In Where Gerard Is Awkward An...

Por XxGerardisdeadxX

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Gerard works from 11 to 8 an Italian restaurant while sketching in the morning and afternoon when he can to s... Más

(1) In Where Gerard Is An Awkward Virgin And Calls Frank Who Is A Prostitute
(2) This chapter title was too long so wattpad made me change it and it was good
(3) Where Gee and Frankie were going to 'hang out' but it started to storm
(4) Frank was pissed near the end of this chapter and it got steamy
(5) Gee's birthday is coming up and Lindsey hunts Frank down
(6) Gerard Gets Upset At Lindsey But Then Thanks Lindsey Later
(7) Frank Makes Breakfast And Recieves A Blowjob Lindsey gets a date and #same
(8) When There Is A Three Week Time Gap Gerard Goes Shopping And Frank Is Kinky
(9) Where Lindsey is a fangirl and Frank is a pain in Gerard's ass- literally
(10) In Where Its Franks Point Of View Finally
(11) Shower Sex Is The Best Sex If You Need A Fix Before Work By Fall Out Boy
(12) Sometimes Bedroom Walls Are My Only Friends
(13) Taking My Training Wheels Off For You Because You Mean More Than Drugs
(14)The Promised Chapter Bc Last Ones Were Sad/I Probably Used This Song Before
(15) Lindsey Convinces Gee On A Double Date Which Reveals Some Kinky Things
(16) Seriously Frank, When Is Ever Going To A Club A Good Idea In A Fanfic?
(17) I Pulled This Chapter Out Of No Where And It Will Be More Fluff. No Smut
(18) V Short Smut Chapter Because You Have To Read The A/N To Figure Out Why
(19) Where Fluff Turns To Angry To Smut By Fall Out Boy
(20) Can You Knock Someone Out With A Dildo By Panic! At The Disco
(21) Painting, Creativity, and Purple
(22) Mikey's Dull, Tried To Hook Up With Frank, Gee Beats The Shit Out Of Him
(23) It's My Motherfucking Birthday You Motherfucker
(A/N) Lmao fuck
(25) Blood, Sex, Blanket Forts, And Outer Space
(26/27) I Never Told You What I'm Like When I'm Sick/It's Xmas pt. 1
(28) Welcome To The Short Apology Filler Smut
(29) The End Of All Things
10.5k? Holy shit

(24) Frank Wears 'Girl' Clothing For The First Time So This Will Be Interesting

488 17 19
Por XxGerardisdeadxX

Gee tops in this (no complaining still smut)


    My uncle just gave me a week off of work because of the fact I 'didn't look too hot, ragazzo', which I mean, sure I've been a little out of it but that doesn't mean I needed a break from work. Either way, I get to spend more time with Gerard so, that's a plus at least. Speaking of that black haired beauty, there's been numerous requests of paintings, keeping him holed up in the back office I had cleared out a week or two ago for doing artwork which happened to be around the time his inbox had started having requests slowly trickling it to have work done of children, pets, or just random things they wanted as decor. Then after a few days, Gerard set up a website and that's when it was a tidal wave of emails of google forms being filled out with people sending picture attachments, names, numbers, addresses, and emails. After every google form, Gerard would text the number and ask how much are they willing to pay and then work it out. It's been about maybe three days I've actually seen Gerard. Every time I go to the office, it's littered with blank canvases, empty paint tubes, brightly colored rags, finished pieces against the wall that would be gone the next day, and the only thing missing was Gerard.
    Empty coffee mugs lined the counters, but I never actually caught him setting them on the counters. He was either out getting more supplies, showering while I wasn't here and I haven't even woken up to see him next to me. Sometimes, the bed would be warm and there would be a hot cup of coffee on the nightstand for me, but I could hardly catch him. Sure, it's been three days but at this point I'm questioning if it was three days or was it five. I haven't been able to keep track with the fact I wouldn't sleep in hope to catch Gerard. I never did though and it frustrated me to no end. At least now I can maybe catch him with this week off I have, find him and capture his attention.

    But seriously, how is he avoiding me completely? Honestly, it's rather annoying having to jerk off because of remembering that memory with the paint and then having sex when Gerard was painting the walls.

    That's besides the point, though.

