Love Takes Time {Completed} {...

Door Novrotel

338K 13.8K 1.6K

Abhimanyu (Sidharth) is a son of a business tycoon but he wants to be self made. He joins an engineering co... Meer

1. Meet the Family
2. Hug New Life
3. Who is That Boy?
4. Room Talk
5. Rocking Party
6. College Life
7. Abhimanyu's Birthday
8. Raining Cats and Dogs
9. First Year
10. Welcome Freshers
11. Sports Day
12. Proposal
13. Bad Boy
14. Hook-Up
15. Nowhere Around
16. Library Love
17. Valentine's Day
18. New Girl
19. All That Happened
20. One Night Stand
21. Farewell
22. Last Dance
23. Dream Job
24. Dilemma
25. Tête-à-Tête
26. Rendezvous with Maya
27. Sexual Harassment
28. Meeting Deadline
30. Around the World - II
31. Paris
32. A Night to Remember
33. Retrospection
34. Abandoned
35. Rising Love
36. Thank You So Much

29. Around the World - I

7.5K 344 47
Door Novrotel

                  Peter successfully performed the functions it was supposed to, and everyone in R&D Robot Team was celebrating with a Pizza party in office. Abhimanyu called Shanaya in his office and told her that he wants her to accompany him on his two weeks, back to back meetings with the potential collaborators in South Asia and Europe. He wanted her to answer their technical questions since she knew the heart and brain of Peter, and if she cannot, she should let him know, since then he'll have have to think of someone else. Shanaya was more than happy. Abhimanyu asked her to complete all the paper works and submit all the required documents to HR, so that they could premium process her visa at the earliest. He gave her the details of companies they were meeting in different countries after two weeks.

                 Shanaya returned to her desk looking very happy. Arun asked her the reason of her happiness. She told Arun that she was accompanying Abhimanyu as a technical expert on his meetings with the companies interested in collaboration with them. Arun congratulated her. Soon the news spread in the office and reached Manoj.

Manoj went to Abhimanyu's office after calling him on intercom.

Abhimanyu: What is it that you want to talk about?

Manoj: Heard, Shanaya is going as a technical expert in meetings with prospective investors.

Abhimanyu: Yes, you have heard right. He said looking in his mac book

Manoj: Abhimanyu, but she is inexperienced with hardly seven months of work experience. Three or four conference calls to her credit, in name of handling client questions. We have employees who have worked on Peter for over an year, and I think, they deserve this chance more than her.

Abhimanyu looked at him.

Abhimanyu:  Tell me someone who can assemble Peter, program it's hardware, knows the flow of data through the several modules designed by all, and knows every technical detail of the functions that Peter performs and will perform. If you have any better name to suggest, I am open to consider.

Manoj stood thinking.

Abhimanyu: Do you have a better name to suggest, Manoj? He asked again.

Manoj: No, Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu: Anything else you want to talk about?

Manoj: No.

Abhimanyu: Good. Then, you may go.

Manoj leaves the office.

             In lunchtime, Manoj sat at a table with Arun in a relatively empty rooftop cafe. He couldn't keep to himself, what was troubling him.

Manoj: I think Abhimanyu is partial towards Shanaya, and has some soft corner for her. I mean there are many who are working on this robot for one year. I am the one with most experience of answering client's technical questions.

Arun: You are overthinking, Manoj. Are you feeling sad that you lost on a good daily allowance of two weeks? He joked.

Arun: I think you are hurt that you attended the conference calls with him and he chose Shanaya over you. It's natural.

Manoj: No, it's not that, it's question of who deserves this opportunity.

Arun: I think, Shanaya totally deserves it. Most of the work that has gone into Peter is hers. She has worked day and night on it. It wouldn't have been possible to get Peter working like this in such a short span of time if not for Shanaya's and Abhimanyu's hard work on it. May be, he liked her way of handling client's questions in the few conference calls she was part of.

