Hero [T/S Relationship & Arra...

By WanderingDancer

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**Song-Inspired "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias** Ever been tied to a chair with a blindfold on after being beaten... More

Hero [T/S Relationship & Arranged Marriage]
Chapter 1---Another Day In Hell...Maybe Not
Chapter 2---Going Once, Twice...SOLD!
Chapter 3---New Life. Feelings? Nah! Same Old!
MUST READ! Important Author's Note :)
Chapter 4---Just A Little Misunderstanding
Chapter 5---Goodbye, Rags and Hello, Dresses!
Chapter 6---Carlos Hughes
Chapter 8---A House and A Home
Chapter 9---Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 10---May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor
Chapter 11---What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 12---So Far, So Good...?
Chapter 13 --- A Day Out of Town
Chapter 14---Meet My Future Wife, Cassidy
Chapter 15---Take Me Back
Chapter 16 --- The Show Must Go On
Chapter 17 --- Until My Last Breath
Chapter 18 --- You're Perfect
Chapter 19 --- How?
Chapter 20 --- For Better or for Worse

Chapter 7---Green Light In My Eyes

582 10 4
By WanderingDancer

A/N:There are some people that you think you completely forgot, erased from your mind for years, or even know that in the back of your mind are now dead, that may reappear unexpectedly.

...although, what if they REALLY suddenly reappear?

Well imagine that person here. Imagine that you didn't want to see him, but you did.

Have you ever fallen for someone so hard when you were still oh, so young? Like a crush...maybe more than just a crush? That person was the person you loved. But the thing though, both of you can't be together. There are so many reasons why.

It would start with the teasing, and then you see each other everyday?

...well, imagine yourselves actually seeing each other everyday. As the days pass by, you can't help but fall and fall and fall.

Then came the attachment and connection to you both. Don't let me start on the endless hours of chat time on Facebook and the cheesy text messages.

...then suddenly one day, it all banished away in thin air. It's like nothing happened like waking up from the best dream of your life, but deep inside you're crushed, crying, mourning--dying. Realization: you haven't a right to be.

We all just thought that it was 'The End.', but it looks like it still wasn't yet. You two haven't seen each other for years. How could an accidental wave back and a smile make everything seem like coming back? The memories, the heartbreak, everything. Every single memory you made comes flashing before your eyes in a matter of seconds.

It is complicated. A swirl of emotions all at once.

What if you found new love? That one person who filled the gap in your heart when the person you love wasn't there?

What if that person really loves you, but is frightened to admit it because it is something forbidden?

What if suddenly you felt those butterflies again in the pit of your stomach? Those fluttering sensations you felt before with that person?

What would you do?

What I did? I thought of what I have now. I am grateful for the person I have now. That person before deserves to be forgotten. Life lives on, and so should you


Cassidy's P.O.V.

It was another tiring day from school. I can't wait to graduate...if I was still alive though. Well, we'll never know. I might die this instant since I don't even know what's happening inside my own body. I was never brought back to the hospital ever since I was diagnosed.

Is it right to keep it from them? They are my family now...I will need all the moral support from them, not just financially...

"Hello, Cassidy." Carlos was sitting on the sofa, reading a newspaper as I got inside the house.

Carlos and I became closer and we did became the best of friends. "Hey, dork."

"That's not how you call your older brother, Cass." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes in exhaustion and ran up the stairs to get changed. My illness popped in my head again as I changed. What is going on inside my body? A part if me wanted to know and a part didn't. Of course, the part of me that didn't want to know won.

I changed into something more comfortable and went downstairs to grab something to bite. Carlos is still in the living room holding some sort of board game. I ignored everything he's doing and went straight to the kitchen fridge. I settled on some Greek yogurt and topped it with berries. Yogurt and fresh fruit are healthy, right?

Walking to the living room, I wanted to watch TV before studying. What? Smart people need their breaks too, you know. Carlos was still dealing with the board game. It kinda looked like Monopoly, without the money, but with sets if cards instead.

"Uh...Carlos...what are you doing?"

"Setting this game up. James and I used to play with this ages ago, but now I forgot how to do it." he said, looking at the back of the box.

"Oh, come on, Carlos. You said you were nineteen and you're playing this game when you were like...eight?!"

