Better Than Words

By jadeeestyles

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Life is Freedom. You make your own choices, good or bad. You choose the people you surround yourself with, wh... More

Better Than Words
Chapter 1 - I Need To Know You
Chapter 2 - You're On
Chapter 4 - Let The Fun Times Begin
Chapter 5 - Broken Pieces
Chapter 6 - 20 Questions
Chapter 7 - Hard Night
Chapter 8 - Over Again
Chapter 9 - Better Friends
Chapter 10 - Time To Let Loose
Chapter 11 - When The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 12 - When It Hits You
Chapter 13 - Teamwork
Chapter 14 - Revelations
Chapter 15 - The Past
Chapter 16 - Better Fix This Problem
Chapter 17 - A Different Side
Chapter 18 - There's Hope In Everything
Chapter 19 - Changes and Consequences
Chapter 20 - New Beginnings
Chapter 21 - Good Start
Chapter 22 - History and Complications
Chapter 23 - Apologies and First Dates
Chapter 24 - Brand New Feelings
Chapter 25 - Fast Forward
Chapter 26 - Intervention
Chapter 27 - Patching Some Things Up
Chapter 28 - Party Time
Chapter 29 - Second Chances
Chapter 30 - Falling Apart
Chapter 31 - Challenge Accepted
Chapter 32 - Finding Solutions
Chapter 33 - Painful Happiness
Chapter 34 - Crunch Time
Chapter 35 - The Finals
Chapter 36 - Plane Ride
Chapter 37 - Putting Things in Perspective
Chapter 38 - Keeping Secrets
Chapter 39 - Is This Our End? (Part 1)
Chapter 40 - Is This Our End? (Part 2)
Chapter 41 - Many Firsts
Chapter 42 - Hidden
Chapter 43 - Worth It
Chapter 44 - Spit it Out
Chapter 45 - Hold On Tight
Chapter 46 - No More Secrets to Hide
Chapter 47 - Time to Go
Chapter 48 - Distractions
Chapter 49 - Acceptance and Approval
Chapter 50 - Is This True?
Chapter 51 - Complete
Chapter 52 - Incomplete
Chapter 53 - Merry Christmas to Us (Part 1)
Chapter 54 - Merry Christmas to Us (Part 2)
Chapter 55 - Slip Ups
Chapter 56 - Sacrifices and Reality
Chapter 57 - Dangerously Stunned
Chapter 58 - Love and Safety
Chapter 59 - Drugged and Dragged
Chapter 60 - Saving Her
Chapter 61 - Hanging On
Chapter 62 - Lifeline
Chapter 63 - Until We Meet Again
Chapter 64 - I Know You
Chapter 65 - Remembering
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Part 2

Chapter 3 - The Morning After

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By jadeeestyles

Leigh-Anne's POV

I woke up with a huge headache and no memory of what happened the night before.

"Good, you're awake." I heard Perrie say with a smile.

"What..?" I tried to get up but the pounding in my head made it hard to.

"Lay down a bit more, you probably have a terrible hangover. Here take these." She said and handed me a bottle of Tylenol and a bottle of water.

"What exactly happened last night?" I asked her as I tried my best to get up and take the medicine.

I can't remember anything aside from driving to the party and following Perrie and Zayn outside.

"Well, you had a little too much to drink. I tried to win a bet against Zayn which ended up with me drunk and fainting. Jesy apparently disappeared for a long time and Jade's got herself a secret admirer." She said really fast and I'm surprised that I understood it all.

"Wow, the effects of alcohol." I shook my head and tried to get up from my bed. "I'm gonna go for a shower."

I grabbed my toiletries and towel and headed towards the co-ed bathrooms when someone bumped into me.

He was on his phone and wasn't looking where he was going. The impact of the bump made my head spin even more and made me fall over.

"I'm so sorry." He said. He was blonde and had an Irish accent. "Are you alright babe?"

"Yeah, fine. Don't call me babe." I mumbled and headed towards the bathrooms.

"Hold on a second, I've seen you before." He said and followed me.

"Your dreams don't count." I shot at him.

He laughed. "No, you were at our party last night, weren't you?" He asked me. "At the frat house?"

"Yeah I was." I told him as I turned into the bathrooms.

