The Missing Pieces(A Naruto R...

By Lapeligroza

122K 5.8K 1.5K

Meet [Name] [Last Name], a young traveler. She has traveled most of her life, if not all of it. As a traveler... More

Welcome to the Leaf Village!
Start of a Frindship
First Piece of the Puzzle
Special Advice
Friend or Foe?
At Death's Door.
White Lie
Curiosity Killed The Cat
Long Gone.
Welcome To Hell
Poisoned Heart.
Living Corpse
Jumping to Conclusions
[Name] Returns
End of Friendship?
Welcome to the Team.
News About Updates
The Proposal
Deal or no Deal?
Home Sweet Home
What's This?
Heroic Act
Return to Konoha
Secret Has Been Revealed.
Offering Solutions.
Another Proposition
Love Proposal
Who Are You to Judge?
Bring It.
Strange Behavior
Unexpected Turn of Events
The Hokage
New Discovery
Love Rivals
Mussion Accomplished
Leader [Last Name].
Kabuto to the Rescue!
Special Results
[Name] Has Arrived
Sasuke's Declaration
Battlefield and New Findings
Age Estimation
Dead or Alive?
Cruel Reality
Madara's Plans
New Mission
The Search for [Name]!
Plan Complete
Restoring... Restoring Complete
Puzzle Almost Complete
Kill or be Killed
My War is Over
Puzzle Complete
Giro's Ending Part#1
Goro's Ending Part#2
Goro's Ending Part#3
Goro's Ending
Itachi's Ending Part#1
Itachi's Ending Part#2
Itachi's Ending Part#3
Itachi's Final Part
Sasuke's Ending Part 1
Sasuke's To Ending Part 2
Sasuke's Ending Part 3


1.2K 69 25
By Lapeligroza

How long has it been since you were sleeping? It felt like days, you felt so groggy and dizzy. As you lifted your body up, you groaned in pain. After deciding to lay down again, you looked around to see that you were at the hospital. Goro and Naruto were sound asleep, Goro on the chair while Naruto was on the floor with his upper body against the wall.

Goro began to open his eyes, blinking a few times. As soon as his green eyes landed on yours, a smile appeared right away. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. How many days was I out?" Because quite honestly, it feels like you've been sleeping for days.

"Three days." A serious look was sent  your way. " It's taking longer for your wounds to heal."

If what he says it's true and you had been sleeping for days, then something is definitely not right. " Don't tell anyone. Anyway, I told the Kazekage I would be back within days."

"We sent  a message telling him that you're going to have to stay longer."

Of course you do, your wounds haven't healed  much. "I see." If you guys talked and Naruto remained asleep, he must be a really heavy sleeper. Your eyes trailed to the male. " What is he doing here?"

"No matter what we did, he wouldn't leave. After he arrived he refused to leave. He didn't even rest."

Furrowing your eyebrows, you kept staring at him. "Umn. Goro, I'll like to take a walk around the village and visit my parents."

"That's non sense, have you taken a look at yourself?"

Now Naruto began to stir up and after blinking a few times, he jumped to his feet. A wide grin spread across his features once he noticed that you had already woken up. "How are you?" His voice sounded soft unlike his usual loud one.

Knowing him, he won't give up until he got an answer. " I'll be fine."So, can you help me or not?" Once more you directed the question to Goro.

"No. You need to rest, tomorrow I'll bring your parents if necessary." How stubborn.

"What are you guys talking about?" Clueless, Naruto asked glancing from you to Goro.

You didn't speak so Goro explained to him what you wanted. "He's right, you're hurt and you should be moving too much."

Whether you wanted to argue or not, the topic was forgotten as soon as Tsunade entered. " Leave us."

"But Grann-" Naruto's protest didn't leave his lips as he received a glare from the woman.

Goro wasn't about to move until you assured him that it was fine. Once the two of you were alone, she grabbed a chair and brought it closer. "Kakashi spoke to you about staying here."

"He did, and I'm sure you got the message. I am not interested." Moving up a bit, you once again told him just to make sure she understood.

The answer added more lines to that frown. "It's an opportunity for you to be with your parents."

"I know and even if I wanted I'm sure Gaara wouldn't oppose about the idea of bringing them with me. However, it's better to stay away from them. Listen, I don't know about your intentions but I have some stability where I am, I'm not planning on moving." Besides you'll probably move from that place as well in due time. With the new issues with your body, you'll have to find answers. If your body returned to normal, then you'll more than happy leave it as it is, but if it's the opposite, you'll have to make sure to find solutions.

She takes a deep breath. "You're as stubborn as Naruto. If that's what you decided, then I won't try to convince you. But whatever happens, don't forget that this can be your home."  Why is she being so compassionate?

"I'll have it in mind. I'll be walking around the village, these wounds won't cause any trouble." You weren't asking for her permission, you're just letting her know.

She rose to her feet and nodded. "In that case I'll have someone go with you. "

Once she left, Kakashi filled her spot. The male had been reading a book which was placed away as he entered. With him there now, you rose from the bed. You were in pain but other restrained from hissing in pain. There's the window, much more convenient and quite honestly you didn't want to deal with Goro. So you jumped out of the window landing on the ground, you lost your balance a little as you landed. However it was only for a few seconds.

You didn't wait for Kakashi to catch up, you began to walk around. It was quiet, and although you had planned to visit your parents, it wouldn't be considerate. If they see you in such a state, that'll make them worry.

"[Name], is that you?" Even if you knew that voice, you didn't remember it.

At the end, it was Iruka. You offered him a smile as a greeting. Although you didn't get to be taught by him as you would have liked, you had nothing against him. "Iruka Sensei."

He laughed as he approached the two of you. "Hello Kakashi." His eyes turn back to you. "Just Iruka, I am no longer your teacher."

It will be odd to refer to him as such but he's right. "Of course, how have you been?"

"I've been doing great." He paused, it is then that he was going to ask the same question but seeing you in that state, it would be pointless to do so.

"That's great to hear. Don't you have classes to teach?" It's early so he should be.

"I am, but I have to talk to the Hokage. Speaking of which, I should get going. Please take good care of you."

"Thank you, you too." And off he goes.

Kakashi has been watching the interaction. How peculiar, you were friendly with Iruka but with the rest you gave them the cold shoulder. He began to walk once more as you walked forward.

Eventually you arrived at the training grounds, where you took a seat to watch a few train. The male occupied a space at your side. He had dealt with all kinds of people, and you're no different. But, he can't help but ask why you didn't change. Quite honestly, he was expecting that from you. After all, they had abandoned you and yet here you are. Maybe you're just trying to mask who you really are in order to protect yourself. Perhaps with time you'll realize that people in Konoha do care for you and are willing to protect you.

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