Remedial Heart (LeAga)

By welsyelsie

260K 5.9K 2.7K

A medical drama-romance story about two wounded people. May this inspire you to love the medical world; they'... More

Remedial Heart
thirty-nine (ASYSTOLE)


4.9K 107 89
By welsyelsie

Disclaimer: The pictures of the twins attached are provided for the purpose of photographic realization of the author's imagination. Should anybody want to remove the pictures due to legal matters, please comment down so the author can remove it immediately. Thanks!


Lea jolted from her seat. It's her friends; Justin, Kareena, Scarlett and Kaitlyn who arrived and brought a lot of goodies from Philippines for the newborns and the new Mum.

"Oh my, my!! Hi!" she greeted

Her friends dashed at the newborns' crib, took photos of them and cradled the babies. "Ang cute naman... nakakagigil" Kareena said

"Aray naman, wala bang 'how are you, Lea?' dyan?"

"Sorry Mommy Lei, okay.. how are you? how's the few first weeks with these little cuties?"

"Still on the adjustment period, thank God I had Mom!"

"So... close na kayo?"

"Super! I need her... I realized, I actually need her"

"Any plans?"

Lea sighed. Really... now, what would be her next move?

"No plans yet, I'll register them under my name at the English court and Philippine embassy"

"Wow! Dual!"

"Yes— Dual, so in case he'll know and file for custody, mahihirapan siya!"

"Lea, don't be that harsh.. Siya pa rin ang Daddy"

She chuckled "I know, i know"

"Ayyy naku, do it Lea! Do it!" Justin blurted "Ang dali nga niyang nakahanap ng kapa—"

"Justin! Your mouth, please" Scarlett warned

Ang dali nga niyang nakahanap ng kapalit. Lea knew that's what he meant. It was a sharp and deep sting to her. She knew she shouldn't dislike the new girl because she don't know her but she can't lie because she really don't like her. She don't like that the new girl is with the man who she is still in love with, the man who promised her forever.

She wanted to get pissed off to Aga, that was fast—really. But he couldn't hate Aga. The other Lea in her felt happy and assured that finally she can say... he's (hopefully) okay now. There's this new girl in his life that he deserve because he's easy to love after all. It's a great help that she blocked Aga and his close friends and relatives in Facebook, that had freed her from bitterness and resentment. She have found acceptance. She's happy that someone else gets a chance to experience what Aga did for her.

Lea's wish was that both of them would live an amazing life. A life full of freedom and doing whatever they please, with no heavy bags in their shoulders and hearts.

"Nakahanap ng kapalit? Is that what you mean, Justin?"

"Yes, Lea. That's the fucking truth"

"Language! Little ears might hear it" Lea scolded

"Oh! sorry.. But Lei, yes! I saw the photos in Facebook"

"No worries, you knew I blocked them. Okay, to be honest... it's hurtful but I can't thank enough for the girl that helped Aga to recover back to reality"

"Too bad if he'll make her as panakip-butas... rebound love? In replace of you— the name is too sound-a-like of yours"

"Shh.. don't say that. Aga will not do it. He has high respect for girls" Lea defended

"Fine... let's hope for the best to themhopefully."


"Let's go out for a drink? Tonight! 10-sharp" Aga said, inviting Bea was really awkward for him but the cowboy Bea is always game... especially if it's Aga's.

"Napapadalas yata ang weekend bar hopping? May problema ba tayo Ags?"

"Ha? Wala naman... gusto ko lang mag unwind"

"Kasama ako?" Bea asked

Aga smirked and placed his hand on her shoulder "Yes, madame! Mamaya ha?"

Aga and Bea arrived at Pegu Club. They ordered earl grey cocktail.

"So... tell me, what brought you here every weekend?" Bea asked

"Ha? Ngayon lang nga ako nakapag-hang out"

"With me.. but i've heard last week it was my Kuya then the week prior to that was with—"

"Shh... dami mong alam ah?" he laughed

"Eh, kasi ikaw eh. Ano nga problema mo? Girlfriend?"

He smirked "Nope. Wala nga akong girlfriend"


"Hindi rin"

Bea clicked her tongue "Eto... impossible, pera?"

"Hindi rin"

"So ano?"

"Wala nga.. hindi ba pwedeng mag unwind?"