"I just want to spend quality time with my new little sister, that's all."

Gag. "I have to study for an exam your brother just gave us."

"You're too smart, Cass. I know that you know the lesson already." Carlos started clearing up the mess he made.

"It doesn't hurt to review."

"It kills to be so smart."

"I thought you wanted to play?"

He stood up carrying the box, putting it on the sofa. "I have a better idea we could do. Let's play 20 Questions."


He shrugged. "It could be fun, you know. Getting to know about my little sister more. You've probably played this with James a million times already."

"Nope." I sat on the floor with my snack.

"Woah. Weird. James is a man-whore. He gets along with every girl he's with."

I just chocked on a berry. Did he just say 'ever girl'?! Like how many girls? Carlos crawled beside me and patted my back.

"I thought you knew, sis. Didn't mean to surprise you there."

"You think?" I said, still feeling that berry.

"Let the 20 Questions begin." he smirked.


I don't recall the number we're at, but I learned a lot from Carlos. I actually know more about him than with James.

Carlos is a nurse. He just graduated at nineteen because he accelerated with school, he had three girlfriends, only one was serious because the other two were older than him. His favorite color is purple, he hates ketchup...

"Okay, Cassidy. My next question is this...I know the whole arranged marriage thing was a shock, and still I guess it probably is, do you like James...even just a tiny bit?"

I felt my cheeks burn. What was I supposed to say?

"Your cheeks speak for you, Cass. You like my brother." he concluded.

"Carlos, no. I don't like your brother." I defended. I don't like him. I shouldn't. Why should I?

"So..." he stroked his imaginary beard. "You don't like him, correct?"


"If you don't like him, then you love him."

"No, no. NO."

Carlos stood up and picked up my cup and went to the kitchen. "I can keep a secret, you know."

"Sure, keep things to yourself that aren't even true."

He came back instantly with two bottles of water. He sat down Indian style again facing me and placed a bottle by my side. "Next question...what is your deepest secret that no one in this room knows, but you?"

Oh...crap. Should I?

"What's going on in here?" James just came home. It's James the savior! I should thank him for all the situations he has saved me, though.

"20 Questions." Carlos and I said in unison. We stared at each other awkwardly. "Jinx you owe me a soda!" we both yelled at the same time and we laughed.

"Just don't do any stupid monkey business, you two." he said in his teacher mode and made his way up to the stairs hastily and furiously.

What was his problem?


James' P.O.V.

As the days pass by, the busier we teachers get. Like today, I didn't drive Cassidy home because of my lesson plan. She had to walk, which I hate, but luckily Hannah had a car and that she said she'd drop her off. It made me relieved to know she's safe. I don't know what would I do if something bad happened to her.

I walked inside our house to see Carlos and Cassidy sitting in the living room floor. They look intimidated, Especially Cassidy. Her face is paler, it looks like she's seen a ghost.

"What's going on in here?" I abrupted. I was so close to bursting.

"20 Questions." they said in unison...perfectly. "Jinx you owe me a soda!" they both yelled together again. Oh, ha-ha. It isn't funny at all.

"Just don't do any stupid monkey business, you two." I finally said and went upstairs.

This isn't right. It looks like they're getting along more!

Carlos and Cassidy.

Yeah right. Pfft.

Yes, I am jealous, if it isn't obvious. Now that Carlos knows more about Cassidy now, I'm finding ways to gain her trust so that I could get to know her more! Looks like it's harder than I thought.


Cassidy's P.O.V.

Dinner was quiet. No one uttered a word. Natalie and Patrick--Dr. Hughes, looked deep in their thoughts. They weren't even talking to each other. Carlos was opposite at me. I gave him my puzzled look and she just shrugged and continued eating. James was beside me. As always. I can tell that his mind was filled with other thoughts. They were loud and buzzing inside his head.

I tried breaking the ice by leaning towards James and whispered in his ear. "You came home late. That was a shock."

"We had to pass our lesson plans." he replied but his eyes never looked at me. "What's it to you? You never asked me that nor took interest in what I do."

I know what he said was harsh, but to me it wasn't. His tone was dry. I didn't know if he was irritated, hot-headed, or wasn't in the mood. It suddenly pissed me off for some reason. Bipolar.

