His Playboy Ways

Da Bookworm_Tina

2.4M 42.8K 14.3K

"Please don't leave." he pleaded. His once arrogant, obnoxious, confident gaze looked so vulnerable, helpless... Altro

A New Beginning
Hello California
Mr Cocky Jerk
A Sweet Gesture
Changing Rooms and an Old Friend
Mason Behaving Badly
Getting Even
An End of a Growing Friendship?
A Charitable Event
My Childhood Bestie
Deals and Bets
Carly in the Club
From Makeover to Boyfriend
Disaster Date
Down Memory Lane
** Authors Note**
Operation Breakup Part 1
Operation Breakup Part 2
Coming Clean
Back To His Playboy Ways
Daddy Mason and Mommy Carly
Too Many Doses of Drama
You're Not Alone
Pokerfaced Playboy
Something Like Déjà vu
Secrets out of the Turkey
Why So Distant Mr Playboy?
Hangovers, Shopping and A Surprise
The Playboy's Game
Standing As Strangers
The Breaking Point
The Sleeping Angel
A Fresh Start
Goodbyes Are Always Hard
Making it Memorable
An Unexpected Twist
Stuck In The Past
All Grown Up
The Doctor and The Playboy
Revelations, An Old Friend and Planning with the Playboy
A Little Like Old Times
Too Late For Confessions
This Was Meant To Be
Finding Something New - His Playboy Ways Extra
His Playboy Ways spin off
Author note

A Twist Of Fate

42.3K 857 560
Da Bookworm_Tina

Sorry for any errors, haven't proofread the chapter.

I sat in my living room, in front of the fire place and stared aimlessly at the dead fire, I looked at the burnt ash in front of me. Those ashes that was once a fresh, strong piece of wood was now nothing but ashes. That piece of wood was once like my relationship with Mason, it had splinters here and there but it was still strong and whole, now our relationship was nothing, just like the ashes lying in the fireplace.

It was after midnight and I was home for a good hour and a half but I still couldn't get Mason's vulnerable eyes out of my head, they were filled with not only hurt but also love, I saw something that I always wanted to see in Mason's eyes, love for me.

Tears were still escaping through the corners of my eyes, there was a moment I wondered why I was even crying but after sitting alone in my cold and dark living room I knew why I felt so heartbroken. I was torn between two people I felt deeply about, one was Damien who was there for me at a time I felt as if I had no one, we both found comfort in each other when we were at our most loneliest times, we were the light at the end of each other's tunnels. He made me smile and laugh and forget about old wounds but most of all, he innocently and wholeheartedly loved me; he loved and still loves me more than he probably loves himself, so much that I feel so unworthy of his love and affection.

Then there is Mason, our relationship has always been so complicated and rocky. He was the only person who could get me so worked up and angry but he was also the only person who could so easily appease and get me to smile again. With Mason I always felt so...alive and young; he made me forget about everyday woes and got me to just live in the moment. With him it's like a roller-coaster rush, so scary and daring but also so exciting and thrilling at the same time, there was never a dull moment between us. We were always arguing and I think that's what made my feelings towards him so strong.

I shut my eyes and rested my head against the backrest, how could I ever choose between the two? Why was there even a choice to make? Mason was a part of my past and shouldn't the past stay there? If Mason and I were meant to be together then why did we always separate when we were so close to being together?

My answer was clearly evident, I knew Damien was the right person for me, he always was and always would be then why was I so sad and uneasy, why did my feelings for Mason feel stronger than ever before?

"Carly?" my thoughts were put to a halt when Nicole's soft voice welcomed my ears.

I opened my eyes and saw her standing in front of me in her nightgown. "Carly, it's freezing in here." She said wrapping her arms around herself. "What are you doing sitting alone in the dark?"

I sniffed and wiped my cheeks. "Sorry, I um...I got back just now and I think I must've dozed off."

I attempted standing up but Nicole held my shoulders and pushed me back before she sat down next to me. "Carly," she began softly with concern coating her tone, "What's wrong? Why were you crying?"

I sniffed again and shook my head. "I wasn't, my eyes are just puffy because I was asleep."

"Don't lie to me; I know you long enough to know you were crying." Nicole said. "Now tell me what's wrong."

I felt a lump build up in my throat again and tears profusely ran down my cheeks. "He loves me Nicole." I mumbled.

"I don't understand... of course he loves you. He's going to marry you." Nicole said sounding confused. "I don't know why this would come as a shock to you."

I slowly shook my head. "No. Mason loves me."

"Mason?" Nicole whispered. "How... I mean, when did you realize this?"

"Tonight." I answered. "It was so clear in his eyes, he told me exactly how he felt, he told me how sorry he was for pushing me away and acting like he didn't care about me anymore. He was so regretful Nicole and so hurt... it was heart-breaking to see him so vulnerable."

"You met him?"

"Yes, he was drunk and so alone. I couldn't just leave him there, I took him to his room and that's when he poured his heart out to me."

Nicole took in a breath and rested her hand on my shoulder. "Did he tell you that he loves you?"

"Almost." I said. "But I stopped him, I don't know what I would've done if those three words came out of his mouth."

Nicole shifted in her seat so she was squarely facing me, she looked at me peculiarly. "Carly, do you still love him?"

"The real question is did I ever stop?"

I have never seen Nicole look so perplexed before. She ran a hand through her hair and blinked a few times before she spoke. "Carly, this revelation is a little too late. You're getting married in under a months' time."

"I know." I murmured. "Oh God I am such an awful person, on one hand I have the ever so loving Damien who I don't deserve, how could I ever break his heart? Then there's Mason, we have this connection that I can't explain, we've always had a close bond. We never get along and he annoys me to no extent but it would tear me apart to break his already wounded heart."

"You're not awful Carly, you're human. We don't control our feelings, they just happen at the most sudden and spontaneous time." Nicole said comfortingly. "But it will be wrong of you to play with three lives. Carly you have to decide what you really want, I know someone is going to get hurt but that's life, not everyone can win, we just have to accept out losses and move on with life, we should appreciate what we had and live happily with the memories and then find someone else to create new memories with."

I sat quiet knowing what Nicole said was correct but what she didn't realize was that it was easier said than done.

"You don't have a lot of time; you need to make this decision on your own." Nicole said and stood up. She looked down at me. "It's a hard decision I know but always remember the one who was the reason for more of your smiles than tears, after all the one who made you smile more is the one who truly deserves you."

**One and Half Weeks Later**

"Alright, I won't forget. I promise." I said into the phone receiver as I hastily buttoned my coat and made my way out of my bedroom.

"Remind me where you're going again." Damien said through other end of the phone.

"Yeah so you can just follow me there, no chance of that happening." I said.

"Oh come on, why can't I come along?"

"Because I said so...well Amber said so but still, you're not coming." I said as I stepped into the kitchen. "Now I will see you around noon. Have a good day."

