I Was Their First Snow(EXO X...

By AyraAkakurifu

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Hmmmm.....This is a story about a reader who was loved by all twelve men, to them you were their first snow... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 46 (Last)

Part 45 (2nd Last)

1.6K 55 10
By AyraAkakurifu

'Oh my god, it's still crowded', you thought to yourself as you and Juhan arrived at the concert hall.

"Are you first snow, (y/n)-sshi and her bodyguard, Juhan-sshi?", one of the people asked, he was wearing black blazer with a colourful tie.

'Bodyguard..?', as he heard his name was called and was announced as your bodyguard he couldn't help but stifled his laughter but he just nodded as a response.

The guy nodded his head and smiled, "good, follow me", the guy lead you and Juhan into the hall, and he asked you to stand infront of the crows and right infront of the stage, Juhan was there next to you incase something weird happen.

Then the guy excuses himself and the next thing you knew the crowds cheer loudly and the boys came out from the side.

Just as they walked into the stage, the headlights went off and then.


Low lights were revealed and your eyes sparkled as you saw they formed a tree and it was moving. Juhan beside you, was amazed as well.

Then the music started. They were dancing and singing to the music called 'Wolf'.

While you were watching them dancing, you couldn't help but feel eyes on you, but you had a feeling it wasn't any of those boys because the stare were different. You know the boys were looking at you with smiles but there was another person that was watching you from afar.

And no, it's not Juhan.

Anywho~ after they performed, they ended the dance with a wave and they went back down the stage. Then the same guy that previously escorted you two, lead you to backstage to meet the boys.

"Annyeong little snow~ how did I do?", Kris grabbed your hand and pulled you to him. "You guys were great", you answered simply with a smile. Luhan sighed and pulling you away from him instead, "yah, she's ours, not yours alone, did you forget?". "Aniyo~", Kris scoffed, "that's why I'm trying my best to make her mine".

"You're so annoying hyung", the maknae of the group unknowingly growled at his hyung because of his words, "noona~ we were great weren't we?", Tao smiled cheekily while hugging your arm.

You nodded your head while smiling instantly showing your cute deep dimples that the boys love to see so much.

"Beautiful snow, where are you going next? Did you head to the haunted house yet?", you heard Chen asked before he sat next to you. Smiling down to him you nodded your head as a yes.

"How was it?", the oldest hyung, Xiumin, asked as he too sat down. You bit your own lip and didn't answered. He sighed, "I'll take that as it was really scary, it's okay cutie snowflake~ those were just fake ghost.... always know that ghost doesn't exist", he explained as he got up and ruffled your upper hair gently.

"Guys we need to perform again, the crowds are cheering", you heard Kris said while he was taking peeks from behind the stage. Chen sighed and got up too, he kissed your cheek ever-so-softly before saying, "we'll catch up with you later, beautiful girl", he playfully winked at you which made you blush.

"Yah! Chen!", the boys yelled in unison as Chen happily skipped away. Luhan huffed an annoyed sigh, he leaned down to your height and smiled, "pretty snow, I promise you that we'll meet you after we perform". You nodded your head and returned him with the same gesture but a bit more different since you had dimples that are too cute in their eyes.

That same gestures that could make guys swoon over you but you did not realize that. No. You will never realize that. Juhan held your hand, "let's go somewhere else while they perform", he smiled down to you. "Sure oppa", you nodded your head again.

You and Juhan left the hall.

"You seat here at the bench, I'll go buy some drinks", he usher you to seat down and you obliged without saying a word. He walked away. You smiled as you remembered what happened in the haunted house. Juhan was such a scaredy-cat....but at least he tried his best to man up. The most scariest part of the tour was.......you couldn't think at all.

All of them were scary.

Then you thought about their performance awhile ago. No wonder they were adored by many girls out there, they were good dancers and they were good singers too, this was actually your first time seeing them perform....sadly you didn't remember when they sang a song with an acoustic guitar before for you. You were too sleepy back then.

"Hello there", someone greeted you. You look up from zoning out to see a guy, wearing a hoodie and in his hand, he was playing with a lighter. "Hello?", you greeted back while tilting your head.