Didn't he want me to be caring or concerned? That was what he wanted, right? And now he does this to me?

"So...I can't just ask how my future husband is doing? You said you wanted us to work out, and now I'm trying, but look at it now." I stood up and threw my table napkin on the dining table. "Excuse me." I muttered to everyone and I sprinted to my room.

When I entered my room, that was when I realized what I just said at James. Crap. Holy crap. I am...ugh!

I just buried myself on my bed in tears. If only I could erase what I have done.


The next day was as bland as yesterday. I got up, got ready, and waited for James...although I didn't want to see him because of what I said to him.

"Carlos, can you take me to school?"

He was running everywhere to get his things and he rushed to the door. "Sorry I can't, Cass. I'm late for my duty. See you later."

I asked Natalie if I could take the bus, she said no and that I should wait for James. Why?!

James came down the stairs and I instantly got my bag, and he opened the door for me to go out first. He slid me in the car and we were on our way to school. Of all the awkward silences we had, this was the most torturous yet.

No one said anything. James just dropped me at the usual spot where he drops me when I enter the school.

"Be safe, Cass." were his only words before his car left.

At least he still cares...I think.

"Cassidy!" I flinched as I heard Hannah's gleeful greeting. She cane running in the halls to get to me...at the locker.

"Hey, Hannah." I grinned.

"Cassidy, why is Mr. Hughes looking so down? What happened between you two?"

"Shh! If you quiet down, I'll tell you." I looked around to see if anyone overheard us. I closed my locker and held Hannah's wrist. "Come with me."

Hannah is the only friend I have and I trust her, but sometimes, clamming her up is the most difficult thing. I dragged her to the garden outside and only people in the lower years were there reviewing their lessons I think.

"James and I fought last night, Han." I told her everything. From the minute he stepped into the house to this morning's encounter.

"Well...looks like Mr. Hughes likes you." she folds her arms over her chest with a smug look on her face.

"No, he does not, Hannah." like me? Who would like me?

"Nope. That's not the way I see it. He came into the house seeing you and his brother playing 20 Questions, am I right? And then he suddenly raises his voice at you both for no reason. If he didn't like you, then he would've ignored you. And...it looks like he cares about you...a lot."

"Care...maybe. But like? No, no, Hannah. Not happening."

"What? The guy shows that he cares about you. Who wouldn't want a caring husband? Especially at your condition, Cass. You need him."

James. I need to tell him. Not now, not tonight, but when I'm ready. I can't just go up to him and be like, 'Hey, James, did you know that I have Leukemia and I don't know if I'm gonna wake up tomorrow.'

"Speaking of the hot mess of a fiancé. Look at who he's with." Hannah chin-pointed at her left.

James was with Miss Chloe Klein. They were both holding their coffee cups. I believe that it's...Sky...Star...Sun?...whatever it has 'bucks' in the end. Anyway, they were laughing. They look happy. I've never seen James smile and laugh like that. Miss Chloe makes him happy. I can't make him happy.

"Soneone's a green-eyed monster." Hannah sang.

"Who is?" I asked casually. I know she was referring to me.


I kept looking at them both. They didn't stop laughing.


James' P.O.V.

11:30 p.m.

That damn meeting made me go home late. We didn't even agree on anything! Everyone made their way home.

I threw my keys on the glass container and went straight up to Cassidy's room to check up on her. I've been doing this ever since she stayed here. For sure, she's asleep at this time. I doubt that she would be asleep at this time at her old home. I opened her door, making sure it didn't make unnecessary noises as I got in.

Her sleeping figure was surrounded by her school books. All from different subjects as well as assignments. I cleared her bed and put all her things on her bedside table. A lollipop was still in her mouth and I fought my laughter. I tried pulling her lollipop slowly from her mouth and threw it away in her bathroom's trash bin. As I came back, my eyes only laid on her face. I try to imagine the kind of life she had before she came into my life...I couldn't.

She flinched and started shaking her head, her brows furrowed. She was having a nightmare. "No...no, please, daddy..." she muttered. "Please, no! Don't take him, daddy! Take me, that's what you wanted, right? Don't take him away from me, daddy, please!" she started crying in her sleep, which made me furious. Look at what they did to her!