Manoj: I don't know, I think Abhimanyu is interested in her. I don't blame him, she is pretty, young and intelligent. Definitely a combination of his type.

Arun laughed a little.

Arun: If he was interested in her, he wouldn't sit in office in her cubicle working with her day and night. He would take her out on date to restaurants. No girl would refuse a young, handsome, rich, and intelligent guy like him.

Manoj: That's what! He is smart. He doesn't want to do all that here. So, he is taking her on two weeks of business trip to foreign shores. His sex appeal cannot be questioned and she is single and pretty. Who will come to know what all happened there.

Arun: A young guy and a young girl on a business trip doesn't always translate to that. I really don't think Abhimanyu is the guy who mixes work with pleasure.

Manoj: You have no idea, she is already being paid a bomb as a salary on Abhimanyu's orders.

Arun: I don't know her salary, it's supposed to be confidential.

Manoj: That's why I'm not telling you.

Arun: I can say from whatever work of her I have seen in last month that she is technically much better than many IITians and experienced engineers we have.

Arun: Abhimanyu always knows what he is doing, and they are in the best interest of company. So, don't worry about the choices he makes.

'Seriously, Abhimanyu has bunch of blind fan boys in our team', he murmured after Arun left.

                    In ten days Travel agent gave Shanaya all her flight tickets, hotel tickets, and passport with visa. Arun saw her with tickets and asked her where all she was going. She looked at the tickets and said, "Singapore, Tokyo, then Seoul in Korea, Bangkok, Guangdong in China, after that Berlin in Germany and finally Paris. Ya, one more, Capetown, South Africa, but that's ten days after return. This meeting is with a diamond merchant who is interested to expand his business in technology, and it was scheduled a only a week back". Arun told her that she was lucky to go on a world trip on company's money and also get daily allowance for that. She said it was all work, back to back meetings and flights to next country. There wasn't really any time to go around to see the place, but she told him that she was happy even if it meant touch 'n' go.

                They were flying to Singapore a day after, in evening. Abhimanyu was on a business trip to Germany and was supposed to return the afternoon of the day of flight. He went home after he returned and then boarded the flight to Singapore in evening. Shanaya  got stuck in the traffic , and reached the airport late. It was only after last boarding announcement that Shanaya entered the plane into business class. 

Abhimanyu: I thought you were going to miss the flight.

Shanaya: How dare I? She said keeping her handbag in airplane overhead bin space.

She sat in her comfortable sofa seat next to him.

Shanaya: I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.

He looked at her and smiled.

The plane was in air.

He looked very tired. From his eyes, one could tell that he was sleep deprived.

Abhimanyu: Do you mind, if I ate my dinner and went to sleep?

Shanaya: No, not at all.

Abhimanyu pressed the attendant call button, and in a second she was there.

He chose a bowl of hot noodle soup from menu card and asked her to get him Bacardi, premium rum, on rocks. Shanaya flipped the pages of the magazine.

After the meal, he was drinking second glass of rum on the rocks.

Abhimanyu: It's going to be hectic, meetings after meetings and flight after flight, but don't think it's going to be all work. I will show you around in the time we get after meetings with investors. We also have a day off in Japan and Paris. It's going to be good. He smiled.

She smiled, feeling bad about how overworked he was at this young age.

Abhimanyu: Excuse me, but now I'm going to sleep as I badly need one.

Shanaya: It's alright.

He downed all the rum left in the glass in one go, got his seat in lounge position, put a blanket over himself and dozed off.

                 Shanaya looked at him. He really looked tired. All the traveling and work was taking a toll on him. But, he still looked very handsome. She smiled to herself. She was bubbling with happiness at the thought that she was going on a world trip with him, although it was all business, but still. She had never imagined that she will travel the world with the guy who was an integral part of her, the guy who she experienced love for the first time. It was more than what she had ever asked for.

