The Immortal Hybrid

By xXMsNinjaXx

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 11

32 0 0
By xXMsNinjaXx

A/N: I'm going to skip about a week or two depanding on how I feel :D plus this chapter is going to be in my pov only, anyways back to the story :) (it will also have violence with blood and gore. you have been warned)


Amanda's Pov: 

It's been about two weeks that The Creator had captured me, and has brought me back to this hell hole. All he did was keep giving me different types of shots and how they would really work, and I finally know what half animal or animals that I really am. He had me in cage where we get to fight different types of animals.

"Realse the wolves!" The Creator says. "Open her cage! Let the FUN begin!" all the guards were cheering and I was let out of my cage. They pushed me out of the cage and I fell on my stomach hard.

"Oof. Fucking hell." I said grabbing stomach. I hear snarls and I knew that they were the wovles. I look up and they were surroundind me. "Shit." I said to myself. "Well. Here goes nothing." I said to myself. I close my eyes and concentrate.


One of the wolves bit my leg and I screamed in pain. Blood started pouring from my leg and it hurt like a bitch. I started feeling angry and my vision was getting red. My teeth began to come out with my nails which are sharp. The rest of the wolves began to attack me, but I snapped and attacked them back. I threw them against the wall really hard that you can hear their bones crack. The last wolf ran towards me and was about to jump on me. The wolf jumped onto me, but I grabbed him by his collar and took both of my hands around his neck. I see the wolf struggle and I started laughing like a maniac. I then snapped it's neck and I saw his body go limp.

"Very good!" I hear The Creator. "Guards! Put her back in her cage!" he says.

"Yes Sir!" They said in sync. I put my head down and smile. Time to have some fun. "Alright Amanda. Go back to your cage. Now!" one of the guards says. Shoving me towards the cage. That's when I snapped. I jumped on his back and bit his neck. He was screaming in pain and blood was flowing down his neck. The taste was irony and metallic, but I can care less. I then ripped a chuck of his neck out and spit it out, and my mouth was covered in blood.

"Nurse! Sedate her!" he says to the nurse. "Yes Sir!" she says running towards me with a needle in her hand.

I look at her with my head tilt to the side, and started laughing out of control again. I spin around in circles and I see that my vision is coming back to normal. The nurse walks towards me and sticks the needle in my arm. I scream in pain and I punched her right in her face, and made her nose bleeding.

"You bitch!" she yells at me holding her nose. I kept laughing until I started to feel dizzy and then passing out on the floor.

~Next Morning~ 

I finally woke up for what seems like hours, but I look outside and see that it's morning. I looked around and see that I'm in a different cage than my other one. My other cage was a little smaller than the one right now. I get up from the floor and pop my back and it echoed through the cage. I hear the cage open and I turn around and The Creator standing there smiling.

"Good Morning Ms.Gonzales" he says.

"Fuck you." I said to him with my arms crossed.

He laughs. "Good to have you back. Guards. Handcuff her and bring her to the medical room." he says to his guards.

"Yes Sir!" they both said and they handcuff me. We follow The Creator to the medical room and his guards unhandcuff me and strapped me to the gurney.

"Now. This time I have something that will make you invincable, and probably last for a life time." he says.

"Wh-What do you time?" I dared to ask.

He chuckles. "Let's just say that you won't be dying any time soon, and you get to live for a very, very long time." he smiles. Then he sticks the needle in my arm which I scream at the top of my lungs. He stops and takes out the needle very carefully.

I started feeling sick to my stomach and then out of nowhere I threw up all over me. I just hear them laughing, but he has the nurses clean me up. They were just laughing and talking shit about me.

"Ok. The serum should be working by now. Since you threw up everywhere." he said. He picks up a sharp kitchen knife and walked towards me. I started crying. What if this doesn't work, and then I end up dead. That means? That means I won't be with Kevin and the rest of the guys anymore. My tears started flowing down my face and I was struggling to get out of the gurney.

"No! Please let me go! I don't want this!" I screamed begging for my life.

"Shh. It's going to be really quick. I promise." he says. And with that, he started stabbing me multiple times and I screamed in pain. He soon stops and puts the knife down, and cleans himself up. I felt my eyes getting heavy and my heart was racing. "Nurse! Get the video camera quick!" he yells to the nurse.

I look down and see that the stab wounds were healing on their own. My eyes widen and couldn't believe that this was happening. The nurse came back with a video camera and The Creator starting filming. He was talking about the serum and how my wounds were healing. He gives the nurse the video camera and told her to keep filming.

~A Few Hours Later~ 

"Alright. We're done for today." The Creator says. "Take her back to her cage." he tells his guards. They nod and took me back to my cage. They threw me in and locked it. I curled up in a corner and started crying. I started talking to myself and thinking about the guys, but mostly Kevin.

I love Kevin very much, and if I hadn't ran out the door I wouldn't be in this fucking mess in the first place. I just want to be in his arms and to never let go, but I'm stuck in here and probably never getting out again. I finally felt my eyes starting to get heavy and I fell asleep still crying.


I was laying in a medow full of flowers, and trees were surrounding me. I hear the birds chirping and the other animals around me.

"Amanda?" someone said. I look up and see Kevin standing in front of me. I started crying when I saw him. I got up from the floor and ran into his arms.

"Kevin? Is that really you?" I asked and he nods. He holds me tight, but I felt like something was wrong. I look up at Kevin and my eyes widen. He was covered in blood and I let go of him. "K-K-Kevin?" I started to stutter.

"Why?" he says. "Why did you do this to us Amanda?" he said walking towards us. The medow was fading and everything went black. I tripped over something and see what it was. I screamed and saw that it was Aleks dead on the floor covered in blood, but his stomach was wide open. "You did this to us Amanda. I thought you loved me." he says.

"I do love you Kevin. More than anything." I said with fresh tears flowing down my face.

"Look around you Amanda!" he shouts at me. I look around and see that all of the guys laying there dead on the floor and covered in blood with their stomachs open. I almost wanted to throw up, but I didn't. "You caused all of this! This is your fault!" he keeps yelling at me.

"No! I would never hurt any of you!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry leave me no choice." he says holding up a gun and pointed at me.

"Kevin please! Don't do this! I love you!" I begged saying that I love him. Then I felt something grab my leg and holding me in place. I look down and see Steven holding my leg down. I tried to shake him off but someone grabbed my other leg and hold me down as well. I look down again and see Sly. "Let me go!" I yelled.

I see the rest of the bodies get up from the floor and attacked me. I tried to scream, but James covered my mouth with his hand. They were holding me down on the floor and I see Kevin walking towards us still with the gun in his hand. He pointed the gun to my face and smiled.

"Goodbye Amanda." he says. I cried and closed my eyes.


*Dream Ends* 

I woke up to a cold sweat and with dried tears on my face. I look around and I see that I was still in my cage alone. I got up from the floor and popped my back. I miss the guys so much, but I'm glad that their safe. I don't want them to get hurt and anything bad happen to them.

"I miss you Kevin, and the guys as well." I said to myself. "I will always love you with all my heart, but no matter what happens. I will always think about you." I started crying and sat back down on the floor and went back to sleep without any nightmares.

I love you Kevin. Stay safe. 


It was really hard to write this, but the next 2 chapters will be in Aleks and Kevin's point of view. I hope you enjoyed and I'll talk to you guys later :) Also follow me on Twitter: @xXMsNinjaXx Ok Bai :}

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