I sat on the edge of the bed and stroke her hair and it calmed her down. "I'm not going anywhere, Cassidy. I'm always here for you. I will never let them hurt you. As long as you stay by my side, I will not let them lay a finger on you." I continued stroking her hair and she finally calmed down. It wasn't too long until she was in her deep slumber.

Couldn't they even see how damaged she is? When Cassidy and I are off to ourselves, I want her to be happy. I want her to experience the beauty of life.

I kissed her forehead good night and reached for my phone in my pocket, but it wasn't there, so I assumed it was in the car. I got out of her room without making any sound and as I stepped the last stair, I heard my parents' voices in the living room.

"You're making things more complicated than they are, Natalie."

"Because...Patrick...I have to do what's right for both of them. Why are you not supporting me in this?"

"You're making it look like every decision is yours to give!"

My parents...they were fighting. They only fight once in a blue moon.

"I am his mother!"

"Shush. You might wake Cassidy."

"Then just listen to me."

"I am listening to you!" dad sounded frustrated. "Why should you think of an alternative?"

"Because it means she could choose and it's not like we're dictating her what she has to do with her life."

"She is a guest, Natalie. You can't expect other people to do everything you say."

"She is not just a guest. She is like a daughter to me already."

Then came silence.

"Alright. Whatever you say. We will discuss this. All five of us. Especially Cassidy and James. Where is he by the way?"

"He's at a meeting. He should be home right now."

What are they arguing about? And are they really going to let Cassidy have choices on what her life is going to be? This is unfair! She is free now. She gets to decide what she wants to do with her life and no one else.

As my goosebumps reminded me that I should run to the door and act like I just came, my mother saw me and her face was as white as snow, and her eyes widened as if she saw a ghost.

I didn't know if I was angry at mom. I felt confused, but anger overcame. "I heard everything, mom."

"Y-you did?" she, herself, couldn't believe it. "James, listen to me." her voice was shaky.

I shook my head. I didn't want to hear her explanation. I don't want her to explain anything but why she's doing this to my poor Cassidy.

"James?" a sweet, small, but groggy and tired voice called my attention and all of our eyes faced the stairs. It was Cassidy. She has woken up and she was rubbing her eye. "What's going on?"


"We were just discussing dinner. You didn't have dinner tonight." mom cut me off.

"I-I was waiting for James." she muttered with her cheeks having that lively color of pink. That made me smile at the back of my mind, but of course, my anger.

"Would you like your dinner now that James is here?"

Cassidy looked at me, probably wanting to ask me if I ate. Of course, first, if I said yes that would be lying. Second, I haven't had dinner yet but I lost my appetite because of what I have heard.

"A sandwich would be fine." I smiled, looking at her beautiful blues.

"I'll make you one." she offered with a smile.

I pointed towards the direction where the kitchen is and Cassidy nodded.

"After you two eat your dinner, we'll have a family meeting." mom said.

Cassidy looked at me and then at mom. Her face looked burdened. "Okay."

Mom and dad went upstairs, maybe to wake Carlos up, while Cassidy and I went to the kitchen. I sat on the kitchen table and watched Cassidy make me and herself a sandwich. She took out tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese from the fridge and toasted the bread.

"You look like a pro with this." I tried lightening up the mood.

"It's just a sandwich, James." she took out the toasts and laid two on separate plates. Then she began slicing the tomatoes.

"I know you were asleep, why did you wake up?"

Cassidy stopped slicing. She looked at me at first and then started slicing again. "And why are you talking to me?"

What is she talking about? "Pardon?"

"You were hot-headed last night and we fought. And...we didn't talk ever since last night."

"I said be safe and all today when I dropped you off."

"Oh..." she handed me the plate. "H-how was the meeting?" she asked me. Is she trying to have a conversation with me? That's a first, and progress of course.

I got up from my seat and started making myself a cup of coffee. As soon as I held the coffee jar, Cassidy cringed her nose. I know that she hates coffee, but I might teach her to drink a cup or two, if destiny permits.

She opened the fridge and produced a jug of orange juice. She poured herself a glass of the juice and sat beside where I was sitting, and the whole time her eyes were on me like a hawk. I sat down then she started eating her sandwich. I guess that she's still shy around me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as she bit into her sandwich.