    It's been another night of not being able to catch Gerard, which meant I went to sleep alone after being a lazy little shit and making an oven pizza, leaving half of it on the stove for Gerard. I let the warmth of the comforter lure me into a blackness and I shit you not, that's exactly when I heard the bedroom door open and the smell of coconut body wash filled the room and soft feet padding across the carpet. I was already basically asleep which led to mumbling before feeling the bed dip before disappearing in complete darkness. This fucking bitch came into the room as I was falling asleep and wrapped his arm around my waist because of the fact I was basically dead.

That fuckin bitch better watch his ass because I'm going to catch him. I'm going to see him this week and not to mention he's been so holed up in his work room that we haven't even figured out Thanksgiving which was fucking two or so days away. Like goddamn are we going our separate ways and let our love divide over the holiday, or are we going to just do it together? See, I would know this if the motherfucker would show his face which only let for one idea to pop into my mind when I woke up in the morning. It would have to take preparation and it will have to happen right after Thanksgiving and I know exactly when. I'll have Gerard run to the store and grab more fags. Knowing him, he's going right back to working and that's when it will all fall into place...

Course, I still have to fucking know what is going to happen.

Though when I finally actually took in my surroundings, there was a wild Gerard passed out still next to me, his little pixie nose twitching in his sleep and soft breaths leaving his slightly parted pink lips which made his eyelashes brush his cheeks. His little chubby cheeks were so cute and his black hair sat in a mess of random strands fighting to go one way when the other pieces wanted to go another way. Gee was also pale as hell and his eyes had faded bags under them. The wild Gerard's eyes started to twitch in the process of him waking up, a large sigh leaving his lips before peeling his eyelids open, the sun catching his own art pallet in his eyes. Gerard rubbed his eyes and looked around, eyes widening after realizing I was awake.

"So, what's new with you? Haven't seen you in like five fucking days." I said in the most passive aggressive way I could conjure. Gerard's lips twitched and he opened his mouth to speak before sighing.

"I didn't want to get distracted and get horny. I really need to work on all of this.. I mean at night-"

"Okay, so you let me be alone for five days without even knowing that you exist besides the empty coffee mugs and food missing from the fridge?" I snapped and I instantly regretted it because I really didn't think about what five days of not talking to anyone could do to your emotions.

"I-it was six days." he said in a small voice that wavered. "I-I just wanted to get m-more than three hours of sleep." he whispered before his eyes filled with tears. That's when I realized I never really wanted to see those beautiful, golden eye water with salty liquid like that ever again. I instantly pulled him close, holding Gee to my chest as he started to cry, artist fingers clutching my arms. "I'm sorry." he whimpered and buried his head into my neck.

"Shhh sh, I didn't mean to snap at you, love. I've just missed you." I said gently, running my own calloused fingers through his clean hair. He only nodded his head and nuzzled my neck before closing his eyes again. His hands went slack as his body led him to fall back asleep. His breathing deepened and the sun projected a halo of light on his body. It casted a soft glow on his face, shadows leaving different shading on his pale face. I could've spent hours just watching him sleep, face slack with his mouth slightly open. God, I loved this boy so much, and I couldn't do anything to even try to stop and I never would try to stop loving him because he is the most wonderful thing that's happened to me in a while.

It must have been at least an hour before he woke back up, mumbling about coffee. A small smile tugged at my lips, watching his eyes open for the second time, his dark eyelashes now casting a slight shadow on his cheeks. "What time is it?" he said in a voice that was heavy with sleep. I took a glimpse at the clock, the bold, red letters reading 12:43.

"12:43, my love." I whispered and all he did was groan.

"Break." he mumbled before snuggling into the covers.

"Yeah, about break I'm pretty sure by this point Thanksgiving is tomorrow or something... so um... how are we going to do that?" I asked softly, nuzzling my face in his hair.

"Mine. Mom being annoying about meeting you." He grumbled. "Mikey going with Pete and Pete parents. They have dog. Mom has cat. I think it will be us, mom, and family friend." he grumbled, his sentences choppy and not exactly full sentences considering he was still half asleep.


"Today," He groaned, starting to actually wake up. "I forgot to tell you." he said before sitting up, rubbing his eyes. His mouth hung open, limply before he yawned with his little nose scrunching up into his face. "She lives in Summit. It's like... thirty minutes from here. She's pretty cool, but I'm warning you, she will interrogate you." Gerard warned before getting out of bed and humming to himself as he slid on a hoodie over his bare chest that didn't go with his Star Wars pajama pants. I only gawked at him as he walked towards the bedroom door to presumably make coffee. "I'm making coffee." he smiled before walking out, leaving my assumptions to be correct about the coffee part of this whole ordeal. I could only flop back on the bed and stare at the ceiling to complicate my life and question my existence because damn I wasn't expecting such a handful.