Damien sighed. "Alright. You too."

"Do I get to know where you're going?" Nicole asked as she poured me a cup of coffee.

"Thanks." I said as I took the cup. I took a sip of the warm liquid and nodded. "Of course. I'm off to see Amber; I need to get a final dress fitting."

"Wedding dress?"

"Yup, the last time I tried it one, she needed to take in the waist or something, so she wants to see if it fits perfectly now."

I took one final sip of my coffee. "And I'm already late, I will see you later."

"Carly." Nicole stopped me as I made my way out of the kitchen.

I turned around and looked at her over my shoulder. "Yeah?"

Nicole took two hesitant steps towards me. "Carly," she began. "I don't want you to take this wrong way but your brother and I are a little worried about you."

"For what?"

"Remember our talk last week? Well, you haven't mentioned anything about that since that night."

"So?" I asked. "Doesn't it then mean I'm over that?"

Nicole took another step towards me. "If that's the case then I'm really happy but if this is a way to shut yourself out from everything, I mean, if you're playing ignorant to your feelings then there's something to worry about."

"Wow Nicole, I had no idea you have a psychiatric degree, you seem to have people all figured out." I said sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant Carly, I just-"

"What?" I sort of snapped. "You just what Nicole?"

I fully turned around and stepped into the kitchen again.

"I am getting married in under a month, to Damien. Doesn't that give you an answer to the question you've probably been dying to ask for some time now? Yes I made a decision, a decision that you said I should make on my own. I'm not shutting myself out to anything, I'm not ignorant to anything either. And I haven't mentioned anything about that night because I am past it, I am starting a new life soon and I need to leave behind everything that's holding me back so I do not appreciate you bringing up things I've forgotten about!"

"Carly I was just checking on you, making sure you know what you're doing. I didn't mean to bring up old things." Nicole said earnestly.

"Yeah, well I'm perfectly fine thank you." I said a little too coldly.

"Carly-" Nicole began but was cut off when Liam walked in.

He looked between the two of us. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing, I was just leaving."

"Carly, listen I was just trying to help you because I was worried. You haven't seemed yourself from some time; I mean have you even thought about what you want?"

"Yes I have and I've decided that I am going through with the wedding, Damien is my present and I plan on making him my future too. Mason's my past and that's where I intend on leaving him, his confession came too late, I cannot be selfish and forget about Damien because Mason has suddenly woken up and realized how he feels about me." I paused and looked at Nicole sternly. "Mason has his dad, all Damien has is me and I'm not going to take the one person he calls his own away from him."

"Do you love Damien?" Nicole asked.

I took a moment before I answered in a flat tone. "I wouldn't be his fiancé if I didn't."

"Carly, I want you to be happy but in order for that to happen you have to think about you want and not everybody else, I-"

"Enough Nicole. With all due respect but you have no right to question me and my life choices, it's my life and I surely know what's right for me." I cut her off.


"Nicole." Liam said sternly. "Carly's right, stop putting your nose where it doesn't belong."

"But Liam, I was just..." she trailed off and shook her head and I swore her eyes looked extra glossy. If I wasn't so annoyed at Nicole, I would've felt bad for snapping at her. "Never mind, I'm sorry."

I gave my brother and his wife one look before I turned on my heel and left the kitchen but I didn't miss hearing a bit of their conversation. "Why are you butting into her business Nic?" Liam asked.

"I'm sorry; I'm just worried about her. Don't you see how abnormal she is after the talk I had with her last week? She's shutting her feelings out and it's not good for her."

"I'm her brother, don't you think I'm concerned too, I'm very worried about her but I have to accept that she's not longer just my little sister, she's a grown woman and I trust she knows what she's doing. I know that if she needs advice or help she'll come to me herself but for now give her space and let her live her life the way she wants to."

I ignored what they just said and left.

"Aunt Carly!" two little arms wrapped around my waist just as I entered Amber's place. A pair of big blue eyes looked up with me. "I haven't seen you in such a long time, where have you been?"

I smiled at the cute little seven year old and slouched down. "I'm sorry Macy, I've been a little busy but it's really good to see you again."

"You should really visit her often Carly, Macy is in love with you." I looked up to see Ashley smiling at me.

I stood up and returned Ashley's smile. "I will remember that."

"Yeah you should Aunt Carly and you should remember to bring along your brownies too." Macy said. "Uncle Mason and I were just talking about how we think you're the best brownie maker in the whole wide world."

I didn't reply but just playfully ruffled her hair and turned my attention to Ashley. "Nice seeing you again Ashley, are you here for my little flower girl's dress fitting?"

Ashley nodded. "Yeah and I'm so relieved it fits, I have come back and forth at least four times already. Macy is so picky with her clothing, it's like she's getting married."

"A girl has to look her best mommy." Macy rolled her eyes.

I laughed lightly. "Yeah well I know where she gets that habit from."

"Her mother." Amber appeared next to me. "You were quite the trendy one at school Ash."

Ashley grinned sheepishly. "I can only imagine what my parents went through with me."

"But Aunt Carly was the prettiest girl in high school." Macy said.

"Thank you Macy." I smiled at her. "But your mom was and still is very pretty."

"That's not what Uncle Mason said, he told me you were the prettiest girl he ever met and he also said you were the sweetest but most annoying girl too." She paused and frowned. "I really didn't understand him but maybe that was because he had too much to drink." She shrugged.

"Uncle Mason seems to talk a lot about you huh?" Amber mumbled under her breath.

Ashley cleared her throat and took Macy's hand in hers. "Well we should get going, Macy talks too much." she said with a chortle. "Don't take her words too head Carly, Mason talks about a lot things while he's drunk."

"Mason's drunk a lot these days?" I couldn't help but ask.

Ashley took a moment to answer. "Uh, he's been drinking a little more than usual but that's just because of the work load, he's pretty stressed." She smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry about it."

"I don't." I stated.

There was a brief silence in the room for a long moment before Ashley broke it. "Well, I'll be off." She looked at Macy. "Come on sweetheart."

Macy didn't move when her mother tugged on her hand but just looked at me. "I'm not the only one who's missed you Aunt Carly, Uncle Mason does too. I think you should go see him before he goes back home. He's leaving tomorrow afternoon." Macy paused and let go of her mother's hand and ran up to me. She gestured for me to end down and after doing as I was asked she whispered in my ear, "You know if you marry him instead of that other guy, Uncle Mason might stay here longer and he'll smile again. Mommy and Daddy even think you're the right person for him. I call you Aunt Carly because it matches with Uncle Mason."

Macy pulled away and looked at with wide eyes. "Please think about it Aunt Carly, you'll make him and me very happy."

I just smiled at her and stood up straight, playing deaf to whatever she just said, after all she was just a kid and kids didn't really understand much about life right?