"Sorry for what?" she replied with her mouth full. Now I am feeling guilty on not coming home early.

"I'm sorry for what I said. The way I acted...that was immature of me."

I looked at her and our eyes locked. They were the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my entire life. Her eyes were definitely the windows to her soul. In those eyes, I see pain. I could see how many times she cried and times she pleaded with them. In those eyes, I see anger, anger of vengeance. In those eyes, I see sadness. Never could I have imagine her happy. In those eyes...I see her longing for love. She never mentions it, but I know she needs it.

"Carlos is up. Alright, everyone." mom entered the kitchen unexpectedly, followed by dad, and Carlos with bad bed hair. Not attractive at all, girls.

The adrenaline rushes through my veins again. I don't want this to happen. Looking at Cassidy, she was as confused as ever. I held her hand comfortingly and her eyes shot to mine.

Mom took a deep breath. "Here we go...Cassidy..."

"Yes?" her voice was small, sweet, and polite.

"I don't know where to start, honey, but I'll go straight to the point because I know, my introductions take up all the time in the world and it goes to waste, just like now."

"I don't know what you're talking about--"

"Cassidy, you turned out to be a strong-willed young woman, and I don't want your life to seem like it was scripted and planned, so we thought that it would be best for your decision to be pushed through. We know that you are nervous about you and James getting married, and that you are uncertain."

Can someone just tape my mother's mouth...PLEASE?

"We are giving you two choices Cassidy. It's either you two get married, or the second option. You can get to live with us, but as our daughter...it's your choice."


Cassidy's P.O.V.

Everything has gone out of hand! I can't continue living like this! What do they expect of me to do now?!

They wanted me to marry James, and now they want me to be their adopted daughter now?! Why can't they just say what they really want from me? I can't continue like this. I thought they brought me out of my parents' evil hands to get away with it all! But right now...I feel suffocated, strangled, choked.

I can feel my tears flowing out any second, but the heat, the anger was way past my head. My jaw  felt hardly clenched and I wanted to rip someone's head off. I also noticed James' hand on mine. I slid mine off to control myself from doing anything unwanted.  "With all do respect, ma'am...I am also human. A brain was placed in my head for a reason. There is also a reason why I am alive now. I am a human person, and not a rag doll nor a golden heirloom that is being passed around. Now if you excuse me, I'll be in my room." I sneered, getting up from my seat I headed to my room and locked the doors.

I heard Natalie and Patrick apologize on my way to the stairs. I heard James and Carlos calling my name, but as Natalie said: '...it all goes to waste'.

I don't belong here. I don't have a family. I will never have one. The choice I picked? Death.


My ears screeched while I taped the last box. I hate packaging tape. I threw the tape to the floor and wiped a bead of sweat on my forehead with my sleeve. Moving from a house to another one week to another is tiresome.

*Knock. Knock*

The knock sounded unsure...even nervous. "Come in." I said dryly. The door creaked a bit as it opened. Carlos was there in his work clothes.

"Hey there, Cass." he said with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Hey." I said back. Woah, how many boxes have I packed? I've never had this many clothes and things like in forever.

He sat down on my bed and watched my every move like I moved one box to one side or carried one box and placed it on another. He wasn't talking. He was just there...looking at me. Similar to what Danny looked when I was packing. What's with me packing?

"Cass...I wanted to apologize for my family."

He was apologizing? He had nothing to do with this. It was a good thing my back was facing him because I rolled my eyes. "You didn't do anything, Carlos."

"Still. I still want to apologize. They were just overwhelmed I'm sure."

I scoffed. Overwhelmed?! Ever since I got here, they were all overwhelmed? That's not possible. "Carlos." I turned around to face him. "What is your definition of overwhelmed, honestly?"

A pang of guilt rushed through me when I saw him look at his hands. His eyes were with guilt also. "Cassidy, my family were wrong. They were making decisions that didn't matter to what you even thought of."

Tears were prickling my eyes. I bit my lips to stop myself from starting to cry. "I-I just want to go home."

*Knock. Knock*

"I won't tell you what to do, Cass." Carlos said as he stood up. He kissed me on the forehead and left the room. James was the one knocking outside. The moment he saw my arms folded on my chest, my lips bit, and my eyes moist, he instantly knew what it meant.

