MY DEEN...ISLAAM (Being Edite...

By Islaamfirst

6.3K 782 84

I was one of of those who mocked the Muslims in our school. Everything changed and I became one of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Sixteen
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Forty Three

Chapter Eight

187 18 2
By Islaamfirst

"Good attitude gives a very good impression on everyone."

                                🎓 Islaamfirst

P.S : Important note down there, please don't ignore.

                      Aeesha's Pov

I was staring at the huge mansion in front of me with my mouth hung open. It was the only house in the area, in fact you would walk for like ten minutes to see other houses.

Sa'adah walked us in and gave us a small quick tour on the house. It was quite beautiful inside, it had eight rooms in total, five upstairs and three downstairs. A very big kitchen, a living room, a library full of different books, an office, a gym, a private beach and a garden.

After ten minutes of walking around, we went into the living room to meet the guys and girls sitted having orange juice. We joined them also.

Dilshaad said "Wow! Ahmad, you do have a really nice home. If it's up to me, I will just move here and stay here for the rest of my life."

We laughed at her, Adil said teasingly "The only way you can do that is to be the daughter in law of their family."

She blushed and looked away, I giggled and whispered to her "I bet you would look extremely beautiful as one."

She rolled her eyes at me. I walked over to the table, I picked up two glasses and filled them with orange, I gave both to Sa'adah and Dilshaad.

"What about you?" Sa'adah asked frowning.

I shrugged "Water is good for me."

Ahmad stood up and walked away, he came back with a glass of water and he handed it to me, which I collected with a grateful smile.

They started talking about old times, when they would come here and do funny stuffs. I listened and didn't talk except to laugh when something funny was said.

The boys went out for Salah at the mosque beside the mansion. The girls also went to pray in their rooms leaving Batul and I.

We talked for a while, I got to know more about her and her cousin. Both their Mums are no more, they live with there Dad here and he had been doing a great job taking care of them.

Their Mums are twins, they got into an accident and died. Adil's Dad left him while her Dad took him in and took care of them both, they never lacked anything and had been living goodly.

Both are twenty years old and would be twenty one in a few months to come. Although Adil was older than her by twenty four hours, they both love each others like blood siblings. I felt sorry for her but she seemed to have moved on in her life.

We later went into the modern good looking kitchen and started preparing dinner. We made a light food, spaghetti meatballs and a strawberry pie for Dissert.

After Isha'a prayer, we were sitted on the chairs in the living room eating dinner.

Hamzah moaned and said "This taste very nice, who made it? It must be our great chef...Batul. But you have never made something as good as this."

She rolled her eyes and replied "It's not me, idiot."

Adil asked "Then who is it? It really tastes good."

She agreed and said, grinning widely "It's Aeesha, turns out she's a better cook than I."

Haleemah smiled and complemented "You cook really nicely, it tastes great."

I smiled shyly and replied "Thanks! It's one of my hubby."

Dilshaad said playfully "So you weren't kidding that day when you were giving a presentation about your hobby."

I laughed softly "So you still remember, uhn?"

She nodded and added "I still remember how shy you were but still managed to get some guys drooling over you."

I shrugged and smiled a bit. I replied "That was my time of...ignorance but...but now Alhamdulillah."

She smiled widely and nodded.

"So...Aeesha, you had a time of ignorance." Adil joked

I laughed heartily and nodded. 'Maybe they should know, they are nice people and have been kind nice to me.' I said in my mind.

I let out a shaky breathe and confessed "I...I am a new convert, I was a Non-Muslim before...that was almost six weeks ago. I am still new at everything but I am trying my best. I...I just hope that telling you this wouldn't change the way you all think of me."

There was silence for a while, then Ahmad said "It doesn't matter, we are all friends doesn't matter whether you're a Muslim or not. All we know is that have a good heart and that's what matters most."

" very much!" I replied with a sad smile.

"I am glad we met you, you're a wonderful girl, Aeesha. Don't think about what others think of you, okay?" Hamzah adviced me calmly.

I nodded and a tear fell out of my eye before I could blink it away.

Sa'adah who was beside me said "You have a friend here who would take care of you. I promise to be like a sister to you."

I smiled sadly and replied "Thanks a lot!"