"Loko! Basta pag may problem ka, handa naman akong makinig"


There are so many things Aga want to say to Bea's face, but he can't. Why can't he just tell her? He don't want Bea to think that he just want her company all throughout his recovery period. He is suffering from too much pain and he don't want him to blame it all to Lea because he knew he also too, has fault why their relationship ended that way.

Now he has Bea... she's a great individual, a great company to be with. She's quiet, but she always know exactly what to say when she actually do speak. She's so driven and head strong on her future goals to herself and to their company, which is really attractive for him. She care more about her friends and family than herself, which makes her so selfless. She always think of the things to smile about, rather than to pout and dwell on the negatives in life. She is just herself, and that's his favorite part.

He now find himself weird around her. Lately, he just want to be with Bea all the time.

Aga is thankful to this woman who always reminds him what she likes about him, and just reassuring him that his doing life right. Not feeling like he have to change who he is around her is the best feeling she could possibly give him.

Probably the most impressive part of her is that they don't change who they were around others. He aren't afraid to give his jacket to her on a cold walk home. He will text her and make sure she made it home ok.

Never could he ever thank her enough for changing him for the better. Making him look at life a whole lot differently, and a lot more happily. Opening up her mind, and telling him all of her secret thoughts. Not being afraid to let him in, and embrace things together.


They're out for the scheduled vaccination of the twins. When they arrived at the Pediatrician's clinic, Lea saw her Clinical Instructor, Cara Roshe —she's a Fil-Brit EU Physician, during her training period at Addenbrooke.

"Lea!!!!" she greeted, cheerfully

"Hi, Cara! Oh! god, I'm glad to meet you here"

"How are you? it's good to see an old friend around! I missed you so bad!"

And they hugged each other.

"I'm good Cara! And look... I'm now a mother twins, can you imagine that? If you can remember back then during the wee hours of duty shifts that we're just talking about them.. and now, they're real!!"

"Yeah, yes I can recall! Can I carry her?— woah! she's so cute and fragile... By the way, are you here for good?"

"Yes" Lea answered

"You might want to re-consider our offer. Please inform me"

"I'll think about it"

"No... accept it, Lea! Accept it. Destiny had brought you here again. It might be a clear sign. Can't you feel it, hun?"

It's been a long time since Lea and Cara have seen each other —they're long old friends. Cara was such a great help for a newbie immigrant in a first world country. Lea can remember when Cara invited her for an unforgettable weekend getaway at their town, they went sledding down the side on the mountain by their Gothic house. She remember it being so cold, she could barely feel her hands. That was her first time to play with the thick snow. She remember sledding into the fence at the end of the hill and Cara's mom freaked out if they got hurt. But they kept sliding down that hill until their hearts were satisfied. It's memories like this that make her heart yearn to be that Lea again—back to before. The time was much more simple and they didn't have to face the troubles of the world. No, You can never go back to before.


Two... Three months passed that quick and the twins were growing strong and plump-y day by day— thanks to her persistence in breastfeeding. Finally, Lea can handle the everyday routine of her two dependents. Adjustment period was over but her journey to motherhood continues... and everyday has new adventures, lessons and discoveries for her to face. Wow! She's doing great—it's her dream anyway.

As a pro of night shift duty schedules termed as graveyard shifts, Lea was able to deal with the nocturnal characteristic of infants. Well... why do they do that? Sleep at day, awake at night.

It's a team work; her Mom was there for her. The first month was hard and ... terrible. Imagine, feeding two mouths every two hours plus recovering from her cesarean stitches. The second month was gradually into slow pacing, Lea was able to formulate techniques and mastered multi-tasking. If only Aga was around, she could've somebody who can ran errands but he's not so she learned how manage and do it all alone. Third month, they are now starting to get smiley, giggly and have just started engaging with each other. They can recognize Lea's voice this time. Although they are hard work, she can feel that she is very lucky to have Sam and Eli.


