The Missing Pieces(A Naruto R...

By Lapeligroza

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Meet [Name] [Last Name], a young traveler. She has traveled most of her life, if not all of it. As a traveler... More

Welcome to the Leaf Village!
Start of a Frindship
First Piece of the Puzzle
Special Advice
Friend or Foe?
At Death's Door.
White Lie
Curiosity Killed The Cat
Long Gone.
Welcome To Hell
Poisoned Heart.
Living Corpse
Jumping to Conclusions
[Name] Returns
End of Friendship?
Welcome to the Team.
News About Updates
The Proposal
Deal or no Deal?
Home Sweet Home
What's This?
Heroic Act
Return to Konoha
Secret Has Been Revealed.
Offering Solutions.
Another Proposition
Love Proposal
Who Are You to Judge?
Bring It.
Strange Behavior
Unexpected Turn of Events
The Hokage
New Discovery
Love Rivals
Mussion Accomplished
Leader [Last Name].
Kabuto to the Rescue!
Special Results
[Name] Has Arrived
Sasuke's Declaration
Battlefield and New Findings
Age Estimation
Dead or Alive?
Cruel Reality
Madara's Plans
New Mission
The Search for [Name]!
Plan Complete
Restoring... Restoring Complete
Puzzle Almost Complete
Kill or be Killed
My War is Over
Puzzle Complete
Giro's Ending Part#1
Goro's Ending Part#2
Goro's Ending Part#3
Goro's Ending
Itachi's Ending Part#1
Itachi's Ending Part#2
Itachi's Ending Part#3
Itachi's Final Part
Sasuke's Ending Part 1
Sasuke's To Ending Part 2
Sasuke's Ending Part 3


735 46 7
By Lapeligroza

A long year has passed, surprisingly enough as soon as you were presented as the leader, no more disappearances. During the long year of ruling, you enforced the security which is what they needed the most.

There was a need for fighters so that the clan could be protected, but most refused such a plan. For generations they existed to save and help others so how could they to lives of others.

However, it took a lot of convincing for a small academy to be created. If they wanted safety then people needed to protect it and how could they when they didn't even know how to defend themselves?

At first there was no success in getting students, but eventually teens began to actually see how important it was to protect those who they cared about. Only six students, just thinking about it makes you smile. Four girls and only two males. Apparently the girls morale were raised once they received a female leader.

There's Dai, a 12 year old girl and  very strong. She sports black short hair, at first her hair was long but she wanted to cut it it because she didn't want something as trivial as her hair to get in the way. Her eyes are as dark as her hair.Sometimes her attitude reminds you of Naruto in the way that no matter how hard something is, she doesn't give up. Her parents supported her all the way, which is why she had such a strong will. But there's something about her attitude that worries you, if she is not led to the right path she is more than likely to follow the wrong path.

Izamu, with long brown hair and equally brown eyes. Her attitude is sharp and her vocabulary can be quite colorful. Even if her parents refused to accept her decision, she enrolled in the academy whether they liked it or not. Despite being disrespectful at times, she loves her clan and would sacrifice her life without any hesitation.

Hikari is a very talkative and friendly girl. Her bright dark green hair reaches her lower back. Even if talkative and friendly, she loves a good battle.

Kouki is, if you aren't wrong, another Naruto. He's so full of energy and as determined as he is. However, appearance is so much different. His red hair is reaches the base of his neck, sometimes he ties it into a small tail. He's eyes are light brown and full of life.

Then there's Shin, very polite kid and very kind as well. His hair is very spiky and blond, and his eyes are as blue as the sky. Sometimes you wonder why he enrolled in the academy.

Next is Kiyoko . She's a bit quiet and a bit cold on the outside. Though you can only imagine why. Her parents aren't exactly the best of parents. Just thinking about it, reminds you to speak to Yun and Aki about creating a few laws about the issue.

The most surprising are the teachers.Who could have thought that Sasuke, Itachi, and Goro would be teaching? No matter how impatient these kids were at times, they always tried their best to teach the as much as they could.

"Leader [Name]!" A few of the trainees  wave as they spot you from the training grounds.

You smile as they grin. "How are you guys doing?" You ask as you walk forward unafraid that you'll interrupt their training.

The group of six teenagers gather around smiling. "We are doing quite alright." Responds Shin.

"Yes!" Kouki agrees watching you with those bright eyes.

"That's music to my ears, I heard from your teachers about the progress. I'm very impressed." As you praised the group, you could see the happiest and the pride in their eyes.

Goro smirked upon watching just how much these kids admired you. It's surprising how much these kids trust, you. If you told them to jump, they would do so without questions. "Yes, their progress is  excellent."

"Well, if that's the case you all deserve a break. Go on." But only a few began to more.

Dai frowned crossing her arms. "What good will it do a break? We need more training." Your eyes trailed to Sasuke a smile well placed. She sounded to much like the black haired male.