We finished dinner peacefully, Haleemah and Sa'adah took care of the dishes while the rest of us were in the living room.

The boys were playing some video game, I happened to be a fan of it and it was taking me everything I could to not join them.

Eventually I did, I almost pleaded "Can I join you guys? It's been long since I played a video game."

They turned back with questioning looks, I felt ashamed at once and looked down.

Adil said "You play games? That's...weird."

I frowned and retorted "What's weird about it? I can play anything I want, right?

Hamzah smiled softly and explained "Of course you can play but not with boys, especially those who are your non-mahrams. It will be seen as if you're shameless. You have to distance yourself from boys which you have no relations with for both your sakes except...for a good reason."

Batul added "That's why we are not playing with them although I don't like all this. If we were all to be siblings, there would be no problem sitting around with them. Even if we are cousins and we are sure that nothing is going on between us, then no probs."

I nodded smiling softly at the new information, I guess I could gain more from them. I was gaining more knowledge, I was grateful to them for enlightening me.

I asked "But why is it so?"

Ahmad chuckled "When a girl and boy are left alone, who else do you think would be with them?"

After thinking for some seconds, I replied "It should be Allah, He is always with us. He sees and hears everything also."

He smiled "Exactly but...there is also Shaitan. You know that Shaitan is a very bad influence, anything can happen between the two people who are not related. For that reason it is better to avoid so unless if needed. You do know that 'Prevention is better than Cure'." He explained.

I placed two fingers on my chin thoughtfully. All what he said was making sense to me and I was understanding more.

"So...I can't get to play a video game tonight?" I pouted.

They laughed "Sorry dear but not tonight because this my friend is for us...mwahaha." Adil stated.

An idea popped into my head and I smirked "Who wants to go to the beach and watch the waves? It will be cold but fun to enjoy." I asked with a smile.

The boys straightened up immediately, they left their pads and ran out.

"Stupid!" I muttered with a huge smile.

I got a hold of one of the pad, change the game into car race and I started.

"W...what just happened?" A confused Dilshaad asked.

I had my back turned to them so I couldn't see them.

"The boys got fooled, that's what happened." Batul inserted and laughed.

"She knows that they like swimming more than anything, I told her so when we were talking about them so she brought up the topic and got herself a game to play. That was brilliant, you know?" Sa'adah said proudly.

"They should know not to mess with a girl in need." I joked to which the girls laughed.

"But they must be stupid to go swimming in this cold. The water might be freezing...I just hope they don't get themselves killed." Haleemah added.

It had been almost an hour, I stretched and kept the pad away going back to take a seat on the sofa. When I stood up from the ground, I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I hissed lowly closing my eyes.

I opened it back and went to take a seat beside the girls who had been gisting about almost everything. They were too carried away to even notice me.

The guys then came in shouting in victory.

"I won the race but you still owe me one." Hamzah declared.

Adil snorted "In your dreams, I only let you win because I was tired but tomorrow I won't be smooth on you."

Ahmad smiled at me when our eyes met and I shyly looked away.

The girls' attention were now on them.

"You guys are really stupid." Haleemah teased.

"Oh God! The water was surprisingly cool, you should have come with us. You missed a lot tonight." Adil announced.

"Really! Tomorrow, the beach is for the girls. You guys get your turn next tomorrow before we leave." Batul said happily.

Adil frowned and joked "We don't get to see you guys, it's not fair "

Haleemah got a hold of a pillow and threw it on him but he dudged.

"Pervert!" She exclaimed.

We all laughed at Adil's face, it was funny.

Assalaamu alaikum!!! A reminder please. I want you all to know that this story is fictional, all people and places are my imagination.

A friend of mine texted me one day when she was reading my other story "Haziyil Hayat".

"A phone call on a plane 😂 anyways it's fiction." She said

I laughed cause she was right, when it's involves fiction, anything can happen even the impossible.

I hardly make researches when writing a book, I just write what comes to my heart and sometimes, it's from experience.

I know that 'life is too short' I just want to do something to be proud of. I want to help people and strengthen Islaam even if it's by only means which is writing.

Thanks alot everyone!!! I am dedicating this chapter to you guys. Take care!!! Assalaamu alaikum!

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