Aki (A Naruto/HxH Crossover F...

By YoshiXx03

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Aki wants a do over of her life. After her 'supposed' brother went nuts and deserted the village, Aki was lef... More

The Red-Haired Man
Silver & Gravity
The Match
A Moment
Gon's Match
A Little Closer
Killua and Hisoka
The One Who Left First
Bath time
The Hair Ornament
Night Walk
That Clip
What Leorio Knows
Faint of Heart
The Phantom Troupe
Shared Memory
Jack of Clubs
Get rid of him, please
Devil After Her
One for 'Hello'
Two for 'Goodbye'
Aki: Nodus Tollens
Gon: Liberosis
Killua: Altschmerz
The 'Curse'
Interview 1
"Eyes of Scarlet"
Jekyll and Hyde
The Knight
The Body of the Underlord
Her Brother
Ethereal (Special Chapter)


4.3K 206 82
By YoshiXx03

A/N: I was kinda listening to this while writing the chapter. I feel like this could be Aki's song for Hisoka. 

You never share your toys or communicate. I guess I'm just a play date to you~

"Tell me why you left." Aki demanded.

"What would it change? In the first place, you know this is something that I would do... eventually." Hisoka replied. Aki could almost see the smile on his face. But, she didn't dare look back to confirm it. 

"What the hell? Now you're giving me that shit? What kind of dad are you? Leaving me at the drop of a hat—you're the worst. Go die somewhere." Aki began to rant. Hisoka chuckled in response.

"What about you? I thought you weren't gay? But now, you're kissing guys randomly?" Hisoka teased in a light tone, trying to keep himself from blowing up. Just remembering Killua's face was enough to sour his mood.

"Whatever, clown. And, it wasn't a random kiss." Aki dissed, flashing her middle finger at him.

"Oho~ So you've kissed Killua before? My, how bold~" Hisoka jested. 

The veins on Aki's temple throbbed, ready to pop.

"Just shut up! Shut up, and just take me to your boss." Aki yelled indignantly, punching Hisoka on the chest. She punched with all her might. Yet, the red head remained unfazed.

They were two people riddled with hurt that night.

One felt betrayed, the other felt wronged. 

Hisoka didn't get why Aki was so upset. He said his goodbyes. He never says goodbye. But he always bid his farewells to Aki. 

It's not like he wanted to say goodbye. But, he had to⏤before things got messy. Hisoka knew he had to get away and that was for Aki's sake too! Why didn't she get that?

And now she's disowning him?

Hah! At least Hisoka was comforted by the thought that it was HIM who left first. 

On the other hand, Aki was torn between anger and longing. She longed for an explanation. She longed for him to say that everything was alright⏤that Hisoka wasn't cutting ties for good. But at the same time, she was angry. 

Angry that Hisoka left, when he promised he would stay. 

Maybe Hisoka didn't really mean that promise...

And now, Aki felt like an immature child⏤holding onto something that wasn't even real in the first place.

This rift tore them apart, and made the happy memories blurry. Although it was still mendable, with the way they were acting, it wouldn't be long before they ruin what was left of their ties.


"Yes. I'll be there by tomorrow." Con smiled, trying to keep himself from cursing out loud. He loosened his suit and leaned back on the car's leather seats.

"I understand where you're coming from. But honey⏤" Con frowned, annoyed by the shrill voice from his phone. He sighed as quietly as he could.

"I know dear. I'll be home as soon as I can. But, I can't tonight." He urged. 

"Don't worry. I'll find the perfect gift for you." He buttered his words with sugar, trying to keep his tone, level.

"Love you too, honey. Now, I really gotta go. My meeting is in 5 minutes." Con made kissing noises before dropping the call. He cursed with heavy intonations, surprising his driver. Running a hand through his blonde hair, Con rested his head on the headrest. 

Everything was stressing him out lately. The business, his on-going projects, and his life-long mission⏤everything. Even calls from his daughter was starting to irritate him.

And, just when he thought he found the perfect toy to mess with, he just had to lose the arm-wrestling match⏤and to a 13 year old boy too. He hadn't been able to get a hold of that kid ever since then.

"Aki..." The name rolled off his tongue so naturally, it scared him. 

It might have been timing, intuition, or simply luck.

But in that moment, just as Con rolled down his window and gazed at the bright city lights, he saw him. And electricity ran down his entire spine. Before he realized it, he was already outside his car, running towards the kid.

Like a giddy child excited for his gift, Con didn't even realize that Aki was with someone. That is, until he collided with the firm chest of a certain red head. Con stumbled back and fell on his bum.

"Ara~" The red head sang. "Sorry, I didn't see you there?" He added, tilting his head in fake-innocence.

When Hisoka saw the man headed for Aki in hot pursuit, his first instinct was to block him. Seeing the guy with his ass on the ground, Hisoka felt a sense of satisfaction. Who the hell was this bastard anyway? Why's he chasing after Aki?


"Con? What are you doing here?" Aki queried, eyes wide in surprise. She peaked from behind Hisoka, cheeks flushed red. 