Lea's Facebook messenger pings

|Kate Chua
Mommy Lea!
Naks... feel mo?
Ang cute naman ng picture posted, can I have Sam or Eli?

|Lea Sarmiento
Inseminate yourself! Hanap ka ng donor 😝

|Kate Chua 
Ang sama mo! Hindi ba pwede maghanap ng Daddy?
Hanap mo nga ako ng Daddy dyan!
Wait...Try mo kaya mag send ng picture sa kanya!

|Lea Sarmiento
Are you drunk?
Bloody, no!

|Kate Chua   
i'll do it for you, ya want?

|Lea Sarmiento
Tapos tell him: anak natin, hun! remember?

|Kate Chua
One time pag lasing ako, i-me-message ko sya!

|Lea Sarmiento
Do it and i'll catch the earliest flight back to PH to kill you!

|Kate Chua
Screen captured



Eighth month

The twins were sleeping and she just finished the household chores. She sat freely in the couch and decided to open her Macbook and check for e-mails. She found out that months have passed and Aga did not care to gave her a reply to her e-mail sent the night before she gave birth to the twins. Bugger.

Then there's this one notification in her e-mail that has remained unopened. She searched in her inbox for the unopened message... Page 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...10, 11, 12 . On the twelfth page of her inbox, she found the unopened e-mail. It was the application form for EU Physician Licensure Examination.

She found herself filling up the application form, she sneered "Why am I doing this?"

Then, she took a deep breath and press the Send button. She jerked from her sitting position and covered her face with her hands "Bloody hell No, Lea? god, Why did you do it?" she scolded herself —that startled the little boy who's looking at her.

She scooped the little boy up and petted him "Sorry, my love, did Mum wake you up?"

She nuzzled Sam's cheeks and resisted herself to bite his chubby hands "Stop being too cute, i'll bite you! Mommy will really bite you!"

"Dadadada" Sam jabbered

"Dada? Dada's not here, my love. Dada lives far far away"

"Dadadada" he said again

"Say Mommy, Mommy! Mo-mmy"


"Mommy nga. Mo-mmy"


"Fine, fine. Okay, fine" she giggled

Lea danced around a little with Sam in her arms to put him back to sleep. Luckily, the two are growing up calm and cooperative and not colic or cranky. They may have knew and understand that it is only Mum and their Ama who's with them.

She placed the sleeping Sam back in the bed. She bite her thumb's nail tip "Why did I do it?" she murmured and scold herself again.


Aga's head is throbbing and he's looking for his Advil in his drawer and only to find out —he ran out of it. "Pucha!" he blurted

He head out to his kitchen to look for something to ease his hangover. It's been months that he had turned to be a drunkard. Bottles of alcohols had passed in him but still he's system is not responsive —still not used to its side effects.

He was stunned when he saw Bea cooking in his kitchen, she's wearing only an over-sized shirt, his shirt. "Bea?"

"Hi, Aga! Good morning!" she greeted while being busy in the kitchen

"What are you doing here? And why—" he looked at her from head to toe

"You sot, you drunk-dialed me last night!" she glared "And Sir ... you puked and it spattered in my jeans. Tinulungan na kita, naabala pa ako!"

"Oh! I'm sorry about that. And did— ?"

Bea interposed "We did not, 'kay?"

"No... that's not what I would like to ask"

"Asus! Shut up, your looks can tell" she said as she set the table for their breakfast.

"Ahh—Bei" he find it awkward, it's his first time to call her nickname... very homonym to his ex's.


"Do you have an Advil?"

"Oh, I left it in my apartment. I don't bring on-hand medicines" she chuckled "Why would I?"

He's not used to. Lea's a one-stop hospital, she can produce any medical items or alike in a snap.

"Hmmm... let's see what can we provide here as an alternative and rapidly eliminate that alcohol in your system" she said and searched in Google.

"Orange juice" he said when he remember Lea's remedial skills.

She smirked "Saan naman galing yan?"

"Stock knowledge" he answered, confidently


Lately, every single day, he have been so much affected over the woman whom he'll never stop loving. The woman that broke his heart. The woman that emotionally, and even physically, wrecked him. He realized it's as if he's not a man in handling this coping up and moving on process, his heartache and methods of acceptance were alike to those women he knew who have been in the same case as him. He should stand up and move-on. Marc, his close friend, was right —there were a lot of women aside from Lea.

He shook his head. No, she was irreplaceable —the one that got away

Two years later, he still have memories of Lea in his head even though he has Bea the new woman in his life. But maybe it was because Lea was his first true love, and first love screws up. It screwed him up so goddamn badly.

Eventually, when he think of her, he tried not to feel the pain of their separation and will only remember the beauty of the moments they shared. It take courage that he choose to leave her now, only with gratitude that he knew Lea.

Bea helped him to think of her less and less. He know that Bea loves him whole heartily.