"You talk too much Macy." Ashley scolded and took her hand again. "Aunt Carly has enough on her plate at the moment and you're telling her to visit people and who knows what else you're whispering in her ears." Ashley looked apologetic at me. "I'm sorry but you know kids, they're little parrots."

"It's fine." I half smiled as Ashley stepped towards the exit.

"I'll send my driver to pick up the dresses I bought tomorrow morning Ambs." She told Amber and after saying goodbye to me she left with Macy.

I turned and looked at Amber. "Ambs? Ash?" I raised a brow. "Wasn't Ashley the same person who you once thought was gaining weight because of medication that she was taking to cure an STD?"

Amber shrugged. "She's cool now and the good news is that she didn't have an STD, she was just pregnant with the little girl you adore so much." This time Amber raised a brow at me. "If my memory serves me right, you two weren't exactly bff's either, now you're Aunt Carly to her kid."

"I didn't hate her as much you did." I stated. "And I got close with Macy when I thought she was Mason's daughter, besides I love kids."

Amber's playful expression dropped and she looked at me seriously. "What's up with Mason? Do you think he's developed feelings for you? I mean, after what Macy just said, it would seem so...what do you think?"

I remained quiet for a few moments, taking in Macy's words and Amber's question. So many answers and feelings were about to surface but I blocked them out and took in a breath. "You want to know what I think? I think I need to get my dressed fitted."

Amber opened her mouth to say something but I shut her up. "Come on, I have a wedding dress to try on, let's go."

Amber just stared at me sternly before she wavered her expression and waved me into the adjacent doorway and I stepped into the dressing room.

After a whole five minutes I was wearing the dress and standing in front of a large mirror. I had to hand it to Amber, even though it was the third time I was personally seeing the dress, I still couldn't get over how beautiful it was. The dress was any brides dream; it was strapless with a sweetheart neckline embodied with fine beads and crystals. The dress was made of silk all the way form the neckline down to the brush train that would trail along behind me as I walked down the aisle.

"It fits perfectly." Amber beamed. "Finally."

"It was just a little loose around the waist the last time, other than that it fitted perfectly then too." I pointed out.

I half-spun around and looked the back details of the dress, admiring the little crystals that lined the fabric around the deep back cut.

"Damien won't be able to take his eyes off you when you walk down that aisle." Amber commented.

I didn't respond but just looked at myself in the mirror, admiring the dress. "Are you ready for the big day?" Amber asked breaking the silence.

"Of course I am." I answered.

"You're not nervous?"

"Which bride isn't?" I responded.

"You don't look so nervous." Amber said.

"Then I'm not your average bride am I?"

"Obviously not." Amber said more to herself.

"So are you happy with the way it fits?" I asked Amber after a brief silence lingered in the air.

Amber, with a measuring tape around her neck, made her way to me and tugged onto something at the back of my dress. "I just want to check this." She murmured under her breath.

I stood idly in silence as she worked on who knows what, I was happy with everything but Amber being a bit of a perfectionist seemed to find a fault.

"So are you going to say goodbye?" Amber broke the silence.

I frowned. "To who?"

"Mason. Macy did say he's leaving tomorrow." She replied casually. "Are you going to say goodbye to him?"

"He's going back to Cali, he's not permanently moving to Peru, I don't see a need to say goodbye."

"I didn't mean that goodbye." Amber said seriously. "I mean after hearing what he told Macy, I think you should tell him goodbye."

"I've said that goodbye a long time ago." I stated.

Amber stopped whatever she was doing with the dress and stepped in front of me. She looked at me peculiarly. "You are happy aren't you?"

I frowned at her odd question but answered nonetheless. "Of course I am."

She half smiled in response and was about to say something but stopped when the front door bell rang. "I'll go check who that is." She said before walking out of the room.

When she was out of sight I took the opportunity to think over what she asked me. Was I happy? Yes I was, Damien made me happy but a part of me still felt something for Mason and I probably always would. But I had to forget him and move on with my life, that's what I decided. I couldn't be selfish and leave Damien, I was all he had.

My thoughts were cut off when I heard Amber speak a little too loudly. "No you cannot go in there!"

"Why not?" I heard a voice that sounded very much like Nate's.

"Because it's bad luck." Amber answered.

"You're so old fashioned Ambs." I heard Nate's voice more clearly and just at the moment he walked in.

"I thought I could trust you Nate but I've just realized what a big mouth you have. Did you have to tell him she was here?" Amber scolded.

Nate ignored her and grinned at me. "Hi Miss Edwards."

I returned the grin. "Hi Nate."

"Wow babe." Nate breathed pulling Amber closer to him. "You've outdone yourself, this dress is amazing."

Amber smiled smugly. "Thanks."

I held onto the side of my dress and did a half spin. "It's beautiful right?"

"You're the beautiful one." Another masculine voice spoke from behind Nate.

I peeked over Nate's shoulder and Damien came into view. Now I understood why Amber was so mad at Nate, he told Damien I would be here.

Damien walked up to me, his eyes were coated with love and admiration and his mouth sat slightly agape. He stopped in front of me and looked at me for a long few seconds from head to toe. "You look absolutely stunning Carly."

"It's the dress." I said. "Amber did a great job huh?"

Damien lightly ran his fingers over my bare arms and stepped closer to me. "Don't be so modest, you know how beautiful you are. I am the luckiest man in the world to call you mine."

For some reason I took a step back, putting a distance between us. "You're not supposed to be here, you heard Amber, its bad luck to see your bride in her dress before the wedding."

"Damn right you're not supposed to be here." Amber said matter-of-factly crossing her arms.

"That's just a superstitious thought." Damien said. "Besides no bad luck is going to stop this wedding, fate can't be so cruel to me and take away the one person left I can call mine, no one take the one person I love more than life away from me."

"I'm with Damien on that." Nate said.

"Yes, yes it's all so sweet but I need the two men in the room to leave, I don't care if it's some superstitious thought, all I know it's an old belief that the groom should not see his bride or her dress before the wedding." Amber said. "Now leave so I can help Carly unzip her dress." She added.

"Amber's right." I agreed. "I'll be with you in a moment."

"I have an even better idea, why don't Amber and Nate leave and I'll help you unzip your dress." Damien grinned.

"I'm cool with that." Nate agreed. "C'mon Ambs, let's give the loved up couple some space."

"Nice try Damien but there's no way anyone is touching that dress other than me." Amber said. "Now out." she demanded.

"We lose man." Nate sighed. "Let's go."

"Alright then." Damien gave in and leaned in towards me. I subconsciously moved my head to the side and instead of my lips, he kissed my cheek. "I'll be waiting outside for you. I love you."

I just smiled in response and watched as the two guys left. Amber shut the door after them and made her way to me. "I am so going to kick Nate's ass for brining Damien here."