Con chuckled, standing up. The way he acted smoothly made Hisoka deduce that something's off.

"I told you I'd see you again." Con winked.

Hisoka frowned. Whoever he was, didn't like this man.



I sat in front of Con, feeling restless and embarrassed. 

There's something about this man that strikes me odd... I mean, how is he so⏤

"Is there anything else I can get you?" Con's voice startled me, and I ended up throwing my drink on him. 

Oh shit.

"Ack⏤Sorry!!" Dear gods, why am I only embarrassing myself in front of Con?

"No, it's fine." Con said with a beautiful smile. But, as he wiped his stained hanky on his suit, I knew it was not okay. Biting my lip, I took off my long-sleeved shirt⏤leaving me in my tank top.

"Let me just⏤" I attempted to lend my shirt, but Hisoka beat me to it. 

"Here~ You can use my top to change into." Hisoka offered his wacky shirt. I almost laughed. I mean, no offense but his tops are way over the top. Does he expect Con to wear that god awful thing?

Pfft⏤no way.

Con's face paled at the sight of the shirt.

"Uhh, not thanks. I have a spare suit at the car." He smiled at Hisoka and kindly refused the suit. Then, he turned to me and gave me a wider smile.

"You too Aki. Keep your shirt. What are we going to do if you catch a cold?" He winked. I swooned. 

I dunno why, but he's hella handsome. Why is it that everything he does seem so perfect? 

From the back of my mind, I knew I should be warry of 'perfect' people⏤especially rich dudes like him. For all I know, he's playing with me. However,  I just feel... bewildered by his very existence. 

How odd.

Almost as if I was put under his spell.

"But, I guess you really are father and son, huh? To think both of you would give me your tops without a second thought..." Con shook his head, seemingly amused.

However, his words struck a nerve. 

I did tell Con that Hisoka was my 'dad' to escape suspicion, but I didn't expect to hear that from him. Do I really seem like a son to Hisoka...? And speaking of that crazy clown, he's been acting weird since running into Con.

That's right. Why is Hisoka being so complacent? Why hadn't he tried to just kidnap me and run away from Con? Instead, we're here in this edgy café, drinking iced coffee and lattes. 

I wonder what's going on in Hisoka's mind right now.

"Well, what can I say~ the fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree." Hisoka commented. I looked at him incredulously⏤which he returned with a wink. The audacity of this clown astounds me.

But, all of my anger disappeared when I heard Con's heavenly laugh.

"That's quite true, Mr. Hisoka. Now, if I may, I'll excuse myself for a bit and change from these clothes. I'll be right back." Con stood up and walked towards his car.

The second he was out of earshot, I turned to Hisoka with a scowl. 

"Can you not act like you're this... this dignified parent to me? We both know what you're truly like." I snapped at him. My mood was suddenly sour. Any hint of exhilaration I felt was gone the moment Con left. 

Man, I must have it bad.

"Oho~ Would you have preferred if I didn't play along with your game?" Hisoka shot back, and I bit my lip. He was right. But, that doesn't explain why he didn't just kill Con on the spot. I mean, that's more like him.

"Anyway, what's with you? Why are you so enamored by that conman." Hisoka leaned on his palm with his elbow on the table. His eyes trained Con, just a few meters away from our seats, as he went into his car.

"Excuse me? His name is Con. And he's not a conman." I pointed out. 

"And how do you know that?"

"I⏤" I couldn't say anything. No reason came to mind. It was as if, I just trusted him right off the bat. Why...? I don't understand myself.

"Have you ever wondered why you seem so caught up with his entirety? Why he seems so perfect?" Hisoka's queries hit the nail on the head. Now that I think about it, why did I like him again...?

Because he thought I was a girl at first? Or was it when he didn't mind when he found out I was a 'guy'? Or maybe it's because he's so gentle and everything he does is perfect⏤

I found myself stopping at that. 

Dear gods. 

I crumpled into the palm of my hands, covering my face in shame. 

Con was a conman.

At least, there's a high possibility that he is. 

Why haven't I realized it earlier? The same induced track of thought, the uncharted feelings, and the bizarre fascination towards only HIM. Con must have used Nen to diverge my thoughts. Kinda like when Haizel Kreinos used her aura to seduce me.

But, I don't understand... why did Con⏤? Why me?

I swear, if it's because of the Shinikage clan again, I'll just kill myself and end the line of their so called 'precious bloodline'. 

I groaned. "Why didn't I realize it sooner?" I agonized over myself.

"Fu fu~ Just be thankful you realized things before it was too late." Hisoka hummed.

Argh⏤and of all people to be with, why did Hisoka have to see me hypnotized like a love-sick puppy?

I'd rather Killua was here instead. At least, I have a bargaining chip to use against him.

"Why don't we run away now?" Hisoka brought up with an innocent smile. He jabbed his thumb towards the streets.

"What? No. I'm going to interrogate that son of a⏤"

"I can't let you do that." Hisoka cut me off.

"And why the hell not?!" I huffed indignantly. The nerve of this man!