"Code pink, code pink, call for code pink" Lea declared the case. She checked the infant's pulse and wears her stethoscope. She placed it in the infant's chest and listened to her rapid heartbeat.

"Tachycardia and dyspnea noted"

The 999 response ambulance of the city arrived in the A&E (Accident and Emergency) unit of the hospital with an infant probably less than 15 weeks of age distressed and suspected with sepsis.

The resuscitation procedure and vital signs of the infant was stabilized. After reading and assessing the Laboratory results Lea ordered an antibiotic to be given via intravenous line as starter. Then to improve the infant's pre-load, a  7cc NS bolus was administered. This will encourage further opening of the PDA and pulmonary blood flow through the duct.

"Cyanosis noted" Lea assessed.

The Nurses followed her medication orders and Lea looks over the heart monitor display. She tapped her chin with her index finger and thought "There's still abnormality in the infant's cardiac output"

She decided to went outside the room and look for the parents, she will ask some questions that may help in her diagnosis but before she was able to fully open the door, a woman who's hair is blonde and braided approached her "Doctor, how was my child?" she asked, her eyes were blue —they were pretty as well as full of worries.

Lea can understand the feeling, seeing your child —still infant, would totally break your heart. She can distinguish on how her perspective have changed when she entered motherhood, her approach and assessment towards her patients especially Pediatrics patients differed if compared when she was still single. This time, she's more empathetic because she knew how exactly it feels.

"Hi! I am Dr. Lea Sarmiento, your child's attending physician. We were able to stabilize the child but her cardiac output has still abnormalities. Would you mind if I ask some questions? this may add up in our medical history information so we can derive at the right diagnosis"

"Sure, if it will be a better help" the woman replied

After she acquired the informations she needed, she was able to detect the main cause of low cardiac output. The infant is suffering from Congenital Heart Disease. Tracing the child and her parents' genealogy and medical histories, she was able to discover that both of the infant's lineage have acquired the same condition. She then referred the case to a Pediatric Cardiologist for an immediate action to the infant's case.

This is now her career's new phase, she was able to achieve what she really wanted to become right from the start — Dr. Lea Carmela Sarmiento, European Union licensed Medical Practitioner, Affiliate Physician- Addenbrooke's Hospital.

Her plans was totally ruined and things went so bad but the good thing is, it had directed her back to her original plan and this time the fortune was doubled.

Lea made a lot of sacrifices in her life; there were a lot of times she stumbled and was broken yet she invested positivity despite how unfavorable and injurious it became —she deserve this ultimate joy she's experiencing now.


A loud alarm tone wake Lea up, it's 4am and she need to catch the train at Platform 4 in Cambridge station going to Piccadilly station in Manchester.

Manchester is a three-hour train ride from Cambridge. She get the chance to go home every second and fourth weekend of the month —she always make it sure that she'll never miss that chance, it's the only time she could meet Sam and Eli. The hardest part in her dream job was being away from her little boy and little girl.

It took her just 10minutes to fix herself —her exceptional talent. Lea's excited to go home and cuddle her two munchies.


Lea arrived at Piccadilly station at eight in the morning, the weather's quite good now. She passed by the park in Manchester centrale, she thought about bringing the twins there by afternoon.

"Mommy's here!" she announced

She saw the twins, their face flashed big smiles, ran towards the glass railings upstairs. Upon seeing them, all her exhaustion disappeared in that instant. She missed them so much.

"Mum! Mum-ma!" they called Lea in chorus

"Yes! That's right, sweethearts! Mommy!" she kissed and hugged them tightly "I miss you Sam, I miss you Eli"


"Our approach, We believe that each client is unique and so we take a unique approach to each brief. In this case we have noted and analyzed the requirements as well as undertaking a thorough review of the site including a feasibility analysis and a detailed costing and modeling of the whole project.

Drawing on our long experience in this area, we have tailored a solution to the exact specifications by fusing form and function to create the ideal space for the project.

In practical terms, we have also identified and outlined key strategic milestones in the life of the project to ensure smooth completion as well as accountability throughout all stages of the build and compliance to regulatory requirements"

The panel of the Company Project Proposal gave Aga a standing ovation. They were impressed by his skills in the field of Architecture. They just proved how effective Aga is in his leadership and his business management strategies are excellent —no wonder why his company is leading.