He closed the door and came up to me. His long fingers caressed my cheek and then he tilted my chin so that my eyes would meet his. "Cass--"

I let my tears fall freely. I couldn't resist it anymore. "I want t-to go home."

"You are home. We're just moving to a place of our own."

I shook my head. "N-no. Go home. My old home."

His soft expression changed into a tense one with his jaw clenched and his lips in a hard line. "That isn't a good idea."

"Please. J-James, please!" no matter how many times I would plead, he wouldn't let me. He wasn't even respond.

James took me by surprise by cupping my face and looking at me in the eyes. I swear, we were just three inches away. Was he going to kiss me?

He closed his eyes and sighed. Kissing my forehead, he took a step back and released my face. His look was saddened. "Cassidy, I-I..." he shook his head. His face changed from sad to serious. "...you can't go back. I don't want you to get hurt."

He doesn't want me to get hurt, huh? "But I am getting hurt even here. What difference does it make?"

"I don't want you to get hurt physically. Who knows what could happen to you there!" his tone was different. It was filled with care, sadness...love? No, Cassidy.

I can't take all the pity anymore. My mind is going crazy. "James...I honestly thought that joining your family would...work out..." I shrugged. "...but it didn't, and it won't. I'm not cut out for this. This isn't the life for me--"

"I told you. We could work this out." he protested. He held my hand and kissed my knuckles, and for once, I didn't feel the butterflies in my stomach. After kissing my knuckles, he held out my palm onto his cheek. It stayed there for a while, but I slid it away.

"That's what you told me, James." I said in a more calmer tone this time. "I-I also want a new life." the tears flowed down my cheeks again. "I actually believed that everything is going to be normal after I stepped outside that house...but I was wrong. Everything got more complicated. Why can't I just live a normal life? I'd rather die in that hell of a house than this!" I yelled.

James' teeth clenched and his pupils dilated. "I won't let you, Cass. No matter how hard you try, I won't allow it."


James' eyes widened and took a step back. I just yelled at James. I...I yelled at him. I fought back...

He walked slowly to me. One agonizing step at a time. His burning gaze never left mine. When you add fire and fire, it only gets bigger. Another reason why we can't be with each other. He stood in front of me. He was looking down at me. I then felt my wrist being snatched.

"Listen for once in your life, Cassidy. There is a reason why your family sold you to us. There is a reason why you're here in MY family now. Why do you always think about the negative side of your life?"

"Because it was the dominating side of my life. I've lived my life like this. No one showed kindness nor love to me more than half of my lifetime."

"Is that the reason why you can't feel it now?"

"Feel what, James?"

"How much I love you, Cass."

A gasp escaped from my lips. Butterflies were flying everywhere in my stomach. I felt my forehead moisten. Why is it cold? I stood there like a statue. He told me he loves me...again! No, this is wrong. I don't deserve love. I never deserved it.

"Cass, I-I'm--"

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I threw my pillow on James, crying. It was one of the most painful cries I had. Ever since James came into my life, all I ever did was cry. I never cried. Whenever they beat me, I never cry. I show them that I could endure suffering.

I didn't know that feelings hurt more than the physical pain. It was more unbearable.

"I-I'd be...in the car...I'll, uh, wait for you there..." James left the room. I didn't quite understand how he felt. He didn't slam the door and neither did he yell back at me.

My tears wouldn't stop. They can't, it hurts too much. I felt heavy-hearted inside. Maybe I could do one more thing before leaving. Rushing through the bathroom, I rolled up my sleeves.

The bathroom wasn't that empty. I headed for the small compartment cabinet near the Jacuzzi, which I haven't used. My shampoo, conditioner, and everything else...even my blade.

My shaky hands held onto the thin, cold piece of metal.

Cut, Cassidy. Cut. You don't deserve to see another sunset. You never deserved to breathe since the very first moment you came into this world. Your heart was just to stubborn to pump.

One slice at a time, the blade glided through my wrist. One...two...three.

This isn't enough.


I stopped at six because I felt satisfied with the flowing blood coming out. Whenever I bleed like this, all the voices disappear. I felt the satisfaction. It didn't last long though. It isn't enough. I wanted to drive a knife through my heart, but I can't. I could jump out of the window, climb up the roof and throw myself down, but again, I can't.

