League of Legends Series

By SilverQuillTales

101K 1.5K 353

Enjoy these one-shots. * I don't do smut. * I take requests, but I'm slow so bear with me. [Requests Currentl... More

Pantheon x Leona
Thresh x Miss Fortune
Zed x Akali
Tryndamere x Ashe
Vladimir x Ahri
Rengar x Nidalee
Riven x Zac
Vayne x Lucian
Darius x Lux
Bard x Sona
Yasuo x Riven
Wukong x Ahri
Talon x Quinn
Draven x Sona
Orianna x Viktor
Ezreal x Sona
Syndra x Zed
Quinn x Zed
Kha'Zix x Elise
Jarvan x Shyvana
Caitlyn x Jayce
Veigar x Lulu
Graves x Ahri
Varus x Lulu
Garen x Katarina
Yasuo x Taliyah
Trundle x Ashe
Ahri x Zed
Caitlyn x Vi
Taric x Diana
Ahri x Thresh
Garen x Lux
Katarina x Talon
Aatrox x Evelynn
Ahri x Vel'Koz
Taliyah x Ekko
Diana x Talon
Zoe x Kayn
Urgot x Katarina
Sejuani x Tryndamere
Lulu x Amumu
Kayn x Zed
Malphite x Taliyah
Leona x Diana
Jhin x Jinx
Riven x Talon

Lux x Ezreal

2.8K 51 7
By SilverQuillTales

It had only been a day since the Lady of Luminosity had returned from her trip abroad. Her bubbly personality made her a likable candidate for diplomatic runs, but most did not expect the young Demacian to have such a sharp mind. Lux was a dear friend of the crown, and while many underestimated the young lady, the prince knew far better than anyone of her military potential.

The Crownguards were a must to the crown's stability, their influence in the council, diplomatic status, military prowess, and a good relationship with the crown prince of Demacia only boosted their standing. Little knew of her magical capability, except for the prince himself, her brother, and the Piltovan explorer who had wormed his way into her heart. No one questioned the crown, most knew better than to do so, but nobles and politicians alike couldn't help but notice her truancy, her absence stretching the extent of her diplomatic travels.

Jarvan would never admit publicly that he sent the young woman on deadly and covert operations across enemy lines, but she was willing and capable. Luxanna was an invaluable part of their counter-intelligence unit, which shaped the tides of the war in their favor. However, the crown prince also feared that discovery day lay not too far off. How would the public react? He couldn't bring himself to think too deeply on the matter; it always seemed to sour his mood.

That being said, Luxanna was a noble, and despite her exhaustion, she could not evade the royal gala held in honor of funding the crown for its continued warfare against Noxus. War was usually looked down upon, but even the most foolish of men knew that if Demacia faltered, and Noxus seized the advantage, their empire would inevitably suffer an irrecoverable blow. Many had seen first hand the devastation the armies of Noxus wrought on the land. Ionia being their most recent conquest.

Lux was out cold, sleeping soundly in her chambers from a week of hard work, she had barely managed to freshen up before collapsing in a world of endless dreams. Garen felt terrible for disturbing his little sister, he knew all too well the relief that washed over after coming home, merely wanting to bask in the safety and comfort of one's own bed, but they had one more battle to win tonight. He was about to chicken out in all honesty, but Fiora wouldn't have it.

She barged into the young lady's room, opening the curtains to let the light of the moon shine through. Luxanna was awake, sitting up to meet her brother's apologetic gaze. "No sleep for the wicked," Fiora mused, her elegance unrivaled even as she browsed through Lux's closet for a dress worthy of the Crownguard name. The Lady of Luminosity groaned and dropped back against the pillow staring at the ceiling with furrowed brows.

Garen was ushered out as maids came bustling in, helping the young lady to her feet; they worked quickly and efficiently. Fiora seemed to have forgotten that they did not share the same taste, and with a glittering light blue dress, Lux descended the stairs, overlooking the gala, oh how she dreaded these events. Jarvan was the second person to offer her an apologetic smile as he took the lead, descending the steps with Garen trailing behind him, offering his arm to his younger sister.

She obliged, and the golden trio descended to the gala, all eyes on them, mostly on Jarvan, as the crown prince took to the spotlight and began his speech thanking the nobles for their continued support. "Smile," Garen scolded, and Lux forced a gentle smile on her lips, the siblings splitting up as they hit the floor of the gala. Garen was as wary as always, eyes scanning the crowd for possible threats, all while keeping Jarvan in his line of sight, but Lux had different priorities, she went straight for the banquet table and grabbed a plate, filling it modestly with food for appearances. If she couldn't sleep, she would eat.

Her muscles were sore, and holding her plate up proved more difficult than anticipated, she cursed the gala under her breath, throwing a small temper within the narrow confines of her mind. A part of her contemplated crawling under the banquet table and hiding until only the servants remained, but she knew she couldn't do that. Nobles and wealthy merchants alike watched her, some trying to muster up the nerves to ask her for a dance. Garen didn't have that issue. He didn't show any interest in most women.

He was polite and always professional, duty was indeed the death of love, but Lux didn't let that limit her, after all, her relationship with the Piltovan explorer was healthy. They liked each other well enough, and their occupations kept them busy, but that didn't stop the two from spending time together, they understood each other well, and Ezreal was the only person who could genuinely accept her. He was cocky, sure, but it wasn't overbearing, he understood her love of books, knowledge, and magic.

"Lady Luxanna," a man breathed. Lux set down her plate with a grimace, but as she turned around, her bubbly personality returned, and her smile was enough to knock the man off his feet.