Slowly, I pulled myself from the bed sheets and untangled my legs from the comforter and sliding sweatpants on, not bothering with a shirt. With hardly energy, I pulled out a bag and packed an outfit for tomorrow, which was in fact thanksgiving, proving that I can't keep track of my days. Literally all I packed though was a pair of clothes, my toothbrush, hairbrush, deodorant, and a pack of cigarettes. Gerard though appeared in the doorway and knocked, holding two cups of coffee. Course,though, the knock scared the living shit out of me which just led to me jumping and letting out a small noise. Gerard locked eyes with me and set the coffees down before starting to giggle. That giggle turned into full blown laughter while I stubbornly picked up my coffee and started to drink it with a slight scowl. Once he calmed down, he was just smiling like an idiot before giggling again but trying to hide it by drinking his coffee. All I did was glare before drinking it, the bitter liquid sliding quickly down my throat.

"You know I love you." he giggled before getting out a small bag for himself. We never really talked nor agreed to pack, we just did and that led to both of our bags thrown in the entry hall as we tried to find the car keys to my car that we've hardly used because everything has been in walking distance of the place we reside in.

"Found them!" Gerard called from the bedroom, coming out and tossing them to a very uncoordinated Frank.

"Fuck-" I gasped as they hit my throat, an inhumane sound leaving my mouth. Gee wash already by myself, doe eyes wide.

"Does it-"

"That doesn't matter, let's head out.." I managed, the pain already subsiding from the keys hitting my goddamn throat.

We threw our shit into the backseat before playing a Dookie CD I had found in the glove compartment. Off to mother's house we go.


"Gerard! You're home- is this the boy?" Donna Way smiled. Donna Way is a middle classed lady who has more class than the upper class people right around the corner. Widowed, yet a very happy women who sticks her nose into her son's business about 24/7, and she just wants the best for her boys but she can't help but snoop a bit then obsess over whatever friend or boyfriend considering both boys are rather in the flaming part of the homosexual scale. Not lowkey.


"Yes mom... be nice, this is the first boy I've dated and brought home. Please don't scare him off." Gerard pled as I just watched the two interact before they hugged. His mother then came up and gave me a bone crushing hug, the air slipping out of my lungs. My arms seemed to be glued at my sides from how tightly she was squeezing and Gerard had to pry her off after I mouthed 'can't breathe' to him.

"Hi, Ms.Way." I gasped as the air flooded back into my lungs.

"Please, call me Donna, sweetie. I assume you're Frank. Gerard will show you to the basement, which is his room and honestly, it's so dark down there, dear, but I can get an air mattress or cot for you to sleep on. Let me know if you need extra blankets or pillows and we can order chinese for dinner. How 'bout that, boys?" Donna said in what was like a huge breath. Gerard and I looked at each other before only slowly nodding. Gerard almost instantly grabbed my arm and pulled me to a door that was closed in the hall under the stairs.

"We'll be downstairs, mom! We will be up in a bit!" Gerard called before opening the door and pushing me down the stairs in a rush before closing the door. "Sorry about that." he said softly before rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine, Gerard. Honestly, my mom was the same when she was alive (A/N: I have no idea if I mentioned this in past chapters... I just took a geometry test..) and I know she would've loved you." I said, smiling at him. I don't remember if I mentioned this before to you guys but my mom's dead and died a while back when I was in my early teenage years which built up to the angsty teen I was. The family never fell apart, dad just was depressed for a bit before he realized he still had me and got better. Honestly, because of us going to Gerard's for Thanksgiving, my papa will probably want us over for Christmas.

Apparently, Gerard was speaking when I was headspace and was snapped out of it by him gently shaking my shoulders.

We only exchanged small talk from there and when we were called up to order food, his mom ended up letting us choose a movie while she set up the cot I would be 'sleeping on'.

That's some funny shit right there.

In all honesty, the night passed quickly with Gerard's mom making it halfway through The Force Awakens before going to sleep. Gerard and I ended up staying up until about one in the morning, watching cheesy horror movies and making out on the couch, jumping away from each other when there was a noise that sounded through the house. It was like being a teenager again and it was a strange feeling. The evening was nice though after Gerard's mom went to sleep. Just slow making out and gentle touches that were nothing but pure intentions and nothing sexual. We were both dead though when we fell into Gerard's bed, kicking off clothing before lazily entangling ourselves together before the darkness that wrapped the room engulfed me to where there was black and only black.


