League of Legends Series

By SilverQuillTales

101K 1.5K 352

Enjoy these one-shots. * I don't do smut. * I take requests, but I'm slow so bear with me. [Requests Currentl... More

Pantheon x Leona
Thresh x Miss Fortune
Zed x Akali
Tryndamere x Ashe
Vladimir x Ahri
Rengar x Nidalee
Riven x Zac
Vayne x Lucian
Darius x Lux
Bard x Sona
Yasuo x Riven
Wukong x Ahri
Talon x Quinn
Draven x Sona
Orianna x Viktor
Ezreal x Sona
Syndra x Zed
Quinn x Zed
Kha'Zix x Elise
Jarvan x Shyvana
Lux x Ezreal
Veigar x Lulu
Graves x Ahri
Varus x Lulu
Garen x Katarina
Yasuo x Taliyah
Trundle x Ashe
Ahri x Zed
Caitlyn x Vi
Taric x Diana
Ahri x Thresh
Garen x Lux
Katarina x Talon
Aatrox x Evelynn
Ahri x Vel'Koz
Taliyah x Ekko
Diana x Talon
Zoe x Kayn
Urgot x Katarina
Sejuani x Tryndamere
Lulu x Amumu
Kayn x Zed
Malphite x Taliyah
Leona x Diana
Jhin x Jinx
Riven x Talon

Caitlyn x Jayce

1.5K 21 5
By SilverQuillTales

"Damn it!" Caitlyn cried out angrily, her hands smacking against the metal table, the other officers peered in her direction, most unfazed by her temper. It had become a norm, and their bad cop good cop routine had taken an iconic turn as Vi slowly turned docile to counteract her partner's changing disposition. There was nothing more terrifying than a woman's wrath, after all.

"Whoa there, calm down C, We'll get her next time," Vi assured, however, it proved to have the opposite effect on the sheriff.

"Next time? Next time!" She shouted the station went silent, as the angry sheriff slammed her fist onto the table once again. "You've been saying that for the last four runs!" she cried out exasperated, a small chuckle escaped Caitlyn, and many assumed she had finally reached her breaking point.

Ezreal stood in the doorway to the sheriff's office, and courage seeped out of his body at the seemingly one-sided fight taking place. He turned around and walked right out, no officer judging him for chickening out. Caitlyn was many things, an admired sheriff any officer would gladly work under for one, but Jinx just brought out the worst in her.

"Caitlyn, dear, chill, you'll get wrinkles on that pretty face of yours." Ezreal, who was on his way out, froze, the temperature in the building dropping a few degrees, as every officer looked at Jayce, shocked that he would push the sheriff's buttons, now of all times. It wasn't unusual for Caitlyn to get bent out of shape when her hardest didn't seem to be enough, but that was the sad reality of the world.

She was revered as a brilliant tactician, her intellectual prowess throwing countless criminals behind bars, but Caitlyn was no Vi. She wasn't the sort to punch first and ask questions later, it was the main distinction that allowed them to function so well together, but now she was reckless, taking unnecessary risks, and it was taking a toll on their partnership. Even Vi, who always found a way to lighten the situation, had no answer for this, any and all comments only seemed to agitate the sheriff.

Caitlyn turned her attention to Jayce, pinning him down with a glare, and she marched towards him. "I'll damn well grow a million wrinkles on my pretty face," she mocked. "If that means I'll catch that little rat! I won't stop until order has been restored!" With every word that came out of her lips, she thrust her index finger into his chest, driving him backward into the nearest wall. She meant business, and Jayce put his hands up in surrender, feeling the small bruises her finger had yet to make.

"We'll leave you to yourself," Ezreal stammered, his hands wrapped around Vi's gauntlets, ushering her to leave her partner's side. In the mood Caitlyn was in, getting through to her would prove impossible, except for, of course, Jayce.

Once every able body had left her office, Caitlyn sighed, raking her hair back with a frustrated sigh. She took a seat behind her desk, fingers drumming impatiently. Surprise failed her as Jayce remained leaning against the wall of her office, arms crossed, his eyes scanning the empty cubicles as the day came to an end.

He observed the sheriff in earnest, planning his next move carefully. It wasn't the first time Jayce had dealt with her when she was in one of those moods, but it never got any easier. Despite their open banter, the two were relatively close, definitely more than friends, but less than lovers.