Juhan got back from buying drinks, "(y/n), sorry I'm late-!...... (y/n)?", he looked around in search of you but he couldn't even spot a single glimpse of you. He started running to the nearest place where he thought you could be, the concert hall. The boys were performing but that didn't stop Juhan from looking around to search for you. "(Y/n)?! Are you here?!",he pushed the girls around which cause a huge commotion, the fangirls glared at Juhan for interrupting their moment and THAT made EXO-M stopped performing.

"What's wrong Juhan?", Kris voiced out.

"(Y/n).....she's not where she's supposed to be", Juhan bit his bottom lip as he let his eyes wander around the hall but failed miserably. Luhan jumped down from the stage which made the girls squeal, "well have you called her?".

Juhan shook his head, "not yet", he took out his phone amd dialed your number, he waited and waited but no answer. "Try texting her, Juhan-ah", Tao worriedly bit his bottom lip.

He didn't waste his time to text you.

From: Juhan

(Y/n), where are you?

"Suho-ah, have you seen little snow anywhere?", Kris asked Suho through the phone. "What's wrong Kris?", Suho replied from the other line, "and no... we didn't see her, the last time we see her was when she was with Juhan here and that's all, what's wrong? Did something hap-", before he could finish his line, Kris cut him off by saying, "she's missing".

While with Suho.

"WHAT!? She's missing?! Have you guys searched the school? When was she missing?", Suho bombard Kris with questions, "okay, she won't be far, your group search at the school field while me and the others search for her in the building", he paused for a while to listen to what Kris was talking about, he sighed, "she went missing once, there's a guarantee we can find her again, I guess we'll have to close the haunted house and even close the concert.....ok.... we'll meet up later", he hung up after that.

"Hyung....you're not lying, aren't you?", he heard Sehun's voice from the side. "Ladies and gentlemen, "I deeply apologize because we are going to close this haunted house due to certain circumstances".

Then the customers whined, expecially the girls.

"....impossible! Don't tell me it's real hyung", Sehun begged at his hyung, "hyung!", his eyes were getting watery as he realized that it was real. He took of his costume and started running and start to search for you. Suho went inside the haunted house.

"What's wrong hyung?", Chanyeol asked as he saw their leader's troubled face, "I heard Sehun yelling outside". "Yeah hyung? What's going on?", Baekhyun piped up with a huge smile smile on his face which soon disappear as he heard what their leader said next.

"(Y/n) went missing"

They started their search in the building, everywhere they started searching. Exo-m searched the stall, it was hard for them to search for you, since everywhere they go the fangirls would crowd around them, resisting them from finding any traces of you.

Juhan who had the upperhand, searched everywhere, he even went into each stalls hoping that he could see your face. He didn't want to lose you again. He looked at his phone and felt despair, you didn't read nor answer his text messages. "(Y/n)....pleaassseee where are you? I can't do it alone...", his eyes start to water but he didn't lose hope.

'I lost you once I'm not gonna lose you twice', he bit his bottom lip and continued searching for you.

2 hours later

"Noonaaaaaa!!", Tao yelled while running around, everyone was already tired running while yelling but two maknaes didn't give up, neither did Juhan.

'Noona....please don't leave me', Sehun let his eyes wander around the not so crowded field while having thoughts in his mind, he continued to search the girls toilet, hearing squeals from girls but still that did not stop him from searching for you.

You were gone in a split second after Juhan left you, the boys were busy to be around you and they regretted it. The person who regretted the most was Juhan, he regretted leaving you alone, he regretted talking to the girl when he was supposed to buy you drinks, but it wasn't his fault, the girl approached him and talked to him.......about you.

That girl was interested in yours and Juhan's relationship, Juhan didn't know why he talked to that girl but now he regretted taking the time to talk with her instead of doing his responsibility.

"yedeura(guys).. what are we going to tell her mom?", Suho frowned to himself, frustration overwhelmed him. "We should just tell her the truth", Luhan let out an exasperated sigh while shutting his eyes close. Lay took out his phone and dialed Tao's phone number while Kai dialed Sehun's number.

"Let's call it a day", they both said at the same time as the two maknaes picked up their phone at the same time. The two maknaes argued from the other line saying that they won't give up, but after hearing that they are going to tell your mother about your disappearance, they agreed with a heavy heart.

All 13 of them head to your house and tell your mother what happened.

(Miru's note:~ oho~~~ what's going to happen next?????? Will they find their first snow like what Suho thought? Or will they have to involve the police over this? Or................what?)

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