"Ah Duke Baring, it is nice to see you on this fine evening, are you enjoying the gala?" The plump sweaty man nodded with a nervous chuckle.

"Yes, I am, but it would be even more enjoyable if you were to join me for a dance." Lux internally screamed as the stout man took her hand, his sweaty palms making her shudder, she glanced to Garen, but the Might of Demacia, tilted his glass wishing her the best of luck, and Lux vowed she would get revenge on her sibling. "You look ravishing tonight, Lady Luxanna."

"Oh...thank you," she smiled, tensing as the man slipped an arm around her waist. Sleeping in mud was more comfortable than this. She urged herself to deal with it, to get through this night, and her beloved bed would welcome her back without question. It was just one night.

"So, I was thinking," the noble began, his cheeks reddened, and whatever he was about to say, Lux did not want to hear it. As if on cue, a hand settled on her shoulder, and she glanced at the well-dressed blonde, a cocky smirk on his face as the dancing duo came to a stop.

"Duke Baring, mind if I steal this dance?" The Duke shook his head quickly, and Lux smiled at him, a smile that reached her eyes as she wordlessly thanked him. Wrapping an arm around her waist, Ezreal took the lead and led her across the dancefloor in calm silence.

"How were your travels?" she asked as they came to a small pause and then continued.

"Hmm, it was alright, a false lead, but check this out," he chuckled turning his cheek to reveal the small scar on his cheek, it was barely visible, and Lux shook her head.

"That's nothing," she hummed. Ezreal smirked, pulling her closer, and he nuzzled his nose with hers, the intimate act not going unnoticed by the other nobles. "They're going to think you're courting me."

"Courting? I'd like to believe we're past that."

"Are we?"

"Lux," he chuckled, his voice deepening slightly, a warning to her silver tongue.

"I was just joking," she giggled, her intoxicating and bubbly smile blinding his thoughts.

"Sure you were, so how did your mission go?" To that, she sighed and rested her head on his chest as they swayed from side to side.

"I just wanted to sleep, got back late last night, and this is the last place I want to be."

"In my arms?"

"Hush," Lux chided, and the blonde smiled.

"I was just joking," he mocked. "Let the nobles think whatever they want." Lux wasn't sure what he meant by that until she felt his lips on hers, their swaying had long since stopped. Her eyes were wide, and sure enough, she could feel the gazes of men and women alike, yet she couldn't seem to care. Ezreal was all that mattered at the moment, she kissed back, melting into the kiss and the public display of affection.

It felt like the worries of life had vanished, the nights she had to sneak out to meet him seemed long behind her now, and all she could think of was the sweet boy who had remained by her side through her teenage years, and now here they were, without a care in the world. Garen frowned at the public display of affection, but he was glad it was Ezreal and not a man three times her age, his gaze trailing to the plump man who had offered her a dance. He would have never let that happen; pride be damned. His sister believed in love, and he would not ruin that for her, she was no longer a little girl and could make her own decisions.

"Ah, young love," Jarvan smiled, taking a sip from his glass of wine. "I remember those days, if I had to be honest, I envy her."

"Why?" Garen scoffed, they rarely talked about love, and the subject alone was making the Crownguard stiffen.

"Love is a beautiful thing, it's a risk worth taking, but I'll never have the privilege of knowing."

"My prince, whether you find the one or if it's an arranged affair, there's nothing that stops two people from coming to terms and liking each other. Lux hated Ezreal when they first met, she ranted my ears off after their first day together, but then again, I'm pretty sure she was just in denial, her expectations were always somewhat unrealistic."

"Hmm," the prince hummed. "Who did she have in mind?" Garen cleared his throat and shook his head.

"It was a figure of speech, Ezreal doesn't exactly look like a fighter, but he's kind, and his wit makes up for his lack of chivalry." Garen would have never told his prince that Luxanna had initially been pinning for him, but at that age, admiration and infatuation were one and the same.

The two blondes smiled to each other as they separated, and taking the lead, Ezreal led her amongst the crowd of onlookers, and with the spotlight no longer on them, it made it easier to sneak away. The two found themselves on the balcony, wide grin spreading from ear to ear, and Ezreal was the first to break. "Did you see your brother? I think he hates me."

"He hates everyone except Jarvan," she chuckled, they leaned against the railing overlooking the capital of Demacia, and Lux rested her head on his shoulder. "Thank you for coming tonight."

"It was my pleasure." Huddling close to Lux, he held out his palm, arcane energy taking root as it shaped itself into a heart, and Lux tried not to choke on her own saliva.

"You're so cheesy," she laughed.

"When you're not too busy, would you like to come to Piltover? There's so much I want to show you, and you don't have to hide your magic when you're with me." Their gaze met, and Lux smiled, kissing the explorer's cheek.

"Only if I'm not sent out on a diplomatic mission of urgency," she stated, imitating the crown prince's voice.

"Should I have an audience with the prince?" Ezreal smirked.

"Please don't you'll embarrass the both of us." The two laughed staring at the stars, and the explorer took the time to explain every little star and what they represented, corny jokes were shared, but Garen could not deny, the two suited each other rather well. He remained by the balcony's slightly ajar door for a while longer listening to their childish banter, they talked of the world, of the many places they had yet to visit, of what awaited them, and of course, the future. It was a childlike wonder that warmed his heart, and in a world consumed by the flames of war, Lux had someone she could count on, and in the end, that's all Garen could ask for.

It's like 1 am, I had a terrible day at work, and I'm stressing out about my exam tomorrow and my upcoming speech and I needed an outlet, so here you guys go! 

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