We remained in silence for a while as Amber helped me get out of the dress. Once I was dressed in my normal clothes and was about to leave Amber asked, "Carls, are you okay?"

"Yeah." I drawled. "Why do you ask?"

"You just... you look and seem different. I understand that you're nervous but it seems that it's more than just nervousness for you, I get the impression you're getting cold feet."

"Cold feet?" I shook my head in ridicule. "You're delusional Ambs."

"Probably, but why didn't you say it back?"

I was baffled at her question. "Say what back?"

"You know what. You didn't tell Damien you love him too."

"I didn't realize I had to tell him I love him every time he says it." I retorted in a snappish sort of way.

"It's normally an instinctive thing when you love someone Carly."

"Oh God." I sighed running a hand through my hair. "I hope this conversation isn't going the way I think it is."

"It depends what you think." Amber said. "Because I'm getting the impression here that you doubt not only the wedding but your feelings for Damien too."

"You're wrong." I said sternly. "Now drop the subject. I've spoken about this more than enough already."

"Then doesn't that tell you something?" Amber said. "Carly, I'm saying this because I'm your friend and I care about you. If you doubt anything you should really sit down and think hard because one wrong decision can ruin three lives."

"Ruin three lives?"

"Yes, yours, Damien's and Mason's." she said. "You think I don't notice the look in your eyes when Mason's name is just mentioned. You still feel something for him don't you?"

"Alright, I am done here. I will see you around Amber. Bye." I said and headed towards the door.

"Avoiding the subject isn't going to make the feelings go away Carly." Amber called after me. "You have no right to make decisions on your own. Your one decision is based on three lives. If you go ahead with the wedding and still have feelings for Mason, you won't have a happy marriage and there is bound to be conflict and by hiding your feelings for Mason, you're going to be fooling yourself and hurting Mason."

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. I took closer steps to Amber and looked at her squarely. "If I were you I wouldn't give out relationship advice Amber, after all you were the reason your relationship with Nate went awry twice. Yes, you're my friend and I appreciate your concern but I really don't need your advice or lecture." I said coolly. "This is my life and I will decide how I want to live it, I don't need you or anyone else telling me otherwise."

I could see hurt flash in Amber's eyes but I was far too annoyed to bother.

"Carly, you're getting me wrong. I know I'm not the best at relationship advice but-"

"Enough Amber. I came here for a fitting with my wedding dress designer and from my perspective your job - that I'm paying you for - is done. So I'd appreciate it if you'd be quiet for once and let me leave." I said coldly and turned on my heel towards the door.

"Oh yes, if there's something I need regarding the dress I'll be sure to call. Bye Amber." I added over my shoulder and left.

I walked beside Damien on the busy street towards Damien's car. "Are you okay?" Damien asked.

I mentally rolled my eyes. Why was everyone asking me if I was okay? Were they hoping something was wrong with me?

"Perfect." I replied flatly.

"You sure, because you look a little upset?" Damien asked.

I looked at him with a reassuring smile. "Absolutely."

Damien smiled back. "Alright, I'm glad to hear that."

We walked in silence towards the car and just as we were about to reach it Damien grabbed my hand. "I need to keep you close to me, this is New York and everyone knows how hectic the streets are. I wouldn't want someone to steal your purse or worse you."

Damien opened the passenger side door for me and I got in. Damien got into the driver's seat and started the engine. "Don't worry Damien, I'm not going anywhere." I genuinely smiled at me.

"Hearing that is like music to my ears." He said and took off.

We sat in silence for a bit while he drove. "You know Carly, it's normal to be nervous about your wedding but I assure you there is nothing to be nervous about."

"I know." I said. "I just want everything to run smoothly, that's all."

"Don't worry; we've hired the best people to take care of everything. All you need to worry about is turning up at the altar." He said. "And I promise to not leave you at the altar if you promise me the same." He teased.

I laughed. "It's a deal."

I looked out the windscreen wondering where we were headed. "Where are we going?"

"Well I initially wanted to take out for brunch but then I remembered I still owe you a birthday gift, so we're stopping to get you one and then we'll have brunch."

"Damien, you don't have to get me a gift."

"Of course I do."


"No arguing Carly, I'm getting you a gift and that's that. Now be a good girl and sit quietly."

"Yes sir." I playfully rolled my eyes.

After a brief drive we arrived at the very same jewellery store I got my snowflake pendant fixed, it was the best jewellery store in the city.

"Diamonds are a girl's best friend right?" Damien said as we entered the store. "So pick whatever you want, it's on me." he winked.

"What if I want everything in this store?"

"Then I'll buy you everything." He answered casually. Damien pulled me a fraction closer to him and looked deeply into my eyes. "I've made it my priority to fulfil every little wish and desire of yours Carly. Nothing is ever too much when it comes to you. My happiness lies in your smile and I will do anything to make you smile."

I lovingly smiled at him and pecked his cheek, thinking that I really didn't deserve him. Damien let go of me and looked casual again. "Look around for something you like, while I look for something I like for you."

Damien and I took opposite directions and looked around the store. I came across many beautiful pieces of jewellery but nothing really caught my eye, I didn't find something that I really liked.

I was looking at a pair of stunning sapphire and diamond earrings; it was in the shape of a teardrop and had many tiny little diamonds surrounding the sapphire. It was truly very elegant.

"Do you want to look at these?" an assistant asked.

I was about to say yes but was distracted when an elderly man, who I knew was the owner of the store, walked to the counter I was standing opposite and opened an antique box sheltering the most beautiful and exquisite ring I've ever laid my eyes on. The ring looked to be made of white gold or maybe platinum, I wasn't too sure, but it has a huge big ruby in the middle surrounded my many diamonds that covered the band as well. The ring looked to be old fashioned and that's why I maybe liked it, it wasn't something that any old jewellery store will sell.

"Beautiful." I breathed admiring the shining garment.

"Isn't it." the man said. "One of the most exquisitely cut diamonds and rubies my experience has ever seen."

"May I see it?" I asked.

"No can do, I'm sorry. But this isn't the property of the store, it belongs to a customer."

My spirits dropped hearing that. I really wanted that ring, and me wanting a fancy piece of jewellery was rare since I was never one who liked lots of jewellery. But something about this ring drew me to it.

"You like it?" Damien appeared next to me, startling me slightly.

"Doesn't matter." I sighed. "It's not for sale."

"You really like it don't you?" Damien asked.

I shrugged. "Forget it, let's look for something else."

Damien had a look in his eyes that I knew. "Don't bother Damien, it belongs to a customer."

Damien ignored me and turned his attention to the old man. "How much can I give you for that?"

The man looked up at Damien from under his spectacles. "I'm sorry sir, it's not for sale, it belongs to a customer who sent it in for polishing."

"Do you think the customer would sell?" Damien asked.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to ask him that."

"Alright, can I have a number or something so I can contact him?"

"Damien, just leave it. I don't like it that much." I tried reasoning.