                 The plane landed in Singapore, after five and a half hours of flight. It was late in night in Singapore. They went to their respective rooms in a five star hotel, Abhimanyu in a suite and Shanaya in a regular room, and slept for the night. Next morning, they had a meeting with the company interested in technical and financial collaboration with them, at 10:30 am in their office. Shanaya turned up in western formals, fitted button down shirt with low rise slim pants and matching suit jacket with hair neatly tied in a pony tail, and watch in one hand. She stood almost as tall as him in high heel pumps. Abhimanyu was surprised to see her in western formals as she always wore Indian formals, kurta chudidar with flat sandals to office. He loved how she looked in western formals.

             The meeting went well, and the company showed keen interest in partnership with them. After the meeting, they returned to their five star hotel. Abhimanyu told Shanaya that she can order lunch from hotel room service as that is what he was going to do for his lunch. He then went to his suite to sleep before boarding approximately six and half hour flight to Tokyo in evening. Shanaya went to her room and wondered how much will he sleep.

                     In the flight to Japan, he asked her,  if she explored the city on her own after the lunch to which she said 'no'. He told her that there was nothing much to see in Singapore, it was same as Bangalore if she had ever been there. She looked at him in surprise. He looked much rejuvenated after all that sleep though. He again ordered his rum and food and went to sleep for seven hours in  the flight to Japan. She felt like she was traveling with some Kumbhakaran. All that he did, was attend two hours of meeting, drink alcohol and sleep in flight and hotel. She wondered if he always did that in his business trips, but then he always coded so much. She watched three English movies to pass her time in flight. They reached Tokyo in night, drove to hotel Marriot, where he went to his suite and she went to her room to sleep for the night.

                     Next morning, he called on her hotel phone, and told her to meet him in hotel lobby at 10 am to go to Honda office. When she reached the lobby,  Abhimanyu couldn't take eyes off her sexy frame in a below knee length pencil skirt suit set in lavender color. She had left the top two buttons of her white button down shirt open to let the delicate chain to be seen. High heel black pumps on her feet gave her a great posture and height. She had a dash of lipstick and mascara on her eyelashes. Her hair flew loosely. He himself looked perfection in a crispy grey suit with white shirt, grey skinny tie and blow dried hair. He was wearing a fresh aromatic cologne.

                     They reached the Honda office for a meeting with their CTO,  Akihiko, CEO. Hideaki and CFO, Fumio. Questions and answers flowed between them for more than two hours as they discussed the technical and financial aspects of their partnership. They showed them the video of Peter. They were impressed. They asked if it worked on battery and how long the battery works.

Abhimanyu: It works on a rechargeable battery and the beauty of this Robot is that when battery goes below a certain level, it can recognize that and plug itself to charge using it's arms, and perception of space. When it's completely charged, it gets an indication and unplugs itself, so it's always working as it takes cares of it's own battery. It always checks if it has enough battery for the task. If it doesn't, it first charges itself before performing that task. So, one never has to worry about the battery of this robot.

Shanaya looked at him, there was no such feature of Peter in any of the documents they had on him. But, what he said was very feasible and a great feature.

The Honda 'C suite' men were impressed and told him that they looked forward to collaborating with him as soon as he made up his mind. They took them out to a high end Japanese restaurant for lunch. On way to the restaurant in a car.

Shanaya: We don't have any feature of self battery charge for Peter.

Abhimanyu: We don't, but now we will.

Shanaya: Did you come up with that, there and then?

Abhimanyu: Yes.

Shanaya: Wow! That was really impressive.

Abhimanyu: Hmmmm....someone is getting impressed. He looked at her, and smiled.

Shanaya: But, why you  had to tell a feature that was not there.

Abhimanyu: Meetings with clients are like a game of chess. You have to know what you have and what moves will help you score on them. They are looking for something, different, something unique, something additional. They want to know what new you can offer to them. You always have to have your presence of mind and out of box thinking on, and make that one move that will want them to surrender to you.

Shanaya: Do you play mind games with everyone?

He looked at her in eyes.

Abhimanyu: No, but in business you have to. If you want to get something, you have to play your way around it.

