your body can heal without chakra. But more than that, you're able to use techniques that others would love to use. What else? The way your body operates in general, once it reaches a point where death itself will grab a hold of it, it begins to take the life of others. It acts on it's own.

And then there's your chakra, as deadly as it can be. That chakra lone can be used as a weapon. There's more to you, that he knows.

Which is why, even if it's a drag, he fights with vigor just thinking about how you are their objective. They'll have to get through his body in order to get you. He'll do anything to stop you from getting hurt, you've suffered enough as it is.

But....Letting a "Troublesome Woman"he continues to fight. Because as troublesome as it is, and he's too smart, he knows that damn feeling. He told himself over and over that women in general are troublesome, but even if you are, you're dear to him. He'll gladly die if it means to save you.

He laughed obtaining a questioning glance from his teammates. Why risk his life? It's simple; he has certain feelings for a certain woman. He has discovered them a while ago, and if he intends to do something about, this is not the only battle that he has to fight. Oh no, why? Because he has seen some people, or better yet, certain men have the same type of feelings.

Even so, and as troublesome as it is, this time he's going to fight with all his might. He's not going to give up that easily.


Damn! Fighting these people turned out to be much more difficult than he thought. No matter how much the enemy got injured, they would stand right up with no injuries whatsoever.

[Name]...Why does your name crossed his mind at times like this? A thin layer of pink covered his cheeks. Jeez. Why think about it now?

But it's hard not too when the enemy hold almost the same kind of healing abilities. Even before the war, your name would cross his mind several times.

Rubbing his face as he fought alongside his companions, he had to stop thinking about you now. It won't help him, it will only take away his concentration.

However, how could he forget it? All of his friends know that you'll show up to fight at his side...Wait, his? No, you'll fight at THEIR side, not only his, as painful as it is.

A frown crossed his face upon the names of Itachi, Sasuke, Goro and even Kabuto get to be there with you. Akamaru whines realizing the state of his companion.

Kiba taking a deep breath, clears his mind. Now, there's a battle that he needs to give his full attention. Later,once this is all over, he'll get all the time to fight another battle. With a grin, he faced his enemy. He'll gladly take part of the other battle, why? You're the target, and that makes his heart flutter.


Life. How much that small letter means. Since you first saved him, he thought that he wouldn't be able to forgive you, but you have him the opportunity to stand at his brother's side.

To think that he decided to stay with just to repay you but eventually that changed. When he lived for that small time with you, it felt as if he was part of a family. It can be painful to think like that but no, it made him happy. It was a feeling of belonging.

Time passed and he was there with you, but eventually you both had to part ways otherwise he would have stayed a little longer.

But then again...He knows why he feels such a way. It's a beautiful feeling, it is but just thinking about his brother and how he feels makes his heart ache.

His younger brother means a lot to him, but, you... You're different. He's not going to lie, there have been times where he's selfish enough to think of you as his. How it would turn out to be. He never had plans for the future, but now that he's alive and well, thoughts cross his mind.

Battles always seemed to be part of his life, as much as he hates fighting. He wishes to have more than that, he wants peace and someone to share his life with. His brother with live his own life, and thinking about having someone to share his good and bad moment makes his heart flutter.

That kind of future is one to fight for, how great would be to have someone there with him. But his brother loves you, he knows that. Perhaps it's best to leave for good,but then again, that doesn't guarantee that you'll love his brother as he does.

Taking a deep breath, he doesn't want to leave. No, he wants to stay and...And maybe hope that you'll return his feeling some day.

Why give up now? For once... He's going to be selfish and fight just one more battle. Yes, because that battle will bring happiness and fullness to his heart.


How did things...Turn up to be this way? There was so much that he had planned, and war was definitely not one of them.

He's a very simple man, all he ever wanted was to settle down and live normally. After you arrived at the Sand Village he already had planned on trying to convince you into giving him a chance. Perhaps you would have really given it to him, but things didn't turn out to well.

Damn. He could already picture himself with you...And a family. How great it would feel to have you at his side and for you to...Have his children.

But sadly that'll have to wait, but he has to be careful. Itachi, Sasuke and even Gaara have feeling for you.

Time, that's all he needs. With that he heads into his own tent to take a rest.


Restore his clan, that was one of his goals. However things didn't go as planned and thanks to you, Itachi IAS at his side.

However, what brings troubles is you of course. He may have acted cold when he was at the hideout, but that damn Kabuto forced him to spend time with you. He would have been able to cut any ties but...How could he after he was able to get to know you better. It is because of him that you learned what you know now.

Shaking his head, he growled. What is he supposed to do now? He's not stupid, he noticed the way that Itachi looks at you. Should he just step aside and let you go? If that's the case, that's not going to be an easy task.

Walking away from the camp, he frowns. He always fights for what he wants and that won't be changing anytime soon.

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