"No Carly, you've never wanted something from me before and now for the first time you like something, I'm not going to just leave it." Damien said before turning his attention back to the old man. "A number?"

"No need." The man said. "The customer just walked into the store, you can ask him yourself."

I tugged on Damien's arm. "Damien, please, I don't want it anymore."

Damien ignored me and looked at someone behind me. "I have a feeling this customer might just sell it to me."

"Why?" I asked and turned around to see the face of the owner of the ring.

There was no way I wanted the ring anymore after seeing his face. He was wearing a black overcoat and his hair was covering a bit of his forehead, he had a bit of a stubble but overall he looked the very same from the last time I saw him. Only this time I guessed he was much more sober.

"Mr Clarke." The old man greeted.

"Hi Peter, is my parcel ready?"

"I was just packing it." The old man, whose name I learnt was Peter, replied.

I looked at the ring again and I had an idea whose ring that was, I remembered Grandpa Mitch telling me about it. I looked up again at Mason and this time his gaze caught mine.

An emotion flashed in his eyes for a second but disappeared just as quick and he covered it with a friendly grin. "Doc, nice seeing you here."

Mason stepped closer to where Damien and I were standing. I had no idea why my voice was stuck in my throat, I was standing across Mason, just like I did so many times but it felt like I was seeing him for the first time. I had no idea why I felt this way but maybe it was because the last time we met, he almost confessed his love for me.

Mason's gaze left mine and went to Damien who was standing next to me. Mason extended his arm, "How you doing Brinson?"

Damien shook his hand with a warm grin. "Good thanks and yourself?"

Mason put his hands in his pocket. "Alright."

"So you two wedding ring shopping this morning?" Mason asked, attempting small talk.

"No, that's already covered." Damien answered. "I'm here to get Carly a belated birthday gift, but Dr Edwards here is quite picky when it comes to jewellery."

"As far as I remember Carly doesn't like jewellery." Mason said with his eyes glancing past me. "Well to be more specific, she isn't much of a fan of diamonds."

"Oh I know that." Damien said. "That's why when she really takes a liking something I make it my mission to get it for her."

"Damien, I was just admiring it, I don't want it." I said.

"Don't be stupid Doc, Damien is offering you something you want, only a fool would say no." Mason said.

"But I don't want it." I stated.

"Carly," Damien began.

"Damien, let's just go."

Mason looked between the two of us a little awkwardly. "Okay, I'm just going to take my parcel and go."

Just on cue Peter handed Mason the box with the ring. "Thanks Peter." Mason said and handed him his credit card.

Peter walked off with the card and Mason was about to pocket the box but Damien stopped him. "You know you have what I want." Damien said seriously.

Mason stopped what he was doing and looked confused. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, you have what I want."

Mason humourlessly chucked under his breath and shook his head. "I could tell you the same thing." He said seriously looking at me dead straight in the eyes.

I shifted awkwardly and looked away.

"What?" Damien asked with a frown.

I nervously looked up at Damien who was wearing a frown. "Um, what Damien means is that you have the box that contains the ring he wants."

Thankfully Damien forgot what Mason said and spoke casually. "She's right. I want to buy that ring from you."

Mason looked at the box and then at Damien. "Don't get me wrong here Brinson, but I don't think the ring is your type."

Damien chuckled. "I absolutely agree with you, but it's not for me. The ring you're holding is the one Carly wanted."

"Admired." I clarified. "I never said anything about wanting it."

"I could see how much you wanted it Carly, stop denying it." Damien told me then averted his gaze on Mason. "So Mason, how much do you want for that ring?"

"Sorry man, but the rings not for sale."

"Oh come one man, it's for Carly, your best friend. Can't you give it up for her?"

Mason shook his head and looked at me squarely. "If Carly wishes to wear the ring, she'll have to marry me first."

A rush of emotions echoed inside of me as the words left his mouth, the fact that the words marry me and Carly were used in one sentence by Mason created some sort of an effect on me.

My stare-down with Mason was interrupted when I felt Damien's arms snake around my waist. "That's impossible, she's already marrying me." Damien said lightly. He was obviously taking this as a joke.

"Then no ring." Mason said.

"As I said, I don't want it." I said.

"You wanted it some time ago, don't lie about that." Damien said.

I nodded. "I did but that changed when I saw who it belonged to." I looked at Mason. "That rings belongs to your great grandmother right?"

Mason nodded. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Yeah Carly, how'd you know?" Damien asked.

"Grandpa Mitch told me about it, on my eighteenth birthday when he gifted me a bracelet that was meant to be for a Clarke daughter. He told me about the ring and that it was meant to be given to Mason's wife." I said. "That's why I no longer wanted it when I saw who it belonged to, that ring belongs to the future Mrs Clarke, I have no right to have it."

"You have one of the mini Clarke heirlooms, the diamond bracelet?" Mason asked looking surprised. "I had no idea Gramps gave it to you."

"I didn't want to accept it but he insisted, he said I was the granddaughter he never had. If you want it back I can-"

"No, keep it." Mason cut me off. "He was right in giving it to you, you are the granddaughter he never had. You deserve it." Mason genuinely grinned at me.

"Well weren't you quite tightly knitted with the Clarkes?" Damien said. "I guess everybody can't help but love you huh?"

"I'm sorry I asked for the ring." Damien said to Mason. "If I knew the story behind it, I wouldn't have."

"Don't worry about it." Mason said after Peter handed him back the credit card. Mason put the credit card in his wallet and put the box in his coat pocket. "Well it was good seeing you two again. All the best for the wedding."

"You're not attending?" Damien asked.

"I doubt it, I won't be around." Mason answered flatly and with one final look he walked past us.

I loosened myself out of Damien's hold and stepped towards Mason. "Wait." I called after him.

Mason slowly turned around and looked at me.

I swallowed and asked, "So you're really leaving?"

Mason nodded. "Yes, my work in New York is done. I've got to go back home sometime."

"Can't you stay for my wedding?"

Mason took a step towards me and looked at with that emotion that could kill me in his eyes. "Would you attend your own funeral Carly?"

"What?" I breathed.

"Attending your wedding would be the same as attending my own funeral Carly." he said softly.

I closed my eyes and took in a breath. I could feel a lump building in my throat but I couldn't break down, not with Damien standing a few feet behind me. "Don't." I whispered.

Mason humourlessly chuckled. "That's exactly what you told me before you ran out the last time I saw you."

I opened my eyes and asked, "You remember that night?"

"Every single bit." He answered. "And I meant everything I said, even the part you stopped me from saying."

"I meant everything too." I stated strongly. "You're far too late."

"I know." He whispered and half grinned. "Goodbye Carly."

I watched as he turned around and headed towards the exit but something about the way he said goodbye bothered me, it sounded so long term.

"Mason," I ran up to him. He turned looked at me over his shoulder. "Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye forever?"

