MY DEEN...ISLAAM (Being Edite...

By Islaamfirst

6.3K 782 84

I was one of of those who mocked the Muslims in our school. Everything changed and I became one of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Sixteen
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Forty Three

Chapter Four

207 23 1
By Islaamfirst

" ايحب احدكم ان ياكل لحم اخيه ميتة؟..."

Allah in the Holy Qur'an said, more like asked "Would any of you like to eat the meat of his dead brother?"

SubhanAllah! Do you believe that nowadays some people do really... like seriously they eat their fellow human beings which is totally...totally disgusting.

Oh Allah! Help us and be with us please at all times. You're the One and Only, the External Absolute. Guide us to your path...Ameen.

                       Aeesha's Pov

Sa'adah dropped me at Madam Suzan's. She is a Nurse and mostly worked night shifts, she always came back late in the night or in the morning very tired.

She had left since Four leaving Drake with the Nanny, Miss Hannah. She is a woman in her mid thirties, she has a long dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. She is very pretty and looked like a Model.

When she saw me, she smiled widely and said "Welcome Darling! I guess it's my cue to leave now. Dear Drake, I have to go but I will miss you and we will continue our game in the morning, okay?"

He pouted and replied "Okay Miss Hannah! You can go on, my lovely babysitter is here now." He looked away and added jokingly "You're dismissed."

Miss Hannah feigned hurt "Please Master, I have no where to go. Let me stay, I will do anything you want, I promise." She joked.

We all laughed at their joke, she left after a while and I was left with the young prince. His bedtime was usually at eight.

When it was seven, after Maghreb prayer, I made dinner for him. I fed him while we told each other about our days. I tucked him to bed and prayed Isha'a prayer also.

The security guard would take care of him while I was gone till his Mum comes back. I left there at around ten in the night.

I was walking to the bus stop, I was feeling dizzy and my breath was coming out in shorts. I felt really tired suddenly apart from the fear of walking almost alone in the night.

My vision was starting to fail me, my legs was getting heavy and I couldn't carry myself anymore. I gave up and fell on the ground, I was losing oxygen, I couldn't breath well. I laid on the ground and let darkness take over me.

I opened my eyes but close it back almost too quickly because of the light. I opened it gradually the next time and tried to adjust to the sunlight. I sat up on the comfortable bed I was sleeping on and realised it wasn't mine.

The memories of the other night came rushing into me and I frowned before falling back on the bed. I was in a hospital room actually, it was quite big for a normal hospital room and nice.

I had a drip connected to my left hand, I sighed sadly. The door opened and a woman in white came in followed by two nurses.

The doctor smiled sadly at me and asked "How are you doing?"

"Fine thank you." I replied finding my voice strange to me.

She said "I am going to just check your heartbeat and conduct some other tests before letting you go."

I replied "I assure you I am alright. I just need to pay the fee now and get going. Thank you very much for helping me."

She said calmly "Nonsense my dear, I am afraid you would have to stay here for a while now. About your fee, it has been taken care of by the nice fellow that brought you in."

I stared at her wide eyed, she started her tests. She checked my heartbeat with that thing that Doctors use to wear on their neck. I am an art student and I didn't bother knowing all this.

It was afternoon when I was discharged, the Doctor told me to come back in the next two days to get my result. She still didn't tell me the name of the person who helped me. I wrote a short letter thanking whoever he was and I left the hospital.

It was the biggest hospital in Los Angeles and where Madam Suzan worked. I first took a taxi to her place to apologise for not showing up.

Strangely, she felt bad blaming herself for over stressing me. She gave me two days off and even gave me some money to take care of myself. I found myself being squeezed to her in a hug and I relaxed to her affection.

I went back to the hostel, I had missed most of my lectures anyways so I decided to just stay back in my dorm room and resume classes the next day.

Going into my room, I saw Dilshaad sitting on her bed in frustration, her eyes red and puffy. I thought she had been crying so I panicked and ran to her side.

I asked worried "Assalaamu alaik! Are the alright, Dilshaad?"

She looked at me hurtfully and said softly "I can't believe you're back, I have been worried sick you're not back. You had never slept outside, I kept waiting for you the whole night to arrive but you didn't. I...I panicked and..."

She broke off crying again, I hugged her and whispered some soothing words to her. She calmed down a while later but didn't let me go.

She asked "Why didn't you call and tell me you wouldn't be coming back home. I...I thought...that...God forbid... that something happened to you."

I kissed her forehead and said "I am so sorry, please forgive me. I know I have been a bad roommate."

She broke the hug and replied "No it's not your fault, it is mine. I don't care to talk to you because of what happened in high school. I thought what everyone said about you is true...but no, they are all wrong, they don't know're not a bad person."

We hugged each other again and I told her everything that happened last night. When I had finished, she stared at me with wide eyes.

She finally said "Oh My God! Are...are you alright? I am sorry, I could have called but I didn't have your phone number. How about the guy that helped you? We really have to go thank him...if only that Doctor told you where he lives. Or maybe when you're going back for the results, we will go together and thank him."

I smiled softly at her and replied "I am alright now Alhamdulillah, thanks a lot. I really appreciate your concern."

She stood up and said "I have to go take a bath now, I have been on bed since morning worried sick about you. Just know that you own me lunch, forget it...dinner instead. It's almost time for dinner "

I laughed softly and replied "Of course, don't worry. I am sorry still."

She shrugged innocently and went into the bathroom. I sat on her bed trying hard not to cry at what just happened. I never knew she had worry so much about me, I thought she hated me like the others. I thanked Allah once more and got off the bed.

I tidied her bed and space, I also was starving. I hadn't prayed since morning, I groaned lowly at the thought.

After praying, it was almost eight in the evening. We were going out for dinner, I was dressed in a black jeans and a sleeveless thin black top. I wore a white boot and carried my white purse. I wore a large white coat that reached my knee and a white hijab.

Dilshaad said excitedly "You do have a sense of fashion, girl. I love the way you dress."

I smiled and replied "You're way better, I love that blue Abayah of yours. It fits better with your yellow hijab."

She giggled and said "Thanks, my mum likes me to be dressing this way. She prefers wearing Abayah or gowns all the time."

I replied "Me too, just...just that my situation at hand isn't good. I would have gone shopping to change my closet."

Her smile fell and she said stuttering "I...I you something?"

I sighed and replied knowing what she wanted to say "Yes, it's true. My Dad... threw me out of the house."

She squeezed my hand reassuringly "You're one of the bravest girl I have ever met. Not everyone can go through all you had to."

I smiled sadly and replied "I guess so...I hope so. I just...pray no one ever goes through what I have been through."

She looked like she wanted to cry so I quickly changed the subject and said "I am starving so badly I can't wait anymore."

She nodded and we both left after locking the door. We entered the elevator and made our way to the restaurant of the other day. 'Sa'adah is going to kill me' I thought sadly.

We entered the restaurant which was full of people, we finally found a place at the last end close to where we sat the other time. Some people had already occupied the place, moving there, my eyes met with Sa'adah's own and they widen.

She stood up and walked towards me crushing me into a hug. She almost yelled "I almost got an heart attack...oh my God! I didn't have your contact and...thank God you're alright."

'Oh God! I am in trouble.' I said in my mind.

Enjoying it so far, I hope. I know you're all wondering ; who helped her? Who paid the hospital bill? Why doesn't he want her to know him?

I don't know the answer to these questions but if you want to know, follow me and read the next chapter. Also remember to vote and comment. Assalaamu alaikum!

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