"Will you guys be coming back next week?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

"Um, I don't know. Probably not. All of us had pretty bad nights." I explained to him.

"What? No! You couldn't have! Everyone has fun at our parties! Give it another shot." He told me.

"I don't even know you. So no." I shot at him again.

"I'm Niall." He told me and offered me a hand.

"I'm Leigh-Anne. Leigh for short, and I really wanna shower. I'll see you around Niall." I said and left him in the hallway.

I got into a stall and turned on the shower and set my stuff aside.

Once the water was the right temperature I got in and welcomed the hot water.

It felt good against my aching muscles. The first week of university went by smoothly and I was hoping to have a good night last night, but I don't even remember anything.

I have to remember to not drink as much as I did next time. If there is a next time. I wonder what the girls are planning to do today.

I finished my shower and headed back to the room, Jade and Jesy were in our room when I got back and the three of them seemed to be in a heated argument.

"I think we should go to that pizza place just outside of campus." Jesy said.

"No! I'm so sick of pizza! Let's go to a Japanese restaurant, I haven't had sushi in awhile!" Perrie argued.

"No way, I hate sushi!" Jade protested. I don't even think they noticed me walk in.

"I have a better idea, how about we all shut up and not make Leigh-Anne's headache even bigger?" I shot at them with a glare.

They all looked over at me and starting laughing. "Sorry Leigh, we're just deciding where to go to for Saturday dinner." Jesy said.

I grabbed my clothes and started changing. "Why don't we just go to that diner that we passed by last night on the way to the party?" I suggested.

They all looked at each other and nodded. "Sounds good." Jade said.

"So how was everyone's night last night?" Perrie asked.

"Don't even ask Pez." I told her and sat beside Jesy on my bed. They all giggled at me but I glared at them.

"Jes, where did you disappear to?" She eyed Jesy.

"Nowhere! I told you I was just sitting around." She said.

"Oh come on Jes, spit it out." Jade said.

"Okay, but you guys can't judge me!" She said. We all leaned in and ushered her to continue.

"So, when I told you guys I was gonna find a bathroom I couldn't really find one. They were all occupied. I was on my way downstairs to find you guys but I bumped into this guy and he was drunk and he basically almost touched me. I ran into a room and walked in on a guy named Niall changing." Jesy explained. The same Niall I bumped into not long ago?

"Anyway, he scared the guy off and he took me downstairs and offered me a drink. I took it and we talked for a bit, I wasn't really thinking and I kissed him. We ended up making out in the kitchen and I sort of.." She mumbled.

"You what Jesy?" Perrie shot at her.

"I let him touch.." She continued.

"What? Just say it Jes!" I told her.

"He touched my.." She said and gestured to her chest.

"What?! You did not Jessica!" Jade shot.

She just nodded. "I can't believe that other guy almost touched me and all you guys care about is me making out with Niall." She said.

We all started laughing. "You're okay though Jes, he didn't touch you. Niall saved you." I barely got out.

"It's not funny! Well, I stopped Niall before anything more happened! I didn't want to be one of those one night stands!" She said.

"That's good Jes." Jade applauded her. "Well at least one of us got some action." I teased.

"Well, I'm sure Jade did too." Perrie winked. Jade turned a bright pink colour and stood up.

"I did not!" She shot at Perrie. We all started laughing harder and she joined in too.

The four of us have been friends for as long as we remember, we've always been there for each other.

Each of us are so different from the other and that's what makes us such good friends. We've always had each other's backs no matter what.

"Who was that guy that kept chasing you like a puppy?" Jesy asked Jade.

"He was not! His name is Harry." Jade admitted. "He's actually really nice." She defended him.

"Jade, do you like him?" I asked her. Jade's never really paid much attention to guys, but guys fall for her all the time.

"No, I don't. I'm just saying he's really nice." She said calmly. "I have to do some homework before we go out later, so I'll see you guys later."

"You already have homework?" Perrie asked her.

"No, but I wanna get ahead." Jade said and smiled.

Leave it to Jade to get all worked up about homework that isn't even assigned.

"Jade, you really need to relax. Maybe that Harry guy could show you a nice time." Jesy teased.

"I'm gonna lock you out for that comment Jes." She said and stuck her tongue out at Jesy.