Mason faintly grinned. "I remember when I asked you the same question years ago and I still remember your response but I can't give you the same answer. Forever is a long time but this is forever, you're starting a new life and I don't want the ghosts of your past to taint your future."

Mason looked over my shoulder and then back at me. "Your fiancé is waiting for you, you should go." He grinned and added, "Take care of yourself Carly."

My chest tightened as I watched him slowly turn around and walk towards the exit. A part of me wanted to stop him so badly but another part knew I couldn't hurt Damien. I swallowed down a thick lump in my throat, watching him walk away was heart-breaking and it was in this very moment that I knew how Mason felt every time I walked away from him. I'd walked away so many times without a second glance but today Mason was walking away from me and I knew now how awful it felt.

Just as Mason put forth a foot to the exit something that I would have never expected happened. I was at a loss of words and my heart was put into overdrive when Mason was forced back into the store and every other person in the store was forced to freeze.

Four armed men with balaclavas covering their faces barged into the store. I'd seen holdups and robberies in movies and read about them in books but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd live to actually be in such a situation.

With panic and fear running through me I took quick steps towards Mason, somehow getting the feeling that if I was close to him I'd be safe. As I drew closer to him one of the men with a deep voice spoke, "I want everyone to stand with their hands behind their heads and if you all cooperate and not make a move nobody will get hurt."

Mason looked at me warningly, "Stay." He mouthed to me and I did as he said.

I could literally hear the beat of my heart in my eardrums.

"You." one of the men pointed at Peter. "Open these counters and fill the bag." He demanded throwing a duffel bag at the old man.

Peter with shaky hands took the bag and nervously opened the counter while two other men interrogated two other assistants on the other end of the store.

I glanced at Mason and he surprisingly looked pretty calm, I could see he was slightly distressed but nothing close to what I was currently feeling. Mason blinked at me once, in a comforting sort of way before I tore my gaze away from him and remembered Damien was in the store too, my eyes scanned from left to right but I didn't see Damien anywhere and that's when I figured he was probably still behind me.

I slowly and cautiously turned my neck so I could look to my back and that's where I saw Damien looking straight at me. Damien looked at me sternly and slowly shook his head probably mentally shouting at me for moving my head, but I didn't care I was just relieved that he was fine. Damien's stern look turned into a glare and that's when I got the hint that I should look in front again so I slowly moved my head again but while turning it I caught a glimpse of the fourth man emptying a very scared looking woman's purse.

So they were not only stealing from the store but form the customers too. I gulped and turned my neck back in its spot again. "Hey, I told you not to move!" One of the men yelled.

I shut my eyes and prayed that he wasn't talking to me. When I gathered the courage again I slowly opened my eyes to see two dark eyes in front of me and I knew he was talking to me.

"That's right sweetheart, I was talking to you." he said and I could almost see the sneer he probably wore under the mask. "You look like a rich pretty thing; I bet you have lots of things that could benefit me and more."

I flinched when he ran his hand down the length of my arm. "Oh yeah, lots of things."

I glared at him and pulled my arm away. He chuckled. "Feisty one aren't you?"

"Hey man, we're on a job. You can try to get in her pants another time, just take whatever you can so we can leave." Another voice yelled from the back.

The one in front of me sighed. "Alright, but this one's a pretty one...and she looks pretty rich too."

"Then take the opportunity to search her." The other guy yelled back.

"With pleasure." The one in front of me said. "Be a good girl and spread out your arms."

I wanted to tell him to go to hell but the gun in his hand told me to rather do what he says, so I hesitantly spread out my arms.

I felt bile rise in my throat as he took steps closer to me and reached forwards towards me with his hands, I shut my eyes when his hand got closer to me but opened them when I heard Damien's voice from behind me. "Don't you dare touch her!"

The thieves eyes in front of me darkened and he looked behind me. "Do you have a death wish buddy?"

"I mean it, don't touch her!" Damien said again, anger clearly evident in his tone.

The guy pointed his gun behind me to Damien I assumed. "Take a step and I won't hesitate to pull the trigger."

"Damien, please just stand where you are." I said shakily.

"I'd listen to the pretty lady if I were you." the guy said before he turned his attention back to me. He tilted his head to the side and I got the impression he quite enjoyed this. "Now where were we?"

He extended hands towards me again but stopped midway when his eye caught something on my finger. My engagement ring was the first thing that occurred to me. "Well I'll be damned." He muttered under his breath. "That is one hell of a rock on your finger."

"Take it off." He demanded. "Now!"

With my hands shaking I lowered my arms and fiddled with my ring. "Quick!"

As I attempted taking off the ring I could see Mason moving from the corner of my eye. I panicked and looked up from under my lashes to see I was right. Mason was against the wall and he was moving towards his right, as if he was trying to do something. "What's taking so long, give me the damn ring!"

I nodded and pretended that the ring was tight on my finger and I was struggling to take it off, when in fact I was just buying off time.

"Listen here man," I looked up at Mason as if he was absolutely crazy when I heard his voice.

"Shut up!" the man yelled at Mason.

"Just hear me out." Mason said with his hands up in a surrender position. "You don't want that cheap ring, it's not even real. It's all costume jewellery and worth nothing."

"How would you know?"

"I know a real gem when I see one, believe me. Just leave the girl and her ring alone." Mason said and slowly dug into his coat pocket.

I watched in horror as the thief pointed his gun straight at Mason. "Do you take me for a fool? Stay where you are or I will blow your brains out!"

"Easy there." Mason reasoned calmly. "Trust me; I have something in my pocket that you'd definitely want. Just give me a second."

"Take your hand out or I will shoot!"

"Alright, how about you come and get check for yourself." Mason said. "I have a ring with the biggest ruby you've probably ever seen with many diamonds. It's worth a hell of a lot."

"Go get the damn ring man." Another guy said from behind me.

With the gun still pointed at Mason the guy in front of me said, "Alright show it to me but if this is some sort of smartass move I will kill you and your pretty little friend here."

"I'm not lying, trust me." Mason muttered and pulled out the box where the ring that belonged to his great-grandmother sat. He opened the box and revealed the beautiful piece of jewellery.

The man lowered his gun and I watched the desire for the ring grow in his eyes as he stepped towards Mason. I looked at Mason with wide eyes, there was no way I was going to let him give up that ring, Grandpa Mitch treasured that ring all his life so I wasn't going to let Mason give it up just for me and the ring on my finger.

I took slow steps with the thief in front of me towards Mason and when my gaze caught Mason's I shook my head. Mason looked at me angrily, silently yelling at me to stay where I was but I wasn't going to listen.

"Hand it over." the thief held out his hand to Mason.

Mason shut the box and extended his one arm but I caught site of what his other hand was doing, it was reaching for a button on the wall beside him. I instantly knew it was a panic button that would have the cops on the scene in no time.

