The Last Tour - 1D- COMPLETED

harrrysflowers tarafından

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Two best friends, at a concert- what could possibly go wrong? Well, it turns out, a lot of things. Being bea... Daha Fazla



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harrrysflowers tarafından

Warning: this chapter has some violence in it, just in case you are very sensitive to that sort of stuff:) xx


Mick had sat us down on chairs and chained our wrist to the arms. The metal felt cold and rough against my wrists. I couldn't believe it. What was Mick doing? My face was sweating from being stuck in that bag for so long. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I could see that we were in a small room that smelt like mould. The air was hot and cool at the same time. There were stains on the floor, ceiling and walls. There were no windows at all and the only light source was a flickering, bright white light dangling from the ceiling. I scanned the room and my eyes fell on a girl that I hadn't seen for days. The girl that had been kicked out from a concert. The girl that gave me the opportunity of a lifetime without realising it. The girl that ruined that forever. The girl that had caused all of this.

"Well well well" Daisy began. "Observe everyone. Here we have two little brats that were having the time of their life, while I-"

"We" Madeline interrupted,

"Yes. We. While we were being questioned, photographed, tortured and imprisoned, but hey. We escaped, and now it's your turn to pay the price" she hissed.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!" I barked, "WHAT RIGHT D-" I felt a hard cold metal pressed up against my head and I stopped talking immediately. Mick, the bodyguard, was holding a gun. I gulped. He was holding my head back so the only thing I could see was the lamp and the top of Daisy's head.

"You do not speak!" Daisy bellowed, "It is I, that will speak for now. Mick, take them downstairs" She ordered. Mick viciously stuck duct tape onto my mouth. I could only breathe through my nose. He unlocked the chains from my wrists. I can punch him. I thought, but he had a gun. I dared myself no to. He tugged on my arms and tied them in rough scratchy rope. My face was hot and the cool air made it sting. I could not move my head as Mick's other hand was holding the gun to it. I moved my eyes and could faintly see Zera being led in another direction. I wanted to ask why they were separating us, but I could not speak. Daisy had gone with Zera. I prayed with all my might that they would not kill her or me. I could only hope though.

Madeline was leading me down some stairs and the air suddenly turned colder. I was shivering and my whole body ached and stung. A cage came into sight. It was quite big but the bars - disappointingly - were too close together to climb through. Madeline unlocked the cage door and opened it. Mick ripped the tape off of my mouth and it took all of my lmight not to scream in pain. I licked my lips and tasted skin and blood. He threw me in the cage and I hit the ground with a thud. My face was pressed up against the hard cold concrete and I couldn't get up. I heard a far away gunshot in the distance and a loud toe curling scream. ZERA.

"ZERA!" I cried. I stood up and leaned my body against the bars.

"LET ME OUT!" I pleaded loudly. "PLEASE! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE! ZERA!" I shrieked. I fell on the floor and began to cry loudly. My body was shaking. My best friend. My favourite person in the whole world. Dead. my head spun and hot tears were flooding down my face. They stung but I couldn't stop. I heard footsteps leave the room. Mick and Madeline left me to mourn and cry in grief over my best friend. I curled up into a ball and choked on air. I was left alone to think only of what would happen now, and that I was next,

to die.

They separated us and Daisy led me down a dark staircase. I stumbled down the stairs. I desperately wanted to punch the shit out of her, but she had a gun.

We got to a room with a small metal door and no windows. She went in front of me to enter the room. This was my chance. I kicked the small of her back and punched her in the back of her head. She twisted around and I saw her face, her features pulled back in an ugly snarl. I tried to punch her nose, maybe shove her nose bones into her brain and kill her, like I'd seen on TV. Before I could do anything, Daisy pulled out a pistol and aimed it at my leg. I looked at her, shocked, and she pulled she trigger.


I screamed louder than I thought was possible. My right leg burned and I could feel warm blood trickling down my leg. I didn't want to look at it in case there was a hole through my leg.

I heard the distant sounds of screams- Ella's screams. She was yelling my name. Fuck! Was Ella hurt? I couldn't take it if Ella was hurt! It wasn't her fault! I grabbed the hats, not her. No, not Ella, don't hurt Ella!
"What are you doing to Ella?" I screamed.

"Hmmm. Whatever I want," Daisy flipped her brown hair over her shoulder.

I realised I was lying on the ground. Daisy stood over me.

"Well, I'd better tell you my plan, honey," she smiled evilly. Was this really the same girl I'd had sleepovers with?

"You're crazy," I croaked. My leg hurt. That was all I could think about.

"Well, according to the doctors, I'm mentally confused. I had anxiety and depression a couple of years ago."

Knew that. When I was struggling with anorexia, she confided in me and told me she was depressed. Luckily, I overcame it. She didn't seem to have overcome her depression or anxiety, or general craziness.

"I also have multiple conditions that make me weird and crazy and insane. One direction helped me through it. And you-" she shuddered. "You ruined them for me."

My leg. Agh, my leg.

"You're going to pay for this," she said.

I was going to pass out.

"I'm going to make you suffer like I suffered."


I awoke in the room we had approached. The door was shut, of course. There was one light flickering in the centre of the ceiling. I tried to stand up and immediately fell down. My leg. I should probably have a look at it and try to sort it out.

I held my breath and looked at it. Just below my right knee was a gaping wound. Blood poured out of it and I quickly looked away. I gagged; I had really been shot.

Suddenly I remembered- my phone! No one had removed it from my pocket! I checked in my jeans pocket eagerly and was disappointed. Shit. Daisy must have taken it while I was unconscious. I felt hopeless. We're they going to kill me? Or worse, had they already killed Ella?

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