The Last Tour - 1D- COMPLETED

By harrrysflowers

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Two best friends, at a concert- what could possibly go wrong? Well, it turns out, a lot of things. Being bea... More



21 1 0
By harrrysflowers


I opened my eyes escaping from the darkness I was in, except, I was still in darkness. For a moment I thought I had gone blind and began to panic. Then my senses kicked in. I was blindfolded. I mentally slapped myself due to my stupidity. I had no idea where I was. I could faintly hear cars. I tried to sit up but something stopped me. I hit my head hard on some kind of roof. I moved around but I could barely move my legs. I had some kind of idea that I was in a car boot. I had no idea where I was going, but I - by a long shot - wished that we would get there soon. I could barely breathe. It was so hot and I was sweating like mad. It made me uncomfortable.

I counted the seconds to calm myself and about 3 minutes later, we stopped. I heard a car door slam and the boot open. I took a long breath of fresh, heavenly oxygen. Someone uncovered my eyes. Standing above me, was Daisy. I gulped. She glared at me. We were in a parking lot high above the ground.

"Your boyfriend texted your stupid friend. He knew where we were, but now we're somewhere else. He will never find you and hear you scream. Here, no one can hear your cries." She teased in an sweetly evil voice. She told me to get up. I positioned my hands on the edge of the car, but before I could take them away, she slammed the door on them. I heard a crunch. I yelled in pain. Tears began to fill my eyes.

"Promise me that you won't give your location away to anyone! If you do, I'll let you go. If you don't, I'll shoot you in the foot!" She roared. I winced in pain.

"I promise," I barely managed to say. I crossed my toes and mentally crossed my fingers. She lifted the boot up and relief came over me. I pulled my hands up to my face. They were red and bleeding. She got out her phone. She dialled a number and it began to ring.

"Who are you calling?" I croaked.

"Your boyfriend. He has your phone and I copied your number off of your little friends phone. Now, you're going to tell him that you used him and you don't and never loved him. You did it for money. Tell him not to follow you otherwise you will spill all of his secrets to the press." With every word she spoke, I felt as though a nail was being drilled into my stomach. Tears filled my eyes. She held the phone to my face. I heard a voice.

"Is this Daisy?" it said. Daisy was on my contacts. I saw Daisy's face twist in anger. She motioned me to speak.

"Um no. This is Ella" I replied.

"Oh my god Ella are you ok? I'm so sorry. I'm coming to get you! I-" he said, but I cut him off:

"NIALL HELP ME SHE HAS A GUN! PLEASE HELP ME!" I pleaded in fear. Daisy's face had turned a bright red and she held out the gun, before she could do anything, I smashed her phone on the ground and stamped on it until it was completely broken. Daisy only stared in anger. Then for good measure, I hurled it across the parking lot. I turned around and Daisy was marching towards me. I panicked and started to run, but my legs suddenly went numb and buckled underneath me. I fell down and bashed my head on the floor. I felt blood trickle down my forehead. I sat up and tried to drag myself away, but my legs were deadweight. I guessed she'd used a tranquilliser or something like that. Tears flooded my eyes until everything went blurry. I wiped them only to realize that my hands were bloody. Now I saw red.

"You stupid little brat" Daisy hissed. "You don't know what you've done." She pulled out her gun and aimed it at my hand. I braced myself, and when she pulled the trigger I rolled to one side. Daisy just giggled and shot again, this time hitting the target. I screamed in shock but to my surprise it only bled a little bit; it was a rubber bullet. Daisy cursed and pulled out a knife, slashing it briefly across my arm. I gasped and clutches my arm, which was now bleeding profusely. She slashed my legs twice and giggled.

"Now you can't run anywhere," she smirked. I felt liquid down at my hands. This was how I was going to die. Loss of blood. The only thing I could think of was Niall. I would never see him again. I looked up just in time to see Daisy lunging over me with something long and metal, before my vision went blurry. I was seeing spots and before long I couldn't see anything at all.

I woke up to the biggest migraine possible. All I could feel was pain, pain pain. Pain in my legs. In my head, where Mick had smashed the gun handle into my skull. How was I still alive?