As the thief was about to touch on the box he pointed his gun at Mason again and a loud siren rang throughout the room. "You son of a bitch!" the thief cursed and closed his finger on the trigger.

I was so close to Mason and he was about to shot, I couldn't watch that. In a state of panic I ran up to Mason ignoring Damien who yelled my name from behind me and stood in front of Mason just before I heard a loud bang.

"Carly!" someone shouted loudly.

I was confused for a split second before I felt like a bomb had gone off between my arm and chest, my knees grew weak and I collapsed onto the floor but instead of hitting something hard I fell into something soft and secure.

I felt a sharp and intolerable pain mixed with a tingling sensation seep and echo through my entire upper left body. I looked up to see two panicky and concerned eyes looking down at me, my vision was gone blurry and my hearing dull, all I could hear were a muffled array of voices around me and a loud siren.

I took in a breath and it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced, my breaths were short and painful, it felt as if a knife was twisted into my lung. I could feel hot, thick liquid pouring out of my upper left side and that's when I realized that I'd gotten shot.

I blinked and took in another painful breath, trying to see whose arms I was in but I couldn't make anything out other than that the person who was holding me was yelling something and shaking me.

The pain and discomfort was all too much too handle, I felt exhausted and drained, my eyes were droopy and very heavy until I could no longer stay awake and all the blurriness turned into darkness.

* * *

When I opened my eyes I couldn't see and not because everything was black but because everything was too bright.

I squinted my eyes and eventually they got accustomed to the light. I blinked a few times and looked around my surroundings, I was standing somewhere very familiar, it was a house that I've been in before.

I looked around and noticed I was in a living room, there was a white couch and flat screen TV in front me. The walls were tall and lined with many picture frames. I walked closer to one of the pictures and had to look twice to believe that in the picture was my brother and I, only we looked much younger there.

I looked at the many other pictures and noticed that they were all mostly of me and my family. I examined the room again and that's when it hit me where I was. I felt a lump build in my throat when every memory attached to every little thing in this place resurfaced; I was standing in my Gramps house.

I stepped into the kitchen to see it exactly as I could remember, not a thing had changed. But that was odd, I clearly remember my Gramps house being sold to a middle aged couple shortly after his death, then how could it still be the same?

I walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room so I could go and inspect upstairs too but I was stopped when I spotted someone sitting on the couch. With my voice stuck in my throat I walked towards the very familiar looking person on the couch. I stopped in front of the couch and my eyes instantly welled up with tears. "Gramps?" I breathed.

My grandfather's familiar warm brown eyes lit up with a smile as he stood up. He extended his arms, "Hello my angel."

I threw myself in his arms and shut my eyes tightly as tears feel down my cheeks. I inhaled my grandfather's familiar scent and tightened my arms around him. I could see, smell and feel my Gramps, he was here and I was hugging him.

When I reluctantly pulled away I sniffed and my Gramps wiped away my tears. "Is it so bad to see me again that you're crying?"

I shook my head and wiped away my tears. "These are tears of joy Gramps, I'm just so happy to see you." I said and threw my arms around him again.

"I'm feeling a little left out here." Another familiar voice spoke from behind me. "I know I'm not your biological grandfather but I mean, apart from the fact that I am far more handsome than Gregory, you did call me Gramps too."

I pulled away from my Gramps and turned around to see those blue-grey eyes that I missed so dearly. A smile immediately etched onto my face and I ran up to him, throwing my arms around him. "Grandpa Mitch!"

"I'm so happy to see you too Carly." Grandpa Mitch smiled holding my away at arm's length.

I looked between the two men whom I adored and loved so much. "I can't believe my eyes; I thought I'd never see you two again."

"That's a bit unfair if you ask me because your grandfather here and I have been watching you all this time." Grandpa Mitch said. "We saw you when you entered university for the first time, we saw you graduate and we saw you on your first day working at the hospital we even saw when you said yes to Damien when he asked you to marry him."

"We always watched over you my dear." My Gramps smiled. "I was always with you even though you couldn't see me."

"In my opinion, we seem like crazy old stalkers watching over her so much." Grandpa Mitch shrugged and I laughed before he sincerely smiled. "We've always watched over you Carly, just like we promised."

I was so elated at seeing my two grandfathers again that I'd forgotten how odd all of this was. How could I be seeing my Gramps and Grandpa Mitch? They were dead for years but here they were in front of me, in the flesh.

"Ah, finally." Grandpa Mitch said.

"We were wondering when common sense would kick in." My Gramps added.

I looked at the two of them in confusion and recalled what happened before I woke up. I remembered the jewellery store and the robbery and the gun and then the shot. I instinctively reached for my left shoulder and felt nothing there, I looked and saw no bruise or cut or any sign of an injury. "I was shot."

"Yes you were." My Gramps nodded.

I looked at the two of them again and said slowly, "And you're dead."

"For some time now, yes." Grandpa Mitch nodded.

"Am...am I dead?"

"You tell us?" My Gramps asked.

I frowned. "I don't understand Gramps. I was shot and I blacked out and when I woke up I was here."

"Well, did you wake up at all?" Grandpa Mitch asked.

I ran a hand through my hair. "You're confusing me."

I took a seat on the couch. "Why'd you do it Carly?" Grandpa Mitch asked.

"Do what?"

"Take a bullet for Mason."

I took a moment to answer. "I...I couldn't stand the thought of Mason getting hurt."

"But he was already hurt." Gramps said. "Not physically but he was hurting, couldn't you see it in his eyes?"

"Grandpa Mitch, I'm so sorry. I knew I promised I would be there for Mason but I left, I left him when he needed someone by his side the most." I said to Grandpa Mitch before looking at my grandfather, "Gramps, I'm so sorry for not adhering to your teachings and breaking a promise."

"You didn't break any promise Carly." Grandpa Mitch said. "By leaving Mason you kept your promise, you didn't promise you'd always be there for Mason, you promised you'd help him grow into a responsible man and after you left, he just did that. I never in my wildest dreams thought my grandson would go to college and get a degree to him name and then open up his own successful company."

"But I left because I put my feelings in the way of my promise." I said.

"Yes you left but because of that Mason realized just how much he needed to be independent and self-reliant, he learnt to take care of himself and he grew up."

"There is nothing to be sorry about Carly." My Gramps said. "I've been watching you grow up and I am so proud of you my darling, you've grown into an extraordinary young woman and I am so proud to call you my granddaughter."

I smiled at the two of them gratefully. "Why are you here?"

"Honestly, we have no idea." Grandpa Mitch said. "People's minds work in wonderful ways."

I was about to voice my confusion but my gramps interrupted me. "You didn't answer my question truthfully Carly, why did you take the bullet for Mason?"

"I...I told you. I couldn't stand the thought of Mason getting hurt." I hesitated.

"Why is that?"