A few stolen kisses didn't by any means solidify their relationship if he could call it that, but he would have liked to believe that they were slowly getting there. Women like Caitlyn weren't complex per se, just scared of commitment and intimacy, afraid to fail when they succeeded at everything else, and he knew she would choose duty over love, but he wasn't looking for a woman to grovel at his feet, he wanted a challenge — and Caitlyn was a challenge befitting his pursuit.

His previous relationships had all been the same, his good looks worked in his favor, but that didn't mean women had to obsess over him day in and day out. It became a tedious task, and any woman that even bothered to throw a flirty glance in his direction, he shuddered. Caitlyn, though, she didn't care for looks, she was a workaholic, but the few dates they had been on, he had enjoyed himself. Her nonchalance was rather charming, despite what other men would say.

The silence persisted as Jayce finished with his rambling thoughts, it wasn't tense, but neither was it comfortable. He rounded her desk, settling behind her chair, hands loosely wrapped around her shoulders, kneading her sore muscles. "We'll catch her, but losing your composure won't achieve anything. You're too good to let your frustrations get the better of you, take a deep breath, and calm yourself." It was an order on his part, his grip tightening slightly, and Cait winced, a slow nod coming forth. Jayce had his uses, from time to time.

"Thought you were only good at pissing me off." Leaning back in her chair, her eyes locked on Jayce, and the two exchanged a sarcastic smile.

"You're a thorn in my side."

"I know."

"Well, don't get used to it, darling." Despite the wall Caitlyn had built for herself, she could not deny the flutter of her heart whenever he called her by a pet name. It was endearing in a sense; most thought nothing of it, Jayce's reputation was etched in stone from his womanizing days. However, Jayce kept his conversation with other women civil, and usually work-related, the charming, and flirtatious boy he had once been was no more. There was no room for mixed signals, especially not when Caitlyn was barely hanging on by a thread, he would not risk it, he didn't dare even to picture it, it chilled his bones.

"I'll take it easy for tonight then." Still, her mind couldn't help but wander back to the unpredictable crazed maniac who seemed to take unparalleled joy in sacking her city. The city she had worked so hard to preserve, a city she had devoted her every breath to, just the thought enraged her. It was impossible to predict a criminal like Jinx, she never went in with a plan of action, and gods be damned if that girl even knew where her next step would lead her.

"Don't think," Jayce whispered, lips brushing her ear. "Just relax and let go." His breath felt warm, a faint hint of alcohol reaching her nose, and she hummed. He was warm, and she had missed him, his warmth specifically. Jayce was already on his way out though, offering her lazy wave as he strode out of the station, and alone she now was. Taking a deep breath, the sheriff's eyes landed on her rifle, and she packed her belongings, ignoring the gnawing feeling of restlessness in her gut.

"Next time..."

Walking down the streets of Piltover, her eyes gleamed at the life Jayce had brought to this city. His inventions had become essential, bringing out Piltover's lost beauty and charm. Though many appreciated Caitlyn for her hard work, Jayce was their hero, and if Jinx wasn't caught, she would ruin everything, this was more than just about her beloved city, but also the man she would never admit to having fallen for. They had both worked a tremendous amount to make their dreams a reality, and she would not let some suicidal maniac rip that away from her. To the sheriff, this was personal.

Frustration turned to confidence as Caitlyn reached the door of her apartment. She was the Peacekeeper of Piltover, and no one could take that away from her. Opening the door, she spotted Vi already seated on the couch, stuffing her face in a bag of chips, an odd sort of tension in the air. "I come in peace," Caitlyn spoke softly. Even while eating chips, the stubborn officer never removed her gauntlets.

Caitlyn could not fault her partner, though; she always kept her rifle nearby, it kept her safe. Still, Caitlyn wouldn't let the grease of potato chips near her rifle, but to each their own, she thought. "Feeling better?" Vi asked.

"Only a little," she smiled, it didn't quite reach her eyes, but that was alright. Vi wasn't one to get emotional, but her friend needed a well-deserved hug. "Well, don't stay up too late," Caitlyn chided as she retreated to her room.