"Hm~ Let's just say that man is someone you won't want to mess with." Hisoka licked his lips. "Especially since you're part of that cursed clan." He added with a sardonic smile. A shiver ran down my spine.

Damn it. I knew this had something to do with the Shinikage clan. Again. I wanted to ask more questions. But, as soon as I saw Con getting out of the car wearing his spare tux, I tensed up. 

His eyes.

They used to be red, the color of wine. Now, its the color of wrought iron.


I found myself running away from Con with Hisoka on tow. 

My heart thumped loudly inside my chest. I was definitely afraid. Something about Con... I guess after realizing that I was under the influence of his spell, it made me realize how dangerous he really was. 

His aura almost suffocating. Especially when he realized we were gonna make a run for it. And his eyes...

I shuddered. 

There wasn't that smoke like thing in his eyes. But, I found his gaze to be more blood-curdling. I guess Hisoka wasn't lying... it's alright to trust his words on this one, right? I ran a hand through my hair. 

I'm starting to get tired from suspecting everything.

Come to think of it, what's with Hisoka? I glared at the reed head who was too busy shuffling his cards.

"Hey. Why'd you warn me back there?" I asked. "One moment you cut off all ties. Then the next, you're kind. I mean, kind enough to snap me out of whatever trap I was walking into." I added. I had a fair point, right?

If he was gonna cut off ties, then why the hell does he keep doing these unnecessary things? 

"Why are you like this, Hisoka?" I pleaded, brows furrowed in frustration. 

But, Hisoka didn't give me an answer. Instead, he offered me cards.

"Why don't we play a hand~? Whoever wins gets to ask whatever. Loser is bound to tell the truth."

I groaned. Again, with his card games. Nevertheless, I took him up on his offer. 

Despite playing to the best of my abilities, I still found myself losing. I was determined to win. Besides, Hisoka and I both knew I had more questions than him... so, why? 


"Full house~" He hummed. I nearly threw his cards away in a tantrum. 

"Argh! You don't really plan on telling me anything, huh? You insufferable clown!" 

But, Hisoka ignored my outburst. He continued to hum this familiar tune. But, I was too caught up with my rage to pay attention to his song.

"Want another round?" He asked. I glared at him. That's all he ever asks. Even after losing two times, he never really asked me anything. Not even about my connection towards the Shinikage. The red head just kept asking for another round.

And I couldn't really refuse.

"Do you know why you keep on losing?" He asked, almost tauntingly. 

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe you're just a big cheat." Although I haven't exactly figured out how he does it. Hisoka chuckled.

"You're right~ Straight Flush."

"What the⏤so you admit you're a cheating bastard!" I dropped my cards to reveal my hand. Three of a kind.

"Does it matter? You don't even know how I cheated you." Hisoka hummed, and I couldn't exactly refute his words.

"And that's why I lose. 'Cause all along, I guess I've been playing a rigged game." I hissed. It's so unfair.

"No, Aki. You lose because you keep thinking about how you were cheated. Instead of figuring out how to one up me." Hisoka smiled his customary creepy grin, titling his head to the side. 

"While you were busy trying to figure out how I cheated, I was making sure you never win this game. Life is a rigged game, right from the start Aki. Sometimes, you have to be tricky to win in 'life'." He continued to ramble on.

"... What the hell are you on about?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Fu fu~ To put it bluntly, I'm telling you to cheat Aki." He chuckled, handing me a new set of cards. "Don't get too caught up trying to make everything make sense."

My mouth froze. 

And then, a bitter laugh escaped my lips.

"Is this your answer? Are you telling me that⏤that you..." I couldn't form my words properly. Tears started to well up in my eyes. 

I bit my lip. 

Hisoka dropped his cards, showing another Straight Flush. Then, I dropped mine.

"You know what? Screw it all. I'm tired of trying to figure you out. Let's just go. Just take me to your boss." I sighed, grumbling. I forced the unshed tears to dry up. 

"I guess you don't want to ask me anymore." Hisoka stated. I glared at him.

Hisoka was right.

Once I stopped trying to figure out how he cheated, I broke through. Beside Hisoka's cards, laid my hand⏤a Royal Straight Flush.

And so, I'll leave it at that. No need to hopelessly worry about his reasons. He was the one who left anyway.

"Would you feel better if I told you that I didn't come to you to take you to the spiders' boss?" 

Hisoka's words made me halt. I turned to look at him in surprise and doubt. I don't get him. One moment, he's discouraging me from asking for his reasons. Yet, why is he sayingsomthing like this? Is he messing with me? Am I that stupid to him?

But, deep inside, I knew he was giving me false hope.

Stupid Aki. 

What am I even hoping for? That Hisoka was just bullshiting me? That Hisoka actually has a decent explanation why he left? So what?

Will that really change anything?

What would it change?

Hisoka's words echoed inside my head.

"Nice joke." I laughed it off bitterly. Hisoka looked at me with serious eyes, but I ignored his musing stare. I couldn't let him plant false hope in my heart. I'm fragile enough as it is.

(Hisoka is the real conman  ╯︿╰ )

~ End of #34 ~

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