"Congratulations, Architect Morales! You're presentation is excellent"

"Thank you, Sir. Thank you"

The Chairman of the panel returned his Proposal Output and Aga saw the red remarks —excellent remarks. One year to go and he'll be out from this winding journey he is into.

"Pre, mabuti ka pa tapos na ang proposal mo!" Marc said

"Nagsubmit na ako agad Pare, gusto ko ng umuwi ng Pinas"

"Alam mo, sa lahat ng kilala kong nag New York, ikaw lang ang may gustong umalis kaagad. Bakit? Magpapakasal na ba kayo ng kapatid ko?"

He took his last shot of gin and smiled dryly "Soon, Pare!"


Aga is on one of company jets with Bea and the Business and Construction administrators and their dates. They're heading to Seattle for the opening of the company's new building project. Aga is the head Architect who designed the building. He was surprised that Heather, Head of the Business and Construction department, asked him to bring a date for they'll stay through the weekend for sightseeing. They were all excited to see how the building is coming along as well.

A car is waiting on the tarmac as they deplane. They got in and head to the hotel.

The hotel lobby is done up in mostly black, red and yellow with some gray mixed in. It's modern and had pop art on the walls —very Bea's type of art. Aga can see how Bea is amazed and incredibly happy with the hotel's interior design.

"You like the place, don't you?" Aga whispered and slipped his hands to Bea's hips.

"Very! How did you find this place?"

"Secret" he teased "When I saw the place online, I booked it immediately. This is your type of place"

"aww.. Your so sweet, Hun. That's why I love you every single day" Bea said and pinched Aga's cheeks

Bea spend the afternoon in the hotel while Aga is with the contractor of the building at his office, going over the timeline.

"Everything's on schedule. We're happy to know we hit the target date" Aga said. He'd done this dozens of times, but none has been as exciting as this one. This is his first project abroad —international.

Friday came and it's the opening day. They are all excited to see it in actual. Aga can't wait to see how their plans are coming together. Bea wears a black and sleeveless with some sheer material on top. It comes to her knee, and then there is some kind of stiff white, gray, and black printed fabric wrapped around her waist.

"Your date is one hot chick, Aga!" Heather said

"Yes and damn cool, she's killing it!" Aga replied with pride

When they pull up to the building, their jaw drops —literally. Aga knew it was going to be amazing, but he had no idea how much it would affect him to see it. He also knew if his parents are there, they would be so proud. If Lea would be there... she, No— he stopped the thought.

The bottom floor is all windows and the rest of the floors flow into different angles, with more windows than walls to let natural light in.

"Wow, Aga. It's amazing!" they greeted in chorus

"Thanks. And thank you for giving your trust in my craft"

"But Really, man, this is modern and it's brilliant!" Heather told him.

After the ceremony, they walk in and everything is just like he imagined it would be. He drew it and they followed the plans, but to see it for real is beyond words.

He was glad that they all seemed to love the building. It was a big hit.

Bea stared at the reception area with the glass spiral staircase behind it.

"What are your thoughts?" Aga asked her

"I like the glass spiral staircase, can we include it in our dream house?"

He laughed "Would you like for it to look like a corporate building?"

She gently hit his arm and giggled "of course not, honey but  I have so much love with something that has glass or with glass"

"Glass house, what ya think?" Aga suggested

"Glass house!" she beamed "I like that.. can we have it by the lake?"

"Yes, by the lake... in the Philippines"


"Yes, honey. We'll settle down in the Philippines. How do you like that idea?"

Bea paused for a moment. She really don't like the idea of living in the Philippines but for their love, for her love, she would do it... All for Aga.

"Okay, Honey. Whatever you like. Let's make that happen, soon!"

He moved behind her and press up against her back, leaning down to whisper in her ear "Soon, baby! Soon"


Lea watched Eli as she started running around the park near their condo when the baby sitter put her down. She also put Sam down but the fresh-from-the-bed little boy is pettish and likes to cling with Mum.

Eli screeched as she chased the other kids, trying to get the bubbles — it brought a smile to  Lea's face. How her used to be sickly infant, incubated due to poor oxygenated blood circulating in her system, now a toddler and is growing healthy. She's at ease even she works 3-hour train ride away knowing Eli and Sam is well monitored by their ... obsessive in a good way grandma.

Looking at her phone, it was already ten after five "Eli! Eli! Let's go home, my love. It's gettin' colder already"

"No, no, Mum" Eli shook her head and removed her hand gripped in Lea's hand. She find her daughter cute in that gesture. She can now express what she want and what she would like to tell Mum.