"Yes, ma'am!" The sheriff had promised to take it easy, but what did that even entail? She had grown detached from those words over the past few years; there was never time to relax. Her enemies were out there, adapting and evolving, she had to keep her wits about her. What if she failed? Closing her eyes, Caitlyn ignored the gnawing anxiety, and before she knew it, sleep had overtaken her.

Every able officer was piled up inside the sheriff's office, some peeking through the window, the tension was thick, and yet, Caitlyn remained calm, her fingers drumming against the metal of her desk. The second the alarm sounded, the sheriff dispatched the officers to secure the perimeter and make sure to evacuate the populace.

Their main priority were the citizens. However, Caitlyn was up and out the door in an instant after relaying her orders. She climbed atop her bike, in pursuit of the maniacal blue-haired girl who only seeded destruction in her wake — besides, who was crazy enough to ride atop a rocket.

"Cait!" Jayce shouted, but the roar of her engine silenced his yell. He cursed under his breath, and as if reading his mind, Vi pulled up on her bike motioning for him to hop on, he wasn't used to riding behind someone, but his pride could wait. Jinx hopped off her rocket, skidding to a stop before an alleyway, her malicious gaze directed at the sheriff.

"Catch me if you can!" The rocket crashed into a nearby building, the heat of the explosion catching up to Cait as she winced, but if Jinx was willing to gamble, so was she. Turning the handles of her bike, she accelerated, and dismounted with grace, the bike crashing into the alley wall where Jinx had previously stood. "Oh my officer, feeling adventurous, are we? Well, let's not stop now!" the girl cackled, sprinting down the alley.

Caitlyn stood before the alleyway; she knew Piltover like the back of her hand, and this was no accident. This alleyway was a maze of its own connecting various points of the city together. The sheriff wasn't foolish enough to fall for the Jinx's tricks, but she wouldn't stand idly by either. Adjusting her top hat, the sheriff began her descent into madness with a single step forward.

Jinx's voice echoed off the metal pipes, her voice hard to trace, and coming upon a junction, Cait took a right. Jinx was waiting for her, a predator ready to ambush, but Jinx had another thing coming for her. Caitlyn was no prey, no, she was the predator. She grabbed the criminal's arm before she could strike, and slammed her against the wall, the officer restraining her hands behind her back. Reaching for her belt, Caitlyn grabbed her handcuffs and sighed. "You have the right to-" A black ball dropped to the floor, a cartoonish skull drawn across it, and it momentarily took the officer off guard.

With the small opening she had, Jinx slipped from the sheriff's grasp, and with a smirk, the ball exploded. A blinding light overtook the alley. "Shit," Caitlyn hissed. It took her a moment to recover, but it was already too late, Jinx had made her escape, but not if she could help it. However, Jayce gripped her wrists, restraining her from giving chase. 

"What were you thinking?" he scolded.

"No, I almost had her!"

"You could have died!" Regarding her features, he knew his words had little impact. Out of the blue, Caitlyn headbutted him, but Jayce did not flinch and returned the favor twice as hard, earning a groan from the woman. He finally let go, watching the reckless Peacekeeper recoil as she rubbed her forehead. Jayce was furious, and he scoffed, glancing down the alley. "Idiot..."

Vi caught up to the two and came to a halt before she got too close. "Is everything alright?" Jayce gave a stiff nod, his attention trailing to Ezreal, who stood not too far from Vi. 

"Take her," he grumbled under his breath, and Vi knew better than to argue as she wrapped an arm around her partner's waist and aided her out of the alley.

"Why can't she understand?" Jayce growled, his fist colliding with the wall in front of him.

"Because she can't! She's not you, Jayce; she reacts to certain situations differently. This is much bigger than merely her sense of duty. Caitlyn doesn't gamble with her life, she feels cornered, and when an animal is cornered, they usually go down fighting." Jayce sighed, running a hand down his face.

"She always runs off on her own; why does it feel like she keeps slipping further and further away from me?" Ezreal didn't give him a response. 

The next few days were tense, especially for Jayce, not once had Caitlyn stepped into the station. From Vi's brief description, Caitlyn was killing herself, trying to catch the crazed criminal, and at this rate, she would. Many were upset with him, going as far as giving the inventor the silent treatment, but he could care less about adults acting like children. He left the station, running a hand through his hair in frustration, a gesture that had grown common as of late.