"Because I... I care about him." I muttered.

"Carly," Gramps started softly. "You and I both know it exceeds just caring. We care about our pets and other things but nobody puts their lives on the line for those things unless we love them."

"I can't love him Gramps, I can't leave Damien." I said.

"But you can't be with two people either." Grandpa Mitch said.

"I know and that's why I made my decision." I said.

"Then why didn't you think of Damien for even a second when you stood in front of Mason and took a bullet for him?" Gramps said.

I opened my mouth to reply but closed it again when I had no reply.

"Carly-" Gramps started but I cut him off.

"It doesn't matter anymore Gramps; I don't need to worry about leaving Damien or hurting Mason." I said. "I'm here with you now, I don't have to worry about a thing anymore, I don't have to choose."

"Is that why you really want?" Gramps asked.

"Is it Carly?" Grandpa Mitch asked. "Is spending the rest of your life...or whatever you call it when we're dead with two old men really what you want?"

I laughed at Grandpa Mitch; I truly missed his sense of humour. "All I know is that I will be more than happy being with my two grandfathers."

"All this time I was proud of what a wonderful woman and doctor you're growing into but most of all I was proud of how selfless you are Carly." Gramps said. "But today you've disappointed me."

"Gramps?" I said hoarsely with hurt coating my voice. I looked at Grandpa Mitch to see that he had the same look in his eyes as my Gramps.

"Your grandfather is right Carly, I've always admired how you put others into consideration before yourself but today you're being very selfish." Grandpa Mitch said.

"Do you really think by dying everything will be alright?" Gramps asked. "Yes, death sometimes seems like the easiest way out when one is in a dilemma or a situation where there seems like there's not light at the end of the tunnel but people who think like that are so wrong. They don't realize what happens to the people who loves and cares about them, they don't think how they would feel when they give up and choose death instead of facing the situation; they're weak and cowardly, they let their problems triumph over their strength and I thought I raised you to be a strong girl Carly."

"I'm not giving up Gramps; I just don't want to hurt Damien and Mason. If I choose the one the other is bound to be heartbroken. I'm so confused, I keep on telling myself that Damien is the right person for me, he loves and respects me. He was there for me when I had no one else, he was my friend before anything else and I am the only person he can call his own. But when I see Mason, something happens inside of me, I am instantly attracted to him and just the mere thought of him leaving me tears me apart."

"Do you care for the both of them?" Grandpa Mitch asked.

I nodded. "A lot."

"Then how can you think of yourself and choose to be here than being with them?" Gramps asked. "Carly, don't you think you owe it the both of them to go back? You owe Damien an explanation for what you did; he will want to know why you would take a bullet for Mason. Besides that, you keep on saying that you're the only person Damien has, so if something has to happen to you, he'll be losing you in a far worse way than just losing you to Mason. Then there's Mason, you need to wake up and lighten his guilt, he is already so sorry and guilty for not realizing his feelings for you earlier, imagine what will become of him if you have to die because you took a bullet that was meant for him?"

Gramps words made a hell of a lot sense to me, he was so right, just like he always was. I had to go back and face everything instead of being a selfish coward and staying here.

"You always great with words Greg." Grandpa Mitch said. "That's why you slacked in the female department; your lectures would be the death of anyone."

"Oh hush it Mitch, you know my lectures are good." Gramps said.

"They're great just very boring." Grandpa Mitch said. "But also very truthful, right Carly?"

I nodded. "Yes, Gramps is absolutely right. I can't believe I was being so selfish and cowardly."

"It's only human nature to be selfish at times sweetheart, I don't blame you. Sometimes humans just need a wakeup call that's it." Gramps said.

"I take it you've decided then." Grandpa Mitch said.

I stood up and firmly nodded. "I have to face my dilemmas, no matter how hard it is."

"I'm really so proud of you my angel." Gramps smiled at me.

"That makes two of us." Grandpa Mitch said.

A lump grew in my throat as I looked at Gramps and Grandpa Mitch. "I really miss the both of you...so much."

Gramps wrapped an arm around me. "I miss you too Carly, so very much." he pulled away and looked down at me with a warm smile. "But I'm always with you Carly, in your heart and your memories. I will never leave you, always remember that."

I nodded and felt a tear drop down my cheek. Grandpa Mitch wrapped his arms around me. "I told you the last time I saw you that I hate tears, please don't cry. Like your old man said, we are always with you. Always."

"I know." I chocked.

Grandpa Mitch pulled away and wiped away my tears. "Remind Mason that too. He misses me, I know he does. Always remind him that his old man loves him very much and tell him how proud I am of what he has become."

"I will."

I looked at Grandpa Mitch and my Gramps with tears rolling down my eyes. "Is this all a dream?" I asked.

They both smiled. "What does it matter? All that matters is that you've made the right decision." Gramps said.

"I haven't made the real decision." I said. "I wish you could tell me what to do."

"Want to hear a little secret?" Grandpa Mitch asked.

"I beat you at chess fair and square Mitchell, just drop it." Gramps said rolling his eyes.

"Nonsense, but that's another argument for now I want to tell Carly something else." Grandpa Mitch said. He looked at me again. "When you open your eyes, the answer to all your doubts and questions will be right in front of you."

"In front of me?" I asked.

My Gramps nodded. "Right in front of you."

Grandpa Mitch and Gramps blew a kiss at me and seemed to be moving far away yet they weren't moving but they were growing smaller and further away from me. "Take care of yourself Carly." Grandpa Mitch said.

"And always remember I love you." Gramps added.

"I love you too." I yelled back at them because of how far they were moving.

"Let's head for a rematch Greg, so I can beat your cheating ass." I heard Grandpa Mitch's distant voice say.

"Oh you're so on Mitch." Was the last thing I heard my Gramps say before everything started closing in on me. The bright lights were getting darker and darker eventually until everything went to a complete black again.

Everything was black but my senses were back, I could hear a distant beeping sound and feel something warm over my hand but overall I could feel my body being stiff and sore. My throat was dry that I could kill for a drop water. I moved my eyeballs from left to right and slowly lifted half of my eyelid and closed it again. But then I remembered what Gramps and Grandpa Mitch said.

'My answer will be right in front me when I open my eyes.' I mentally told myself and gathered all the strength to open my eyes. I slowly opened one lid after the other and when they were fully open I looked up into a pair of very familiar eyes looking down at me with utter relief.

I blinked once and knew that my answer was now clearly evident in front of me.

A/N If you're interested there's a picture of Carly's dress and the ruby ring on the side --->

And I know many of you send me PM's and I do reply to them, I just take time because I get quite a bit and it takes time to reply all at once. So if I haven't replied yet please don't think I'm ignoring you, it just means I haven't gotten to yours as yet. I'm sorry and appreciate your understanding.

For now I hope you enjoyed this one and are ready for the last and chapter next.

'Till then



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