"Not yet?" she asked the little girl like an adult.

"Nuh- uh. Nuh-yet!"

Lea scooped her up and tickled her tummy "Where did you get that expression, young lady?"

Eli was squealing with laughter "Let's go Eli, Achi Abby and Bella's waiting!"

"No. Nuh-yet!" she protested  "Nuh-yet, Mum"

"Okay, Boss, five minutes" and she put Eli down. "Five minutes" She then gave Lea a cute wide smile.

Eli's smile warmed her heart to see the obvious delight in her face. Lea rolled her eyes "god, why do I feel like I was defeated by that smile?"


It's been crazy at work for Aga —Progress reports have been coming daily. Well, New York business system is New York business system.

Since the opening of the new building in Seattle, his phone and email have been blowing up over the past week and he's getting offers from other companies. Wooh!

Bea has had a busy schedule and she's putting in long hours ar her office and then pretty much collapsing once they get home. They have had pretty much no sex life the last couple of weeks, except for some quickies. Aga wanted to make it up to Bea, they're both have been busy in their works. He wanted to surprise and hang out with her like the good old days when he was still new in the city.

He went straight to Bea's apartment after his work. He brought a bottle of wine and take out steak in their favorite resto.

"Wine night!" he greeted when Bea opened the door

She nodded "Wine night! I miss you Mr. Pogi"

"I miss you more, Hun"

Aga throw her against the wall. She pushed his jacket off while she attached her mouth to his. She's rubbing against him as I undo his clothes and throw it to the side. She moaned as she run her fingers over his chest. He has her zipper down, and her dress falls to her knees. She step out of it without breaking the kiss.

"Le—" he rubbed his chin "Bea" Aga pulls back to look at her naked in front of him.

He carries Bea into her bedroom and sets her on the edge of the bed "You're the hottest woman I've ever met" he whispered



|Chloe Sy:
Achi!!! I'm getting married!!! Skype! skype! turn your skype on!

|Lea Sarmiento:
What? Really? Oh my! wait!!!!!

Lea picked up her iPad and moved into the living room. Her Skype starts ringing, and she answered it immediately.

She saw Chloe smiling back to her from the screen "Merry Christmas, Achi!"

"Merry Christmas, Chlo!"

"Where's Sam and Eli?"

"Here, wait..." she stood up and instructed the two to sit in the box under the Christmas tree.
She clicked the back cam button of the iPad

"Say: Merry Christmas Tita Chloe! Don't for—"

Before Lea can finish her instruction, Sam and Eli's already complying the Mum's order "Merry Chrithmath Ti—"

"Wait... wait, sweetheart"

Chloe was laughing hard "Aaah they're too cute and obedient"

"Again... Wait for Mum to say 'go' 'kay?"

The two nodded.

"Say: Merry Christmas Tita Chloe! Don't forget our presents. Go!"

"Merry Chrithmath Tita Koe, Don't fo-get our prethenths!"

Lea giggled "Ang hirap nito Chloe ha?"

"A for effort, Tita Chloe will surely send gifts to the obedient kids"

"Wow! Have you heard that?" Lea told the twins "Say: Thank you, Tita Chloe!"

"Thank you, Tita Koe!" they said in chorus

"My loves, it's Ch-loe... 'l' pronounce the letter 'l' correctly. Again, say 'Thank you, Tita Chloe!"

And just as she instructed the two followed immediately "Thank you, Tita Ch-loe!"

"Very good!" she said in an appreciative tone "but let's correct your mispronounced letters later"

"Chi, i'm so inlove with their accents! Pwede bang akin na lang ang isa sa kanila?"

"Marami na kayong humihingi, Chlo... By the way. You're getting married? Are you sure?"

"I am, Ach! I am! Look" Chloe showed her engagement ring "Sam and Eli should be there, they're part of my entourage as well as Mik, Abby and Bella"

"Really? So when will be your wedding?"

"Summer. Summer next year, uwi kayo ng Pinas ha? I'll expect you to be here. I'll be sad on my wedding day if you'll not be here!"

"Wow! So... does that mean wala na akong choice?"

"Wala na!" Chloe chuckled "Uwi na kayo dito sa Pinas, miss you so bad Chi and Tita too and all of you there!"


Happy New Year!!!
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