"No! I left my key inside!" Jesy said and stood up to follow Jade out of mine and Perrie's room. Perrie and I just laughed.

Louis' POV

I walked downstairs to see Liam passed out on the couch with a girl beside him.

I chuckled as I passed them. I headed for the kitchen, Harry and Zayn were cleaning.

The party last night was crazy. Everyone had such a good time. El and I even did the dirty. She's usually really hesitant about it but last night she was just crazy.

"Hello boys." I greeted them. I got a nod from the two of them.

"How did your nights go?" I asked as I grabbed a drink from the fridge.

"Fine." Harry chirped.

"Didn't get laid Harry?" I teased.

"Shut up Louis." He shot back. I laughed.

"What about you Zayn?" I asked.

"It was alright. Perrie pissed me off to no ends though." He said.

"What happened?" I asked and Zayn looked at me weirdly.

"What? I want to know." I told him.

"That's a first." Harry murmured.

"What was that Styles?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He shot. He's in a really bad mood.

"Well, she's just so stubborn. I was just kidding around with her when I told her that I could take more shots than her but she kept fighting me saying she could take more and it annoyed me so I dragged her outside and challenged her in front of everyone. She agreed and she had too much and fainted and blamed me for it." Zayn explained.

I laughed at that. Harry chuckled softly too. "Shut the hell up you two. That girl is so annoying." Zayn said.

I laughed even harder and helped them collect cans. "Where's Niall by the way?" I wondered.

"He went to the dorms to go drop off some girl." Harry answered.

"What? That's so unlike him." I was surprised. Niall usually just kicked girls off his bed.

"He had no choice, she didn't drive and she didn't know how to get back to campus." Harry said. That makes sense now.

"I see that Liam had a fun night." I chuckled. Harry laughed loudly at that.

"He owes me, the girl wanted me first. I just asked him to take her so I could talk to Jade." He said but the look on his face showed that he shared too much.

"Jade huh?" I asked him. "I told you guys to stay away from El's friends!"

"It's not our fault! We were just being good hosts and entertaining our guests!" Harry defended.

"Sure, sure." I smirked. "So what about Jade?" I pestered him.

Zayn laughed in the corner before leaving to take the trash out.

"Nothing, she's cool." Harry said and cleaned the counter.

"Harry, don't hurt her. I know how you are with girls. El told me that Jade is very closed off. She doesn't let people in. Don't push her." I warned him.

"Louis, will you calm down. I don't even like her like that. You know I don't date." Harry said.

His eyes tell me otherwise. Can Harry Styles be interested in a girl? Who would have thought...

"Earth to Louis..?" Zayn said. I noticed that Harry has now left me alone in the kitchen and Zayn just entered.

"I think our little Harry is interested in someone." I smiled at him.

"No Louis, don't meddle. You know how much Harry hates it." Zayn told me and smacked my arm.

"I'm not gonna meddle, I'm just gonna make sure that he and Jade get time alone." I told him.

"If I were you I'd just leave it alone." Zayn said and left me. I followed him to the living room where Liam was slowly getting up.

"Good morning sunshine!" I shouted loudly. The front door opened and Niall walked in.

"Will you shut up Louis, my head is throbbing so hard right now. And you'll wake her up." Liam said.

"I can see everyone had a fun night." Niall chuckled.

"Yeah, I know you did too Niall." I teased him. He just smiled and headed upstairs with Zayn.

"Will you take her home Louis?" Liam asked and pointed to the girl on the couch.

"No way! El would kill me! Ask someone else." I told him and headed to my room.

Liam's POV

You can never count on anyone around here. What the heck am I supposed to do with this girl?

I don't even remember much of what happened last night. I really need a shower, I reek of alcohol.

Maybe Harry can take her home. I walked up the stairs to Harry's room and knocked. "Styles, come out. I need a favour." I said.

The door opened and Harry came into view. "No. I won't take her home." He cut shortly and slammed the door in my face.

"I hate all of you!" I shouted out loud in the hallway.

I heard Zayn laugh loudly, "We hate you too Liam." He shouted through his door.

Maybe if I pretend I'm not home she'll just go home by herself.

I quickly ran to my room and grabbed my toiletries and ran to the bathroom.

I opened the shower and waited for the water to warm up. "Dude, open the door. I need to piss." Niall said as he knocked on the door.