Shanaya: I have no idea on client lunch and dinners, and table etiquette's.

Abhimanyu: If you had told me earlier, we could have arranged for some soft skills classes for you. You know, we have soft skills training for employees from time to time in our office.

Shanya: I know, but I forgot about it.

Abhimanyu: Anyways, never mind. Come for a dinner with me tonight, I can give you some lessons.

He smiled and she smiled back.

                      In the Japanese restaurant, Shanaya ordered some salad and kept eating it with fork while all the men chit chatted enjoying crabs, sushi, oysters and what not, with beer. They asked her if she would like to have some wine but she refused and opted for her fresh lime soda instead. When they learnt that he had flight in evening the next day, they invited him to spend it at Chichibu Country Club where their top management, "C suite"(CEO, CFO, CTO, presidents, vice presidents of company) played golf on off days. The next day was an off day for them. Hideaki, CEO, asked him to get Shanaya along. Abhimanyu said, he will.

                     After the lunch, they drove back to their hotel rooms and as usual Abhimanyu went to his room to sleep. She didn't expect anything from him now, as far as his words of him showing her around the city, after the meeting were concerned. Meetings  were all he came out of his room for.

                   In the evening at 7:30 pm Abhimanyu called her on her room phone. Her phone was not international roaming like his, and she didn't have any apps installed on it that could use hotel's Wi-Fi to voice chat or text. She could but she didn't want to. She was using her phone as an alarm clock.

Abhimanyu: Is your room curtain open?

Shanaya: Yes, why?

Abhimanyu: Do you see Hinokizaka restaurant?

Shanaya: Yes. It looked like a high end restaurant to her.

Abhimanyu: Meet me there, in half an hour. Your time starts now.

Shanaya: What do I wear?

Abhimanyu: Anything or nothing, whichever you like.

Shanaya: What?

Abhimanyu: I mean, wear whatever you like.

Shanaya: No, I asked if there is any dress code for the restaurant.

Abhimanyu: Oh, no. No dress code. I'll wait for you there. Don't keep me waiting. He said in a very sweet voice before cutting off.

              She wore a loose black T-shirt with blue skinny jeans. She took her cross body bag with wallet and useless phone inside it, and walked down to the nearby restaurant. She walked to the table where Abhimanyu was waiting for her looking dashing as always. She saw plates of oysters, crabs and sushi on table.

Abhimanyu: Welcome to your table etiquette class. He smiled.

Shanaya: You remembered? I thought you'll sleep through the night and order from room service.

Abhimanyu: How dare I? He smiled.

Abhimanyu: All that sleeping was a part of charging up process. I hadn't slept for two days when we flew to Singapore. I am all charged up for next ten days now.

Abhimanyu: Tell me Shanaya, what do you want to see, and where do you want to go?

She just smiled showing her dimples feeling happy.

Abhimanyu: What should I order for you to drink. Any cocktail or wine or single malt whisky? He was already on with his scotch.

Shanaya: I will have fresh lime soda.

He laughed.

Abhimanyu: Have you sworn to never drink with me?

Shanaya: No, it's not like that. Someday, I will. She smiled.

Abhimanyu: Yah, but that someday is not today. Right?

Shanaya: Yes. She smiled.

He ordered Fresh lime soda for her which was quickly served.

Shanaya: What is all this on table?

Abhimanyu: Food for us. Oysters, crabs, sushi. All Japanese food.

Shanaya: Did you not eat all this, this afternoon?

Abhimanyu: I did, but you didn't. What's the point of exploring a country if you don't explore their authentic cuisine.

Shanaya: No way, I can eat any of it.

Abhimanyu: This is what you will get served again in the country club tomorrow. You need to acquire taste for these.

Abhimanyu: You eat fish, right? Forget about oysters and crabs. Try this sushi at least.

Shanaya: Yes, but I can't eat sushi.

Abhimanyu: You only like the one prepared in Kerala style?