It was only about three in the afternoon and I wanted to rip my fucking head off.

Gerard was getting excited when his mom would start doing something new, tugging my arm almost so violently that he could have easily smashed my poor body into the floor. Course, the family friend coming in didn't help considering it was Lindsey's mom who obsessed over Gerard, to where Gerard showed me off like a trophy.

It was literally three people talking but it felt like twelve.

It was about five though when we all settled, Gerard bouncing excitedly in his chair. His mother scolded him and Gerard instantly sank back into his chair.

That shit was gold.

It wasn't long until the room filled with mindless chatter before Gee's mom turned her head towards me.

"So, Frank, what do you do for a living?" She asked, cutting into a slice of cranberry sauce.

"Here we go." Gerard muttered, glaring at nothing in particular.

"I work as a chef at my family's restaurant. It's an interesting environment." I smiled, Donna laughing.

"At least it's not prostitution." She joked, oh but how close she was if she met Frank roughly five.... to nine months ago (whoa that's forever ago), she would've hit the hammer on the head.

"Yeah," I laughed, glancing at Gerard (who was laughing so hard he couldn't make a sound... that prick), before answering. "At least."

"Do you have any hobbies?" She asked, leaning forward as she chewed a mouthful of stuffing.

"I play guitar and that's it really. Music is a side project right now but it's getting to where I can maybe take off time from work and play more." I smiled.

"That's wonderful, dear." She smiled as she continued to eat. The room began to fill with chatter again, talking about mindless topics from what's the best cookie to who should win Americas Next Top Model, which just that whole conversation is a different story. It wasn't long until we ate pie then sprawled across the living room with our own food baby spaces, watching Charlie Brown thanksgiving editions they play every year.

It was maybe seven when Gerard next piped up. "Mom? We have to go in a few. We're going to go pack, okay?" Gerard said before smiling at his mom. He nearly pulled my arm out of my socket to get me downstairs, only faintly hearing his mom call "I'll make you a snack pack!"

"Are you okay?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, just ready to leave." He breathed a lie, but I didn't want to push it. We just packed the few things we brought and traveled upstairs to where we were pushed out the door with two large rubber containers in hand and promises of Christmas cards. Then it was off to Belleville.

The ride was filled with nonsense as we sang lyrics in weird voices, using elaborate hand gestures that I certainly shouldn't be doing because I was driving. It wasn't long until pulling up to our home and getting out, traveling to the door.

Once inside, I faked a gasp before turning to Gerard.

"Gee, I forgot to get cigarettes at the store. Can you run around the counter and grab me a pack from seven eleven? Thanks babe." I said before pushing him out of the apartment.

In a whirl of kicking off shoes and trying to strip of pants, I rushed to the bedroom before finding a box in the very back of the closet that was next to another box that held various sex toys. I threw it open to pull out black panties and black garters with little bows on them. The tattooed skin on my chest vibrantly contrasted against the outfit once I slipped a pair of heals on. The colors seemed to make the black melt into my skin, making the cloth hard to see.

But damn I look fine.

"You better be glad I got the last pack of those goddamn cigarettes you like!" Gerard called as the front door opened. I quickly scrambled to the bed after dimming the lights and laid on my back across the bed, one arm over my head, the other on my stomach as one leg was bent.

"Frank?" He called, wondering where he was because Gerard knew Frank didn't leave. Footsteps got closer to the bedroom door, anxiety pumping and sweating into the bed.

Gerard freaked the door open and fell silent as he saw me laid out. Gerard seemed to drink in everything and the situation before setting the cigarettes down then ridding of his clothes while strutting towards me.

Gerard's eyes raked me up and down before straddling my thighs and pulling at the elastic that held everything up. He let it snap painfully on my thigh, a cry pulled from them. My lips were now slightly chapped because of leaving my mouth open while breathing, my tongue running over it in attempt to get the skin soft again. The older man dipped down and captured my lips, moving his own in sync with mine before brushing his lips down my jaw to my neck. He was now slightly raised, legs supporting him, while his hands wandered my body, touching every curve and dip in my skin.

Little whines left my lips, a dark chuckle emitting from Gerard before he hardly licked over the sensitive skin of my neck.

"Gee." I groaned, hands entangling in his hair before he stopped touching my skin and had my wrists above my head. Gerard tutted before sighing heavily.