I was just thinking about it and thought of how everyone would react. My family would rejoice, but James' family won't.

I placed a clean wipe on my cuts and rolled down my sleeve. I threw the blade in the toilet bowl and I saw the blood dispersing with the water. This will mark my last day of stay here. I got out of the bathroom and saw maids carrying my things down. Assuring myself, I went down the stairs and straight into James' car where he was waiting agonizingly.

"Take me to my old home." I put on my seat belt, not looking at James.

He sighed deeply and started driving to my house. I wanted to cry, but I can't show how weak I am to James. He's seen me cry for, I don't know, a million times? He stopped in the front yard and I stepped out instantly. I knew he wasn't going anywhere, and that he'd wait for me here.

(play video--->)

Standing outside the door, I felt scared. I was just looking at the door. I held the doorknob and twisted it slowly, knowing that I know my parents wouldn't lock the house door. It opened up and it greeted me with broken glass all over the place, ruined furniture, rotten food, crawling insects, maybe a few rats. It was a wipe out!

All picture frames were smashed, broken vases were on the floor. It smells like a body died inside! Upstairs, I opened my door, my mattress was upside-down, my drawers were detached, the light's circuit started sparking. What the hell happened here?

All of a sudden, everything that has happened in this room came flashing back. They all looked so real that I felt it everywhere on my body. I remembered the beatings, the lashings...everything! My tears fell freely and I let them even though I knew that they would do nothing better to me. What kind of life am I living?

"Well. look who's here?"


Author's Note: I apologize for the Author's Note in the beginning of the page of this chapter's update, I just really needed it. I really did. *sigh*

Song beside is an instrumental of 'Skinny Love' by Birdy. You just have to listen to it!!! This song will appear at most chapters.......well, I should've entitled this 'Skinny Love' instead..kidding :))

I also apologize for putting all of my works on hold. Fourth Quarter was hectic like we had tons of projects, assignments, and other stuff to do. After a major project comes another. Grr!! XD

It's summer!!!! :3 March 21, 2014 was the last day of school. Oh, yeah, I'll be updating again after my vacay trip to Baler, Aurora. Yes, I am from the Philippines and proud to be ;) I'll be there for three days and my parents forbade me to use the internet while I'm there. poowie.

Thank you so much, III-Isaiah '13-'14!!! WE SURVIVED CHEM!! XD hahaha! I also want to say thanks to my chem teacher and adviser(homeroom teacher) Mr. Jeff Bernardo, my second daddy :3 he was the best. They made my Junior year one of the best school years <3 love you guys to the moon and back! <3

Okay...upcoming Senior and then off to college! wooh!!! ^.^

Chapter dedicated to so many people. I owe so many people dedications here and at FBOFW. Let me ennumerate them all XD

*Chealsea C-the next Michelle Phan :3 a dear friend of mine who I never thought that I would be so close with. To check out her makeup tutorials, it's in the external link ;)

*Isaiah '13-'14 - I know you guys probably won't read this, but I love you all. Thanks for the memories. Good and bad. As sir always says, "FEAR NOT".

*Familian Readers - those who go to my school and who just adore Cassidy's life story. The reasons to smile and review Chem :))

*xxFire_Burnsxx - for helping me think ;) you know about this xx

*Little_Red101 - my new bestie on Wattpad. She's an amazing fan and bestie! <3

*wizardreject16-for lending an ear...when was it? haha! another amazingly beautiful person.

*WanderingBabies-missing my babies </3 see you when I do!

*To the b¡tches, fags, and tards(both male and female) who have been hating and bullying me this school year, without those tears I shed, I would have been a wimp right now. So I thank you all still and I hope you all burn in hell...kidding. God bless you all...kinda.

*SoulReader1016-my Phantom, my Prince Albert, my everything. There are no words in any dictionary to describe and tell how amazing you are. I love you so much.

So many readers keep pm-ing me that they get shy when they wanna talk to me. Please don't be! :D I'm open to everyone! <3 you guys know my twitter.

Okay. Super long author's note here XD

I've made FBOFW's Wattpad Trailer!! :D if you don't know or would want to read For Better or For Worse, here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhXkYR-D9Cg&feature=share


comments please <3



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