"You're determination is impressive, but your immunity isn't like the others and your body needs rest. Come on, even these guys took breaks here and there. Isn't that right?" You asked the men.

"Hmn. You're an idiot of you think you don't need any rest." Sasuke glared at the girl, said girl glared back.

You laughed out loud. "See? Now go, tomorrow you can all train your hearts out."

Eventually they walked away, some grumbling others waving as they left. Once they were out of sight, you turned to watch the men in front of you. Your smiling expression turned to a serious one. This of course made the trio worry at some point.

"Come, we must talk." Your stepped hurried, the topic that you wanted to speak about was important after all. on your way those you encountered greeted you, you did the same.

Once inside your office, Yun and Aki were already there. Walking behind your desk, you sat down and leaned forward. Your hands were placed forward with your fingers enterwined but there were moments where you would tightened the hold.

All of this didn't go unnoticed, every single pair of eyes were set on you. "What's wrong?" Itachi asked while his eyes trailed to every single part of your body. He could see how your muscles twitched.

"It has been over a year." You began, taking a deep breath while you inclined your hands and opened a small container of pills. You took not only, not two, but three of those small pills. Without any water, you swallowed them and waited a few moments until your muscles relaxed. "I have no reason to lie any more." Your eyes trailed to every single one of them. "Now that I am the leader of this clan, I cannot be selfish enough and hide things pertaining my condition."

Averyone's eyes widened. "Condition? What is going on?" The blond male asked very worried.

"When you first met me, you all praised my body's excellent healing abilities, however, there were some issues that didn't seem to matter at the time." The information was not what they were waiting for. "I thought that I wouldn't stay for two long, a few months maybe but now I really how much this village needs a leader. I'm not perfect, but I want the best for our people." Not one of them spoke, they were waiting for more information. "Kabuto."

Oh, that name was enough for the air to feel tense. "What about him?" Sakura asks with a distaste in his mouth.

"When I left, I wasn't recovered completely. My body was but my chakra became poisonous to my body, so Kabuto provided pills to control it. He then provided me with something else, my body was better and I saw progress but that was more than a year ago. It had been a month since I took the last container, I'm surprised I'm still alive."

"Why would you hide such a thing? We could hav-" Aki tried, but you saved your hand to dismiss whatever he was going to say.

"As much as I trust  and believe in you all, there's nothing that you could have done. Now," you reached into a drawer and took out a scroll. "A few days ago I received this." You offered it for everyone of them to read it. "As you can see, it's Kabuto. He has a cure, but the treatment takes weeks if not months. This decision is not only for me to take, but also for you too. We could accept him or I could leave for the time being. With the five of you, the village will do just fine."

"That's ridiculous, you are needed here!" Aki and Yun exclaimed.

"If I don't accept Kabuto's help, I'm going to die." Finally you said it. This left everyone speechless. "I cannot ask you to accept him if you do not want, it could be dangerous but I have no choice. I'm willing to leave and return once I'm done."

"Then..." Yuki begins but hesitates knowing that allowing that man can be dangerous. "Then if you trust him, then perhaps it's best to let him in."

"Do you really trust him?" Finally Itachi asked for everyone.

Taking long breath and leaning back, you nod. "Yes, he did what he did I am not going to ignore it. However, when I was at the brink of death, he saved me. Even still now, he has offered his services with out expecting anything in exchange."

"If that's your decision, then we'll allow him to enter." At the end, that's what it was decided.

"Thank you. However that's not all." How should you break it up to them? " This is also another letter that Kabuto sent." As the previous one, you handed it so that they could read it. "He found out why our people were being taken. There's a new enemy, not not just our enemy. I already sent a message to every leader of the villages."

You could see the sorrow in Yin's and Aki's face. "An army..." Aki trialed, but his thought were in his siblings.

"Don't lose fate, Kabuto mentioned that he has a location. However, once it's guarded we cannot take any cations until we receive a correspondence from the other villages." Now you set you serious gaze on Aki. "Don't even think about searching for them, if you do you'll be risking not only your life but theirs as well. Is that understood?"No answer. You growl standing up and grabbing him by the shirt. "I swear, I if you leave I'll personally drag your ass back home."

Aki's eyes widen, now you realize that they glisten with tears. "No, Kabuto will arrive in a few days. Even if I trust him, don't let your guard down. You're all dismissed." Heading back at your desk, you rub your head.

War. Just when you expect it to happen. A curse leaves your lips, why now of all times? You just wish that it didn't take place before your are fully cured otherwise it'll be very difficult to fight along. Just as you felt a pang of pain and nausea, you drop more pills in your mouth and swallow them.

Your body isn't getting any better, as you grab a clean scroll you begin to write a reply to Kabuto. Hopefully he can get there faster, you need his help.

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