Shanaya: Yes.

Abhimanyu: What will you eat, then?

Shanaya: I don't think, I can eat anything here. I'll order a bowl of salad for myself.

Abhiamnyu: Tuna salad? He laughed.

Shanaya: No, vegetable salad. I had to eat salad in afternoon and now again, and you don't seem to be tired of eating these oysters and crabs all day.

Abhimanyu: I believe one must try everything once in life at least. It's okay not to like it after that.

Abhimanyu: Be daring. Dare yourself to do something that you think you cannot do. He tried to encourage her.

Shanaya: I don't think I can dare myself to eat Japanese food.

She ordred small bowl of green salad for herself.

He showed her the table etiquettes, like when you are pause, keep your fork facing downward in a cross with your knife and when you are done keep them parallel, knife always facing inwards.

Abhimanyu: Always sit with your back straight. Your hands and body shouldn't touch the table at all. Knife always in right and fork in left and you eat with your fork. He showed her how, as he cut few crab pieces with knife and ate them with fork with his arms slightly above table and chest not touching the table. That's mostly it.

             No wonder he had such great body postures doing everything. He knew it all, from how to eat, to how to hold the glass and drink from it . She watched him eat oysters and crabs.

Shanaya: Do you know they are aphrodisiac?

He looked at her and smiled.

Abhimanyu: What is aphrodisiac? He asked seriously.

She smiled shyly.

Shanaya: I'm sure you know it. Stop pretending. She said blushing.

He smiled seeing her feel all shy and turn red.

Abhimanyu: A food with high levels of zinc content, that stimulates sexual desire and makes you horny. He said looking at her.

She blushed and looked away.

Abhimanyu: Okay, so what's wrong in feeling horny?

Shanaya: Nothing. I am sorry. You please eat your aphrodisiacs morning, afternoon and evening. I think it's great to feel horny all the time.

He laughed and then both smiled so wide that it hurt.

They walked out of the restaurant on Tokyo streets.

Abhimanyu: I ate way too many oysters there. When in Japan eat like Japanese.

Shanaya: What do you think of Japanese girls?

Abhimanyu: I think they are very sexy. He looked around before saying.

Shanaya: Do you like any here. She was curious to know what kind of girls he liked.

After a pause,

Abhimanyu: You see that girl there in a micro mini skirt. I think she is very hot.

Shanaya looked at the tall Japanese girl showing off her slender legs in a very short skirt. She was pretty but not like very pretty but she had great long legs. She didn't know why, but she felt little sad that she didn't have as long legs as her.

They walked down to the next block.

Shanaya: Where are we going?

Abhimanyu: To the Indian restaurant.

Shanaya: Why?

Abhimanyu:To eat Indian food.

Shanaya: Are you going to eat again?

Abhimanyu: No, I don't want them to interfere with my aphrodisiacs. So, I'll watch you eat and see if you learnt any of the table etiquette's.

Abhimanyu: I don't want you to starve to death on bowls of salad in south Asian countries. I need you.

Shanaya hadn't had any good Indian meal since Singapore, so she thought it was a good idea to eat something there.

They were walking behind young Japanese girls in mini skirts when Shanaya saw Abhimanyu subtly checking out their legs.

Shanaya: You are a skirt chaser.

Abhimanyu: No, I am not.

Shanaya: I saw you checking out their legs.

Abhimanyu: No, it wasn't me.

Shanaya: Really?

Abhimanyu: Ya, it's all those oysters and crabs inside me doing that.

She laughed and he smiled looking at her dimples.

                  After the dinner in restaurant they walked to their hotel. They saw a lot of people on cycles.

Abhimanyu: You know what I like about Japan? People are very hardworking. A lot of them cycle to office everyday. In fact use cycles to go places. I sometimes think in India too we should have metros and metro stations with cycle stands and cycle repair shops. Everybody should cycle to the metro station, catch metro to wherever they want to go and then back home by cycle and maybe some cycle rickshaws. No pollution, no fuel requirement, healthy life.