"No! I'm taking a shower, and I hate you." I said smugly. "I hate you more!" Niall shouted louder.

I got in the shower and the hot water slid off my skin and I felt relaxed.

I'm so used to having hangovers that it really doesn't bother me that much anymore.

But I had a lot to drink last night so this headache isn't going to go away until later.

I heard another knock on the door and this time her voice came through. "Liam? Are you in there?" She asked.

Shit, what do I do? I stayed quiet and she knocked again. "Liam?" She asked again.

If I stay quiet, she'll just go away, I don't really want to deal with her right now.

She was so clingy last night, but as least she was good at giving head.

I waited a few minutes before shutting off the water. She has to be gone by now.

I wiped myself dry and put on my clothes before I peeked out the door. She's gone. Thank the Lord.

I opened the door to my room and she was standing looking through all my DVDs. Crap.

How did she know this was my room..? It has to be Niall! That jerk. He's gonna get it later.

"Bree.. What are you doing here?" I asked her as I set my towel aside.

"Oh, I was just gonna ask you to go out and get lunch." She smiled.

"I had fun last night." She winked.

"Yeah I did too but uh.. I have to go to the library and finish some homework." I told her. I really was planning to go to the library, but much, much later.

"I can go with you!" She squealed. This girl is so annoying.

I guess my inner asshole needs to come out. "No, I'd much rather go by myself. If you think last night was something special, you thought wrong. I don't have feelings for you. Sorry Bree." I told her and left my room.

I ran to Louis' room and closed the door. He was on his laptop and gave me a look. "Ever heard of knocking?" He sassed.

"Shut up. I just turned Bree down and I'm scared she'll slap me." I told him. He started laughing.

I heard a door slam and heavy footsteps going down the stairs. I peeked my head through Louis' door and he followed me.

"Niall! Tell Liam he's an ass and to never talk to me ever again!" She shouted.

Niall tried to hold in a laugh but couldn't control himself and burst into laughter. "Okay hun, I'll be sure to tell him!" He shouted back and I heard the front door slam.

Harry poked his head out of his door. "What the hell?" He said. I shrugged my shoulders.

Zayn came out of his room and looked at the three of us. "I'm not even gonna ask. We're going to the diner for dinner tonight." He said and went downstairs.

"Can El come?" Louis shouted at Zayn.

"Yeah!" Zayn responded and Louis went back inside and back to his laptop.

"I'm going to the library. Call me if the house is on fire." I told him.

He just nodded. I quickly grabbed my books and left the house. I drove to campus and headed towards the library.

Jade's POV

This school's library is massive. I can't believe it.

I have to control myself. I get giddy with this many books around me.

I've been here for at least 10 minutes now and I'm still in awe.

I'm so glad we all got accepted to the same university. I don't know what I'd do without Perrie, Jesy, and Leigh.

They know me better than anyone else. They know all my struggles in life and they've helped me so much. I owe my life to them.

I took a seat on one of the few seats left on the long tables and grabbed my textbook and took out my syllabus. Time to get ahead.

"Mind if I sit here?" A guy with short brown hair and brown eyes asked. "Sure." I smiled at him.

"I'm Liam by the way." He said and held out his hand. "Jade." I told him. I felt like I've heard his name before. Then again, Liam is a popular name.

"Are you a freshman Jade?" He asked as he took his Calc textbook out.

"Yeah, I am." I answered him.

"How do you like it here so far?" He asked.

"It's absolutely lovely. The campus is huge and the people are nice enough." I told him honestly.

"What year are you in?" I asked him.

"That's good. I'm in my second year." He smiled. His brown eyes light up when he smiles. I swear I've seem him before.

"Just out of curiosity, do you know someone named Louis?" I asked him.

"Tomlinson? Yeah. He's one of my best mates." He told me. "Why?"

"I was at your party last night! You looked kinda familiar." I told him shyly.

"Oh! So you're Louis' friend!" He said with a smile.

"Well El's friend. We live in the same dorms." I told him.

"I see, well we're going out for dinner tonight. Would you like to come?" He asked.

"Oh no, that's alright. My friends and I are going out for dinner as well. Thank you for the invitation though." I declined kindly. He's so sweet and cute.

"Alright, another time." He said with a wink and turned back to his textbook.

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