"Oh baby.... what am I going to do with you? You had this all planned out, didn't you? Get home... send me out to get a pack of fags just so you can dress up and look pretty so you can be fucked. Do you want me to fuck you?" Gerard said, his voice dripping sex with every word. His breaths were like fingers and his eyes were like pools of lust. His grip tightened on my wrists as he looked into my eyes, shadows being castes across his face. "Answer me." He whispered before attacking my neck.

"Y-yes-" I managed before whining, arching my back up in need. I could already feel myself hardening as he dug his fingers into my wrists hard enough to leave bruises. The long fingers traveled down, tracing patterns into my skin before grabbing my love handles roughly and digging his finger pads into the soft, fatty skin. A cry of pain and pleasure left my lips as a sting was left as he pressed harshly on the pudge. Gee traced his soft lips up my jaw line before nipping my earlobe, hot breath making me shake as it caressed the soft skin.

"Prep or no prep. I feel like you want to fast and hard." He breathed, his voice raspy. I only opened and closed my mouth a few times before managing an answer.

"No prep- j-just fuck me."

Gerard sat up and gazed down at me, the pupils of his eyes blown out. "Fuck.. fuck... yeah... yeah okay." He groaned before shedding the last bit of clothing he had on before grabbing the lube. I worked the clothing on my legs off before kicking them off the bed. Gerard was coating his cock generously with lube considering no prep and giving himself a few pumps. My eyes were glued to his body before pushing him down on the bed, climbing on his thighs and battering his hands away and replacing them with my own.

"Gonna ride you." I breathed, moving my hand at a moderate pace. "Fuck-" I hiccuped when he hardly touched the head. When I pulled my hand away, the small whine Gerard was about to make of protest was quickly swallowed as I moved up, positioning myself above him and lining up.

I took my time sinking down, the burn of no prep pleasurable but it still fucking burnt because... well...

I chose no fucking prep.

Which, say the least, was a stupid choice in my heavily glazed mind but I didn't want to wait anymore.

Once I felt myself meet his hips, I rested my hands on his chest, head low and breathing heavily. I could feel him throbbing inside me and needing more than the stillness I was providing, a feeling I've known for a long time now. It didn't take long though for the painful stretch to fade and to urge me to start moving. Slowly, I started to rock my hips, little gasps and whimpers leaving my lips as Gerard watched me from below. His long fingers curled around my waist to support me with more than just my hands, also encouraging me to start moving.

I pulled up slowly, feeling him leave almost completely before angling and slamming myself back down. A moan resonated through my chest as I hit my prostate and Gerard's fingers dug into the already forming bruises.

"Fuck." He grunted before not being able to wait anymore. His hands jerked upward, a sign for me to move, both of us moving my body up before coming back down.

I angled myself in a more comfortable position before Gerard started to meet my down thrusts with moving his hips up. Gerard suddenly had me on the bed doggy style, the process of that happening a blur. I felt him pounding fast and deep, hitting my prostate on a constant. Moans and heavy breathing filled the room as the sound of skin slapping was a little quieter than the first two mentioned. A thin sheet of sweat blanketed us both, my dick heavily leaking.

"Gerard-" I whined pushing my hips back against his thrusts. He got the message and reach forward, panting too hard to respond. His movements were sloppy and quick with jerking me off, neither of us caring if it was becoming messy by this point. I could feel the pot tipping over before a painful, broken cry was forced out of my lips. I could feel myself clenching tightly around Gerard and black filled my vision as I came. Gerard didn't take long after the clenching and rode out his orgasm, the over sensitivity kicking in when he was just pulling away. We both collapsed next to each other, catching our breaths before finding the energy to lazily clean ourselves with a tissue from the tissue box next to the bed from when I was last sick.

We tangled together on top of the covers, knowing we would find our way under them but too over heated to actually move under them to only get hotter.

"I love you." I breathed, feeling Gerard fall asleep with his arms around me this time.

"I love you too. No matter what." He breathed sleepily.

"No matter what." I whispered back before closing my eyes.



Okay so I don't know how that turned out. Anyways, sorry for the wait. It's been a crazy past few weeks and I've been sleepy and working on art. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed.

I really have no ideas for the next chapter so any contributions would be amazing (please?).

I really have nothing to say other than I love you all and I should be updating the one shots very soon.

I love you guys~

- Anja

Q: what's your sexuality?

A: I'm a hard core lesbian

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