Shanaya: That's really a great thought.

He was so impressive in his jokes to his serious conversations.' Girls should never work with him. He was not good for their heart', she thought. They went to their rooms and slept for the night.

            Next early morning her hotel room phone rang.

Abhimanyu: Hey! Very Good morning.

Shanaya: Good morning.

Abhimanyu: I'm waiting for you in the lobby. Wear some good sneakers and come. We are trekking to the summit of Mt. Fuji.

Shanaya: What?

Abhimanyu: Yes. It will take only seven hours.

Shanaya: Why not? That is so some twenty minutes.

Abhimanyu laughed.

Shanaya: Are we not supposed to go to the club, Honda executives invited us to?

Abhimanyu: No, I cancelled that. If we keep eating meals and spending time with our partners, we'll not get any time to explore the place. C'mon! Now, hurry up.

They reach the base of Mount Fuji where sticks were being sold to assist in climbing.

Abhimanyu: I guess, you should buy one.

Shanaya: Why? I am not old.

Abhimanyu: Having first hand experience to your trekking skills, I think you might need one. He laughed.

She just gave him a look.

They climbed with many other early morning climbers. Forty minutes into climbing when she slipped on the gravel path of slightly steep terrain. Abhimanyu immediately caught her hand.

Abhimanyu: What if you died now?

Shanaya looked at him, his hand in hers and his eyes looking into hers smiling.

Shanaya: I shall 'Rest in Peace'.

He was smiling because there was no valley below that she was going to fall into. It was just a regular slip on a slope in a mountain.

Abhimanyu: Huh! he said getting her to stand.

Abhimanyu: Six years and nothing has changed. Same answer. Have you mugged up this answer?

Shanaya: Actually, nothing has changed. She said seriously, looking at him.

Shanaya: Do you always ask this same question when you save a girl from falling irrespective of whether fall will lead to death or not.

He laughed uncontrollably.

Abhimanyu: Let's descend.

Shanaya: Are we not climbing to the summit?

Abhimanyu: Do I look like a fool to think of climbing to the summit with you?

She gave him a look.

Abhimanyu: I mean, I know what a great trekker you are.

She laughed a little at the sarcastic compliment.

Shanaya: So, where are we going now?

Abhimanyu: To enjoy the Japanese hospitality.

Shanaya: But, you said you cancelled it.

Abhimanyu: Nopes, I won't disappoint our potential partners.

Shanaya: Then, why did we come here?

Abhimanyu: For the morning walk.

Shanaya: What? She looked at him.

Abhimanyu: Ya. Now, when your friends ask what you saw in Japan, you can tell them you climbed Mt. Fuji.

She smiled shaking her head.

                       They reached the club at 10 am, where they greeted all the executive positions of the company. Shanaya chose to wear a sleeveless, knee length, salmon pink, polka dot, button down dress with a collar. She let hair loose and looked beautiful with little pink lipstick and kohl in her eyes that instantly brightened her fair face. Abhimanyu wore a black polo with khaki pants. Abhimanyu went to play golf with all the top management men of Honda, while she sat in the shed with their wives.

                        She saw him play his first shot. In single swing of the golf club he had the ball in the hole. All other men clapped and said, "awesome shot"," hole in one". Shanaya had no clue of the rules and terminologies of the game. After that they went further in the golf ground by carts where grass, sand and water bodies were. Shanaya couldn't see their game anymore.

                   After two hours they returned in the carts to the shed where Shanaya was with other ladies. All the Japanese executives couldn't stop raving how easily Abhimanyu won and how good he was at golf.

Hideaki: I think you should participate in Tournaments. You are simply amazing. You are 'hole in one' man.

Abhimanyu: Thank you. I think it was just a good day. He tried to be modest about his superior game skills.

Hideaki: Shanaya, I think you must try at least a shot.

Shanaya: No..I don't know how to play at all. She smiled shyly.