It was eerily calm in Piltover, due to the devastation Jinx had caused, the streets were barren, civilians terrorized by the menace who called herself the Loose Cannon. His heart throbbed at the sight, a city he had fought so hard to bring back from the brink. To some extent, he understood Caitlyn, but while she was preoccupied with catching Jinx, he was looking out for the sheriff's well being. The only way to ease her recklessness was simple, get rid of the anomaly.

Jinx raced down the street, cutting him off, and Jayce laughed at his luck, it was truly a blessing to be in his shoes at times. With a smirk plastered on his face, he waited for the inevitable officer to show up, and indeed she did. However, the sight of her made him hesitate, and the usually well put together officer looked like a wreck. Her hair was a sloppy tangle of loose curls, her shirt, messy and baggy, a smear of dirt across her cheek, and the dark circles lining the underside of her eyes worsened her image. And the bruises she sported only motivated her to be even more reckless.

He recalled the day where she had repeatedly jabbed him with her finger; she had meant every word whole-heartedly. The duel began, but not once did Caitlyn falter, her common sense might have taken a hit, but she was still an accomplished fighter. Nevertheless, this was out of Caitlyn's league, she was far from incompetent, but when it came to taking hits and dishing them out just as hard, that was Vi's specialty, not hers. She was a feared tactician, and although she was a good fighter, she stood no chance against Jinx, the lunatic had no regard for her life whatsoever.

Jayce was adamant about observing for the time being, but a stray piece of debris hit Caitlyn, sending her collapsing on all fours, the unmistakable streak of blood that followed unnerved him. He had seen enough, and he didn't care that she brushed off the wound and got back on her feet, this was getting ridiculous. Jayce dropped down, his hammer colliding with the ground as Jinx was quick to evade. "Oh, no! The scary man is here!"

"Scary..?" Jayce mumbled to himself. Jinx took off, but not before Cait sprung to her feet and gave chase. Jayce rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around her waist. "We are not doing this again, dear." The sheriff clenched her teeth, a small hiss escaping her as tears welled up in her eyes.

"At this rate, you'll kill yourself, and...you look like a mess," he chided, his voice softer than usual. He ran a thumb across the wound on her forehead, sighing before burying her head against his chest. She was a mess, face burning with emotions, it didn't suit her one bit, he had grown used to the nonchalant queen of justice, and he would do anything to see her again. "Please...stop," he begged.

"My head hurts." Jayce chuckled, a small smile gracing his lips as her childlike stubbornness finally melted away. Nothing had been resolved, but if he were to save one soul, it would be hers. It was laughable, really, but thankfully, Caitlyn was not blind to her foolishness. Jinx had yet to be caught, yet the way Jayce embraced her was enough to wash away her worries, an embrace that spoke more than his words could. Everything would be alright.

"Come back..." Caitlyn nodded, feeling the beat of his heart against her cheek, and although Jayce had not said the rest of the sentence, she knew what he meant. She would come back to him. "Weren't you always the one telling me that it was a team effort?"

"I-" Cait hummed, unsure what to tell him. "I know." Parting from the embrace, the sheriff gathered her rifle and stifled a sigh. "Thank you. I would probably be dead if it weren't for you always meddling."

"Hmm, you owe me a favor then, preferably dinner at a place of my choosing?"

"Don't flatter yourself."

"Perhaps just a kiss then?" Jayce was only messing with her, which surprised him even more as she grabbed his collar and tugged him down to her height, lips crashing against his.

"There," she mumbled, turning on her heels. Jayce shook his head and placing his hands on her shoulders, he turned back around, smiling softly at the redness upon her cheeks. He leaned in, capturing her lips with his, the kiss wasn't as hasty as hers; it was slow and full of emotions he couldn't quite describe with words. He wouldn't let her escape, not this time, and when their lips parted for a quick breather, he wasted no time as he claimed what was his.

Her grip on his forearms loosened, and Caitlyn could feel his lazy smirk through the kiss before he pulled away and bumped his forehead against hers. "Just because I don't ask for help doesn't mean you should do the same."

"Oh, hush up."

"So, about that dinner?"

"You're unbelievable." 

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