I opened my eyes. Madeline was sitting near me and Mick was watching me like a hawk across the room. Madeline glanced at me.

"Finally awake, Zera? Been four days."

Four days? Had I been unconscious that long?

"I have more tasks for you. But I want to make sure you don't try anything." I nodded. I wouldn't, I couldn't face another bullet wound.

"I've already given away his phone number to multiple people. He'll think it's you who gave it out. Now you're going to post a Tweet and tell everyone how much you hate him."

I closed my eyes. This wasn't happening. False- it was, and I needed to find a way to get help. I needed to know where I was.

She didn't give me the phone this time.
Instead, she just typed.

"Isn't it funny how easy it is to make a pathetic celebrity think you love them?" She read out what she typed. She pressed send before I could do anything. Send, send, send.

She smirked at me.

"Well, what else can we do? Other social media? Nah, let's take it slowly. I'll do some things while she's unconscious again. Mick!" She ordered. I braced myself as Mick hit me again and I drifted out of consciousness again.

I awoke to the dark room again. I couldn't tell how much time had passed. I dared open my eyes a crack and saw a joyful sight. Mick was gone. Madeline was there, of course, but holding a gun. She had my phone. I noticed something odd- her eyes were shut and her breathing was long and slow. She was asleep!

I thought about my options. Shoot Madeline, grab my phone and leave... that was the idea that kept coming back to me.

I could do this. I winced as I moved my leg and grabbed the gun. I couldn't stand at all, so I was crawling. I was trembling with nervousness. I aimed it at her head, her heart, her leg. I couldn't bring myself to kill her. In her sleep, she just looked like an innocent teenager. I took a breath. I had to shoot her someplace. Her leg. That's where she shot me. I aimed, and pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened. Damn- no bullets. I cursed under my breath. I would just have to sneak out. I quietly took my phone and looked around. At the far end of the room there was a door. It looked unlocked. I crawled painfully up to it and pushed it.


Shit. It made the loudest noise possible. I pushed it all the way open and crawled through it. Outside was a heavily graffitied alley. There was no one around. I chanced a look back at Madeline and she was still sound asleep. I was through the door. I was so grateful Mick wasn't here. Wait, he had to be somewhere! What if he was outside? I decided to crawl as fast as possible while calling Harry.

He picked up immediately.

"Zera? Is that you?" I was so happy to hear his voice again.

"Harry, ignore the tweet! Madeline made me send it!" I whispered while crawling as fast as my messed up legs could carry me.

"Where are you?" he said. I could hear him choking up.

"I don't know, they kidnapped me and Ella and took us seperate places! Well, I don't know if Ella's okay," I said, choking up. Ella had to be okay.

"Niall and his team are working on getting her. We can track her by her watch. Zera, where are you?"

I felt relief course through me. They knew where Ella was.

"I don't know. I escaped Madeline while she was asleep. Mick wasn't there."

"Mick? What? Never mind, we'll sort it out when it's safe. I can't track you by your phone so I need you to find out where you are," he said.

I went onto maps and found out where I was. I told him and he relayed it to the other people- bodyguards and police, I assumed.

"Also, Harry you should know, I've been shot in both legs so I'm kinda crawling," I said. My legs were bloody and gruesome. Plus, they hurt more than I thought was possible.

"What?! Who shot you?" Harry was crying now.

"Mick. It's okay, Harry. The bullets didn't really go deep, they sorta skimmed my legs," I comforted him.

"No, it's not okay. I'm coming as fast as I can, though, and I promise I'll save you," he said.

I was just out of the alley. I looked around; there was a highway, some empty looking buildings, and an abandoned grocery store but nothing else.

"I'm out the alley. There's a highway," I told him.

"Yep. That's the one we're on. We'll get here in an hour," Harry said. An hour? What if Mick returned or Madeline woke up? Harry seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"I know it's not soon enough, Zera. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault," he apologised.
Tears trickled down my face.

"It's not. It's Daisy and Madeline and Mick's fault."

He started to say something but I shushed him. I heard a familiar scream.

Madeline had woken up.

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