Abhimanyu looked at her.

Abhimanyu: Yes, Mr. Hideaki is right, Come I'll show you.

He told Japanese executives to go ahead with their lunch and that he'll join them in few minutes. All the executives with their wives went in the buffet room to eat lunch.

                Shanaya walked with Abhimanyu to the spot from where she was to drive the ball in first hole. Abhimanyu showed her by playing the first shot, getting the ball in hole in a single swing of the club. Shanaya tried but she didn't get it right at all, from holding the club to swinging the ball. She tried five times, but they were all bad shots." I am telling you, I am bad at sports". "I know, but first you have to learn to not give up and be positive", he said as he remembered her in the volleyball grounds in college. He walked to her and stood behind her with his arms around her and his hands on her hands that were grasping the golf club. Her heartbeat was going crazy though his body wasn't touching her at all. He held the club tight with her hands under his hands, swung the club backwards overhead and then released it driving the ball into hole and then followed through.

He released his hands from her hands and clapped.

Abhimanyu: Wow! Great! Amazing shot, Shanaya!

Shanaya looked at him. She hardly did anything. He only played the entire shot.

Shanaya: I didn't even play the shot, and you are praising me to skies.

Abhimanyu: Don't you know, there is a thing cold motivation. Always motivate the beginners.

He smiled and went in, she followed thinking how charming he was.

                They went in to eat buffet with other executives. There were oysters, crabs, sushi, salmon, other varieties of fish, lobsters , all the Japanese delicacies. Abhimanyu had no problems eating any damn thing in the world. He again put some oysters and lobsters in his plate. Shanaya took fish and some salad. She took fish as she thought it won't look good to have only salad with clients again. He whispered in her ear," Told ya, yesterday, that this is all you'll get to eat". He smiled at her."You enjoy your oysters", she smiled back. He smiled more and went to eat with 'C suite' men with a mug of bear. Shanaya chose to sit and interact with their wives talking about Japan. Abhimanyu glanced in Shanaya's direction a few times as she looked stunnig in that pretty dress. He hoped all his oysters and lobsters stayed in control.

                   After lunch men played pool billiards drinking Heineken bear from small bottles, and women watched them. Abhimanyu stood around the pool table along with others with the beer bottle in his hand. He gulped downed some bear time to time as he watched Hideaki play. Shanaya's eyes were just struck on Abhimanyu as she watched his every movement, his bear going down his throat, his Adams apple bobbing in his neck. She lost everyone else in the room. It was Abhimanyu's turn when everyone else made their presence felt to her and she swallowed the saliva collected in her throat.

                He kept the beer bottle on a nearby chair and took the cue stick and positioned himself on the table, gripping the butt of cue stick with shooting hand, and placing the fingers of his off-hand around the tip of cue stick to form a bridge. Bending his knee and with his chin resting slightly over table, sighting down the cue stick and lining it with cue ball he slid the cue stick as he took his shot at cue ball which stroked many other colored balls in the six pockets of table. All men clapped in amazement, and Shanaya felt so happy that her heart ached of happiness.

He scored point and went on shooting one after another and won the game.

                  It was time for them to leave as they had flight to Seoul in evening. They loved their first-courtship meeting and hoped for second-engagement meeting soon to officially become partners. They gave Shanaya a kimono as gift. Shanaya and Abhimanyu bid them bye before driving back to their hotel.

As they drove back to hotel.

Shanaya: How are you so good in every game?

Abhimanyu: Because I know how to play my game.

           She didn't know what was happening to her. He was the most handsome man  in any room, he was the most intelligent man in any meeting, he was the best player in any game anywhere. What was he doing to her poor heart?

           They boarded their flight to Seoul, Korea and it took off in air. She was flying with the man she always loved, by her side and discovering how amazing he truly was with each passing day. He heart, feelings, thoughts all had taken a flight. She knew this flight won't fly for long and hit the ground soon and so will her dreamy days with him. She wished days with him didn't fly.

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